2010.09.14 - Defense Team News Conference

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What's JB blathering about? That his team are so good and top level that it's hard to get them to get along and work together? Did he really allude to this? This new team is a train wreck.
I think the B in JB stands for Blathering!!
CM says absolutely certain this trial will go forward in May and that it will take about 2 months.

What planet or dreamland does he live in? Oh brother...
Well that little diatribe was just total DRIVEL.

Made not an ounce of sense. If he doesn't want people "trying the case" now, ( if discussing the case and the overwhelming guilt of ICA is what he is referring to) STOP CALLING BLIMIN' PRESS CONFERENCES!

Ummm she hasnt had a TV for decades??? LOL boy is she in for a suprise! (when she finds out about the shinanagins)

Oh dear, the tv was too complicated for her to turn on. Ummmm .... that does not bode well for ICA. Her attorney cannot even turn on a television. Yikes
Cheney explaining that they have assembled a dream team, that he's happy to be a part of a team like this, that you just can't buy.

Cheney bashing states attorney office. They get all the resources, and the defense teams doesn't.
Baez saying it takes a lot to sign onto a case and be pro bono. It's not as easy as many people think to get people to join on. Many times they believe in the cause..Which has been the one driving factor that has motivated everyone. Justice for Caylee which is justice for Casey.

We've not heard the whole story, according to Baez. (heard that a zillion times)

cheney-deadlines have been extended. The state has given them 8000 pages of new documents.
Defense claiming the prosecution witholding evidence until the last minute.
Cheney-bring it on..we have time to deal with it.

Cheney-it will go to trial without further delay.
Cheney claims judge wants jury picked in a week. Cheney doesn't feel it's possible.

Cheney mentioned making comments to pipitone prior to being on this case.

Sims admits to circus surrounding this case.

Has casey helped you find zenaida? (baez-not commenting)
Reporter to DCS: "Has Casey helped you find Zenaida Gonzalez?" DCS: "I'm not going to comment on the specifics."

LOL, I think KB just asked the new attorney if kc helped her find ZG
Brilliant bringing up of Zenaida BTW loved that question : )
This lady is clueless. She has no tv. And I'm going to guess like the other attorney's who have jumped ship is they had no clue what they were taking on when they took this case on.
Mason saying, this team will not be beaten........football game?

Why do I think LDB and JA are watching this somewhere and snickering the whole time? This'll be played back at SA parties, I'm sure!
Dorothy hasn't had a tv in decades, too complicated to turn on....ooook.
And she investigates scientists?
You mean the imaginary money train with the imaginary zanny the nanny as the conductor? There is no more money to be made here!

I believe there are already several books and or screeplays well underway . . .

Serious question: Do Florida taxpayers have to pick up the tab on these new attorneys?
Mr. Mason has defended her from day 1? he remarked back in 2008 that she would serve life!
Chaney was a COMMENTATOR!!! and he said 2 years ago KC was quilty...........
reminds me of Geragos and Scott P.....
New attorney talking about not watching tv for decades, I think KB asks if being out of touch for that long will be hindrance to the case,

Now KB asking about CM earlier comments about kc , ha ha, KB not afraid of big time lawyers
As a Florida taxpayer, I am enraged and humiliated. I feel as if Baez and et al are sending every Florida resident a slap in the face with his "new additions" to the team. How does Baez think the taxpayers feel about this added expense. I just don't understand. It's cases like this that make me question our justice system.

I thought it was stated that the new attorneys are working "pro bono" ....
If anyone wants to sleep late or misses this news conference, just imagine a very long and loud fart. You will not have missed much.

I just thought this was an appropriate time to bump this post.
Wasn't it funny how JB said that he would allow a few questions like he wanted everyone to know that he was going to be in control of this news conference?

It sure is taking a long time to get this typed. The screen seems to just freeze up. I sure hope it's not my computer. Are we having web trouble or is it an overload? If so, I hope it gets straightened out before the trial starts.
So this new lawyer says she hasn't had a TV in decades because the are too complicated to turn on...but she is an "expert" on medical/technical experts????? WTF
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