2010.09.14 - Defense Team News Conference

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This is not news, why doesn't the media pack up and walk away from these smarmy fame hounds. And why does Baez continue to insist that we all have to wait until trial to see what they have, if it was exculpatory they'd spring the child killer from jail now.
I like how they refer to the media as a circus, yet they have invited the circus to continue in this press conference....and as far as whether or not Mr. Mason likes a certain law...become a legislator then, Mr. Mason. Put your money/efforts where your mouth is.
LOL, I think KB just asked the new attorney if kc helped her find ZG

*bows down to KB* We are NOT WORTHY!!!!! That was TOO AWESOME!!!!
Cheney and Kathi about to get into it. lol, here goes JB.
Well it was human wasn't it!! May have been opinion at the time, but it wasn't once the FBI lab results came in was it?
Cheney is now denying that he ever said that KC would be found guilty...Kathy is going to have a field day with that I hope!

OMG...Simms says she hasn't had a tv in over 30 years because they're to complicated, but watches the news on her computer....

This is going downhill fast!

"The trial will show the facts" Come on Cheney...what the Heck.
Barnes and Noble will have to set up a whole new bookcase for all the books. That's what is probably promised. "We can't pay you - but you can write a book!"

Oh May please hurry up.
I believe there are already several books and or screeplays well underway . . .


That may be, but I doubt they're going to rake in millions from it. I don't see them making money off of it. If anything, they're going to be in the red. Just because those things are being made doesn't guarantee that they're profitable.
This is not news, why doesn't the media pack up and walk away from these smarmy fame hounds. And why does Baez continue to insist that we all have to wait until trial to see what they have, if it was exculpatory they'd spring the child killer from jail now.
Spot on. He's full of it.
Justice for Caylee is a very serious thing and I DO NOT appreciate JB and his 'teams' snickering!!!
This woman should talk to Erin Andrews about being stalked-It is not to be joked about or taken lightly. These attorneys are no victims.
KB-cheney you had some pretty critical words about casey prior to being a lawyer on this case.
Cheney-doesn't recall making such a statement. (playing poor memory card regarding his statements)

The evidence shows she's innocent. They are finding more and more reasonable doubt.
Doesn't want to give specifics on them.

YM deposition- Apparently YM doesn't claim to smell "HUMAN" decompostion in his latest deposition.

Baez-when the time comes they'll set the record straight.
KB-what evidence to clear her? If you have evidence, you need to tell us.
Mason (no we don't)

new attorney has gotten threats.(ms sims)
baez speaking spanish
lol, Kathi said if you have evidence to clear KC, don't you have to hand that over to the prosecution. And since you have not done that, can we assume you don't have anything?

new lawyer says media attention feels like being stocked, and doesn't like it, says this through big smile and laughing.

Are they high or something? Or is this really just a big joke? WTF?
new lawyer says media attention feels like being stocked, and doesn't like it, says this through big smile and laughing.

That's a sick thing to say-There is nothing about this case that makes these attorneys victims-they are getting a payday whether it comes directly from KC or not.
Was the spanish speaking reporter a set up?
lol, Kathi said if you have evidence to clear KC, don't you have to hand that over to the prosecution. And since you have not done that, can we assume you don't have anything?


OMG I swear she is one of us!!!!! ROFL!!!!!

That's it. I'm officially changing KB's name to Captain Awesome. LOL.
Baez: "It takes a lot to get a lawyer to join on to this case... every lawyer is motivated and believes in the cause...justice for Casey is justice for Caylee...there's the WHOLE story..."

Wait... this sounds so familiar! Didn't Cindy chant this at one time?!
Ms Simms does not watch TV and her hairstyle shows it!
JB head sweating..........
ahhh a week will not be time to get jury........
there it is they are working on the jury pool!!!
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