2010.09.27 - Issues with JVM discussing bombshell developments in Haleigh Case

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Sooo, they're really focusing on Jr.'s story, and that means that LE must be also. What about the squeaky shoes, being ALL in black, and the two black men visiting Misty then the bouncing couch. I take all in black to even mean a cap that covers the face, and even gloves. Not a change of clothes the day after Haleigh went missing.

I bet those work boots really squeaked on those freshly bleach mopped floors in the kitchen and laundryroom. IIRC, Lindsey made a statement about throwing out both Tommy and Timmy's workboots.
Wow! Chelsea actually named Ron as the "man in black" seen by Jr. taking Haleigh from her bed.

I'd like to know what time she thinks this happened since he was at werk all night?

Yes. That was a bold accusation by Chelsea.

Also, Chelsea's quote from Junior - chilling.

And begs the question...why would Junior say his sissy would not be back because the man in black took her? Why would Junior link the one thing (man in black) to the next (sissy not returning)?

However, Chelsea made me think about the possibility of Ron wishing to bury his own child, and Tommy helping that to happen.

It was interesting to see the photo-documentation of Ron's ugly coping. Wow. Rather textbook - what the heck? I also appreciated learning about Ron's black work jumpsuit that he was wearing that night...:waitasec: Never had heard about that. Thanks Chelsea.

I'm beginning to be quite certain that TN had reason to be extremely concerned with regard to "appearances". She had her work cut out for her. :shakehead:
Gosh I wish it was as simple as Chelsea lays out.

But, Chelsea is still trying to put Joe in the game with body disposal (along with Tommy).

The problem with Chelsea's theory is that it's NOT the story Tommy told that caused the search for remains/evidence at the river...

I'm sorry Chelsea. IMO, Tommy has already nullified your version of the story with the "crazy Joe on a rampage) story. If Tommy & Joe were solely on body disposal duty, why in the world would Tommy cop accept a burden of guilt for more than body disposal for either himself or Joe?

I wonder if Chelsea is still talking by phone frequently to Misty?

Chelsea seemed on top of her game tonight though, so good for her. Also, she seemed completely convincing and sincere in her appeal to Misty to do the right thing.

Chelsea has been consistently anti-Ron with regard to her blindly in love/brainwashed little sister-in-law ... I'll give her points for her intuition there. Misty is a fool for Ron and her own worst enemy in that regard.

Do ya'll think that Chelsea reads on WS. A lot of what she said is what some of us are saying. Maybe she thought something she had read here might work, and just changed a few ideas and left Timmy's name out. :waitasec:
If Chelsea is on NG please start a new thread. Thanks....
Chelsea says Ron knows they were his pills, in his dresser that Haleigh could get to them. She believes Misty did not leave. Believes Misty was there and asleep. Woke up to possibly Haleigh dead from taking pills, doesnt know who disposed of Haleigh, but Tommy and Jo as far as she knows, Ron called Tommy to check on Misty. Chelsea thinks the man in black is Ron. Ron was wearing all black when he asked for a change of clothes for the next day.

This woman is a pathological liar imo.


It was no game. Within hours, she’d raced back to Gainesville to pick up Misty’s mother and hightailed it back to the Sheriff’s Department, where she and Timmy joined the long line of family members for interviews, took polygraphs, and watched Ronald and Misty hand over the clothes they were wearing to police. “Ronald was wearing his company jumpsuit, like a blue work outfit that zipped up the front, and they both went in back and took off everything, including their underwear.”

This woman is a pathological liar imo.


It was no game. Within hours, she’d raced back to Gainesville to pick up Misty’s mother and hightailed it back to the Sheriff’s Department, where she and Timmy joined the long line of family members for interviews, took polygraphs, and watched Ronald and Misty hand over the clothes they were wearing to police. “Ronald was wearing his company jumpsuit, like a blue work outfit that zipped up the front, and they both went in back and took off everything, including their underwear.”


Maybe so OCB, but I've been known to have a hard time, in the light of day, telling the difference between a navy and a black. So first I'd want to know if the work suits are navy that a baby might call "black", and an adult would more accurately call blue.

None-the-less, point taken. :)
Chelsea said that Ron kept his stash in his dresser drawer fully accessable to the children. I feel that the children pretty much did whatever they wanted without much supervision.

I doubted that statement by Chelsea.

It's hard to believe that a guy like Ron would be so casual with his "stash"
as to keep it in a drawer accessible to the children or anyone for that matter?

I think it would be too valuable to be careless with!
This woman is a pathological liar imo.


It was no game. Within hours, she’d raced back to Gainesville to pick up Misty’s mother and hightailed it back to the Sheriff’s Department, where she and Timmy joined the long line of family members for interviews, took polygraphs, and watched Ronald and Misty hand over the clothes they were wearing to police. “Ronald was wearing his company jumpsuit, like a blue work outfit that zipped up the front, and they both went in back and took off everything, including their underwear.”


I've read many times that his work coveralls were navy blue.
Maybe so OCB, but I've been known to have a hard time, in the light of day, telling the difference between a navy and a black. So first I'd want to know if the work suits are navy that a baby might call "black", and an adult would more accurately call blue.

None-the-less, point taken. :)

I'm assuming here that the only light in the bedroom was probably the lights from the tv and navy blue could very easily be described as black in that situation.
Maybe so OCB, but I've been known to have a hard time, in the light of day, telling the difference between a navy and a black. So first I'd want to know if the work suits are navy that a baby might call "black", and an adult would more accurately call blue.

None-the-less, point taken. :)

It isn't that Jr may not could tell imo. Jr. would know his daddy anyway.

It is the fact that Chelsea could tell if it was dark blue or black the morning he and Misty gave their clothes to LE. I thought it was strange when she said the work jumpsuit was black. Most of them are navy blue and very easy to distinguish between blue and black.

She morphed it into black to further taint Ron Cummings.

Art has what she says in "quotes." I guess she forgets what she has already said.

I think the thing is, Chelsea said he was in all black tonight on the JVM. Sure it would be difficult for Jr to distinguish but Chels, well, as Emma said -point taken.
There was a thread here that was a sticky. It had still shots provided by a member here of the interior of the mobile home.

If the dresser (or chest of drawers) in question that was referred to was the one that was in the master bedroom. Then yes, a five yr old child could have accessed the contents of a drawer.

IIRC, it was a chest of drawers that sat to the right hand side of the entryway to the bath. It had a small TV on top of it. Haleigh's mattress was closer to it than the adult sized mattress. That room was small so that's not saying much. JMHO.
I'm not buying this story either. If it were something as simple as a accidental drug over dose there wouldn't be such a BIG cover-up by all concerned. Why would Tommy go out of his way to be involved with helping to dispose of Haleigh after the fact? I bet that he didn't even like RC. RC had threatened his cousin and had beaten his sister just a couple of days before Haleigh came up missing. What would he have to gain in helping RC? I think that both MC & RC are equally responsible for what happened to Haleigh...whatever that may be. ToC would not let his sister go down if it was as simple as Haleigh getting into RC's drug stash. Being a father himself and if he thought that it was because he thought that Haleigh had ingested RC's stash he would have been the first to say, HELL NO MC, let him go down. When his sister called from GMS house he was there lickity split to try and help her to get away from RC. I'd venture to guess that it was something more sinister than most could even imagine. I'm leaning more and more to the idea that RC,MC,TiC, ToC and yes, even Chelsa knows what happened and were there or involved. What would inspire Chelsa to get a tattoo of a child that she barely knew on her foot? Thank about it. She has children of her own. Does she have their tattoos? I feel that she knows a lot and she's trying hard to spin the story in another direction because she knows if MC talks a lot more people are going down. Meaning her and TiC included. This is my opinion for now. I wouldn't believe what any of them say without PROOF. Chelsa really had nothing to add in my opinion other than drawing me closer to the thought that she knows a heck of a lot more than she's telling or will ever tell. Even though a lot of people don't put much weight in what GMFlo says...I do. When she told of MC telling her that she had hit Haleigh in the head with a board...I believe her. She would have no reason to make up that story. It appears that MC was her favorite and I am sure that it pained her to have to say it. I believe that GMFlo wants the truth to be told no matter who it hurts or how it looks to any of us. So, that part of the story I believe is true. That MC hit Haleigh in the head with a board. I have a theory of what I believe happened on another thread. I may be way off base...but it makes more sense than most of the things that I have heard Chelsa or MC say. RC knows what happened. He says....DRUG BOYS DON'T TAKE YOUR KIDS....He said...HE DOESN'T THINK MC HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. He said...THE FIGHT WITH JO DIDN'T HAPPEN. I think that LE should keep the pressure on MC. Don't let up until you have something that can be proved with evidence. If I was LE I would wake her *advertiser censored** up in the middle of the night to question her. I'm sorry...I would like to grab a hold of her and shake the crap out of her. That's okay...she's going to see a whole new world when she gets in prison. I'd say do the same to RC but he's a little wus and I think the ONLY thing that stands between him and the truth is MC. I do think that she holds all of the cards, she just hasn't laid them on the table yet. It's getting close to the time for her to play her hand. That's why I think Chelsa is scrambling....one of those cards have her name as well as TiC's name on it. This is just my opinion.
There was a thread here that was a sticky. It had still shots provided by a member here of the interior of the mobile home.

If the dresser (or chest of drawers) in question that was referred to was the one that was in the master bedroom. Then yes, a five yr old child could have accessed the contents of a drawer.

IIRC, it was a chest of drawers that sat to the right hand side of the entryway to the bath. It had a small TV on top of it. Haleigh's mattress was closer to it than the adult sized mattress. That room was small so that's not saying much. JMHO.

I no more believe Haleigh got into any pills and took them on her own. If she put one in her mouth she would spit it out immediately because it would be so bitter.

I think Chelsea is selling nonsense trying to cover the Croslins' butts.

I no more believe Haleigh got into any pills and took them on her own. If she put one in her mouth she would spit it out immediately because it would be so bitter.

I think Chelsea is selling nonsense trying to cover the Croslins' butts.


Well I agree with you on that OCB, I was just answering a posters speculation about the dresser or chest of drawers scenario and could Haleigh have accessed it....:)
Well I agree with you on that OCB, I was just answering a posters speculation about the dresser or chest of drawers scenario and could Haleigh have accessed it....:)

I know Kat.:blushing: Sorry if it came across as rude. That was not my intention by any means. I knew you were just answering the poster's post.

I no more believe Haleigh got into any pills and took them on her own. If she put one in her mouth she would spit it out immediately because it would be so bitter.

I think Chelsea is selling nonsense trying to cover the Croslins' butts.IMO

BBM - including her own. I also think she really does want this to be over with or there will never be any peace for the members of that family.
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