2010.09.27 - Issues with JVM discussing bombshell developments in Haleigh Case

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I think Chelsea might have just seen photos of Ron and Misty that she had never seen before and let's face it--those photos are enough to disgust even someone like her.

I am waiting for something that points to any one of the players being innocent. So far there is none but, the minute there is, I might change my theory too.
Here is where Chelsea is singing the praises of Ron being a great father...

Now isn't that just a little bit different than what she's singing now?


Yes. LOL... I admit it is. :) SmoothO - please see my post 74 above. :heart: I found it too! I'm sorry you went & looked for it too ... I went off looking 'cause you rang a bell for me. But thanks for looking & bringing it here - that was nice of you!

I'm starting to wonder if Chelsea's jib just leans in Misty's direction/favor, regardless - as a mother's or best friend's might.

I have wondered if Chelsea received calls that night but has been in denial as to what really happened. With Misty's mom in the hospital with Misty's Dad, I have previously posted that that one of Misty's first calls regarding a "medical emergency for Haleigh" would have been to Chelsea & Timmy...as Timmy was her favorite...

Anyway, it's probably good that Chelsea's talking. The more these people talk, the more we inch towards truth...
As far as Chelsa saying Ron had on a black work jumpsuit and black work boots....and trying to tie that to what Junior is saying he saw...begs this question...

IF that is what Ron wore to work everyday...the jumpsuit and the boots...wouldn't Junior have KNOWN it was Ron...???seeing his daddy going to work all the time dressed in his work clothes?? and if Ron's work boots squeaked ...wouldn't Junior have known that????....any answers???? thanks
I am still thinking something happened before Ron went to work that day. Also, could GMS have gotten Haleigh's body out of the mh in a clothes basket? I have never seen the hatred for Misty that the Cummings family should have. If that had been my granddaughter, Misty would have talked because I would have beaten it out of her. There's more here and I don't think Chelsea knows the whole story, just parts that Misty thought she could trust her with.
Would Jr. recognize his daddy? Not if his daddy was wearing a ski mask or a dark knit hat that covered his face.

Chelsea quotes Jr. as saying the man was "all in black" and she circles her face with her hand. Seems to be saying that Jr. somehow implied that the man's face was covered.

Just my opinion
I'm wondering if someone will be on JVM tomorrow as a rebuttal to Chelsea's attack on Ronald? :waitasec:
See I have thought for awhile that Haleigh overdosed on pills and Ron knew about it & demanded that they cover it up to save his own *advertiser censored*. Sorry I just do. Don't you think that if Haleigh died on accident that Ronald would have SAME reaction as any parent would if their kid died on accident? I mean come on his reaction after the fact would still make sense if her death was accidental.
Sooo, they're really focusing on Jr.'s story, and that means that LE must be also. What about the squeaky shoes, being ALL in black, and the two black men visiting Misty then the bouncing couch. I take all in black to even mean a cap that covers the face, and even gloves. Not a change of clothes the day after Haleigh went missing.

The bouncing couch could be someone trying to give Haleigh CPR, though the floor or 911 would have been a better option.
just a thought.
I am still thinking something happened before Ron went to work that day. Also, could GMS have gotten Haleigh's body out of the mh in a clothes basket? I have never seen the hatred for Misty that the Cummings family should have. If that had been my granddaughter, Misty would have talked because I would have beaten it out of her. There's more here and I don't think Chelsea knows the whole story, just parts that Misty thought she could trust her with.

Or, Timmy is also involved in some way so Chelsea doesn't want the "whole" story told. just a thought.
I've always thought it was logical that Haleigh died from an OD. But, I don't think she got into some pills on her own....I think something was given to her. On orders from Ronald. After she died, I have a gazillion theories of what happened. But, I do believe that GGMS and TN know what happened.
As far as Chelsa saying Ron had on a black work jumpsuit and black work boots....and trying to tie that to what Junior is saying he saw...begs this question...

IF that is what Ron wore to work everyday...the jumpsuit and the boots...wouldn't Junior have KNOWN it was Ron...???seeing his daddy going to work all the time dressed in his work clothes?? and if Ron's work boots squeaked ...wouldn't Junior have known that????....any answers???? thanks

How long did Ronald work at PDM?
Was Jr asleep when Ronald went to work often?
Surely Jr was asleep when Ronald came home at night.
If his work boots were new, because he hadn't worked there very long, would his boots squeak?
Did Jr know his daddy's boots squeaked, and was trying to tell everyone it was daddy without coming right out and saying so.
Did he fear his daddy?
Just a few questions....
thankyou BlueSky!
I was looking for this!

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, shocking new theories on what happened to 5- year-old Haleigh Cummings the night she vanished, that her own father buried the girl.

bolded by me.....

OK ...here is a thought...WHAT IF........when the LE collected Ron's clothes the next day.....and he was still wearing the jumpsuit...what if...the forencis found there was dirt/mud...on them....that was the same type/kind..found at another location the LE searched..and found some evidence...

which leads to this question...how is the LE calling this case a homicide???....Where is the evidence???? showing she was killed???

IMO..folks pointing fingers....do not...make it a homicide...
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the recap of JVM, I no longer get her show ....

I havent posted much , just been trying to absorb all this new "hoopla" without going any more bonkers then I already am (lol). I hope this segment will show up on Youtube, I am really interested in Chelsea's body language tonight on the show or was she just on the phone ?
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the recap of JVM, I no longer get her show ....

I havent posted much , just been trying to absorb all this new "hoopla" without going any more bonkers then I already am (lol). I hope this segment will show up on Youtube, I am really interested in Chelsea's body language tonight on the show or was she just on the phone ?

You can see her. She seemed trueful for the most part, but I still don't believe her, or any of them. She did give some contradicting information from when she was talking to art harris before. at one time she cried, when she was asked to talk to Misty. When she first started talking, her eyes cut down and to the left (her left). I'm trying to remember what that body language eye chart says that meant. Can't remember. Anyway, hope you get a chance to watch it.
Chelsea did not convince me HaLeigh died from an accidental overdose because Haleigh saw an opportunity to invade her father's pill drawer so she helped herself to his Oxycontin pills. It sounds to me like Chelsea is blaming HaLeigh for what happened to her and I am not buying it. To establish credibility for her theory, how does Chelsea know Ron kept a large amount of prescription drugs in his dresser drawer? What evidence does she have to support her theory? Chelsea did not present a logical chain of events in order to create a feasible timeline for her theory during her interview. Chelsea theorized Misty was napping when HaLeigh took these horrible tasting pills that had possibly been there since they moved in; so what prompted HaLeigh to take 1 or 2 of these horrible tasting pills on this particular night when she hadn't touched them before? Would Ron be stupid enough to leave a large quantity of drugs in an area his children had easy access to especially after being busted with illegal drugs on two previous occasions? Chelsea said Misty woke up and HaLeigh was already dead from a drug overdose but for some reason I can’t fathom why HaLeigh would want to take Ron’s pills. Normally if something is out-of-sight, it is out-of-mind. Misty shut her phone off around 9 pm, but according to Chelsea, HaLeigh was already deceased and Ron knew HaLeigh was dead when he called Tommy around 9 or 9:30 to ask him to go help Misty dispose of HaLeigh's body for him. Would Tommy conceal this information from his wife? According to AS, HaLeigh and Junior were eating supper on the porch around 7 pm and Misty said she put HaLeigh to bed at 8 pm. Then Chelsea implied Ron was the man in black who carried out HaLeigh’s body. If we entertain the idea HaLeigh slipped 1 or 2 Oxycontin pills into her mouth, she likely would have fallen asleep. If the dose was strong enough to kill her, HaLeigh would have passed during the night so no one would have realized she was dead until the morning, but this wasn’t the case. Chelsea’s theory is incoherent and it's as unbelievable as Misty's theory that Joe stole HaLeigh because he couldn’t find Ron's machine gun. IMO Chelsea doesn't have a clue what happened and she is making up stories just like Misty is in an attempt to uncover the truth.

Mike Brookes needs a wakeup call: The theory that HaLeigh died of an overdose is not new. It was discussed on Issues on September 25, 2009 and on Nancy Grace, September 23, 2009.
Are the photos JVM showed online anywhere?
If Ron wore black jumpsuits to work he could have had several there at the trailer. Misty could have put one on or Tommy. If a person wanted a jumpsuit to put on over their own clothes, they might have wanted to do some digging in addition to not being seen in the dark. Wonder if any jumpsuits are missing, and what really happened to the workboots that Lindsay told Tommy she threw out.
You're right, Bluesky, Chelsea's theory is no more credible than Misty's stories. The difference, though, is that Chelsea is giving her story as a theory. Whereas Misty is just plain making up lies and saying they're facts.

I can't buy the drug overdose theory, although it seems that's what most WSers think happened. So where did Chelsea get this theory? Um... well maybe she reads here?

And yeah, I caught that down-to-the-left eye movement. Indicates deceit.

Well, my theory is that Ron gave HaLeigh to sex traffickers. Or to an intermediary. I've thought a lot about who Ron would trust if he did use an accomplice. Keep coming up with the same answer: no one. But if there was an accomplice, I would guess Timmy, since Ron supposedly liked him. At least as far as one criminal can like another. We know something strange happened with that blue van the night HaLeigh went missing. The Croslins say Joe drove it, but how do we know he's not being used as a scapegoat?

Just my opinion
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