2010.10.08 - MISTY's St. Johns Co. FELONY SENTENCING @1:30PM (secret witness?)

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wow....just wow...Misty, you are an idiot!! Ronald is sitting pretty, smirking his special smirk just for you! How, in the name of all that is holy, can you be so stupid?? :banghead:

:furious:I tell ya, if I were in FL I would be visiting Misty every chance I got until I got it thru her head that she needs to tell the truth if she ever wants to see the light of day! I am not happy, not because I feel that the justice system failed Misty, but mainly Haleigh! What did LE accomplish by this? Nothing but hide the truth longer IMO. :cow:
Judge had no sympathy for her at all I see. Well, Ron sure did get the sugar out of this deal. Misty gets 25yrs for one of her charges as a first time offender and Ron got 15 yrs for 3 charges and had 2 of them dropped. Something is fishy is that town. :cow:

Yes, and it smells really bad.

Well either she didn't really know anything about what happened that night or the truth may have gotten her more time I guess.

It's kinda scary that a judge can bring up a victim's family in an unrelated case though. Kinda like if they can't prove one we'll get you on another. For whatever Misty has done regarding the drug case in all reality that is not a lot of pills and what about the people who sold her their prescriptions?

Further, lots of people grow up poor MC and they don't sell drugs because of it... it's called public school = free education MO
I just can't believe that no one in that courtroom as a dang cell phone and twitter account! Do they know we here at WS are risking arthritis in our finger from hitting the refresh button for hours! :dance:

Well, looking at it from the bright side (is there one?), we couldn't be sitting it out with better people. At least we're all here together.
okay then.

It is what it is. No bargaining. No remorse from Misty. No accepting responsibility from Misty. No mercy from the court.

Clearly, she can't help herself without incriminating herself, so ... her silence on Haleigh is guaranteed.

Wow! I wanted Misty to get 6 years, but not 25!

Misty did nothing to show that she was a good candidate for the early offenders program. She had ample time to participate in all the jailhouse programs that would show a judge she was willing to make the effort to be a better person. Not to mention the other charges she has yet to face.
Good, I only wish Ron got as many.

I'm going to tell my husband when he comes home from his job where he only gets 25-30 hours a week that we are going to try drug dealing. You know, because we are poor.

My grandparents, who lived thru a depression and eked out a living on next to nothing, would spin in their grave if they heard Misty say that.

Well, looking at it from the bright side (is there one?), we couldn't be sitting it out with better people. At least we're all here together.

You know, that's right! Even if our opinions differ, there isn't a better bunch to hang with!
As per - http://www.news4jax.com/news/25325313/detail.html

During a sentencing hearing that began at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Misty told Judge Wendy Berger that she was raped by two people between the the ages of seven and 14 while she was taking care of her great grandmother. She said that while Ronald Cummings was rough with her, it was an upgrade in her life and she loved him.

As per - http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/topstories/news-article.aspx?storyid=170750&catid=3

- Misty Croslin took the stand in her own defense, saying that she started selling drugs because she grew up poor.

"It is wrong to drug deal but when you grow up poor, that is what you do," she said on the stand during defense questioning.
She agreed that for the first time in her life, she is in control.
She also was questioned by Judge Wendy Berger who asked her why she should be treated different than her co-defendants.
"I wouldn't be here if they didn't come at me... I'm not a drug dealer," Croslin responded.
Berger disagreed. She pointed at haleigh's family in the courtroom. "They're here because of Haleigh, you're here because of drugs."
Croslin also asked to be sentenced as a youthful offender. "I'm so young, I have a lot of life ahead of me...."
"But you like the money?" said Berger. "Yes," Croslin responded.
The state argued with Croslin about her involvement in the drug deals; she has persisted that she was not the leader and that the drug contacts were the groups' not hers alone.
She persisted that she was not into pills. "I'm into marijuana; I don't sell it, I smoke it."
If you're really poor...how'd ya buy the pot?
My problem is not so much with what Misty got....but with what Ron didn't get.

Yep! And what Haleigh is getting, nothing!:furious: Sad...what a sad, sad, day for Haleigh! Again, what did LE accomplish with putting Misty behind bars for the rest of her life from what it will end up to be IMO, letting Ron slide again, and giving Hope and Donna 15yrs. And as for Tommy, heck I don't know what to think about that boy anymore. I almost just want to walk away, and feel that is what is wanted in the case for people to just give up, walk away and forget that the reason we are all here is for Haleigh and all this other BS got in the way of finding her and the truth! :cow:
Greg Page was the man Misty had an affair with the weekend before HaLeigh went missing. His nickname is White Boy Greg and he is currently in PC jail. AH said WBG's roommate is Hank Croslin Senior and Hank likes Greg. Tommy said Misty had a boyfriend that beat her before she met Ronald.
What was the point of the judge pointing out the Cummings clan in the courtroom were there for Haleigh? This is about Misty being sentenced for drugs....

Because as usual Misty tries to place the blame elsewhere.

I totally agree with what Judge Berger told her. IMO this isn't about "them" or Haliegh..........she was there in that courtroom because she trafficked drugs, period.

Even now she tries to blame her own wrongdoings on someone else.

If she got 25 years for one offense..........what in the heck is she going to get for multiple offenses? As of now she is a convicted felon.

I knew that LE always knew Misty was the ring leader.

And now I wonder if Misty had been doing this long before she even met RC.

She said that is what poor families do......sell drugs.:banghead:

25 years? Wasn't expecting that large of a number.

Looks as if Misty doesn't fare any better in court testimony than she does with LD tests.

Anyone know how she reacted? Tears? Stamp her foot? Pull her own personal "finger gun."

Well either she didn't really know anything about what happened that night or the truth may have gotten her more time I guess.

It's kinda scary that a judge can bring up a victim's family in an unrelated case though. Kinda like if they can't prove one we'll get you on another. For whatever Misty has done regarding the drug case in all reality that is not a lot of pills and what about the people who sold her their prescriptions?

Further, lots of people grow up poor MC and they don't sell drugs because of it... it's called public school = free education MO

Misty brought up the other "unrelated" case by intimating the FBI came after her. The Judge simply set her straight.
I wonder how much in love with Ron Misty still is after the sentencing? I hope she realizes that he isn't going to wait for her to get out of prison, and I also hope that she has finally figured out that Ron got her into this mess.

If Misty isn't responsible for whatever happened to HaLeigh, she should speak up NOW with truthful information. If not, this Judge has essentially blamed Misty for HaLeigh's demise, and Misty alone is going to take the rap. jmo
I am surprised at how Fields seems to have handled this. Misty did herself no favors in her responses and testimony. She just showed her true colors as a defiant Misty. If I was Fields I would have had Misty well prepped to be conciliatory, humble, seek forgiveness, be willing to be rehabilitated, etc. -- unless Misty is just un-manageable?

Misty reminds me of Casey Anthony with the defiance... they are their own worst enemies!
Misty was not the ringleader.....Misty was the runner..big difference IMO...
I still laugh when I hear "Misty is the ring leader"...........Lord help us the day people like her start leading anything.
Because as usual Misty tries to place the blame elsewhere.

I totally agree with what Judge Berger told her. IMO this isn't about "them" or Haliegh..........she was there in that courtroom because she trafficked drugs, period.

Even now she tries to blame her own wrongdoings on someone else.

If she got 25 years for one offense..........what in the heck is she going to get for multiple offenses? As of now she is a convicted felon.

I knew that LE always knew Misty was the ring leader.

And now I wonder if Misty had been doing this long before she even met RC.

She said that is what poor families do......sell drugs.:banghead:


Just like Ron and the others she will get multiple sentences server concurrently for a net effect of 25 years all in. Ron was sentenced on multiple counts and is serving them all at the same time.

The judge only had two options the youthful offenders program that she is not a candidate for (the other charges, the complete lack of remorse or responsibility, etc....) or the 25 year minimum attached to the charge that she took a no contest plea acknowledging the state could prove her guilt.

He had the option to sentence her to more.
She got exactly what I thought she would.
The other county will just be similar with on real change in the amount of time she serves in my opinion.
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