2010.10.08 - MISTY's St. Johns Co. FELONY SENTENCING @1:30PM (secret witness?)

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What was the point of the judge pointing out the Cummings clan in the courtroom were there for Haleigh? This is about Misty being sentenced for drugs....

can this comment be used in an appeal of her sentence? The judge never should have said that.
Misty brought up the other "unrelated" case by intimating the FBI came after her. The Judge simply set her straight.

yep, here is a clue to those of you out that are under the focus of an fbi investigation due to a missing child.... don't deal drugs or commit any other crimes. You are being watched. The level of stupidity is really astounding when you think about it.

That is how seriously they thought the the world was taking their child being missing. They thought no one was paying attention to them anymore. That says a lot.

Croslin, 18, soon learned from Judge Wendy Berger that she will serve the minimum mandatory 25 years in prison and owes $500,000 in fines. Her attorney sought six years under the youthful offender guidelines, while the prosecution sought the maximum 30.


She received the minimum mandatory sentence - I'm not sure why people are saying the sentence is overkill. For whatever reason she did not qualify for the youthful offender program so she received what was the appropriate sentence by law.
Yep! And what Haleigh is getting, nothing!:furious: Sad...what a sad, sad, day for Haleigh! Again, what did LE accomplish with putting Misty behind bars for the rest of her life from what it will end up to be IMO, letting Ron slide again, and giving Hope and Donna 15yrs. And as for Tommy, heck I don't know what to think about that boy anymore. I almost just want to walk away, and feel that is what is wanted in the case for people to just give up, walk away and forget that the reason we are all here is for Haleigh and all this other BS got in the way of finding her and the truth! :cow:

I don't think LE?DA has been fooled one minute by Misty's faux appearance of pretending to be downtrodden, meek, weak and mild.

She may never do time for her involvement in Haleigh's death but she sure is going to do a long stint in prison and prison time is prison time.

Imo, LE and the DA gave her multiple chances to confess and tell the truth. If she had they may have even agreed to a plea but when she kept up her lying ways they washed their hands of Misty.

Misty made her own bed and she will have to lay in it.

Misty brought up the other "unrelated" case by intimating the FBI came after her. The Judge simply set her straight.

I thought she meant the FBI coming after her in the pill sting but I see your point.
This is just my opinion here but this judge tried the Haleigh case once again. How legal is that? How many 18 year old first offenders get a "life" sentence for dealing a few prescription pills? Unfreakenbelievable! Haleigh's case can now go to the closed files because the SA very likely feels that he has any and all perps in prison and he can now wash his hands of it and go on with other cases. I know that there are some of you who are celebrating but I can't. This girl, no matter what we know about the Haleigh case, should have been judged fairly for what a teen, first time offender has done and not for what some people feel is fair for another case where absolutely no one has even been charged. I want the person or persons responsible for Haleigh's death to be charged with that crime and tried for that crime, period. I don't want nor do I accept a substitute mock trial or sentence imposed just because the case was botched to begin with..........totally disgusting.
I still laugh when I hear "Misty is the ring leader"...........Lord help us the day people like her start leading anything.

I have said it before, they are all on video tape dealing drugs to an under cover officer multiple times and they are all doing a decade plus in prison.... it doesn't matter who the ringleader was there is no mastermind.
WOW 25 years.. I did not see that coming! This was for one of the charges, Right?
Because as usual Misty tries to place the blame elsewhere.

I totally agree with what Judge Berger told her. IMO this isn't about "them" or Haliegh..........she was there in that courtroom because she trafficked drugs, period.

Even now she tries to blame her own wrongdoings on someone else.

If she got 25 years for one offense..........what in the heck is she going to get for multiple offenses? As of now she is a convicted felon.

I knew that LE always knew Misty was the ring leader.

And now I wonder if Misty had been doing this long before she even met RC.

She said that is what poor families do......sell drugs.:banghead:


I'm not sure yet if I think 25 years is too much or not, but I have to wonder what her lawyer has been doing all this time.

I think Misty had a good chance of getting the YO, but she goes in and takes no responsibility for anything, shows no remorse, IMO, doesn't even show a basic understanding what she did was wrong. The Judge asks her if she likes the money, and she says, "Yes." To me, that says given the opportunity, she'll be right back at it.

I really believe if she had gone in and told the court she had made very bad choices, but has seen the error of her ways, and presented a plan of what to do differently, like pursue an education, and for an added bonus say she plans to get involved in the community and speak to teens about staying on the straight and narrow, etc. etc. etc. and made an effort to be sincere about it (again, what exactly was her lawyer for?) we would have seen a different outcome, but maybe I'm just being silly.
I haven't been following this case for a long time, but can anyone explain why Ron got a lighter sentence than Misty? They seemed equally culpable to me in the drug charges and video. Did he seem more contrite?

And ITA on it being no victory for Haleigh.
Yeah! Justice is served. She did the Crime, now do the time!
Ron did the crimes, again & again & again...& he's not doing the time. If he had been made to pay earlier, he would've been locked up, & NONE of this would've ever happened.
okay then.

It is what it is. No bargaining. No remorse from Misty. No accepting responsibility from Misty. No mercy from the court.

Clearly, she can't help herself without incriminating herself, so ... her silence on Haleigh is guaranteed.


I'm hoping she'll get so P.O.'d that she got 10 more years than everyone else... that, if she's not responsible, she'll now finally say who is.
This is just my opinion here but this judge tried the Haleigh case once again. How legal is that? How many 18 year old first offenders get a "life" sentence for dealing a few prescription pills? Unfreakenbelievable! Haleigh's case can now go to the closed files because the SA very likely feels that he has any and all perps in prison and he can now wash his hands of it and go on with other cases. I know that there are some of you who are celebrating but I can't. This girl, no matter what we know about the Haleigh case, should have been judged fairly for what a teen, first time offender has done and not for what some people feel is fair for another case where absolutely no one has even been charged. I want the person or persons responsible for Haleigh's death to be charged with that crime and tried for that crime, period. I don't want nor do I accept a substitute mock trial or sentence imposed just because the case was botched to begin with..........totally disgusting.

I agree that they would not have been charged for dealing if their kid was not missing, but she is missing, and they were dealing while she was missing. I am not sure leaving them out dealing drugs in the middle of a homicide case that they are not helping solve is anymore palatable.

I think LE did what they could and thought the pressure of the drug charges would crack the Haleigh case, unfortunately it didn't.
misty doesn't sound terribly remorseful from what I'm reading thus far ... but ... what's this about becoming hysterical? do we know what caused her to become hysterical?

I agree. She is still pointing her finger at someone else. Time to grow up baby girl and take responsibility. Takes a judge in a court of law to give her the much needed "tough love."
This feels like "settling", and it's a sad day when a murdered child has to "settle" for justice.


"I wouldn't be here if (the FBI) didn't come at me
... I'm not a drug dealer," Croslin responded.

I wonder why the news site is changing it.

Here is the original words.

"The FBI" doesn't go along with what Judge Berger replied to her.

"I wouldn't be here if they didn't come at me... I'm not a drug dealer," Croslin responded.

Berger disagreed. She pointed at Haleigh's family in the courtroom. "They're here because of Haleigh, you're here because of drugs."
Croslin also asked to be sentenced as a youthful offender. "I'm so young, I have a lot of life ahead of me...."

"But you like the money?" said Berger. "Yes," Croslin responded.

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