2010.10.08 - MISTY's St. Johns Co. FELONY SENTENCING @1:30PM (secret witness?)

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BBM: I see where she went wrong. Misty should have agreed to tell the truth in the future in the event that there is ever a trial for Haleigh. It worked for Ron, I guess that is what her attorney and the SA should have negotiated on, the future........................shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.t

I don't think the DA would have tossed her that deal even if her lawyer may have tried to negotiate it. Imo, they think Misty is involved in the case and her refusal to tell the truth only enforces their beliefs, imo.

Misty dealt drugs and deserved punishment for that, but I'm sitting here right now thanking God that even though I grew up poor, I had good parents that sent me to school every day and taught me right from wrong. This girl has not had a chance in life from day one. Her love and loyalty to Ronald Cummings proves this. How many on here would think of that jerk as Prince Charming? It's sad that the life he had to offer was so much better than any she had ever known. I hope the Cummings family is satisfied now. Their baby boy came out smelling like a rose and they can let him know she went down without uttering his name. IMO, there were a few more people in that courtroom today who should have been sentenced to hard time and they are from both the Croslin and Cummings families.
Having Lisa on the stand in Misty's defense was not a smart move.
The judge might have thought Misty was going to turn out exactly as her mother.

A vicious circle of drug abuse, lying, stealing, cheating. At 43 misty's chances of starting a family of her own become slimmer.
Glad you pointed this out. I thought she was 18 at the time of the drug bust, but didn't have a link to back that up. ty

I haven't pulled the dates either, but I think it is just bad reporting.
She was 18 at the time of these crimes.
She was 17 when Haleigh disappeared.

And she was made an adult in the eyes of the state when she petitioned for and was given permission to get married. She was an adult in either scenario.
Well I'm pizzed. As far as I'm concerned Putnam County blew it. I will never believe a bunch of "druggies" fooled the cops...........

I think if anyone fooled anyone it was the cops who fooled the drug traffickers.

I don't quite understand why everyone thinks Ron is part of this as well? Why would LE and the judge put all the weight on Misty?

There must be a reason. Did Ron pass his LDT?
I do know Misty failed hers..several times.

There has to be a reason why detectives, officers, and at least one judge went lighter on Ron, and it's certainly not his good looks and charm.
What information did RC give LE about his missing daughter?

I would like to know as well, because it just makes no sense that the SA would give Ron a plea just because he says he will testify against Misty in the future. Does that make sense? Shoemaker said part of the agreement is that Cummings will provide testimony about his drug co-defendants if needed. Key word here is "Part", what was the other part of the agreement? Shoemaker also said that Ron answered all of LE's questions something Ron didn't want to do in the past while he avoided LE when they were trying to question him regarding his missing daughter. He must of given LE something...but that something has not been shared with the public. Ron was the only person involved in the case to get a plea deal because he gave LE info in the Haleigh case IMO..

Ronald Cummings pleads guilty to drug trafficking

August 20, 2010 at 6:29 p.m.

By Cindy Swirko
Staff writer http://www.gainesville.com/article/2...8/1002&tc=omni

PALATKA -Terry Shoemaker, said he hopes the total sentence will be 15 years, with the three sentences being served concurrently.

Shoemaker said part of the agreement is that Cummings will provide testimony about his drug co-defendants if needed. But Shoemaker said he doubts that will be necessary because they are not contesting the charges.

"I don't think there is anything else he can give (prosecutors). He has answered all of their questions," Shoemaker said.
Ronald Cummings was the only person involved in the case to get a plea deal.
Snip" http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/2...5-years-prison

Terry Shoemaker, said he thought Ronald's willingness to testify in any cases involving Haleigh's disappearance or the drug cases played a role in the state's willingness to make a deal.

Shoemaker said, prosecutors may have been sympathetic that Cummings' daughter disappeared. Her case has not been solved and investigators believe Haleigh Cummings is dead.
BBM: I see where she went wrong. Misty should have agreed to tell the truth in the future in the event that there is ever a trial for Haleigh. It worked for Ron, I guess that is what her attorney and the SA should have negotiated on, the future........................shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.t

Ron went first so he could both claim 'accessory' AND get in ahead of Misty -- he who deals first wins.

Also, Ron either knew Misty would not crack and counteract his testimony, or knew her lies destroyed any credibility so he would be seen as more credible (as the grieving father) or, knows Misty is the perp so she is stuck.

Misty neither had the smarts to deal, was foolish with her love/loyalty to Ron and/or, was stuck between a rock and a hard place given her role.

Wonder how Chelsea will react? Will Chelsea spill more to save Misty?
I think if anyone fooled anyone it was the cops who fooled the drug traffickers.


Well I just plain old disagree. Sure they have them locked up on drug charges, but what about Haleigh? Where's those charges? Now ifin' they were stoopid enough to get caught dealing drugs...........they were stoopid enough to get caught covering up a death don't you think? Something stinks.
I'm also wondering about the legality of the judge allowing the knowledge of another case influence his decision on a case at hand, when the defendent has not been charged in the other case.:waitasec:
I've BEEN wondering that...also wondering why it wasn't used against Ron. He was dealing during the investigation too! shameful behavior, IMO. also, I'm lost. Who was this surprise witness? evidently, not the psychologist, I was hoping for. WTH did Fields do, on his client's behalf? I know he doesn't have much to work with, as far as clients go, but if this is the best he could come up with, couldn't he have let someone else have the case? Misty could've gotten the same result, representing herself.
Maybe that horse will appear to drink only to turn around and spit it back atcha.

Still dunno why she went on the stand... still perplexing.

Perhaps the judge wished to ask Misty questions - give her a chance to explain herself and her situation prior to sentencing. If so, it sounds like Misty squandered any possible goodwill-type discretion the judge may have had at her disposal.

Seriously, with a performance like that, what does one expect the judge to do?

Paraphrasing: "I'm poor. So, of course, I deal drugs, that's what us poor folk do. And yup, I like the money. And I only smoke dope, so I'm actually a good drug dealer - not like the loser-druggies I sell to. And I'm only here 'cause Haleigh went missing - otherwise they wouldn't have come after me. So there you have it. I shouldn't really even be here. Right?"

Heck, I feel sorry for the judge, myself.


I wish they'd report on what Fields said on behalf of his client. Isn't he allowed to say something?
I don't think the DA would have tossed her that deal even if her lawyer may have tried to negotiate it. Imo, they think Misty is involved in the case and her refusal to tell the truth only enforces their beliefs, imo.


Mine, too.
I don't think the DA would have tossed her that deal even if her lawyer may have tried to negotiate it. Imo, they think Misty is involved in the case and her refusal to tell the truth only enforces their beliefs, imo.


Yep, everyone can say these guys had bad representation but they were given clients that were buried under video and audio evidence, collected on multiple dates, collected legally and almost impossible to get supressed. Clients that present poorly on the stand. Clients that cannot or will not offer the state anything valuable on a more important missing child case.

The only thing Misty's attorney could have even tried to do would be clean her up, rehab her, enroll her in GED classes, and get her in bible study and counseling and beg the court for a shot at the rehab of youthful offenders bootcamp. But Misty won't cooperate with the state or do the work that would take for a maybe. He can only work with what he has to work with in Misty.

The only thing she said about Haleigh today was to basically blame her for being the cause of Misty being on the stand. If it wasn't for HER being missing THEY wouldn't have come after poor wittle Misty who was dealing drugs cuz she is poor and unedumatcated.

Her attorney had nothing to work with.
He could have gone to trial and gotten her more time.
I keep wondering why Misty hasn't sold out Ron to get a lighter sentence as he probably did to her. Possibly, she was so out of it that fateful night that Ron convinced her it was she, alone, who caused Haleigh's demise (even though I believe he was part of it) & he would "help" her cover-up. Then, Ron cops a plea fingering Misty & she keeps her mouth shut thinking she's the only one to blame. All IMO.
Ron did the crimes, again & again & again...& he's not doing the time. If he had been made to pay earlier, he would've been locked up, & NONE of this would've ever happened.

I couldn't agree more. He should have been locked up a long time ago for a long time. He too needs to be off the streets. At least, justice is headed in the right direction.
I would like to know as well, because it just makes no sense that the SA would give Ron a plea just because he says he will testify against Misty in the future. Does that make sense? Shoemaker said part of the agreement is that Cummings will provide testimony about his drug co-defendants if needed. Key word here is "Part", what was the other part of the agreement? Shoemaker also said that Ron answered all of LE's questions something Ron didn't want to do in the past while he avoided LE when they were trying to question him regarding his missing daughter. He must of given LE something...but that something has not been shared with the public. Ron was the only person involved in the case to get a plea deal because he gave LE info in the Haleigh case IMO..

That is fine, I just did not see the "jmo" on that quote and I thought you may have some information I had not heard. thanks.
Was Misty named a suspect in court today? because LE had their chance.
If misty is innocent of anything to do with Haleigh and was covering for Ron..don't you think she'd have spilled the beans?

Heck, he got 15 years. And if she truly believe she's only being sentenced to 25 years due to haleigh being missing and not the drug trafficking, wouldn't she have squeeled on Ron by now?

It simply doesn't make one bit of sense.
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