2010.11.02 Elisa Baker's Letters (Discussion)

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Did anyone else notice in the letter she does not write Adam and I did not really kill her? Then she writes what HE did was kinda horrifying? I just found the wording odd and wondered if her HE is AB or someone else. When I talk about my husband doing something I say **** did this or that merely an observation, I just wondered if this struck anyone else as a bit strange?
I believe i read in the other thread that the letter was to her best friend?

Has EB's children spoken out about why they are afraid of their mother and why they wanted them to stay in jail and their thoughts on Zahra's dissappearence? I dont think we have heard from any side of the family publicly talking unless i was asleep through the whole thing

I never seen or heard EB family speak out only read about the court hearing where her daughter's Testimony.

Testimony from one of Baker's adult children, xxxxxxxx, helped convince the judge that the woman is a flight risk. xxxxx said she feared her mother after a childhood spent frequently moving houses.

more at link

For any local yocals... tonight on News @ (WFMY) they are doing a story on how to assess a person's personality based on handwriting. One thing I heard them say was something about double loops meaning you were a pathological liar. Unfortunately I was in the other room and didn't hear which letter they were talking about.

:floorlaugh: Donjeta, I couldn't help it, your sense of humor is fantastic! A witch that never learned to spell, lol!

Back on topic, I believe Elisa wrote these, and this is just so sad. She just never grew up, I don't know the reasons why, but it is sad, even more so that it all came to the murder of a beautiful young girl.

I have never had a durg problem an people think Paganism is devil workshipping. Lots of people with drug problems say they don't have any. But I don't think she's a witch, otherwise she wouldn't have skipped the lessons about how to spell.
from EB's purported letters:

re: Halloween
"Its my favorite holiday an I hate missing it. No fair."

Color me surprised! /sarc
Yes! Yes! I heard that on NG and went and got the snip from the Transcript.

Straight out to Ellie Jostad. There are other letters, are there not? And what do they reveal?

JOSTAD: Yes. That`s right, Nancy. Actually we spoke to somebody who got a letter from Elisa Baker. However, that woman says that Elisa claimed that Adam Baker was not involved.

But what`s more, she said that this was all her daughter`s, meaning Elisa Baker`s daughter`s fault. She said if the daughter had never called DFS on her, none of this would have ever happened.

I never heard that her daughter called DFS. This explain why her daughter did not want her mom release and why she was scare of her.

Again EB making excuses.:furious:

If true it also shows that her daughter did not get her mothers trait of evil.

Thanx tfrohning for backing up my post with the transcript of NG. I really appreciate you doing all the work. I'm really not good with links & snips.
I'm so glad that you were able to do this. I didn't want WSers to think this was a rumor or that I was just slap nuts.:waitasec: Thanks so much.
is there a screen shot released or a transcript of the letter she wrote her friend?

Thanks to tfrohning there is a snip of the NG transcript. I'm so glad that someone was able to find this info. As far as I know, the additional letters have not been released yet. But the letters do exist. :dance::dance:

Did anyone else notice in the letter she does not write Adam and I did not really kill her? Then she writes what HE did was kinda horrifying? I just found the wording odd and wondered if her HE is AB or someone else. When I talk about my husband doing something I say **** did this or that merely an observation, I just wondered if this struck anyone else as a bit strange?

I noticed that as well. You know there is a theory going around that a 3rd person was involved. However, we are not allowed to discuss this person.....not yet anyway.

Did anyone else notice in the letter she does not write Adam and I did not really kill her? Then she writes what HE did was kinda horrifying? I just found the wording odd and wondered if her HE is AB or someone else. When I talk about my husband doing something I say **** did this or that merely an observation, I just wondered if this struck anyone else as a bit strange?
My lawyers have asked me if I wanted to divorce him cause of some stuff thats come out about Zahra. We really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him. So I probably am gonna ahead an file

IMO from the underline part I think she talking AB JMO
My lawyers have asked me if I wanted to divorce him cause of some stuff thats come out about Zahra. We really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him. So I probably am gonna ahead an file

IMO from the underline part I think she talking AB JMO

I agree. I infer that she is talking about AB because directly preceding this statement she is talking about AB being already out and that is when she starts using "he". IMO this indicates that "he" is AB thereafter.
We really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him.

This whole sentence is just strange, "really" didn't kill her, meaning what....she's dead but I'm not taking responsibility for "killing"???

and "kinda " horrifying. These are not usually 2 words used together. Either something is horrifying or it's not. Seems the by using "kinda" , she is trying to minimize what was done.

The owners of the website serialkillersink.net told an American local news network they reached out to Mrs Baker using a pen name.

"We don't doubt the authenticity of it," one owner, Jessika Gein, told Charlotte-based WBTV.
Another OT comment...When I read the last name Gein, I wondered if the owners were related to the infamous Ed Gein, so I did a quick search. Turns out there's no relation, although I might of felt better somehow if they was one! :shocked2:


Eric and Jessika Gein are a real Jacksonville husband
and wife who sell killer collectibles on their website
SerialKillersInk.net, but “Gein” is not their real name.
Although they’ve been quoted and identified as the
“Geins” in some 22 television and newspaper stories, Eric explains
they adopted the pseudonym in a kind of homage to murderer and grave-robber Ed Gein, whose crimes inspired the characters of Norman Bates in “Psycho,” Buffalo Bill in “The Silence of the Lambs” and Leatherface from “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”
Eric Gein says he can’t use his real name when
discussing the business of Serial Killers Ink. He says his family would disown him. He claims he promised his parents he would use a pseudonym, to prevent his work from causing problems at their church.
He’s also deferential to his mother’s illness. Gein says she’s suffering from stage 3 cancer. Pleading for continued anonymity, the 41-year-old graphic designer and member of Robert E. Lee High School’s 1987 graduating class, implores like a child:
“Please, please, please, please, please.”
It does seem prudent to protect one’s identity after
building a friendship with a psychopath like Jablonski.
After his release from prison in 1991 for the murder of his first wife, Jablonski sexually assaulted and
sadistically murdered one of his prison penpals.
But it’s not Jablonski that Gein fears, or
any other of the necrophiliac, cannibalistic,
Satan-worshipping, gay-murdering, womentorturing
killers with whom he maintains a regular correspondence. “It’s not the serial killers I’m afraid of,” he explains. “It’s the victims’ families.”


I mean, ICK. Really.

First letter: "My lawyers have asked me if I want to divorce him cause of some stuff that's come out about Zahra."


I totally read this as her trying to throw AB under the bus for sexually abusing Zahra. I mean, if what has "come out" was the murder/disposal of her body, divorce would seem to be a no-brainer, yes?

Re: the change in handwriting slant in second letter--it is abrupt, it happens right when she says (paraphrased) "You asked what I am into" and she shifts into talking about herself... IMO her identity has its own script, virtual and legible.

And in the second letter notice the abrupt subject shift at the end. "I truly have lost my whole life. So tell me a little about you..." Um... even assuming she thought she was writing to a potential "supporter"--what is he supposed to answer? "I am super into [EXTREMELY UNUSUAL] chicks who are divorced from any sense of appropriate emotional reaction in the face of overwhelming horror"?

These two letters alone are solid gold for psychologists and handwriting analysts. She's a piece of work.
First letter: "My lawyers have asked me if I want to divorce him cause of some stuff that's come out about Zahra."


I totally read this as her trying to throw AB under the bus for sexually abusing Zahra. I mean, if what has "come out" was the murder/disposal of her body, divorce would seem to be a no-brainer, yes?

Re: the change in handwriting slant in second letter--it is abrupt, it happens right when she says (paraphrased) "You asked what I am into" and she shifts into talking about herself... IMO her identity has its own script, virtual and legible.

And in the second letter notice the abrupt subject shift at the end. "I truly have lost my whole life. So tell me a little about you..." Um... even assuming she thought she was writing to a potential "supporter"--what is he supposed to answer? "I am super into [EXTREMELY UNUSUAL] chicks who are divorced from any sense of appropriate emotional reaction in the face of overwhelming horror"?

These two letters alone are solid gold for psychologists and handwriting analysts. She's a piece of work.

I ,for one, definitely have NOT ruled that possibility out. But IF something like that was happening, it was both of these sleezebags doing it together.

MOO. of course, and all that jazz
For any local yocals... tonight on News @ (WFMY) they are doing a story on how to assess a person's personality based on handwriting. One thing I heard them say was something about double loops meaning you were a pathological liar. Unfortunately I was in the other room and didn't hear which letter they were talking about.

Hopefully, this thought is not considered as a disrespectful use of going OT...But...from the alleged kidnapping, a fake ransom note, cancer, etc...as a too long follower of JonBenet Ramsey's Murder, as you can see by what I chose to use a vital piece of evidence in my signature below, I would love to hear more on this tidbit regarding double loops!

I have read along in lurk mode since Day One and have reached the point of extreme sadness, but I will continue to follow with a broken-heart, I am more than ready for Justice for these BABIES for once! I'd Love for Zahra to be one of the Justice was Served Proper Ending...

These letters are not worth anything to me, EB has written them knowing LE and the public would see them. I don't think she is that bright but I don't believe she is that naive either.
These letters are not worth anything to me, EB has written them knowing LE and the public would see them. I don't think she is that bright but I don't believe she is that naive either.

Hi Brattie! I am not sure that EB knew that LE/we would see those letters. If what I have read about Gein is correct, he will initiate contact with (unusual persons) without identifying himself. EB was inappropriately flirtatious with him, and if she knew these were going to end up for public consumption one might think she would be more circumspect?

IMO, she is neither bright nor naive. She is completely self-absorbed and believes that she can control not only her own reality but others', through charm, manipulation, seduction, lies, and distraction.

Good luck with that, EB.
Hi Brattie! I am not sure that EB knew that LE/we would see those letters. If what I have read about Gein is correct, he will initiate contact with (unusual persons) without identifying himself. EB was inappropriately flirtatious with him, and if she knew these were going to end up for public consumption one might think she would be more circumspect?

IMO, she is neither bright nor naive. She is completely self-absorbed and believes that she can control not only her own reality but others', through charm, manipulation, seduction, lies, and distraction.

Good luck with that, EB.
Anyone familiar with the Kyron Horman case will be thankful LB doesn't have a cell phone (in her cell). :sick:

She and Terri share notably similar characteristics, with a heaping portion of Casey Anthony thrown in. I don't think she would've written the letters any differently if she knew they would be made public because like you said, in her mind she's got the it all under control.
Yes! Yes! I heard that on NG and went and got the snip from the Transcript.

Straight out to Ellie Jostad. There are other letters, are there not? And what do they reveal?

JOSTAD: Yes. That`s right, Nancy. Actually we spoke to somebody who got a letter from Elisa Baker. However, that woman says that Elisa claimed that Adam Baker was not involved.

But what`s more, she said that this was all her daughter`s, meaning Elisa Baker`s daughter`s fault. She said if the daughter had never called DFS on her, none of this would have ever happened.

I never heard that her daughter called DFS. This explain why her daughter did not want her mom release and why she was scare of her.

Again EB making excuses.:furious:

If true it also shows that her daughter did not get her mothers trait of evil.

BBM - Funny how it's always "so 'n so's" fault for reporting it, NEVER the PERP's FAULT FOR CREATING THE NEED!

Way back (GOD it feels so long ago already!) in the first week, when we were all ranting about the things the family was saying about EB abusing Zahra - I remember reading that EB's daughter "B" had called CPS and reported her, also someone from Zahra's school. I don't remember where I read this, but it felt like the first piece of good news - out of so much horror. So I will qualify this with - MOO.

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