2010.11.16 - 11:00 PM EST Adam Baker Speaks with WBTV

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Body language:
Closing the eyes shuts out the world. This can mean 'I do not want to see what is in front of me, it is so terrible'.
Sometimes when people are talking they close their eyes. This is an equivalent to turning away so eye contact can be avoided and any implied request for the other person to speak is effectively ignored.
Visual thinkers may also close their eyes, sometimes when talking, so they can better see the internal images without external distraction.

ought to be mighty ineresting when the body language and speech analysist folks get ahold of it.
If people wish, they can start a "body language" thread about this video.

(I, for one, take that with a grain of salt, but I know a lot of people are into it, so if you want a thread especially for that, knock yourselves out.)
not a big enough body language poster to start a thread but will probably follow along if someone else does so.

I have to ask. AB seems wide eyed and innocent while addressing the (questions?) (we never really saw him sitting being asked the question and then hear the answer) We heard voice over announcing ?question? and then AB speaks.

What i am wondering is. If he is blameless and uninvolved. Where is the anger? The rage at EB. She led them to Z. It is obvious she is involved. Where is that rage?
that darn fence again

Let me state I never in a million years would wish this on anybody, but since it has happened, I hope Daddy didnt do it, but it's not likely that he is innocent :(
..in my heart of hearts I wish he wasn't involved. I wish EB and another person did this to Zahra while Adam was working a day or so before (around when he last saw her) I pray that EB played Adam by saying "Do you hear Zahra coughing?", even though she knew Zahra was deceased. God how I wish AB is just a dumb mule who is guilty of being a dumb mule and not hurting his own flesh and blood. I know he's guilty of more but I hope he's not as guilty as it seems. I hope the "he" in her letters is not Adam.

Doubtful, I know...
Yes can't wait to see the actual video and his facial expressions. Looks like the lawyers are having a having a public tat for tat IMO. EB's lawyers with the motion to reduce bond, the letters, and now AB's lawyer thinking AB starting to look even worse so hey throw him on tv to shed some tears. Too little too late, if he wasn't involved he would'a been screaming it from the rooftops IMO, a long time ago. And did he really think marring Zahra'a birthday would get him some extra sympathy? I know I should hold the judgment until I actually see anything, but it's hard. Can't wait to see if he answers some real questions like....

When was the last time without a doubt you seen Zahra?
Has she had any medical care since moving to the states?
Why did you decide she should be home schooled this August!!???
Did you ever see bruises or see your wife beat your daughter?
Why didn't you do anything to save your daughter and keep her healthy and happy and cherished if she was your world?

etc. etc.

ETA: Now that I have seen the video I am in even more agreement with my post. He was flat, like he has disconnected himself IMO.

Sorry AB, I still think your a monster!
that darn fence again

Let me state I never in a million years would wish this on anybody, but since it has happened, I hope Daddy didnt do it, but it's not likely that he is innocent :(
..in my heart of hearts I wish he wasn't involved. I wish EB and another person did this to Zahra while Adam was working a day or so before (around when he last saw her) I pray that EB played Adam by saying "Do you hear Zahra coughing?", even though she knew Zahra was deceased. God how I wish AB is just a dumb mule who is guilty of being a dumb mule and not hurting his own flesh and blood. I know he's guilty of more but I hope he's not as guilty as it seems. I hope the "he" in her letters is not Adam.

Doubtful, I know...

Not gonna jump your post because you are up on a fence. For me, my butt is too bruised and still sore from teh one I got off of recently on the Kyron forum.

I just can't climb on any more fences when the ground over here feels "right" to me.

No offense.
Were they at the station in an office or AB's attorney's office. It wasn't a home that is for sure.
I still don't know what to think about him & his involvement, if any.

I cannot get a clear read on him for some reason.
lots of eyebrows and pulling of the corners of his mouth - tough to see his mouth on my screen - the banner from the TV station is right in front of it and if you full screen it - then it lags for me.

He's lying and deflecting. Get this statement out now before it starts to get hot in the kitchen. His mother is helping with this, standing by him. Wonder if she has asked those hard questions of him? And wonder what he's told her?
Not gonna jump your post because you are up on a fence. For me, my butt is too bruised and still sore from teh one I got off of recently on the Kyron forum.

I just can't climb on any more fences when the ground over here feels "right" to me.

No offense.

none taken :grouphug:

The ground over here feels right to me too, but I can't help but peek at the fence every now and again. I think it's my heart hoping and not my head thinking.
I liked his mothers statement best, " but people dont know"
Dont know what?
This is so horrific and I caught myself laughing, Im starting to think there's some heavy duty mental issues.
If people wish, they can start a "body language" thread about this video.

(I, for one, take that with a grain of salt, but I know a lot of people are into it, so if you want a thread especially for that, knock yourselves out.)

I'm bumping this because this thread will be closed soon, so if this is an avenue people want to pursue, you should consider this suggestion.
Saw video. So, he denied involvement in the dismemberment. No surprise.
Bumping Sherlock's excellent notes:

It was very short: I edited to correct after I went back through the video.

AB wants the world to know he is not a monster.
AB said he wanted to go to this vigil tonight but he said he didn’t want everybody to take their focus off Zahra.
People would have made a scene he says, calling him names, they’ve done it before.
They are calling you murderer?
AB: Yea
Signs up at old house blaming him and his wife for what happened to Zahra
But people are wrong about him he says.
AB: No way in the world I would ever hurt my daughter
Police say Zahra is dead and apparently cut up and her remains in several locations.
Did Adam play a part in that?
AB: No, there is no way I would do that to my baby.
You didn’t dismember her?
Asked about EB and said they aren’t telling him much but thinks they are closer to learning the truth.
AB and mom watched via the internet.
AB: It meant the world to me.
Mom was beside him for support and will stay there she says.
Mom: It’s really hard to hear people call him murderers and a child abuser but people don’t know.
Mom: Z taught everyone courage
Adam says the pain of losing her will not go away.
AB said he would like to have a normal life but it will never possible here.
AB says when it’s over he would like to go back to Australia and take Zahra with him.
lots of eyebrows and pulling of the corners of his mouth - tough to see his mouth on my screen - the banner from the TV station is right in front of it and if you full screen it - then it lags for me.

He's lying and deflecting. Get this statement out now before it starts to get hot in the kitchen. His mother is helping with this, standing by him. Wonder if she has asked those hard questions of him? And wonder what he's told her?


I would love to know that as well.
He hesitates and looks down before every drawn out "nnnnnoo".

I call BS.
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