2010.11.16 - 11:00 PM EST Adam Baker Speaks with WBTV

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It was very short: I edited to correct after I went back through the video.

AB wants the world to know he is not a monster.
AB said he wanted to go to this vigil tonight but he said he didn’t want everybody to take their focus off Zahra.
People would have made a scene he says, calling him names, they’ve done it before.
They are calling you murderer?
AB: Yea
Signs up at old house blaming him and his wife for what happened to Zahra
But people are wrong about him he says.
AB: No way in the world I would ever hurt my daughter
Police say Zahra is dead and apparently cut up and her remains in several locations.
Did Adam play a part in that?
AB: No, there is no way I would do that to my baby.
You didn’t dismember her?
Asked about EB and said they aren’t telling him much but thinks they are closer to learning the truth.
AB and mom watched via the internet.
AB: It meant the world to me.
Mom was beside him for support and will stay there she says.
Mom: It’s really hard to hear people call him murderers and a child abuser but people don’t know.
Mom: Z taught everyone courage
Adam says the pain of losing her will not go away.
AB said he would like to have a normal life but it will never possible here.
AB says when it’s over he would like to go back to Australia and take Zahra with him.

Bumping again.
It's all so ridiculous and disgusting. It's obvious, to me at least, that this pair of lame 'parents' are the only guilty parties. Another 'Zanny' defense it appears. :furious:
" My Dearest Dark Night, Damien...I can't believe he is throwing me to the wolves when it was all him! Please try to get me an interview with Nancy Grace! My story needs to be told! P.S. Lost 5 more lbs. and am cuter than ever. Call me. Darkest thoughts, Elisa."


thank you for the laugh,mountain kat,I needed it...but felt guilty about it all the same,thinking about zahra and how she should be laughing and enjoying life right now
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Some threads of particular note for this interview:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120073"]Body Language of AB's interview 2010.11.16 - 11:00 PM EST WBTV - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118895"]AB's involvement? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
What did you think of everything that they did tonight?
"I thought it was really ...very nice. Very appropriate."
Now, you wanted to be there?
"Yeah.... I would have liked to have gone but I didn't want everybody to take their focus off of Zahra. Which, everyone needs to get some kind of closure."
Have you experienced where people have yelled at you and
Said things...What have you heard? What have people said?
"That I'm a child abuser ... murderer."
People have called you a murderer?
What do you say to them?
"Everybody has their own opinion. There is no way in the world I would hurt my daughter."
So people need to know you didn't do this ?
"No (chokes up) There is no way I could do that to my baby."
You didn't dismember her?
"No...... NO."
(shows video of vigil)
What did it mean to you? The fact that they did this?
"It meant the world to me. Especially Tom speaking. I've had a lot of time with Tom and he's very down to earth, speaks from the heart. He pretty much summed up Zahra."
Where do you think it goes from here? I mean, there's alot ... what do you guys ..do you want to at some point go back to Australia? or do yo uwant to make your life here? Somewhere in the United States?
"Umm I think I'm gonna go back to Australia. I have a family here but most of my family and Zahra's family is in Australia."
Do you want to take Zahra back with you?
Do you think that's where she deserves to be or what to you think?
"I think that's where she would want to be. She has a lot of friends and family in Australia. They need her to be home."
Your over all thoughts? It's been a difficult day... but for the people that were out there today that were there to remember Zahra, what would you say to them ?
"I'd like to thank everybody for coming to the vigil. Thank the organizers, hickory police and all the other law enforcement agencies and the community for everything they have done for Zahra."
This has been a tough tough thing. You haven't really been able to say what you want to say, have you?
"No.It's been very hard to try and grieve for my daughter with everything that is going on. It's been very hard doing stuff without being looking at you. Yelling things."
Saying things to you?
Calling you murderer?
But you've got a positive outlook. Things are going to work you, do you believe?
"I just hope that the police get all the evidence they need to get the right result and justice for Zahra."
What is the right result?
"That whoever they find guilty of this ..."
Do you think Elisa was involved ?
(Looks to lawyer) "I haven't been given a whole lot of details of what's been going on"
Interviewer over speaking (Okay.... alright ...)
Overall thoughts ? We had the vigil tonight ... but this doesn't end .. I mean your still ... this doesn't end the grieving process...
"No. "
Your still hurting. Will the hurt ever go away do you think ?
"No .. there's uh... (phone ringing).... "
Will the hurt ever go away?
"No. There's no possible way to ever fill the hole left by my daughter. (choked up)"

Interviewer speaks with Karen Baker.
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