2010.12.10 - Hearing

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DNA Solves
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Thank you Scamperoo, Angelmom, intermezzo.......very well taken
HHJP is giving his orders without taking sides.

I have watched court proceedings for a long time and have never seen an
Attorney act like Baez. He is disgusting.
Well, he asks JA if he had reports, how many and if the defense were in possession of them. JA confirmed all experts who were going to testify had completed reports and that the defense had the reports.

HHJP said ALL experts who have not filed a report need to have certain information on record. Only the defense has not supplied this and now is ordered to do so by the 23rd of Dec. Obviously this applies to both sides but only the defense is in violation. HHJP is being scrupulously fair as indeed he has to be.

At least thats my take on it :angel:

That was my take ,also,Scamperoo. I believe HHJBP was making a point to the defense.JB has 13 summaries to put together ,JA,maybe one from the intern(?) who didn't need to make a report,but got listed under expert witness by default. I'm sure JB got the point.
ALSO, JB told HHJBP that the State had 20 expert witnesses and he recieved reports from roughly half. JA refuted that claim. Someone's not telling the truth and i don't think it's JA.
JB often tries to slide by with "I don't have the exact number with me. I'm not sure. If I had to guess...." Puhleeze. His clients life is on the line and he's only vaguely familiar with the facts? I doubt it.
Let me tell you, I have known plenty of attorneys like JB. I can't stand it. The lack of respect is so annoying. But most judges seem to let it ride. I can't stand it!

The hair follicle is where the drugs are stored, not the hair strand. And the hair follicle test only shows what's been used in the last 90 days or so!

BBM & respectfully disagree. Drug use is "stored" in the hair strand itself, as well as the follicle. (The drug does enter the hair through the follicle first.)

Snipped from: http://www.omegalabs.net/abouthairtesting/hairtestingfaq/hairtestingfaq.aspx

3. What time period does a standard test cover?
A standard test covers a period of approximately 90 days. The hair sample is cut as close to the scalp as possible and the most recent 1.5 inches are tested.


7. How does Hair Testing compare to urinalysis?
The primary differences are
1) wider window of detection
2) inability to tamper with the test

Cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates and PCP are rapidly excreted and usually undetectable in urine 72 hours after use. The detection period for hair is limited only by the length of the hair sample and is approximately 90 days for a standard test.

Hair can be tested going back for many months, if not years, from what I've gathered watching such shows as Forsenic Files, etc. over the years regarding people being tested for arsenic poisoning/being drugged or sedated before death. I did a google search to be sure before I posted about this; just an FYI in case anyone needs to have a drug test done via this method anytime soon, lol. :crazy:

ITA with the first part of your post! I don't understand the lack of respect by the defense team. If anything, one would think they'd be bending over backwards to be respectful considering the seriousness of their case and the fact they're trying to save Casey's life.
Is this around the same time cfnews13 took down all the documents, video links and discovery they had up.....connection?

Yes, one in the same, I'm pretty sure.
If so, they are also the one's that always had motions and etc even before they were ever properly flied.

Seems to me, that the molly-coddling towards Baez has been "in trade" for those inside "leaks" that the defense was so famously always crying and spouting off about.
They have used each other equally, and both been "Paid in Kind" for what they have done for each other, IMO.
I thought his butt dragging/swiveling the chair around behind JA catching motes or butterflies or whatever and summarily disposing of them, after court had begun, and when JA had begun to speak, was very disrespectful.

Mr. Baez cannot it seems, resist the urge to act like a petulant 12 year old at any given opportunity. :loser:

I agree!! if I were there I would have told him to knock it off!
He needs his *advertiser censored** kicked big time.This talking to by Judge P.
was not enough.He WILL pull it again.Dont they realize who HE is?
No wonder he and KC. get along so well.:banghead:
BBM & respectfully disagree. Drug use is "stored" in the hair strand itself, as well as the follicle. (The drug does enter the hair through the follicle first.)

Snipped from: http://www.omegalabs.net/abouthairtesting/hairtestingfaq/hairtestingfaq.aspx

3. What time period does a standard test cover?
A standard test covers a period of approximately 90 days. The hair sample is cut as close to the scalp as possible and the most recent 1.5 inches are tested.


7. How does Hair Testing compare to urinalysis?
The primary differences are
1) wider window of detection
2) inability to tamper with the test

Cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates and PCP are rapidly excreted and usually undetectable in urine 72 hours after use. The detection period for hair is limited only by the length of the hair sample and is approximately 90 days for a standard test.

Hair can be tested going back for many months, if not years, from what I've gathered watching such shows as Forsenic Files, etc. over the years regarding people being tested for arsenic poisoning/being drugged or sedated before death. I did a google search to be sure before I posted about this; just an FYI in case anyone needs to have a drug test done via this method anytime soon, lol. :crazy:

ITA with the first part of your post! I don't understand the lack of respect by the defense team. If anything, one would think they'd be bending over backwards to be respectful considering the seriousness of their case and the fact they're trying to save Casey's life.


I agree with you but find myself seriously wondering if they are trying to save someones life.:waitasec:

I agree with you but find myself seriously wondering if they are trying to save someones life.:waitasec:

true, that! They do make you wonder, lol

I agree with you but find myself seriously wondering if they are trying to save someones life.:waitasec:

This is the "Jose' and Cheney Show" . Saving someone's life has yet to be written into the script.AL was intent on that because it's what she does. The new lawyer will try through mitigation,if she can stand to be a character in the "Jose' and Cheney Show".

I would love to know what she thinks of the way JB follows HHJBP's orders.
Defense Expert Witnesses

Deadline for State to take Depositions of Defense Experts and Penalty Phase Witnesses is Feb 28, 2011.

Dec. 14, 2010 - Defense must file Expert info on Dr. Bock and Dr. Fairgrieve
Dec. 23, 2010 - Defense must file Expert info on all other Experts

State depositions taken, and not taken as of December 13, 2010

1) Jane Bock - Colorado - Botany - depo via Skype Dec 21, 2010
2) Richard Eikelenboom - Netherlands - DNA - no State depo
3) Scott Fairgrieve - Canada - depo via Skype Dec 16, 2010
Forensic Anthropologist/Pathologist / dog scent issues
4) Michael Freeman - Oregon - Epidemiologist - no State depo
5) Kenneth Furton - West Palm Bch, FL - Chemist - no State depo
6) Tim Huntington - Nebraska - Entomology - depo via Skype Dec 28, 2010
7) Henry Lee - Connecticut - no State depo
8 Dr. John Leeson - Winter Springs, FL - Digital Forensics - Computer - no depo
9) Dr. Barry Logan - Willow Grove, PA - Chemist - DNA exam shorts, laundry bag - no depo
10) Michael O'Kelly - Nebraska - cell towers and cell phones - no depo
11) Dr. Kathy Reichs - North Carolina - Anthropology exam on Caylee - no depo
12) Dr. William Rodriguez - Maryland - Anthropologist - Taphonomy - no depo
13) Dr. Werner Spitz - Michigan - Forensic Pathology - second autopsy on
Caylee - no depo
State Expert Witnesses

Defense Deadline for Depositions of State Experts - Sept 30, 2010 - some extended to Nov 19, 2010

Dec. 23, 2010 - State must file Expert info on all Experts who have not written a Report

as of Dec 10, 2010 Hearing - Every State Expert who will give an Expert Opinion, after examination of evidence, has written a Report.
- only one assistant (Christina Ballard) of Forensic Anthropologist (Dr. Warren)
is listed as an Expert - she did a video superimposition during
Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Christina Ballard
- some FBI people who handled evidence are technically Experts, but have no
Expert Opinion - did not write a Report

Defense depositions taken, and not taken as of December 13, 2010

1) Thomas Achtziger - ShurTech Ohio - added Aug 30, 2010 - no Defense depo
2) Christina Ballard - C.A. Pound ID Lab - listed as Expert - did video superimposition during Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Ballard
no Defense depo
3) David Bogart - AT & T - Defense depo done Nov 16, 2010
4) Maureen Bottrell - FBI Lab - Expert - no Defense depo
5) John Dennis Bradley - Cacheback - depo done via Skype Oct 7, 2010
6) Maureen Bradley - FBI Lab - depo done via Skype Sept 29, 2010
7) Kristin Brewer - Osceola Sheriff's Office - dog expert - depo done Nov 29, 2010
8 Mark Charlesworth - ShurTape Technologies in NC - added Nov 3, 2010
no Defense depo
9) C. Douglas Clark - Univ of Central FL - air samples - depo done Oct 7, 2010
10) James Darnell - US Secret Service - defense unsuccessful in getting depo
11) Jason Forgey - OCSO - dog expert - depo done Nov 29, 2010
12) Dr. Jan Garavaglia - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
13) Brandon Giroux - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
14) Dr. Bruce Goldberger - Univ FL Toxicology - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
15) Lorie Gottesman - FBI Lab - depo done April 2010
16) Dr. David Hall - Univ FL - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
17) Steven Hanson - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
18) Dr. Neal Haskill - Entomology - depo done Oct 22, 2010
19) Ed Hughes - US Secret Service - depo done Sept 3, 2010
20) Dr. James Jawitz - water levels - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville
21) Erin Martin - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
22) William Moore - Metropolitan Bureau Investigation - depo done Nov 16, 2010
23) Madeline Montgomery - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
24) Cary Oien - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
25) Rhoda Ralston - DVM - US Dept Interior - Fish & Wildlife - no Defense depo
26) Michael Rickenbach - FBI Lab - depo done Sept 29, 2010
27) Dr. John Schultz - Univ Central FL - Forensic Anthropology - depo Aug 20, 2010
28) Heather Seubert - FBI Lab - depo April 2010
29) Stephen Shaw - FBI Lab - depo April 2010
30) Michael Sigman - Univ Central FL - Forensic Science - depo Nov 3, 2010
31) Kevin Stenger - OSCO - dog Expert - depo done Nov 9, 2010
32) Catherine Theisen - FBI Lab - no Defense depo
33) Dr. Gary Utz - ME - depo done Sept 28, 2010
34) Michael Warren - C.A. Pound Human ID Lab - depo done Sept 8, 2010 Gainesville - his assistant - Christina Ballard created video superimposition during Dr. Warren's deposition

OAK RIDGE LAB - Tennessee

- Michael Burnett - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- David Glasgow - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Madhavi Martin - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Arpad Vass - depo done Sept 22, 2010
- Marc Wise - depo done Sept 21, 2010
<respectfully snipped>

OAK RIDGE LAB - Tennessee[/U][/B]
- Michael Burnett - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- David Glasgow - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Madhavi Martin - depo done Sept 21, 2010
- Arpad Vass - depo done Sept 22, 2010
- Marc Wise - depo done Sept 21, 2010

OK, it took 2 loooooong days to depose Cindy Anthony, but only 1 day for Dr. Vass? Or 1/4 of a day for the other scientists at Oak Ridge??

Anybody else find this....... odd?
Just got in and can't wait to catch up. I watched the 13 interview w/ JB going off about JA not picking up the phone. How that costs the taxpayers. Ehm, JB, sweetie, the judge's orders were clear to me, he wanted it done in writing, he said NO to you when you offered for JA to call you or talk with you afterwards. He told you it needed to be in writing. Even I understood that and I am not a lawyer. I hope his continued arrogant stupidity is not a ploy to appear incompetent. Seriously, can any officer of the court be that dense and that stubborn in his density?
As usual - I was so excited about the five o"clock hearing that was showing Friday at 2pm my time. And wouldn't you know it - I had a "command performance" visit to a client - one of those you just can't postpone (but but but I need to be on websleuths at 2pm sir......) so off I went.

But the minute I got back Nums24 had already posted the hearing! Thanks Nums24 :blowkiss: - and I had such a good time I watched it THREE :woohoo: times before hitting the boards!!! You guys! Who needs me - you were all so funny - thanks so much for your comments - love you all! Laughed until I cried at some of them.
A bit PO'd watching the stations comments later - both the state and the defense must - ummm - hello???? Anyone paying attention? It was for expert reports not yet filed - and the state is in excellent shape and Baez is .....well let's just say he's on his knees asking for a miracle as I type - LOL.

This was the best hearing EVER!!! HHJP is my hero!
Maybe I should listen to the video once more because it appeared to me HHJP
held both the defense and the prosecution at fault which was dissappointing to say the
least. Please tell me I misunderstood.
Fair is fair...and the judge would never put himself in the position of showing bias.
As usual - I was so excited about the five o"clock hearing that was showing Friday at 2pm my time. And wouldn't you know it - I had a "command performance" visit to a client - one of those you just can't postpone (but but but I need to be on websleuths at 2pm sir......) so off I went.

But the minute I got back Nums24 had already posted the hearing! Thanks Nums24 :blowkiss: - and I had such a good time I watched it THREE :woohoo: times before hitting the boards!!! You guys! Who needs me - you were all so funny - thanks so much for your comments - love you all! Laughed until I cried at some of them.
A bit PO'd watching the stations comments later - both the state and the defense must - ummm - hello???? Anyone paying attention? It was for expert reports not yet filed - and the state is in excellent shape and Baez is .....well let's just say he's on his knees asking for a miracle as I type - LOL.

This was the best hearing EVER!!! HHJP is my hero!

Yep. If I were a newscaster, I would have added, so mucho work for Baez, nada for Ashton. Nah Nah Nah Boo boo!!
I was able to attend the hearing yesterday . It was all of 15 minutes. Noticed that cindy appeared to not have on ring. When her hand was touching her face i did not see any jewelry on left hand. I did notice her shaking her head no when I was in courtroom as ashton spoke. Casey shook head no also. Not many in court room . Noticed the police were very intense in listening to ashton and jose speak. I bet they thought wow- its all going to be cut the bullcrap for anyone who thinks they are smarter than judge perry-lol.
After hearing a reporter asked so what do you gals think ?I was with a friend who never was at a hearing. I laughed and said I am one of those bloggers Ashton thinks will correct him-lol. I am also a published author.He asked if i thought she was guilty and I avoided the reply as i would never say yes or no to anyone in public eye. He told me george may not be living at home as he saw him in a fast food place not near his home taking out food. No big deal to me - I take out food-lol.he asked me if i know where george is living- i said no do you?lol

My friend could not believe how long casey hair was as she has not followed case. she said her hairs so shiny she must have good products from commisary! she said do you think people send her money? i said yes they do. She commented that she was surprised . It was refreshing to hear my friends opinion as shes not a blogger and hardly knows the case. makes me wonder how jury will feel as she is not someone who heard the details. she did not even recognize who cindy was. If a juror is someone like her it will prove not everyone has the history of the case.

Reporters tried to corner cindy and jose. marble mouth got in the lights of camera but I have not yet seen it on film. Two dollar parking fee for me-lol. ok - next scolding scheduled soon for some!!

Not only was it clean it was full of "product" to make it look like it had volume, so it's obvious her team are working behind the scenes to make her look more attractive to the public. I think we can expect more of the same until trial.

Now if only they could work on that grin and obvious excitement mirrored in her face every time she enters court.

Oh, I don't see any need to worry about her facial expressions come trial time.
She'll start out with her usual grins and la-de-da time, but, it will soon loose interest for her.

She is going to have to be getting up every morning, probably around 4AM to prepare for her daily, 6 times a week trip to the county court house.
It's going to be her "job", and we all know what she thinks of work.

The jury will see every facial expression there is out there under the sun once the state starts putting her friends, and their experts on the stand.
She is going to be scowling, making pruney faces and little fisties, writing furiously little notes and folding and shoving them aside ~
The jury will still get to see the Ms. Anthony that we have seen over the course of the last 2yrs, plus, we'll all see some other angles to her that we haven't seen yet.

I don't care how long her hair grows, how she wears it, what color shirt or how many ruffles she sports on it.
This girl is like glass.
You can see straight through her, and what is inside is deathly cold and void.

And, as far as her little lap dog, Baez, the jury will see through him as well.
(Remember how Casey told Cindy, "No one had touched Caylee's hair?")
State Expert Witnesses

Defense Deadline for Depositions of State Experts - Sept 30, 2010 - some extended to Nov 19, 2010

Dec. 23, 2010 - State must file Expert info on all Experts who have not written a Report

as of Dec 10, 2010 Hearing - Every State Expert who will give an Expert Opinion, after examination of evidence, has written a Report.
- only one assistant (Christina Ballard) of Forensic Anthropologist (Dr. Warren)
is listed as an Expert - she did a video superimposition during
Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Christina Ballard
- some FBI people who handled evidence are technically Experts, but have no
Expert Opinion - did not write a Report

Defense depositions taken, and not taken as of December 13, 2010

1) Thomas Achtziger - ShurTech Ohio - added Aug 30, 2010 - no Defense depo
2) Christina Ballard - C.A. Pound ID Lab - listed as Expert - did video superimposition during Dr. Warren's deposition - No Expert Opinion from Ballard
no Defense depo
3) David Bogart - AT & T - Defense depo done Nov 16, 2010
4) Maureen Bottrell - FBI Lab - Expert - no Defense depo
5) John Dennis Bradley - Cacheback - depo done via Skype Oct 7, 2010

Respectivly snipped to ask specifically about # 5:

Would this person be questioned about computer screen shot captures, such as what a person would find during searches?

Something that has stayed in my mind for a very long time is something that I read while the FOX WebCam was still active, and, they had their forum of sorts up.
I used to post over there.

One evening, a woman came on and told us that she had been doing some research and googling around, and she came across a cached instant messaging chat log, with a "caseyOmarie" and a guy.
The subject was chloraform, and he asked about it, she replied what it could be used for, he came back that it sounded dangerous, she "LOL, it won't kill ya".

This woman had been posting on a regular basis, and, when she found it, she sent the link to Det. Melich.
A couple of days later, she went back to recheck on it, and it was gone. She was pretty agnry at herself for not taking a screen shot of it herself, but, she said that she was just so surprised, shocked, and sick over it that she didn't even think of it at the time.
The state had just started releasing documents, and she was always hoping that this would be something that would be released.
Personally, I think if this was really Casey, and it was proved someway, it would be held back for as long as possible, IMO.

At any rate, this is something that has always stayed in the back of my mind.
Sorry that I don't have any links to this, since it was on one of the original blogs, and they changed so many times, and, I can't remember who the poster of it was at the time.

Was anyone here posting there in the beginning, and, did you ever hear of this, too?

Sorry to have kind of gone off topic in a way = but, that #5 guy and the "Cached" really has my curiousity up.

I'm not intending to start any rumors, just wondering if I am correct in what he may have been deposed on.
Old internet searches, etc, and what I mentioned??
I forgive Mr. Baez the lack of a proper response, he seemed stunned and unable to get to his feet...he looked like he was going to burst into tears. Poor guy, totally gob smacked. :angel: sarcasm alert of course !!!

LOL Scamp ... he did look kind of shocked ... but I think he expected the judge would be ordering him to file his response with the court, no more emails, blah, blah, blah ... what he didn't expect was the detailed order that Judge Perry laid out and the amount of extra info he is now required to provide ... AND ... that he only has 13 days to do it .... :eek:
I noticed Judge Perry made a point of the dates AND time of day he ordered the filings to be done ... no more 4:59 pm filings ...
Judge Perry sent a message loud and clear with this last hearing that's for sure !:dance:
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