2010.12.15 Dr Jane Bock Report & CV

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Did brock just admit that she regrets being on the defense team? That since she has heard about JB's antics and such? Is that the implication she was giving?

I think what she is saying is that she got information about this case from watching TV......It was her source of information...IMO not Baez.
I'm only a few pages in and that DCS is killing me. Sit and shut up already! I now believe she doesn't know how to work a remote.:banghead:

thank you to Muskiman for getting this for us. JA has the patience of Job to work with this bunch of er.... the defense. :innocent:
Just wait till you get to the part where JA talks about animals eating at the remains and he won't even finish.

I suspect Ashton will be "driving" those points home
IMO It will be very emotional in that courtroom
I agree.
Without LKB IMO Baez would not have the experts he has and had...

Wonder how much they regret it now that LKB bolted but they can't. They are stuck in Baez's trap. Rest in peace to their reputations. UNLESS.. like that pychologist in the Mark Jensen trial, they turn from the dark side. That cross by Jambois was brilliant, and the Dr. would not allow the defense in that case to sully his reputation. I'll see if I can find the link.
Poor Caylee....

This has to be the most frustrating depos I've read...Baez appears to be sneaky and I don't understand how this woman can...oh, nevermind...this will come down to the battle of the experts and who can be more believed than the other. I take great offense at this discussion as Baez appears to have no respect for this precious child or the manner of her death. Makes me dispise ICA more and more. What she allegedly did to this child is unfathomable. She's mean, evil, she deserves whatever is given to her come that guilty verdict...I abhor her actions/inactions towards precious Caylee...

This woman deals with medical issues and what the heck does fibromyalgia have to do with it, as she said at yesterday's hearing..I think this is just going to fall flat and that Dr. Hall will prove his worth...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
FYI: What was listed as Bock #2 on wftv is actually the first in chronological order so I'm reading them in reverse. It's interesting that she was under the impression that the log in the pictures had recently been cut down. She finds out in the next depo where she views the skull :( that the log was already there.
Me too!! Wouldn't that be a hoot if she's LPs grandmother? From her CV she must be in her 70s. A little young to be his grandma I guess.

Something was lost during this exchange...maybe she pointed to a picture of her grandson..
I'm only a few pages in and that DCS is killing me. Sit and shut up already! I now believe she doesn't know how to work a remote.:banghead:

thank you to Muskiman for getting this for us. JA has the patience of Job to work with this bunch of er.... the defense. :innocent:

IMO Way tooo much interference/interruption from her..

She Objects citing work product JUST to Object..at one point she said she does know if the answer is work product or not..but is Objecting anyway.

Page 10 and 11
Sims is objecting to photos being produced and that she has not seen...
Ashton informs her that, pursuant to court order, the photos were already produced...she then says Oh, never mind then..

Jeff Ashton is pulling up Photos
Sims states she doesn't have those photos and asks Ashton if they can be emailed to her.
Ashton "It's a huge file. I'm surprised Jose didn't give them to you for this (meaning the depo)
What is with the social dinners surrounding the circumstance of a baby's remains? First the Ritz, now this Can you imagine the conversation while they pass the (air) potatos or sushi or crab puffs or salmon patties or whatever? Unfreakinreal.
What is with the social dinners surrounding the circumstance of a baby's remains? First the Ritz, now this Can you imagine the conversation while they pass the (air) potatos or sushi or crab puffs or salmon patties or whatever? Unfreakinreal.

I think that is Baez. He obviously never misses a meal. It is just unbelievable.

OK, after wading through these.... I have a question. In the second report listed above (which seems to have taken place prior to the first) on page 52 the following exchange occurs. (The "setting" is Dr. Bock describing any concerns she had with Dr. Hall's report).

"Bock: I did not see, and still have not seen, the layers of leaves on the bags that supposedly would indicate the bags have been at that spot for at least since the leaves fell during the fall of 2008.

Ashton: Have you requested of defense counsel that you be provided with those photographs?

Bock: Yes, I have asked to see those photographs. And I've been given whatever was available. And - well, I've been given whatever was available."

Ok here's my question, if I can manage to spit it out coherently enough to be understood. Did the defense purposely have her write her report and make conclusions without ever providing her with those initial crime scene photos? Because it seems like all she was working with was the scene as it was found after the body had been recovered, the site was cleared, etc. :waitasec: And then when they resumed the deposition (what is referred to as part 1 above) they are discussing with her the photos of the actual crime scene with the body present as it was found. It appears that she had not seen those until the deposition. This seems really odd to me, but it could absolutely be that I am "missing something" here. Help?? :crazy:
OK, after wading through these.... I have a question. In the second report listed above (which seems to have taken place prior to the first) on page 52 the following exchange occurs. (The "setting" is Dr. Bock describing any concerns she had with Dr. Hall's report).

"Bock: I did not see, and still have not seen, the layers of leaves on the bags that supposedly would indicate the bags have been at that spot for at least since the leaves fell during the fall of 2008.

Ashton: Have you requested of defense counsel that you be provided with those photographs?

Bock: Yes, I have asked to see those photographs. And I've been given whatever was available. And - well, I've been given whatever was available."

Ok here's my question, if I can manage to spit it out coherently enough to be understood. Did the defense purposely have her write her report and make conclusions without ever providing her with those initial crime scene photos? Because it seems like all she was working with was the scene as it was found after the body had been recovered, the site was cleared, etc. :waitasec: And then when they resumed the deposition (what is referred to as part 1 above) they are discussing with her the photos of the actual crime scene with the body present as it was found. It appears that she had not seen those until the deposition. This seems really odd to me, but it could absolutely be that I am "missing something" here. Help?? :crazy:

I thought the same TallyHo..by her testimony it seems she was only given SOME photos...and not all of them...
Up until Sept 2010(when Baez sent her photos) the only thing she had to go on was the visit it a cleared crime scene, viewing of the remains and Dr Halls report...she had no crime scene or ME photos to use a visual tool for comparison...

Dec 21 2010 Depo

Bock examined the Crime scene on Feb. 1, 2009.

Bock viewed the remains on Feb 2, 2009 (without a confidentiality agreement or any agreement or contract it seems)

Bock received Dr Hall's report in Feb 17th 2009. She was impressed with the accuracy of his plant identification and she confessed she was somewhat envious because she's familiar with the Flora in Florida, she did part of her PdD thesis in Florida

BUT Bock did not receive photos(LE photos and ME photos) until.....September 2010.(found in Part 2 on Page 41) Ashton was shocked ...A Delay of 1.5 years.
I thought the same TallyHo..by her testimony it seems she was only given SOME photos...and not all of them...
She examined the Crime scene on Feb. 1, 2009,
She viewed the remains on Feb 2, 2009 (without a confidentiality agreement or any agreement or contract it seems)
She received Dr Hall's report in Feb 2009 (the 17th I think)
BUT Baez did not send her photos until...iirc September 2009. Ashton was shocked (will have to back and find when she said she got the photos to be sure)

IIRC after just reading some of this report it wasn't Sept. 2009---rather Sept. 2010, that is what kind of amazed JA...But if you think back to others in this case---jb doesn't supply alot of info to them---they are almost free faling from whatever he gives them...Remember how the death penality atty was trying to get more money and HHJP told her already done.....and she was shocked & more or less claimed that she just got ont he case?

Also I would also think that by these "dinner" thingys that perhaps some of the "work product" was discussed in front of others---I can't for the life of me believe that they didn't discuss it----NOPE, can't do it...they discussed what was out there---

The way Sims always objected, I do believe it will be a long long trial......:banghead:
I thought the same TallyHo..by her testimony it seems she was only given SOME photos...and not all of them...
She examined the Crime scene on Feb. 1, 2009,
She viewed the remains on Feb 2, 2009 (without a confidentiality agreement or any agreement or contract it seems)
She received Dr Hall's report in Feb 2009 (the 17th I think)
BUT Baez did not send her photos until...iirc September 2009. Ashton was shocked (will have to back and find when she said she got the photos to be sure)

Thanks!! It seems odd that she wouldn't have been given such an important photograph, if it existed, which I am assuming that it did.
Something was lost during this exchange...maybe she pointed to a picture of her grandson..

Thats what I was giving it...Find it interesting that she gets more info from her duaghter/media than the defense....:waitasec:
I love the part where she says she initially thought she could do something for the defense but then recently had a new source of info (TruTV). She said she heard her name mentioned and was "relieved" it was mispronounced. It sounds to me like she regrets getting involved with the defense after hearing more about the case. JMO
Indeed the irony is rich.

The defense team are looking to have a FRYE hearing because one of the States experts used photos to determine some plant/root growth (I believe it was called an 'experiment').

However their expert appears to not have even viewed the photographs before proffering an "opinion".

Maybe that's her 'get out' clause. Her reputation may stay somewhat intact if she can claim she offered an opinion on limited evidence.

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