2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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Ronald Cummings told both Tim Miller and Mark Nejame he put the rat in the mailbox..
His reasoning was to see how good Misty could lie to LE... This guy is a piece of work..
IIRC John Merchant investigated the case... Wonder IF thats WHY nothing was done to Ronald Cummings....IMHO.. Ron C hasn't done anything but feed everyone alot of BS from the beginning...JMHOOTS.
This is an excellent theory, SubtleGrace. You have obviously put a lot of thought into this case and it shows.


Well I have just started posting here but I have been a long time true crime buff starting in the early 80's with Ted Bundy. Recently I have been studying deception detection and statement analysis. Very interesting indeed.

Ron will get his.
SubtleGrace, I agree with your theory. Except for one think. I think Misty would hog tie Tommy, drag him into the road, drive the bus over him, herself. Even go as far as buy the gas for it. I don't think she would chose him over Ron. I just do not know why.

Oh, I agree that Misty would cover up for Ron. But Tommy wouldn't. And their stories sort of mesh... they both agree that Joe did it.
I do not believe for a second that Tommy is that afraid of Ronald... in spite of the headless rat. Why would he sit and admit that he was an accessory and try to implicate his cousin Joe, just to protect Ron?
I'm not buying that, sorry.
I do not believe Ron did anything at all to his daughter and I don't believe he knows what happened to her either.

I also don't believe Misty has a clue as to what happened either. If she did, she would have sung like a bird by now.
Has the headless rat story ever been confirmed by LE publicly in the media? Why weren't charges brought? People cant put dead rats in mailboxes and not get in trouble for it. I don't think that is all it could mean Levi. It could be a message that Ron would like to rip Tommy's head off. Maybe he suspected Tommy from the get go. Maybe he thought Tommy was the one who put the idea in Joe's head to steal the gun. Who knows. It is like trying to read tealeaves.

We really don't have any idea what all any of them have said to LE. We may know snippets but we sure don't know it all. But imo Ron has told them enough that the DA was willing to make a plea deal with him and didn't do it for the others.

here is a link to le,s report on ratgate..

My opinion:

TN did not want to watch the kids. She called Misty. JR being younger fell asleep early but Haleigh did not. Misty was tired and wanted to sleep. She called Ron to whine. She may have threatened Ron with leaving or worse. Ron told Misty to give Haleigh some oxycontin to put her to sleep. Misty gave Haleigh too much. Ron called Tommy to go over and help dispose of the body. Ron staged the kidnapping.

They are all equally involved. Ron thinks he is outwitting law enforcement by agreeing to testify against Misty in exchange for a plea deal. He knows by now they don't have enough against her to press charges or they would have.

If they do press charges, I believe that Ron thinks he can throw Misty under the bus and that Tommy will jump on the bandwagon to minimize his own involvement, perhaps he even feels he can bargain for immunity? Ron worked awfully hard at trying to intimidate Tommy into keeping his mouth shut....

IMO, Ron can't point the finger at Misty without implicating himself. Misty can't point the finger at Ron without implicating herself. Ron can't point the finger at Tommy without Misty pointing the finger at him to protect/retaliate for Tommy.

Tommy is in the best position of them all, and his lawyers are really working for him, they know he helped dispose of the body and they are trying to minimize his involvment by making it coerced. They probably suspect that Misty and/or Ron had something to do with it, but Tommy is not talking. He is that scared of Ron. And even tho Ron more than likely was instrumental in Haleighs death (if perhaps it wasn't the drug scenario), he has the attitude that he is not going down for something that the "*****" did. (His words about Misty in the 911 call.)

Again, the above is my own personal opinion. Feel free to blow holes in it. I love it when I'm wrong. I get to learn something!
I'm not gonna blow holes in this, because it's a good theory, but I kind of think if it was an OD, they would've either fessed up to an accident or blamed someone, (Joe?), for droppoing some of his stash. & Tommy, in a Ron's guilty theory, really wouldn't have much reason to blame Joe...his own stories, have implicated himself to the max, so why not tell the truth? His & Misty's Joe story roles, aren't that much different than their Ron story roles, so the only person being protected is Ron? lol, how predictable. But I do agree, that telling on Ron can only be done if the whole truth comes out, & I think the whole truth coming out would hurt them a lot more than it would Ron. Since Tommy & Misty have never implicated Ron, I guess it's because he knows the truth & he would tell on them. Knowledge = power, & Ron has the most power...because he has the most to tell, but the least to lose. But isn't it nice, (if he does really know), that he'd protect his friends like this, & let them try to lie their way out of trouble? MOO.
Well I have just started posting here but I have been a long time true crime buff starting in the early 80's with Ted Bundy. Recently I have been studying deception detection and statement analysis. Very interesting indeed.

Ron will get his.

I like your theory too SubtleGrace. I agree almost completely, just not sure it was drug, or that it happened after Ron left for work. I really believe he is responsible. His and TN's actions were too strange from the beginning for them not to be involved. Wish this would end soon!:sick:
Whoa! Are you saying that LE has a bias against the Cummings family which Haleigh is a part of?:waitasec:

Surely they will not let their own personal biases cloud their judgment on the actual perpetrator who killed Haleigh.

LOL! I find that funny Levi. You say they cant stand Ron Cummings while quite a few think LE is giving Ron a pass.

The prison system is overcrowded. IMO he will not have to serve his full 15 years. Maybe 85% of it or less.

Ron's family is not very likeable. Teresa Neves is a scam artist always trying to make a quick buck and is always involved in some sort of litigation, while Ron has a long arrest record.

Whether or not LE thinks Ron is or is not involved, I don't know. But they can't stand him.

My sources tell me when Ron was arrested over that fight with Tommy, they had him chained to the table in the interrogation room and one of them came over to him and screamed at him that he never cared about his daughter and left the room.
Ronald Cummings told both Tim Miller and Mark Nejame he put the rat in the mailbox..
His reasoning was to see how good Misty could lie to LE... This guy is a piece of work..
IIRC John Merchant investigated the case... Wonder IF thats WHY nothing was done to Ronald Cummings....IMHO.. Ron C hasn't done anything but feed everyone alot of BS from the beginning...JMHOOTS.
The only reason Ron would want Misty to lie, was to protect himself, and to keep the truth from coming out. Simple common sense tells ya that.

What an evil individual... He makes me sick :sick:
does anyone think rc may have given jo a gun to keep quiet..and the quote on his facebook is actually what rc said to him..if you cant remember it didnt happen..i wonder if jos was given a gun.
The only reason Ron would want Misty to lie, was to protect himself, and to keep the truth from coming out. Simple common sense tells ya that.

What an evil individual... He makes me sick :sick:

Levi, I'm fully aware of that... however when he told TM and MN the story it was to imply he wanted to know how well she could lie so he could see IF she had been lying to him about what had happened to Haleigh.. Ronald Cummings has been playing this kind of underhanded, diabolical two faced game with LE and everyone he has come in contact with concerning Haleigh's disappearance since day one...I'm certain there are too too many on the list to even attempt to name them all...but Cobra, TM and MN come to mind for starters.. His momma has done the same..JMHO
Levi, I'm fully aware of that... however when he told TM and MN the story it was to imply he wanted to know how well she could lie so he could see IF she had been lying to him about what had happened to Haleigh.. Ronald Cummings has been playing this kind of underhanded, diabolical two faced game with LE and everyone he has come in contact with concerning Haleigh's disappearance since day one...I'm certain there are too too many on the list to even attempt to name them all...but Cobra, TM and MN come to mind for starters.. His momma has done the same..JMHO

ITA with that, Em.
According to Tim Miller, Ron told him that he brought Misty along when he put the rat in the mailbox to see how well she could lie to police. It was a test to see if she could be lying to him.

“He said he wanted to see how good Misty could lie to the police so he could tell how good she was lying to him,” Miller told The Bald Truth. Another well respected attorney confirmed he heard Cummings relate the same story.

That was about the same time Ron told Miller that he had to keep Misty close until Haleigh is found, and then he'd "blow her teeth out the back of her head", after which he put the gun to his own head as Jr. looked on. :furious: Miller was so moved by all of this that he told Donna Brock they (he and Brock) "might have to save Misty's life".

Those are not the words and actions of an individual who is in control of a situation. Rather it is indicative of paranoia, though perhaps not in the truly clinical sense of the word because his suspicions were not totally unfounded. He had good reason to suspect a double cross(lin). At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty lying to him was the greater concern.
According to Tim Miller, Ron told him that he brought Misty along when he put the rat in the mailbox to see how well she could lie to police. It was a test to see if she could be lying to him.

That was about the same time Ron told Miller that he had to keep Misty close until Haleigh is found, and then he'd "blow her teeth out the back of her head", after which he put the gun to his own head as Jr. looked on. :furious: Miller was so moved by all of this that he told Donna Brock they (he and Brock) "might have to save Misty's life".

Those are not the words and actions of an individual who is in control of a situation. Rather it is indicative of paranoia, though perhaps not in the truly clinical sense of the word because his suspicions were not totally unfounded. He had good reason to suspect a double cross(lin). At any rate, it goes a little deeper than Ron merely wanting to ensure that Misty would lie for him. Misty lying to him was the greater concern.

Bessie, I'm reminded of him telling NG he couldn't detect any inconsistencies in Misty's story and he wasn't aware of the fact LE wanted to talk to Misty about anything..
I'm also reminded of him telling NG the day after Haleigh disappeared that Misty, Haleigh and Jr. were all in the same bed..

Of course he changed the story two days later and told GVS he knew exactly where Haleigh was sleeping that night and knew exactly where the beds were located eventhough he claimed he was at work that night.....
And when NG asked him about where Haleigh was sleeping that night and how the story got so bassackwards he told NG he had no idea how the story got so bassackwards..
IMHO.. If anyone double crossed anyone, it was Ron C doing the double crossing...JMHO
I think Ron was manipulated and made to think that someone other than family took Haleigh over drugs, and that he would protect Misty, Tommy, and Joe if it implicated drug or gun dealing in order to avoid arrest and keep Junior. Drug people would do that and probably think they could solve it and find Haleigh themselves as evidenced by the 911 call where he says "he has better people to call". He must have later felt that Misty may have other knowledge or did something to Haleigh herself, but Misty could really have left the kids alone to deliver drugs to Ron at work, to others, or gotten so angry that she left with some man.
Levi, I'm fully aware of that... however when he told TM and MN the story it was to imply he wanted to know how well she could lie so he could see IF she had been lying to him about what had happened to Haleigh.. Ronald Cummings has been playing this kind of underhanded, diabolical two faced game with LE and everyone he has come in contact with concerning Haleigh's disappearance since day one...I'm certain there are too too many on the list to even attempt to name them all...but Cobra, TM and MN come to mind for starters.. His momma has done the same..JMHO
this is what I think about Ron's actions...if an intelligent, semi civilized person got into a jam like this, he might think about playing these 2 faced lie games...but he wouldn't. #1.it's really childish & he'd fear getting caught. #2. being semi civilized, he wouldn't have the nerve, to go there, & cross that societal line. We're taught from a very early age, to not lie, to not hurt other people, etc..., so that's how we conduct ourselves, & that's how we expect others to behave. When they don't, it's hard to detect, because we're so programmed to not expect people to behave that way. But some people, like Ron & his mother, do have the nerve to go there, & have no problem, crossing that line.
Ron's family is not very likeable. Teresa Neves is a scam artist always trying to make a quick buck and is always involved in some sort of litigation, while Ron has a long arrest record.

Whether or not LE thinks Ron is or is not involved, I don't know. But they can't stand him.

My sources tell me when Ron was arrested over that fight with Tommy, they had him chained to the table in the interrogation room and one of them came over to him and screamed at him that he never cared about his daughter and left the room.
This post made my day, & I hope your sources are right, because Ron needs somebody telling him that he didn't care about his daughter. enough free passes. & this makes me feel a lot better about the LE in this case. Thanks, I needed that.
Try to imagine what type of person would behead a rodent...

.................I think rc pictures himself as a gangsta and the grand intimidator. In this entire saga, the only one who has stood up to him has been Charles Jones.

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