2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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I disagree with her basically saying that because RC had cinder blocks at his house and cinder blocks have been mentioned and cinder blocks were found at this latest crime scene then RC had to have known about Haleigh and proves he is the mastermind....i think it's ridiculous to even say that. I'm going to use this as an example because I worked in my yard today....I have a pile of limbs in my yard that I need to turn into mulch...I KNOW they're there but if someone takes one of the limbs while i'm not home and bashes someone in the head with it (even if it's someone in my household GOD FORBID), that doesn't mean I did it or I know who did it...or even that I know that one of the limbs were used...there's an awful lot of limbs out there and I doubt I would notice if 1...or 10 is missing. (ok, am freaking myself out with the limb story now so fyi....they will be mulched first thing in the morning lol) It hasn't been proven that RC wasn't at work, as a matter of fact LE said they were satisfied with his alibi. It was stated that HC was last seen at 7 pm...to my knowledge that hasn't been disproven (is that even a word??? LOL). I have stated quite a few times that I believe RC has no idea what happened that night...as of now, I will continue to stand by that until something convinces me otherwise. I am prepared to eat crow if needed...wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last LOL.
I din't think child safety was a particularly high priority in this household. This is another one of those situations where we have to be careful about filteringthe on the ground perceptions through what we view as normal. I mean really! Free flowing drugs, guns, deviant weirdoes and disreputable characters, and underaged teenage babysitter/sex toy/step mommy/party girl. how could they have possibly missed something like a property safety inspection?

Not sayingthat the theory of Ron's involvement is wrong. It actually rings true to me in alot of ways. I don't think he was directly or intentionally involved in her death. But I think he learned of it soon thereafter and participated in the misdirection.

I agree he may not have looked over the property for fear the children would get hurt. The other activities he may have been involved in would have prompted him to be sure no one was lurking and watching him. IIRC there was a makeshift chair in the woods next to the house. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I'll bet he knew it was there and he was watching it to see if someone was using it to watch him. Like when I was a kid and my sister would leave a tooth pick or small piece of fuzz planted in her room to see if anyone had come in and snooped around. Link to chair story.
BBM I agree. He moved into a new place with 2 small children plus his other activities and didn't take a good hard look around the yard or the woods around it? I don't know anyone who would let 2 young kids run around on new property without checking to make sure it was safe. He also knew of areas people could possibly spy on him at home.

I don't know how long he had lived there so I might be off on the timing (because it's seasonal) but my biggest problem with him saying he didn't know they were there is didn't he have to mow grass at some point??? Here in Southern Indiana we sometimes don't quit mowing grass until mid November and sometimes have to start as early as late February-early March. He lives in Florida where it's warmish MOST of the year so I would think their mowing season would be longer than ours. If I had a big pile of cinderblocks in my yard and I was mowing grass....well you can't hardly miss seeing them and I wouldn't be happy that I had to mow around them lol.
I agree he may not have looked over the property for fear the children would get hurt. The other activities he may have been involved in would have prompted him to be sure no one was lurking and watching him. IIRC there was a makeshift chair in the woods next to the house. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I'll bet he knew it was there and he was watching it to see if someone was using it to watch him. Like when I was a kid and my sister would leave a tooth pick or small piece of fuzz planted in her room to see if anyone had come in and snooped around.

It's interesting you mentioned this because a thread was just started awhile ago about the makeshift chair in the woods....there was also a rope and shovel found there (according to the article)
Ron had said he never ever saw those blocks before because he never goes in the yard. When questioned about the stack and all the ones scattered around and under the MH were pointed out, .he said ""Well, if I did see them, then they were not where it is now". (paraphrased, I do not have access to my research)

He double speaks on almost everything Haleigh.
I always thought the cinder block was a permanent fixture as the screen door did not have and air-lock and it slammed everytime which is a real pain in the neck any time one would use it. They had to use the back door. Carrying out clothes, washing a car and their shop vac..they had to use a stop, IMO. So it could have always been there.

On another note, how many kids could resist running down that ramp with various toys, etc?

Good point. I have a concrete block on my porch and guess what it does. It props the screen door open. It has a plant sitting on top of it. I still wonder about the front door. They never talk about the front door.

I would have gone down that ramp on my bike as a kid as fast as I could, then would have ridden around the yard, back up the ramp and flew down it again. But an accident there would not need to be covered up.

Just thinking out loud...
I disagree with her basically saying that because RC had cinder blocks at his house and cinder blocks have been mentioned and cinder blocks were found at this latest crime scene then RC had to have known about Haleigh and proves he is the mastermind....i think it's ridiculous to even say that. I'm going to use this as an example because I worked in my yard today....I have a pile of limbs in my yard that I need to turn into mulch...I KNOW they're there but if someone takes one of the limbs while i'm not home and bashes someone in the head with it (even if it's someone in my household GOD FORBID), that doesn't mean I did it or I know who did it...or even that I know that one of the limbs were used...there's an awful lot of limbs out there and I doubt I would notice if 1...or 10 is missing. (ok, am freaking myself out with the limb story now so fyi....they will be mulched first thing in the morning lol) It hasn't been proven that RC wasn't at work, as a matter of fact LE said they were satisfied with his alibi. It was stated that HC was last seen at 7 pm...to my knowledge that hasn't been disproven (is that even a word??? LOL). I have stated quite a few times that I believe RC has no idea what happened that night...as of now, I will continue to stand by that until something convinces me otherwise. I am prepared to eat crow if needed...wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last LOL.

Look out! Behind you! A serial tree limb killer! :eek: So you have one of those mulchers with the sharp blades? Hmmm...well..if we don't hear from you again we'll tell LE to check it for your DNA. :D

I see your point though. It is possible that Ron went to work and something happened to Haleigh during the evening and he knew nothing until he came home. At this point we just don't know.
Ron had said he never ever saw those blocks before because he never goes in the yard. When questioned about the stack and all the ones scattered around and under the MH were pointed out, .he said ""Well, if I did see them, then they were not where it is now". (paraphrased, I do not have access to my research)

He double speaks on almost everything Haleigh.

Cinder blocks under the MH I understand him not knowing they were there...we used to live in a MH before we built our house (same property) and when we sold it after our house was done and they moved it there were quite a few of them under it and we didn't know they were there (we lived in it for almost 4 years too :eek: LOL). The ones in the yard....well I already made a post about that LOL.
I am having trouble getting my brain to even register the term "mastermind" in regards to any of the players in this case. Criminal geniuses these folks are not.

LOLOL faefrost, you are sooo right about that. i should clarify i used the term loosely :)
Look out! Behind you! A serial tree limb killer! :eek: So you have one of those mulchers with the sharp blades? Hmmm...well..if we don't hear from you again we'll tell LE to check it for your DNA. :D

I see your point though. It is possible that Ron went to work and something happened to Haleigh during the evening and he knew nothing until he came home. At this point we just don't know.

LOL that was to funny!!! Thanks, really needed the laugh lol. I'm sure sometimes hubby feels like throwing me in it (J/K....he's a really good man LOL).

No, you're right, we don't know. The only people we know FOR SURE that was there when Haleigh went missing is Haleigh herself and the person/people that took/killed her and I would assume jr. (i've still not totally ruled out the possibility that MC wasn't there and left the kids alone)
I don't know how long he had lived there so I might be off on the timing (because it's seasonal) but my biggest problem with him saying he didn't know they were there is didn't he have to mow grass at some point??? Here in Southern Indiana we sometimes don't quit mowing grass until mid November and sometimes have to start as early as late February-early March. He lives in Florida where it's warmish MOST of the year so I would think their mowing season would be longer than ours. If I had a big pile of cinderblocks in my yard and I was mowing grass....well you can't hardly miss seeing them and I wouldn't be happy that I had to mow around them lol.

BBM No in FL the mowing season is from around May through October give or take a few weeks either way. I have a lawn service and they are here every Friday @ the same time 6 months out of the year. Rainy season. People complain because they charge the same for every month and when you first hire them you have to pay for a year. Dec through March they seldom mow. Weed whack and blowing stuff off driveway maybe once a month. I think it's fair because they are here once a week when it's hot hot hot! Also sometimes in a rental the mowing is included. Tenants have a tendency not to care about the yard.
BBM No in FL the mowing season is from around May through October give or take a few weeks either way. I have a lawn service and they are here every Friday @ the same time 6 months out of the year. Rainy season. People complain because they charge the same for every month and when you first hire them you have to pay for a year. Dec through March they seldom mow. Weed whack and blowing stuff off driveway maybe once a month. I think it's fair because they are here once a week when it's hot hot hot! Also sometimes in a rental the mowing is included. Tenants have a tendency not to care about the yard.

I only thought of him having to mow the yard because of the yard work I did today (I don't have a lawn service..well I guess I do...me lol but I really enjoy it) but I guess with what you just said, it blows that theory out of the water huh lol. Thanks for clearing that up. But still, I couldn't imagine not seeing a pile of blocks in my yard...even just looking out of a window.
That all being said why would TC and MC not throw RC under the bus by now? I am sure LE would have worked a deal out with them if they could inplicate Ronald that is why I don't believe that story. Maybe Haleigh got in to Mistys stash and died and she has TC and Joe help her get rid of the body before RC gets home cause she knows there will be hell to pay and they cook up the kidnapp story They have stuck together until now cause bloods thicker than water but MC and TC being siblings they are going to blame Joe him just being a cousin IDK but in those three some where lies the answer...
Misty's stash? Wouldn't that be the same as RC's stash? This girl didn't have a dime to her name when she met rc...

Haleigh could have died from an overdose, not likely, but no matter how she died, she could have told rc it was because of his drugs..
Misty's stash? Wouldn't that be the same as RC's stash? This girl didn't have a dime to her name when she met rc...

Haleigh could have died from an overdose, not likely, but no matter how she died, she could have told rc it was because of his drugs..

On the contrary Whisp, it is a more than likely scenario that Haleigh could have found a pill (on the couch, on the porch, somewhere) and thought it was a piece of candy, ingested it and died while watching her movie that evening. Oxy deaths are becoming more and more a common event with its' rampant use. We had a case here in my community last week. A 35 yr. old father that just returned home from a mission in Iraq, got hold of some Oxy and that was the last time he ever did anything. Leaving 2 kids behind. It's disgusting what these drugs are doing to people taking it for "recreational use". If that is what it can do to a grown man that threw caution to the wind just one too many times, you can imagine what it could do to a 39 pound little girl.

Misty could have and should have called the police immediately but instead let JO and TC take Haleigh. Why? They wouldn't have done what they did for RC, that's a cinch. They had to have thought they were doing it for Misty.

Since we've all witnessed RC popping a pill like it was candy, I'm pretty sure Haleigh had witnessed it more than once. MC is still covering. She has to be. They all had a role in this tragedy but who did what, when and where is the hard part due to so many lies. I find it interesting that RC is the only one not talking and all of what he DOESN'T know even though he married and lived with MC all that time since Haleigh's demise.
I disagree with Pat Brown's theory..Hopefully, I am allowed to state mine here in this thread..

IMHO.. The incident didn't happen in the MH and Haleigh did not ingest any of Ron's pills before or after he went in to work..

I maintain my stance I think she was accidentally shot during an altercation he had with Misty or with someone else.. I'm now wondering IF at some point Haleigh wasn't even used as a protective shield..That scenario would certainly make more than one person culpable..

Ronald Cummings and (I suspect) someone in HIS family orchestrated a plan that served a two fold purpose...
The first... stage an abduction scene.
The second... Set up Misty, and members of her family (those that were perhaps at the scene or had been told and knew what had happened)

And since I believe TN and GGMS were both informed almost immediately as to what had happened and knew Haleigh was deceased they helped orchestrate the plan..

I maintain my stance TN and GGMS would have never allowed Haleigh to be dumped in the river..

NOW I am going to ramble so hopefully you understand what I am trying to say..

IF it is discovered those two cinder blocks pulled from the water are connected to the MH.. I suspect Ron C told Tommy and Jo they needed to take two cinder blocks like the one used at the door, and put them in the water... Tommy and Jo would think doing this would go along with the plan of Haleigh being abducted by someone... And IF the blocks were ever discovered it would look like she was killed and dumped there...

There is a possibility Ron told Jo...Tommy was going to take care of that..
There is a possibility Ron told Tommy..Jo was going to take care of that.

I suspect Ron told Misty that Tommy and Jo put Haleigh in the river...

I do agree with Pat Brown when she said..
Ronald Cummings is a controlling, lying psychopath who knows exactly what happened to his daughter. I hope the police figure this out.

Ron had help that night, not only from the Croslins, but from his family.. He and his family know what they did with Haleigh's remains...I suspect they arranged it so Haleigh would never be found....


I'm still thnking through all this, so I'm certain more will come to mind ..
I disagree with Pat Brown's theory..Hopefully, I am allowed to state mine here in this thread..

IMHO.. The incident didn't happen in the MH and Haleigh did not ingest any of Ron's pills before or after he went in to work..

I maintain my stance I think she was accidentally shot during an altercation he had with Misty or with someone else.. I'm now wondering IF at some point Haleigh wasn't even used as a protective shield..That scenario would certainly make more than one person culpable..

Ronald Cummings and (I suspect) someone in HIS family orchestrated a plan that served a two fold purpose...
The first... stage an abduction scene.
The second... Set up Misty, and members of her family (those that were perhaps at the scene or had been told and knew what had happened)

And since I believe TN and GGMS were both informed almost immediately as to what had happened and knew Haleigh was deceased they helped orchestrate the plan..

I maintain my stance TN and GGMS would have never allowed Haleigh to be dumped in the river..

NOW I am going to ramble so hopefully you understand what I am trying to say..

IF it is discovered those two cinder blocks pulled from the water are connected to the MH.. I suspect Ron C told Tommy and Jo they needed to take two cinder blocks like the one used at the door, and put them in the water... Tommy and Jo would think doing this would go along with the plan of Haleigh being abducted by someone... And IF the blocks were ever discovered it would look like she was killed and dumped there...

There is a possibility Ron told Jo...Tommy was going to take care of that..
There is a possibility Ron told Tommy..Jo was going to take care of that.

I suspect Ron told Misty that Tommy and Jo put Haleigh in the river...

I do agree with Pat Brown when she said..
Ronald Cummings is a controlling, lying psychopath who knows exactly what happened to his daughter. I hope the police figure this out.

Ron had help that night, not only from the Croslins, but from his family.. He and his family know what they did with Haleigh's remains...I suspect they arranged it so Haleigh would never be found....


I'm still thnking through all this, so I'm certain more will come to mind ..

I agree with some of your post. Some not. I have never really believed the Cummings grandmothers had anything to do with a coverup and I certainly don't believe that RC would have ever told someone to put his daughter's body in the river. I just can't get my brain around that, but the fight/gun scenario is a very real possibility. RC may have run from the whole situation at that point by going to work and MC did the best she could with the coverup. None of them were functioning with clear minds at that time so anything could have happened.
Ron had said he never ever saw those blocks before because he never goes in the yard. When questioned about the stack and all the ones scattered around and under the MH were pointed out, .he said ""Well, if I did see them, then they were not where it is now". (paraphrased, I do not have access to my research)

He double speaks on almost everything Haleigh.

I recall him saying he never uses the backyard. It was the cold season when they moved in and it wouldn't be as nice to spend time outside and the screened porch was in the front of the house, but didn't the children go out either? They had toys in the yard and kids tend to run around the house, not stay in the front yard because we never use the back yard. If you're a devoted dad you would likely want to check what the children are doing in the backyard once in a while.
I think RC doesn't fully disclose because he is concerned about illegal weapons charges and who knows what all, and that's why he hasn't fully cooperated. That's also why he married MC--to control what she would say about him. But I don't think it ever occurred to him that something would happen to one of his kids.

I like reading Pat's work, but disagree with her on this.

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