2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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Judge quoting his experience in years. Talking about "strategy reasons" to not disclose!
over 31 years - court has seen defense presented sometimes and not presented sometimes . . . absolutely no idea what an expert has found in course of his investigation
Come on! Just tell us what you are going to "do" to them HJBP.
*sits leaning forward listening intently with her elbows on her knees and her hands under her chin*
Defense has not complied with court's order and there is a willful violation
CM: The problem I have is the tape recording is not official blah blah blah banjos and good ole boys on the bayou or something

OMG LMAO and rolling on the floor here!!
court deemed for clarification what ea side would present

court has reviewed filed by defense "motion for clarification of experts" does not comply with this courts order

Court will find a willful violation of the courts order
I see JB has a new "do"......he can run but he can not hide from Kathi Melich!
The court finds that there is a willful violation.
HHJP... the court will find that there is a willful violation of court's order in not complying with discovery.

The court finds the defense has no idea what these witnesses retained at taxpayer expense will be testifying to!
Willful violation of courts order in complying with discovery. It is highly unlikely that defense doesn't know what experts will testify too. BOO YA!
the defense has "no idea" what the witnesses that have been paid for by the state will testify to :)
Judge: Rule 3.22..."trial by ambush"...designed to eliminate "trial by surprise"...this court has been involved in trial work for 31 years...the defense does not comply with this court's order. Therefore...it is highly unlikely what these witnesses will be testifying to...The court with therefore entitle sanctions. Seven days to file reports.
Does not comply with this court's order. Willful violation. Highly unlikely that the defense doesn't know what experts will be testifying to.

Sanctions: arrrgh!! lost feed!
Yes!!!!! Thank you judge for finally making the defense do their job!!!!!
Sanctions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!! You go!!!!
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