2011.01.14 Hearing: Jury Selection Expected To Be Main Topic

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JB offered NO "good cause" for not meeting the deadline to take the deposition of these remaining State witnesses. The Deadline was Oct 31, 2010 for Law Enforcement. The Deadline for Defense to take depositions of all other witnesses (not LE or Expert) was Oct 31, 2010 ... and Dec 31, 2010 for "late filed witnesses".

Robyn Adams - prison in Tallahassee
Helen Davis - TES Texas - do depo via Skype
Maya Derkovic - prison in Broward county, FL
Det. Eric Edwards - did half of depo - he had ongoing investigation - need to finish
Sylvia Hernandez - outside of central FL - will require driving to do depo
Amy Huizenga - on cruise ship in Caribbean - working with atty Kirkconnell to arrange her statement or deposition
Ricardo Morales - out of state - do depo via Skype
Rick Plesea - in South Carolina - do depo via Skype
Anthony Rusciano - out of state - do depo via Skype
LE mentioned earlier (7-8 LE personnel) - new deadline set today - LE depos to be completed by Feb 18, 2011

These are the same names mentioned in a previous status hearing as not being done.
This is what steams me!!!!
The Judge is not enforcing his own deadlines on the Defense.

The deadline for the Defense to take depositions of LE was Sept 30, 2010 - moved to Oct 31, 2010.

The deadline for the Defense to take depositions of late filed (after May 24, 2010) of State witnesses was December 31, 2010. Both sides were due to give the Judge a list of "ordinary witnesses" (not LE or Expert) who were late filed, by October 18, 2010 - the Defense never gave the list.

The deadline for the Defense to add new TES witnesses to the Defense Witness List was December 31, 2010 (the Defense still has NOT listed the TES searchers who the State is taking depositions of).

The State has a deadline of March 30, 2011, to finish depositions of the new Defense TES witnesses.

The Defense had a deadline to list penalty phase witnesses of November 30, 2010 ( I think Finnell met this deadline).

That's how I see it...he keeps saying Deadlines are Deadlines then keeps amending the deadlines for the Defense.
I thought the lunch chat was a little bit tounge in cheek HHJBP's way of saying 'don't expect to take a 2-hour lunch each day either, bring a sarnie.'

I agree and also think it was his way of saying don't think once this trial starts, you can spend hours dragging out questions and arguments and going off thither and yon.
MY Dad is a court balliff. I think this is geared toward jury comfort mor than anything else. Dad says they do everything they can to make and keep the jury comfortable no matter what.

Respectfully Quoted Wagara :)

Yes. I can understand that and I agree 100% about the comfort of the jury. What I do not get is why this type of information was spoken about in today's hearing. Why it was subject at a hearing. I have zero background when it comes to the court system and I would have thought things like taking care of the jury's basic needs would be worked out in a different manner.

Memo, email, phone call, etc. I said earlier that the defense, courts and the state all bring up the issues of funds and the lack thereof: so I have to question the importance of spending so much time and in open court discussing the subject.

Now, I may be talkin' out my other end and there may be procedures as to why this was done in this way. And, like I said before: that lets me know how "systematic" the system is and that would drive me crazy.

I went to the American Legion with my parents in law a few times when I was first married. If you wanted to go to the bathroom, you had to have someone take you there. I'm a hippy gal: I don't get all the hub bub.

Of course everyone needs and will get lunch. Its just after two years, and all the delays(to the degree of being called a circus)and after finally it seemed with the sanctions JB would have to answer for his lack of progress: and we get talk about lunch.

Lunch. What about dinner?

Thank you for responding to my post. I understand where you are coming from, I just do not know where the court/system is coming from.

IMO, even if a judge knew a plea was in the works, he or she would continue on "acting as if" the trial was going to happen, because until the defendant actually agrees to the plea, the trial date still looms.

But didn't he say he put down a non-refundable deposit at the hotel? I don't think he'd waste the taxpayer's money.
Originally Posted by LancelotLink
Trying to recall what HHJP said about the deadline for getting a refund on the deposit. Could this have been a way of saying, "If you are planning to go another route, I need to know before then." ?

Quoting myself to say I went back and listened to what HHJBP said about deposits. He never mentioned a deadline for deposit refund. Don't know where I thought I heard that...hearing voices...:crazy:

my notes from Hearing:
Judge - one thing happen at some point - court admin meet with media, as you know, they have a right to be there - question is how much notice I give them - thinking about, let ya'll weigh in, for media folks whose station mgrs or other important persons, big persons, who will sign off, then I will give them a little more notice to get their trucks there - what I don't want, seen in past, location disclosed, becomes a feature story there, makes it very difficult to select a jury where you go - in order to secure some costs, make costs as economical to tax payers as possible, sign contracts, can't here in Orlando anymore just with the number of rooms, do it at the last minute - once contracts have been signed, certain non-refundable deposit that tax payers must pay
I've already done that

There was a heavy pause .... then Judge P continued on the procedure for jury selection and having one attorney doing the questioning of the jurors.

Not exactly sure what the Judge meant by "I've already done that"?????
But didn't he say he put down a non-refundable deposit at the hotel? I don't think he'd waste the taxpayer's money.

That non-refundable deposit is likely "non-refundable" after a certain date. So if I were to continue the theme of possible plea I would say it was a "don't wait too long" kind of comment.

I also caught the comment Judge Perry made referring to $350,000 so far. I assume that refers to the State's costs only.......

Originally Posted by LancelotLink
Trying to recall what HHJP said about the deadline for getting a refund on the deposit. Could this have been a way of saying, "If you are planning to go another route, I need to know before then." ?

my notes from Hearing:
Judge - one thing happen at some point - court admin meet with media, as you know, they have a right to be there - question is how much notice I give them - thinking about, let ya'll weigh in, for media folks whose station mgrs or other important persons, big persons, who will sign off, then I will give them a little more notice to get their trucks there - what I don't want, seen in past, location disclosed, becomes a feature story there, makes it very difficult to select a jury where you go - in order to secure some costs, make costs as economical to tax payers as possible, sign contracts, can't here in Orlando anymore just with the number of rooms, do it at the last minute - once contracts have been signed, certain non-refundable deposit that tax payers must pay
I've already done that

There was a heavy pause .... then Judge P continued on the procedure for jury selection and having one attorney doing the questioning of the jurors.

Not exactly sure what the Judge meant by "I've already done that"?????

I took it as, he's signed a contract and put down the deposit.


14:45 on
Originally Posted by LancelotLink
Trying to recall what HHJP said about the deadline for getting a refund on the deposit. Could this have been a way of saying, "If you are planning to go another route, I need to know before then." ?

my notes from Hearing:
Judge - one thing happen at some point - court admin meet with media, as you know, they have a right to be there - question is how much notice I give them - thinking about, let ya'll weigh in, for media folks whose station mgrs or other important persons, big persons, who will sign off, then I will give them a little more notice to get their trucks there - what I don't want, seen in past, location disclosed, becomes a feature story there, makes it very difficult to select a jury where you go - in order to secure some costs, make costs as economical to tax payers as possible, sign contracts, can't here in Orlando anymore just with the number of rooms, do it at the last minute - once contracts have been signed, certain non-refundable deposit that tax payers must pay
I've already done that

There was a heavy pause .... then Judge P continued on the procedure for jury selection and having one attorney doing the questioning of the jurors.

Not exactly sure what the Judge meant by "I've already done that"?????

Going back and listening and reading here, I take this to mean he has already signed an agreement for discounted rooms for a certain price and has paid the non-refundable deposit to secure those rooms at that price.
In other words, we are going forward. The pause was to let it sink in. MOO
But didn't he say he put down a non-refundable deposit at the hotel? I don't think he'd waste the taxpayer's money.
Well, sure, but in general, a judge won't grind the process to a halt because a defendant might plea out soon. Irrespective of what HHJP did, my post was meant in a general sense. Also, the non-refundable is probably after (insert date here) so that could have been HHJP's way of saying if their client is going to plea, she better hop to it.

But hey, what the heck do I know.


I apologise for not being clearer.
I noticed the WKMG link was live for at least 15 minutes before the hearing. ALL attorneys were present and quite a bit of paperwork was handled before the hearing.

Is is possible to gain access to video of the prehearing tape? Did anyone record it?

There were a few very interesting comments that I caught and I want to go back and listen again before I say anything about them.
Going back and listening and reading here, I take this to mean he has already signed an agreement for discounted rooms for a certain price and has paid the non-refundable deposit to secure those rooms at that price.
In other words, we are going forward. The pause was to let it sink in. MOO

In actuality, the fact that the State of Florida may have already paid a non-refundable deposit on a block of hotel rooms in no way speaks of whether or not a plea agreement is being negotiated.

The mere securing of hotel rooms for a jury, security and personell does not take away KC's right to change her plea at any time or enter into plea agreements, It is not indicative that her window of opportunity has diminished and must now go to trial.

Besides, we are talking about a potential trial in the State of Florida during the month of May and June in a town that is KNOWN as a favorite tourism spot. I would imagine the State waiting much longer to secure a "block" of rooms would have made the security detail much more difficult if those relocated were scattered amongst various floors.
MY Dad is a court balliff. I think this is geared toward jury comfort mor than anything else. Dad says they do everything they can to make and keep the jury comfortable no matter what.

Respectfully Quoted Wagara :)

And, hey. Please feel free to share what you know about the court/trial procedures. Hearing from so many different people about the process and learning about it is what I am after. Even what you think is mundane is probably stuff many people have no idea about, they don't usually make the court shows from anyone else's perspective than the lawyers...

My knowledge leaves off with what I have been taught in school(not much)and what I have seen on television ( :eek: ). That is why now, at the risk of you finding me a bore I will make a "Night Court" reference. Hey, your Dad is like Bull on Night Court. :) There, I did it. Sorry. Had to be done.


Originally Posted by ThinkTank
JB offered NO "good cause" for not meeting the deadline to take the deposition of these remaining State witnesses. The Deadline was Oct 31, 2010 for Law Enforcement. The Deadline for Defense to take depositions of all other witnesses (not LE or Expert) was Oct 31, 2010 ... and Dec 31, 2010 for "late filed witnesses".

Robyn Adams - prison in Tallahassee
Helen Davis - TES Texas - do depo via Skype
Maya Derkovic - prison in Broward county, FL
Det. Eric Edwards - did half of depo - he had ongoing investigation - need to finish
Sylvia Hernandez - outside of central FL - will require driving to do depo
Amy Huizenga - on cruise ship in Caribbean - working with atty Kirkconnell to arrange her statement or deposition
Ricardo Morales - out of state - do depo via Skype
Rick Plesea - in South Carolina - do depo via Skype
Anthony Rusciano - out of state - do depo via Skype
LE mentioned earlier (7-8 LE personnel) - new deadline set today - LE depos to be completed by Feb 18, 2011

These are the same names mentioned in a previous status hearing as not being done.

Sylvia Hernandez was last scheduled for a Defense deposition for Dec 8, 2010, same day as the Grunds. No Notice of Cancellation or reschedule was ever filed.

Amy Huizenga - ex friend of Casey - check fraud case - added Nov 17, 2008
- Defense depo April 3, 2009 refused, hired atty
- rescheduled for Aug 6, 2010 via Response to Court's Order for Deposition Schedule filed by Defense on May 17, 2010 (no Notice of Taking Deposition filed with Clerk) - depo not done - No Notice of Cancellation filed with Clerk
- Status Hearing Sept 27, 2010 stated that Amy works on cruise ship - is in Miami on Saturdays
- Deadline for Defense to take depo was Oct 31, 2010 - Court "Order Memorializing Status Hearing", dated Sept 28, 2010 did not extend deadline for depo of Amy
- No Notice of Taking Deposition on Amy has been filed with the Clerk since the Notice filed March 26, 2009.
In Sept 27, 2010 Status Hearing
Judge - some ordinary witnesses, not LE or expert - how many left not deposed?
Baez - break down by prior May 24th or include all together?
Judge - all left, not done?
Baez - 12 not counting ones just listed by State last month
Robyn Adams - federal inmate in
Dep Richard Cain - in Pennsylvania
Helen Davis - in Texas
Maya Derkovic - transferred to Fort Lauderdale, FL
Erica Gonzalez - local
Sylvia Hernandez - local
Amy H. - on cruise ship - go to Miami on a Saturday maybe - she works on cruise ship

Burdick says docks on Saturday morning - before turn around and go back out
Judge - what role she play?
Baez - friend of client - testify to activities between June and July and July 15th
also complainant in check charges - she is ....
Judge- talk to Amy's atty Kirkconnell for set date on a Saturday
Mason - how I feel about it - we got 300 witnesses, I'm not worry about her work schedule - it's wrong - she make arrangements to take time off - this is a murder case - unacceptable to only do it on a Saturday -

Judge - have you talked to her atty about her days off?
Baez - her depo previously scheduled - her atty asked it be rescheduled
Burdick - she was available for a year and a half before took job - had been avail for 2 years - she was local
Mason - JAC buy us tickets ...
Burdick - after check case she took cruise job - her depo not taken in check case

Judge - remember Oct 31st
Baez - I had stopped on her
Daniel Ibison - local
Joe Jordan - local
Anthony L - NY City
Tim Miller - in TX
Rick Plesea - SC
Kathlee Ramsey - local [school]
Anthony Rusciano - Massachusetts
Keith Williams - local
Yes, definitely going through the motions. I didn't see it, but it didn't feel like the normal, more vigorous hearings I'm used to. Both sides were chummy with each other and laughing. Usually the prosecution is mighty po'ed with the defense. Baez hardly said anything, and was twirling his pen like he was taking Casey's place today. Maybe I expected more out of this hearing, but after the heat of the last hearing, it's like water was thrown on the fire and now it's out. I don't get that at all. How do we go from tension and anger in one hearing to martini hour in the next if this isn't about a plea? That's what bothers me.

But I can't imagine ICA agreeing to tell the truth to get a plea, so I am all confused and worried here.
The defense ate crow and wrote the letter.
During the hearing before this one the Defense and SA needed to get their schedules together for something I don't recall. I remember SA saying, we will get together and go over our calendar and work something out. Remember the Judge said again that he can do it for them if they cannot. My guess is the side bar was because there was an issue with the Defense and SA not able to agree on when to get this done (JB probably dragging his feet) I think the Judge probably ordered them to go into the conference room and work it out, and they are not to come out until they agreed.
Thanks to ThinkTank for the reminder of the status hearing on 27 Sept, I wanted to watch it but couldn't remember when it was.
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