2011.01.24: Hearing Will Address Request For Investigative Hours

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Originally Posted by Psmith
No way! Lenny working hand in glove with Defense and the Anthonys? Wow, I totally missed the item or forgot about LP's working on "something" with DCasey. If you don't mind and have the time, would you mind giving me a link? I'd love to read more about that.

It was Tony P. - Leonard's nephew - who posted quite a bit here on WS

Tony Padilla part 2 - Page 14
09-12-2009, comment # 331
Tony Padilla
Originally Posted by RR0004 Have you heard about DC's recent comments in court? Did you or the members of your team ever meet with him?
Is DC Dominic Casey?
09-12-2009, comment # 335
Tony Padilla
Originally Posted by RR0004 Yes indeed.
I know that both Leonard and Rob have talked to him [Dominic] and I believe at great lengths. LP has something going on with him now but I am not at all sure what it is.
Tony Padilla part 2 - Page 21
09-12-2009 comment # 511
Tony Padilla
Originally Posted by RR0004 ...and when people get all caught up here, imagine what they'll make of DC and LP working on something together. This is all making my head spin.
Oh yea. Just a heads up that it will be something just to get himself back into the spotlight. He has been throwing it around to media people but they aren't biting. LP has lost ALL CREDIBILITY with the media except one show. Guess which one?
Audio of Tracy M interview Sept 18, 2008
09-04-2009 comment # 326
Tony Padilla
Originally Posted by babiesstolemydingo Why is LP in daily contact with Baez?
I have no idea but I wonder about that as well. It cant be good. I dont understand how you can talk civil to a person that bad mouths you every chance he gets.
Tony Padilla Q&A - Page 26 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Tony Padilla Q&A - Page 26
08-24-2009 comment # 646
Tony Padilla
Whats really ironic is that LP and JB have been talking often.

Wow! You are amazing :star2: ThinkTank :star2:

I didn't realize there would be this much material, and I certainly wouldn't have found all of it because it extends over several days...

It doesn't surprise me that LP would seek the limelight (heh). But I had the strong impression that he greatly regretted his role in getting KC out on bail and had very little regard for her attorney. That LP and Rob Dick would seek out DCasey is very interesting indeed. And talking often with Esq. Baez? :rolleyes:

lolol wonders never cease. :p

(I hope LP found a new hobby since Fall 2009 or some other way to get face time. Wonder if they are working on a true crime movie that involves a "missing" toddler, a mother who doesn't tell anyone for 31 days, and a family who sends out a super-detective/bounty hunter to look in the nearby woods....)

Thank you so very much, ThinkTank! :blowkiss:
OMG, there's even more about LP @ post 60....


Thanks again, ThinkTank. You are truly awesome. :D
I think LP is a little hurt that he never made it onto the State's witness list. I remember a while back, when he was a regular on NG, he was adament that he would be a witness at this trial. I think he is desperately trying to stay relevent in this case.

I don't have a problem with LP as a person, per se, because I believe his heart was in the right place and he desperately wanted to be the one to find Caylee. I think after Roy Kronk became Caylee's hero, he was extremely jealous. I think his behavior and words about RK have been nothing short of spiteful, but I believe his behavior, and his close relationship with JB, stems from him desperately hoping that JB would put him on the witness list.

Now, he is not on anyones witness list, but he is trying to stay relevent because I think he wants to make sure that he is getting some media gigs for the trial... since he can't be a part of it.
I think LP is a little hurt that he never made it onto the State's witness list. I remember a while back, when he was a regular on NG, he was adament that he would be a witness at this trial. I think he is desperately trying to stay relevent in this case.

I don't have a problem with LP as a person, per se, because I believe his heart was in the right place and he desperately wanted to be the one to find Caylee. I think after Roy Kronk became Caylee's hero, he was extremely jealous. I think his behavior and words about RK have been nothing short of spiteful, but I believe his behavior, and his close relationship with JB, stems from him desperately hoping that JB would put him on the witness list.

Now, he is not on anyones witness list, but he is trying to stay relevent because I think he wants to make sure that he is getting some media gigs for the trial... since he can't be a part of it.


I feel certain LP,Rob and Tracy will be interviewed ,ad nauseum,during the trial. Anyone connected to ICA ,or this case, will be on the media's list.
LP can relax and rest up for a few more months.
I think LP is a little hurt that he never made it onto the State's witness list. I remember a while back, when he was a regular on NG, he was adament that he would be a witness at this trial. I think he is desperately trying to stay relevent in this case.

I don't have a problem with LP as a person, per se, because I believe his heart was in the right place and he desperately wanted to be the one to find Caylee. I think after Roy Kronk became Caylee's hero, he was extremely jealous. I think his behavior and words about RK have been nothing short of spiteful, but I believe his behavior, and his close relationship with JB, stems from him desperately hoping that JB would put him on the witness list.

Now, he is not on anyones witness list, but he is trying to stay relevent because I think he wants to make sure that he is getting some media gigs for the trial... since he can't be a part of it.

LP is an attention monger that inserted himself into the criminal case involving a child's murder and by doing so did far more harm than any possible good. he is no different than any of the assorted probably psychotic crazies or dream team members that came scurrying out of the woodwork to grab their piece of fame and fortune off of this poor little angel. His goal was his own TV show, no more, no less. He is nothing more than a vulture. Early on I tried to give him some benefit of doubt. But everything out o his mouth is yet another tall tale. his lies and made up stories are as bad as the defendants. There is a reason that the SA has never put him on the prosecutions witness list. He has no actual evidence. He has no actual testimony to offer. All he has are false stories, fake leads and hot air. And all he is seeking to do is parley that hot air into time in front of the cameras and microphones, frequently at the slanderous expense of innocent people such as JG, RK, etc. When all is said and done with this case, he is yet another one who needs to be rather closely looked at.
lp is an attention monger that inserted himself into the criminal case involving a child's murder and by doing so did far more harm than any possible good. He is no different than any of the assorted probably psychotic crazies or dream team members that came scurrying out of the woodwork to grab their piece of fame and fortune off of this poor little angel. His goal was his own tv show, no more, no less. He is nothing more than a vulture. Early on i tried to give him some benefit of doubt. But everything out o his mouth is yet another tall tale. His lies and made up stories are as bad as the defendants. There is a reason that the sa has never put him on the prosecutions witness list. He has no actual evidence. He has no actual testimony to offer. All he has are false stories, fake leads and hot air. And all he is seeking to do is parley that hot air into time in front of the cameras and microphones, frequently at the slanderous expense of innocent people such as jg, rk, etc. When all is said and done with this case, he is yet another one who needs to be rather closely looked at.

:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Fishing expedition hearing. Why dont we just call it what it is? The judge is going to grant more hours, don't get angry. The judge is doing what he must. Remain calm, everything else if going splendidly!!

All of the really good stuff the state wants in the trial is coming in. That is the big picture. At the end of the day, despite all of their investigating the defense hasn't budged off of stuck on stupid. They have found nothing and no one that can be of any help. The guilty verdict is certain, imo.

Meanwhile, the judge will ask a few questions, then grant more hours. Remain calm when he does. May will be here before we know it friends, subpoenaes are out!!! I want to get to the hearing where the judge rules that the K-9 dog handler can testify, and that all of Casey's statements to the detectives at Universal and her home are coming in. Once we get a yes to both of those, it is over, the trial is just a formality. Cheney Mason knows it, and despite Jose's reluctance, Cheney Mason WILL tell Casey Anthony the seriousness of her plight. I still believe she thinks she can prevail on appeal even if she is found guilty, so I do not think she will plead guilty. May is coming, just know that!!! We all know where Mr. Mason's Nelson Serano is. Death Row!!! [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm8pjjUpCV0[/ame] Have good faith in the judge, these very able prosecutors and the common sense of the hardworking, taxpaying members of the jury!!!
Good morning :seeya:

I doubt investigative hours will be given for more fishing but if AF is asking for the penatly phase, she probably will get them.

Everything this team has investigated thus far, has fallen to the wayside. Nothing panned out. All their efforts for naught...they cannot create evidence of innocence, they cannot redo history, it is what it is...I also believe they surpassed their deadline for the touch DNA results...probaby no value to them...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Ok this is about Ms. Finnell's motion
Ms. Finnell states in 2) that exhibit A shows the itemized of mitigation use of time, but after relistening and rereading the 10/20 status hearing imo CJPerry wanted to know how Ms. Barrett used her hours that had been previously utilized (384 hours) and not Mr. Colon's/K. Delaney.

10/29/2010 Status Hearing
http://www.wftv.com/video/25567059/index.html Part 2
CJP: So in order to get additional hours and I’m not saying you won’t, but your going to have to show me how the three hundred and eighty four hours was utilized and what you need the other additional hours for before I will extend the account. @ 9:50 AF: That’s fine your honor we can do that in terms of the mitigation expert and I’m going to need Ms. Barrett to make a more detail accounting for what she has made to me at this juncture for the court and I will be glad to comply with that.
I guess Ms. Finnell knows what was stated in the status hearing but I am most certain that CJPerry will be ready for this word game of in-state investigator and mitigation specialist. :sheesh:
Remember this little gem? Wow, Mrs. Finnell must be livid, she was misled, imo.


How much investigative work is left to do regarding the mitigation? Judge Perry says here he gave Mrs. Barrett 384 hours and he wanted to know what more hours would be needed for. What exactly is Mrs. Barretts role now? I believe the first thing Ms. Finell did was sit down and go over all of the same things Mrs. Barrett already did go over with mom and pop and ask them loads of probing questions, then asked them to contact their relatives to implore upon then that it is imperative to saving Casey's life that they talk to her and be very forthcoming. If it had not already been clear to them, it brings into focus, the inevitable. So now the list is public knowledge. Some of this nonesense could be answered via a skype phone call, or normal phone call, couldn't it? In the words of Mark Klass, "The truth does not change". So, since Mrs. Barrett already went over all of this, why is Mrs. Finnell reinventing the wheel? I mean no offense to her, I am honestly confused about the sequence of what they are requesting more money to investigate. I know they already have asked about....
Who Caylee's father was
The years of fighting between George and his father
The thousands and thousands of dollars George's sister's husband had loaned them that he never saw a penny of again
The gambling
The infidelities
The *advertiser censored* on the computer at what age George began to be into *advertiser censored* or any sexually deviant things that can be alluded to
Arrest records
Childhood problems of mom and pop
Any history or alcohol or drug abuse (even temporarily, after an injury)
detailed list of George's various jobs and opining of why he cannot keep one to illustrate the lying, unreliable, untrustworthy ethics that were what Casey grew up with
Medical and any counseling history, how many times over the years either mom, pop, Lee and or Casey got help for any mental issues
Lee's childhood persona and what made him that way
Very detailed, intrusive look into everything Lee Anthony
Why the family on both sides is so distant, Cindys brothers, for example why they haven't spoken to her for years at time
Casey's promiscuity, who modeled that behavior for her
Why George really left the Sheriff's department
Why he never applied to work at the Sheriff's department in Florida
How they lost their other home
Is it true George put his father through a glass wall at the dealership
Have they ever wondered if George is indeed the bio dad of Casey
What other incidents of rage went on in that family
Are they Easter and Christmas only churchgoers
I assume she began with ...it all started when George or Cindy was a baby and went from there.


This to the family who brought a very obviously seven month pregnant Casey to a family wedding and denied she was pregnant, tried to explain she was having female bloating to the extent of a beach ball....is going to be very hard for mom and pop Anthony to be honest with their interviewer, whether it was Mrs. Barrett or Mrs. Finnell. Remember the neighbors detail the shouting and swearing and berating they heard coming out of that house, whereas Cindy described in her depo and LE interviews she never ever raised her voice to her children, never had to. So, yes it is going to make their skin crawl to imagine these folks who likely have no affinity for them will be in a position to empty the bucket, or that they will have no desire to want to help Casey, and will not cooperate. Either choice is not going to be happy times around the Anthony home. Remember Diane Downs accusing her father or raping her, he had that attached to his name for a long while until she eventually recanted it. Casey is not above doing the same. Mom and Pop know that. She is not above making up fanciful lies about Lee and Mom while she is at it. This is going to make George's alleged affair with the volunteer, look lie a tea party. It is going to get brutal.
One of the very first things Casey said to her folks in the first jailhouse visit was , "Don't worry. I haven't said anything!".

Casey had a psychological evaluation ordered by Judge Strickland at the bond hearing. So you do another now, compare the two and prepare a report. How many more hours are needed for that and what is the hold up? There must be many, many pshychiatrists on the JAC approved vendor list that have prepared reports for cases in that county. Is the hold up that the defense is trying to find some one not on their list that will volunteer to do it pro bono?

Is the penalty phase hours for investigator being discussed at this hearing or are they just asking for more money to continue to look into witnesses the state has listed? Are they done now with the TES searchers, the defense, as far as hours to investigate them?

The judge was telling Mrs. Finnell how very insistent the defense was about having Mrs. Barrett, and he tells her she cannot have two, she may either keep her, or have someone else, but not two. So, is there someone new now?I cannot make heads or tails of what they are spending more hours on. I do hope that if Mrs. Finnell does not have legitimate corroboration of claims of any molestation she will make no imlication of any such thing regarding Lee and George. There has got to be some line, some threshold before you do that. Does anyone have any of her prior work I can take a look at please? If anyone has any of Mrs. Barretts prior work on penalty phases I would love to review that too. Especially now that it I realize the defense literally may just put on no case in cheif , then toss the ball to her for the penalty phase. Again, she must be livid!
Hishonor:My only caution Mr Baez is......NO FISHING!
Which is EXACTLY what he was doing, IMO.
JB:Calling TES records the worst kept records on earth...LOL. The irony.
No way! :eek: Lenny working hand in glove with Defense and the Anthonys? Wow, I totally missed the item or forgot about LP's working on "something" with DCasey. If you don't mind and have the time, would you mind giving me a link? I'd love to read more about that.

:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Okay, I just read the entire dump here:

What I saw was Tracy forwarding LP emails but what am I missing that shows LP was working with DC or the defense? Seems to me he was trying to contact RK relatives to work his 'daisy chain' theory and was sharing his findings with Tracy and Tracy was forwarding them to Cindy.

So, what Think are you seeing that I am missing? Uggggg this case hurts my head. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
I agree TWA it is a mystery to what now the defense is doing other than to delay purposes.
In further review of the invoices that Finnell attached to her motion and the JAC motion from the 28 of December. I find that J Lyons has invoiced for mitigation purposes and G Colon has from what I can tell done the same that J Lyons did the month prior.

Page 28 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 12 hours @ $40 = $480
11/04/2010 Go to Colonial High School and then generate addresses for witnesses (6 hours)
11/05/2010 Go to past employment to pick up records and interview co-workers (3 hours)
11/06/2010 Meet with Mitigation Attorney and team (3 hours)
Page 32 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 11.5 hours @ $40 = $460
11/13/2010 Attempt to locate and interview witness in Jacksonville (4 hours)
11/14/2010 Interview and interview witnesses throughout and around Orlando (7.5 hours)

http://www.wesh.com/pdf/26557921/detail.html G Colon
Page 13 12/21/2010 Travel to Kodak to conduct interview and obtain personal employment records (.7 hours)
12/21/2010 Interview witness at Kodak and obtain records (1 hour)
12/21/2010 Travel from Kodak to Baez Law firm (.7 hours)

So since CJPerry already stated to the defense on 10/29 I'm not going to give you two. Why does this seem that the guilt/innocence phase and the penalty phase investigators are both doing the same thing? :banghead:
I agree TWA it is a mystery to what now the defense is doing other than to delay purposes.
In further review of the invoices that Finnell attached to her motion and the JAC motion from the 28 of December. I find that J Lyons has invoiced for mitigation purposes and G Colon has from what I can tell done the same that J Lyons did the month prior.

Page 28 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 12 hours @ $40 = $480
11/04/2010 Go to Colonial High School and then generate addresses for witnesses (6 hours)
11/05/2010 Go to past employment to pick up records and interview co-workers (3 hours)
11/06/2010 Meet with Mitigation Attorney and team (3 hours)
Page 32 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 11.5 hours @ $40 = $460
11/13/2010 Attempt to locate and interview witness in Jacksonville (4 hours)
11/14/2010 Interview and interview witnesses throughout and around Orlando (7.5 hours)

http://www.wesh.com/pdf/26557921/detail.html G Colon
Page 13 12/21/2010 Travel to Kodak to conduct interview and obtain personal employment records (.7 hours)
12/21/2010 Interview witness at Kodak and obtain records (1 hour)
12/21/2010 Travel from Kodak to Baez Law firm (.7 hours)

So since CJPerry already stated to the defense on 10/29 I'm not going to give you two. Why does this seem that the guilt/innocence phase and the penalty phase investigators are both doing the same thing? :banghead:

Hishonor repeated the "not giving you two" statement several times, but Ms Finnell after stating she UNDERSTANDS that, asked for Ms Barrett to still receive her alotted hours and for an approved JAC vendor to be appointed an additional 100 hours for local investigative work.
I believe Judge Perry, in the beginning, intended the total hours to be used for BOTH guilt and penalty phases, as thats how the defense presented their arguments.

Regardless of what the defense tries, Judge Perry has got this.

check him out, calm and matter of fact


I agree TWA it is a mystery to what now the defense is doing other than to delay purposes.
In further review of the invoices that Finnell attached to her motion and the JAC motion from the 28 of December. I find that J Lyons has invoiced for mitigation purposes and G Colon has from what I can tell done the same that J Lyons did the month prior.

Page 28 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 12 hours @ $40 = $480
11/04/2010 Go to Colonial High School and then generate addresses for witnesses (6 hours)
11/05/2010 Go to past employment to pick up records and interview co-workers (3 hours)
11/06/2010 Meet with Mitigation Attorney and team (3 hours)
Page 32 Exhibit C
Invoice for Mitigation Purposes Jeremiah Lyons 11.5 hours @ $40 = $460
11/13/2010 Attempt to locate and interview witness in Jacksonville (4 hours)
11/14/2010 Interview and interview witnesses throughout and around Orlando (7.5 hours)

http://www.wesh.com/pdf/26557921/detail.html G Colon
Page 13 12/21/2010 Travel to Kodak to conduct interview and obtain personal employment records (.7 hours)
12/21/2010 Interview witness at Kodak and obtain records (1 hour)
12/21/2010 Travel from Kodak to Baez Law firm (.7 hours)

So since CJPerry already stated to the defense on 10/29 I'm not going to give you two. Why does this seem that the guilt/innocence phase and the penalty phase investigators are both doing the same thing? :banghead:

Wow. Great catch!!! JAC is not going to be amused.

"When you start talking about taxpayer money, that's a different story," Judge Perry said to Baez.Casey's defense team says it needs more than the $40,000 in tax money it's spent already on her case. It wants thousands more, even though it spent $275,000 of private funds in the first year and a half.

The state commission, which oversees its spending, has already balked at some of the recent requests from Casey's new death penalty expert, such as travel expenses and more money for Casey's mitigation specialist.

The defense is also asking for thousands more for its private investigator, who has been accused of harassing EquuSearch witnesses and trying to change their testimony about the flood condition of the woods where Caylee's remains were later found.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says the defense team's focus seems to be off and some of its reasons for wanting more tax money do not seem reasonable


This was my favorite hearing. The judge just had a field day with them!


Wow. Great catch!!! JAC is not going to be amused.

"When you start talking about taxpayer money, that's a different story," Judge Perry said to Baez.Casey's defense team says it needs more than the $40,000 in tax money it's spent already on her case. It wants thousands more, even though it spent $275,000 of private funds in the first year and a half.

The state commission, which oversees its spending, has already balked at some of the recent requests from Casey's new death penalty expert, such as travel expenses and more money for Casey's mitigation specialist.

The defense is also asking for thousands more for its private investigator, who has been accused of harassing EquuSearch witnesses and trying to change their testimony about the flood condition of the woods where Caylee's remains were later found.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says the defense team's focus seems to be off and some of its reasons for wanting more tax money do not seem reasonable


This was my favorite hearing. The judge just had a field day with them!



Sure was TWA "Bear in mind" was said a lot by CJPerry during this hearing and it seems Finnell was trying to distance herself from Baez and Mason doings. But it also seems Baez at least did not get a thing during this status hearing he is doing his own thing even though Finnell is in charge at the penalty phase. CJPerry will be interesting to watch tomorrow to say the least. jmo

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