2011.01.28 Doc Release

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Liar, Liar pants on fire....starts page 2

In this letter CA mentions about the charity for shoes drive. How they harassed her. How it was hard for her to part with Caylee's shoes....is she serious? Didn't she BUY new shoes and socks that she donated??? She claims she brought 9 pair of Cays shoes and 50 pair of socks, she claims she bought 2 new pairs of shoes and 20 new pairs of socks for older children to donate...And we wonder WHY this prisoner lies as she does...just so unfriggin real...She tells ICA one reporter asked why she's donating Caylee's shoes if she still believe Caylee is alive...these people are supposed to be intelligent and experts. Do they really think if Caylee came home today that her shoes would still fit...

and she gushes on about Jose and how dedicated he is to her innocence and has the utmost respect for him and his humbleness...and anything you need to know privately it will be passed on to Jose..

some day we will be able to cuddle on your bed watching our favorite shows or just chilaxing together...you and I have so many wonderful memories of our live before loosing Caylee...

So here she is again contradicting her Caylee is alive...

Justice for Caylee

I only just started reading one and am almost gagging! Sounds like a love letter... your hair is so long & pretty; opportunity to look at your face for more than a brief moment; Lee feels the same way.

I caught that but if one isn't open and honest no amount of counseling will work. I can just feel the amount of lies told to this counselor. Maybe a grief counsler is also needed...

I also believe this might be "marriage" couseling...GA's been absent from ICA's pretrial hearings..so, I don't know what the hell this family is trying for.

I also believe the more CA tells this prisoner how she just wants to make eye contract with her, the more ICA will NOT and continue to look the other way. I believe this prisoner gets great pleasure having her mother grovel to get that ONE look...how sad and sickening at the same time.

This woman should stop with the charades she should be begging for the truth. She dreams about ICA being home, three times, God has shown her that ICA will be set free, paraphrased...this woman is setting herself up for a bigger let down and loosing Caylee was huge...but I believe when a guilty verdict is reached, this woman may just have to be baker acted, for she will loose it totally...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I think this is the reason for their statement. They were afraid the counseling would become known. WHich it wouldn't have if she hadn't written it in a letter she knew would be public. Seriously, she may as well address them as Dear Public.
Links To Evidence Released Today:
(this list will be updated as evidence is added)

Texas EquuSearch Docs, Maps Released As Evidence: www.wesh.com

Images of Texas EquuSearch search for Caylee: www.wesh.com

Robyn Adams
#1: www.wesh.com
#2: www.wesh.com

Laura Buchanan
--E-mails between Mark NeJame, Laura Buchanan: www.wesh.com
--More Buchanan & NeJame emails: www.wesh.com
--Transcript of Anne Pham controlled call to Buchanan's attorney: www.wesh.com
--Controlled call to Laura Buchanan: www.wesh.com
--More Anne Pham, Laura Buchanan transcripts: www.wesh.com
--Deposition transcript part 1: www.wesh.com
--Deposition transcript part 2: www.wesh.com

Letters From Cindy
--Oct 29 letter from Cindy to Casey: www.wesh.com
--Sept 1 letter from Cindy to Casey: www.wesh.com
--Aug 5 letter from Cindy to Casey: www.wesh.com
--Cindy writes to Casey after she took the stand last summer: www.wesh.com

Sylvia Hernandez
--Internal Investigation Documents: www.wesh.com

Threatening phone call to Casey's friend Amy Huizenga. Listen: www.wesh.com

Misc. Docs
--Letter to Michael Vincent (OCSO) from Shurtape. Appears to be an analysis from late last year of duct tape: www.wesh.com
by Gabe Travers/WESH.com at 1/28/2011 4:37:21 PM11:37 AM

added more documents...I think this is going to be confusing...maybe we should open up threads for the various subjects...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I thought so too. I thought it sounded like LA who will never get an Oscar trying to act like someone else...

I would think they would somehow be able to tell what number it came from. Wouldn't that be something. I can't listen to it at work.
WOW, they have some kind of phone records from a NEW Casey cell when she was out on bond. Phone was in Mallory's name!!! :crazy:

You know, I wonder if that phone is what Mallory was trying to get that day she showed up at the A house right before LE got there to search it! I'm guessing they got to it before she could, HA!
New Casey Anthony documents released Friday


# The bone analysis of Caylee Anthony - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/bonedocRedact.pdf

# Computer evidence inventory document - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/computerev.pdf

# Adhesive tape analysis - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/shurtapeanalysis0128.pdf

# Property form of Texas EquuSearch
- http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/propertformTXEQsearch.pdf

# Subpoena for Texas EquuSearch worker Laura Buchanan
- http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/subpoenabuchananredact.pdf

# Scan of note in Casey Anthony case
- http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/news2011/CarpeDiemnote0128.pdf

# OCSO's supplemental report - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/OCSOsupplementalreport.pdf

# FBI's handwriting analysis of a note in the case
- http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/handwritinganalysis.pdf

# Cindy Anthony's notes to Casey - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/cindynotes.pdf

# Research on Texas EquuSearch worker Laura Buchanan - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/buchananresearch0128.pdf

# Contact between Buchanan and Jose Baez and Cindy Anthony - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/buchanancontacts0128.pdf

# OCSO's property form for Buchanan - http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/OCSOformBuchanan.pdf

# Buchanan's emails to attorney Mark NeJame
- http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/buchanannejame.pdf
Just want to take a second and say that after *so* many disappointing document dumps, I'm thrilled that there is so much new to read in this one!!

Just trying to figure out how I'm going to get it all read before hubby gets home tomorrow. It's his birthday, so I really should dedicate the day to him...*sigh* LOL!
This says DETECTIVE INTERVIEWS CINDY 2/8. Is this the lost interview? I can't see it at work.

ETA: Oops here: http://www.wftv.com/news/26642366/detail.html

This link takes you to the August 1 interview, the one where she's playing footsie with her own shoes and stands over the detective's shoulders using his calendar. But I don't know if there are parts included this time around that were edited out before, I don't have time to listen at the moment though I listened to the first two minutes and don't recall hearing this conversation before.
Summary of what LittleBitty has read and heard/watched so far:

CA's letters to ICA: look at me in court. Caylee is alive. Caylee is dead. Whackadoo! Stay strong! This is all hearsay! Blah blah blah stuff for the media. Also, while implied, CA really worried about KC's soul.

Threatening phone call to AH: a man's voice. Wasn't this phone call made from New York about the same time GA/CA snuck into jail to visit ICA while JB was in NY on biz for KC?

Laura B.: I have an ear infection! I am a whackadoo volunteer! I do stuff online! No real job history! I wanna be involved in this case pretty please with sugar on top.

Duct tape: pretty sure it was discontinued in 2006!
This link takes you to the August 1 interview, the one where she's playing footsie with her own shoes and stands over the detective's shoulders using his calendar. But I don't know if there are parts included this time around that were edited out before, I don't have time to listen at the moment though I listened to the first two minutes and don't recall hearing this conversation before.

This interview was released a LONG time ago.

Old Discussion Thread Now Locked
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2744489#post2744489"]Cindy Anthony's Tape Interview - 8/1/08 - Page 20 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Discussion thread
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72070"]2008.08.01 Cindy Anthony's Interview Audio #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
This link takes you to the August 1 interview, the one where she's playing footsie with her own shoes and stands over the detective's shoulders using his calendar. But I don't know if there are parts included this time around that were edited out before, I don't have time to listen at the moment though I listened to the first two minutes and don't recall hearing this conversation before.

Thank you! Streaming media is blocked at work. When I click on it I see a screen shot of that footise interview but I didn't know if that was just a generic shot or if there was a different interview since it says 2/8. Darnit
Here's my inventory of what is on disc 1. Now on to disc 2.... :rocker:

01/28/2011 Doc Dump
CD 1

Folder #
165 - Robyn Adams audio interview
166 - Robyn Adams audio interview 2
167 - Hernandez audio interview
175 - Lynda Spark phone records
176 - Robyn Adams? audio jail calls
177 - Robyn Adams audio jail calls, subpoena
178 - Captain Clyde Cole (Gulf County SO, K9 cadaver dog trainer) audio and transcript
179 - Mandy Albritton (TES) audio interviews (2)
180 - Erica Gonzalez (Fusion girl) audio, transcript
Kronk work records, phone records
Jody Lee (Gate guard, River Cruz) transcript
Tom McDonnell (Robyn's dad) transcript
Tracey Neally (Robyn's friend) transcript
181 - Cindy Anthony interview video - with Eric & Yuri, timeline interview
184 - MySpace Zenaida PR reply
MySpace Zenaida Miami replies
Phone records: Jenna Prentice, Anthony Lazzaro, Cindy, Geore, France (?), Grund, House, Amy H, Iassen texts, JP Chatt, Casey, Kostakis, CASEY THROWAWAY CELL IN MALLORY's NAME!!!, Taylor, Jamie Realander, Troy Brown, Westenbarger, Tower info
Casey Text logs April/May/June/July 2008
Brandon Sparks phone records
Pontiac tag results
185 - Jail Audio interviews: CO Leslie Lochner, CO Maria Kelly, CO Natosha Fisher, Cpl Fleming, Cpl Tracy Sellers, CPL Underhill, Dennis Fusher, DSO Franklin, DSO Hibashi, DSO S. Rollins, DSO Tasheka Mackey Pt 1 & Pt 2, FDLE in CO Hernandez, Hall, Ileana Santiago, Inmate Derkovic, Jannett Creamer, Lamar, Lt. Beard, Major Johnson, Officer DeJesus, Officer Wilcox, Sgt Lashonda Clarke, Sgt Moonsammy, Tiffiny Moss, CO A. Banks, DSO Valdivia
Phone Calls: Robyn Adams (4), Maya Derkovic
Binder: Table of Contents, Internal Affairs investigative report - Sylvia Hernandez
196 - Threatening call to Amy H
197 - Shortcuts to audio????
201 - TES évidence photos - maps, paperwork etc.
201 - TES évidence photos - maps, paperwork etc
205 - Corrected transcripts - TES volunteers, Phone calls to Laura Buchanan, Laura's attorney, Brad Conway, JJ attorney Kelly Sims
Audio interviews of same
TES volunteer Tommy P pictures (Laura B related)
206 - Laura Buchanan evidence photos (documents, paperwork, maps)
207 - TES volunteer interviews, transcripts (Laura B related) And LAURA B DEPO transcript
Disc 2 is TES aerial photos from 2008 (763 pictures)

Disc 3 seems to be corrupt, I'm going to have to go trade it out.... :eek:
I'm Back I just got violently sick & hubby made me step away from the pc.:(

Postmortem Modifications:-of note is carnivore damage :(
Here's my inventory of what is on disc 1. Now on to disc 2.... :rocker:

*snip 1*

:waitasec: Wondering how this will play out...and if there's enough info for its own thread.

Casey Text logs April/May/June/July 2008
*snip 2*

At first glance is this anything more than what we had already?

TIA! :rocker:
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