2011.01.28 Doc Release

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Just real quick...how about that threatening phone call to Amy! My quickest first impression: it sounded like someone who wears tube socks and likes star wars...but I admit I don't see him doing that-but as I listened my mind did not change.

I wonder if someone involved with the case made that call or if someone who is a "lone nut" that wanted to "help" Casey? If this really was someone in the Anthony family, someone they hired/asked to do this or someone from ICA defense...

they have flabbergasted me again, with no end to their evil deeds and ways. I feel for Amy. She must have thought she entered crazy ville. I can't imagine what she must think, be thinking and I understand why she took a job on a cruise ship...

I hope they can trace that call. I hope LE can find out who placed that call.


I recently watched Lee's jail visits with Casey and if that isn't Lee's voice on that call I will eat my hat. I have an excellent ear and what gave him away was not so much the timbre of the voice on that call but the way he punctuated his sentences - it was a LA delivery and a dead give away. IMO
OK, WTH????

I just read about 4 emails between LB and MN. Are we being punked? Candid camera? I mean, these can't be serious. Are these for real??? By all means, let's put an APB out for a stringy haired blonde woman, stat! She should be easy to find.....I'm sure the police can do that. And yes there is only one person to feel sorry for.....George, the battered husband?? I mean Good Grief, who is this person?
I almost fell out of bed laughing though when I read LB write that she thinks the public should chip in for an 8' privacy fence for GA and CA because "the less their seen the better". LOL Actually this isn't a bad idea.

There are some real hum dingers out there huh?

Also thought it strange that she specified size 6-7 in parens right under Cays in "gave away some of Cays shoes". Obviously, KC would know her daughter's shoe size and not need to be told.

Hmmm...wonder if that size matches what's on OSCO evidence collection forms. Too tired to search right now.


Liar, Liar pants on fire....starts page 2

In this letter CA mentions about the charity for shoes drive. How they harassed her. How it was hard for her to part with Caylee's shoes....is she serious? Didn't she BUY new shoes and socks that she donated??? She claims she brought 9 pair of Cays shoes and 50 pair of socks, she claims she bought 2 new pairs of shoes and 20 new pairs of socks for older children to donate...And we wonder WHY this prisoner lies as she does...just so unfriggin real...She tells ICA one reporter asked why she's donating Caylee's shoes if she still believe Caylee is alive...these people are supposed to be intelligent and experts. Do they really think if Caylee came home today that her shoes would still fit...

and she gushes on about Jose and how dedicated he is to her innocence and has the utmost respect for him and his humbleness...and anything you need to know privately it will be passed on to Jose..

some day we will be able to cuddle on your bed watching our favorite shows or just chilaxing together...you and I have so many wonderful memories of our live before loosing Caylee...

So here she is again contradicting her Caylee is alive...

Justice for Caylee
I'm amazed she can spell paralegal.

You know what hit me? The only place she could even pass for a coherent person is with the As and JB. Perhaps JB or someone on his team told her that she was a paralegal...hmmmmm? You know, we need your help...you can be part of the team.....how about a paralegal????
You know what hit me? The only place she could even pass for a coherent person is with the As and JB. Perhaps JB or someone on his team told her that she was a paralegal...hmmmmm? You know, we need your help...you can be part of the team.....how about a paralegal????

If she looks in the mirror she's sees KC, except (as she repeated said) I didn't kill my kid. They lie the same about having a job, about their job titles and most importantly loves to make up imaginary stories full of great deals. I imagine in a lot of respects they are alike. jmo
I recently watched Lee's jail visits with Casey and if that isn't Lee's voice on that call I will eat my hat. I have an excellent ear and what gave him away was not so much the timbre of the voice on that call but the way he punctuated his sentences - it was a LA delivery and a dead give away. IMO

And a faked New York accent to boot... :floorlaugh:
Thanks FaerieB, but it must be my home computer - can't see the link and I saw over on the hinky meter that somebody else had the same problem.
Wow - so much to find and review in this dump. I thought I had read all the letters from CA then I go to Fox and find ones I had not seen and 'better pics' --- frustrating, trying to make sure I don't miss something!

Anyway, is it me or did anyone see this pic and wonder if the WS meant Websleuths? http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photo...-case-set-3-photos-released/1/lg/IMG_7824.htm

Also, did anyone else have trouble getting part two of Robyn's interview to play? It would get a min or two in and just cut out for me.
JUST WOW! This is the best doc dump ever! I know one thing for certain, if this case doesn't go to trial and she pleads (which I firmly believe she will) there is going to be a whole boatload of WS'ers throwing themselves under the bus.......OMG...I just realized....CM got one thing right....I now consider myself a no/low/life blogger....and it pains me to say that! God help us all!


ETA It was 70 degrees here today and my husband asked me if I'd like to go play golf....I almost fainted dead away...then he remembered...the doc dump....so then he said what take out are we having tonight? I do love this guy! LOL
I think that you make a very good point here, regarding medications and seeking professional help; especially for the A's. I can assure you that if it were my family, every one of us would run like heck to a psychiatrist/psycologist for help to cope with this. I have a strong opinion/theory regarding LB and her motives as well, but I'll stick to the A's and Mallory for now.

In my opinion, the A family avoids seeking professional help. Seeking help for this horrid tragedy for most if not all of us; is just one of the obvious steps toward dealing with the immense grief associated with this kind of loss. There are grief counselors galore, readily available and most accept health insurance or work on a "scale" regarding payment.

I think that the medication provided to Cindy was via her GP. I have no idea if she has continued the meds. prescribed. Cindy does appear to be under the influence of medication; especially when testifying in court.

Also, the A's buy into the most unfortunate social stigma still associated with seeking from psychiatrists/psychologists. In other words shame and Cindy having to admit that her family is not emotionally and/or spiritually healthy. IMO, the A family is emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. Additionally, seeking help could potentionally uncover at least some of the secrets of the dynamics of the A family. They surely do not want that, for obvious reasons other than the ones I've stated above.

Yes, Cindy did seek help once, that we know of. We also know that she did not take the advice that the professional offered to her. Had she followed the advice, our sweetheart Caylee may still be alive. "Tough love" is often used as a professional tool.

All of my blabber above:talker::iamashamed: causes me to ponder/wonder that Mallory has/is seeking help and LE knows this? Mallory is not an A. What/why would be the reason that my assumption would cause LE not to take a formal depo.? There must be a very good reason that LE has not taken a formal depo. from her. LE has done a fantastic job with this investigation. Could there be some sort of connection between Mallory's seeking professional help and LE not deposing her? Again, why is there no formal information regarding Mallory in this doc. dump or any other thus far? If there is a formal depo. with Mallory and LE, wouldn't it be part of discovery at this point? Or...is SA allowed to wait a bit longer to release some docs.? I'm so confused.

I hope that the reason becomes clear prior to or at the trial. Mallory is not an A, but is clearly a "player"/witness. This whole Mallory thing is...glaringly wierd.

BBM - Mallory Parker's deposition was taken by the State on November 12, 2009.


There are also hundreds of exclusions to the Sunshine Law.

It's not easy. LB or Casey wouldn't last one day working in the legal field, and in any capacity. It requires hard work and a good work ethic not to mention intelligence in mandatory.

Then why is jose a practicing attorney in the State of FL? If he can do it, surely LB can be a paralegal! At least for the baez law firm, anyway.
This is a little thing and maybe discussed before... I'm a new member so everything is still pretty new to me. The bone report just released in the last doc dump said Caylee was 3 years 6 months. I thought Caylee was 2 going on three. Is this not a big deal ? Could the defense use this an evidence that the bones wern't Caylee's? Be nice, =-), I'm a learner! I read how much you all know and I'm just bown away.
This is a little thing and maybe discussed before... I'm a new member so everything is still pretty new to me. The bone report just released in the last doc dump said Caylee was 3 years 6 months. I thought Caylee was 2 going on three. Is this not a big deal ? Could the defense use this an evidence that the bones wern't Caylee's? Be nice, =-), I'm a learner! I read how much you all know and I'm just bown away.

Given the Defense's penchant for attempting to muddy the waters by stretching the truth and completely omitting the truth, I suppose they 'could' use this, but it would quickly be shot down by the ME.

If you notice, there is a "range" given on all expected measurements according to age. Many of those measurements are - and + the true age of Caylee, which was just 2 months shy of being 3 years old.

Caylee falls within the expected/accepted range on all findings.

Even the most medically uneducated juror would be able to understand and readily accept this.
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