2011.02.14 Court Reporter Accuses Defense Team

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I posted this in the Florida Bar thread...seems to be a theme Baez has going...when will the madness end....

I have no idea why anyone would lay their profession on the line for a nobody like ICA...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I have a doctors appointment so I'm heading out the door...I'll be back...:floorlaugh: to finish my thoughts...JMHO
Did not Perry tell the defense that Baez could have his court reporters transcribe the prosecutions tapes at iirc about $2 per hour? Is there some reason that JB is being such a knothead over this? Just pay Stogsdill for their appearance fee, then have Perry's reporters do the transcription.

It seems to me that the defense wastes more time and money being obstinate, and it is certainly not earning them any respect or credibility. They have a lot of work to do, and you can bet there will be more defensive whining about how they don't have enough time to get the necessary work done.
Did not Perry tell the defense that Baez could have his court reporters transcribe the prosecutions tapes at iirc about $2 per hour? Is there some reason that JB is being such a knothead over this? Just pay Stogsdill for their appearance fee, then have Perry's reporters do the transcription.

It seems to me that the defense wastes more time and money being obstinate, and it is certainly not earning them any respect or credibility. They have a lot of work to do, and you can bet there will be more defensive whining about how they don't have enough time to get the necessary work done.
BBM - I remember this!!

I don't understand either why the defense is making everything so difficult for everyone else - unless it's to slow everything down and try to buy more time, but in the long run - it's slapping them in the face.
..cheney's assisstant , diana M, gives her account of the email exchanges she had with them, in her affadavit attached to cheney's original motion asking for the extra $$'s to pay Stogsdill.

http://www.ninthcircuit.org/news/Hi...anscripts of Oak Ridge National Lab Depos.pdf

Motion to Compel JAC to Pay for Transcripts of Oak Ridge National Lab Depos.pdf 01-07-11

..i'd like to see ALL of the actual emails between all parties...

While we do not see the actual e-mails there. I think we can easily see the point of communications breakdown. Note entry #8 from Ms. Marku's Affidavit (keeping in mind that Ms. Marku is employed by and works in CM's office);

8. " The Justice Administration Commission Packet for court reporter payment was e-mailed to Stogsdil Court Reporting Services on September 16, 2010, by defense attorney Jose Baez's office. The depositions were scheduled for September 21 and 22."

So while Ms. Marku might have been the initial point of contact and handling the scheduling. The actual rate and billing info supposedly came out of JB's office. And somehow yet another individual comes out of an encounter with JB with an apparent diferent take on money and moneys owed. Does this surprise anyone?
I have compiled a list of events since these transcripts have been heard in court, e-mails per defense motion and per the OS article.

Depositions were taken of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on 09/21/2010 and 09/22/2010.

Defense motion that was filed on 12/03/10 per affidavit of e-mails
Page 5 + 6
# 10) On September 27, 2010, after the depositions were taken, Jose Baez’s office contacted me to advise that Tyke had contacted them explaining that he was not informed that payment was going to be through the Justice Administrative Commission.

Status hearing on 09/27/2010 (No mention of the Oak Ridge transcripts)

Status hearing on 10/29/2010
http://www.wftv.com/video/25568340/index.html Part 4
@ around 2:00 on clock (Mason argued in court)(filing Baez’s taped depositions with the court to get the needed transcripts/never done)

Defense motion that was filed on 12/03/10 per affidavit of e-mails
# 13) On November 8, 2010, Mr. Mason asked me to e-mail Stogsdill for their billing rates and estimated invoice total in order for me to calculate the difference between their charge and what JAC would pay. I did as instructed. (K. Diana Marku/Mason’s assistant)

# 14) Tyke responded to said e-mail that his deposition rate per diem is $90.00 for the first two hours or less; $20.00 per hour until 5:00 pm.; No lunch (start time 11:00 or before and not out until after 1:00) add $25.00. He also advised that original transcript and one copy for expert testimony costs $4.85 per page. His total estimated cost was $2,500.00, which would take two weeks to complete after payments was received.

Status hearing on 11/29/2010
http://www.wftv.com/video/25949991/index.html Part 2
@ around 20:25 on clock (Mason argued in court)

Defendant’s Motion to Authorize and Compel Preparation of Transcripts (12/03/2010) Oakridge $860.70

01/03/2011 Motion hearing
http://www.wftv.com/video/26354520/index.html Part 1
starting around 23:53 on clock (Mason argued in court)

Court Minutes 01/03/2011
Page 2 Granted as to $2,500.00 for JAC to pay for transcripts

Correspondence from Stogsdill Court Reporting Services (02/11/2011)

"It obviously has been represented to Your Honor that my office had initially agreed to provide court reporting services at rates significantly lower than normal rates and then refused to honor the discounted rate, and I believe the reason given the Court was my alleged claim that the job was difficult and took more time than expected," Stogsdill wrote.
"These statements are not true," he continued. "I cannot ignore the attack on my integrity and reputation without responding."
"Although it has been represented to the Court that I tricked Mr. Baez and Mr. Cheney (Mason), I believe that our court reporting services were obtained under false pretenses," Stogsdill wrote. "I would not have agreed to provide court reporting services under the substantially lower rates and terms established by the JAC guidelines."

Stogsdill said his business has been operating for more than 20 years with a reputation "for being fair and ethical, a reputation that would have been impossible to establish and maintain with shenanigans like those I have been wrongly accused of by the attorney(s) for Ms. Anthony."
Stogsdill provided a series of emails between his office and the offices of the two attorneys to support his complaint. At one point in his letter, Stogsdill writes, "we assume (sometimes incorrectly, unfortunately) that attorneys will pay their bills."

(mods if I have not followed the rules for copy/pasting of the OS article please delete) Thank you
Did not Perry tell the defense that Baez could have his court reporters transcribe the prosecutions tapes at iirc about $2 per hour? Is there some reason that JB is being such a knothead over this? Just pay Stogsdill for their appearance fee, then have Perry's reporters do the transcription.

It seems to me that the defense wastes more time and money being obstinate, and it is certainly not earning them any respect or credibility. They have a lot of work to do, and you can bet there will be more defensive whining about how they don't have enough time to get the necessary work done.

When I read this article I was trying to remember what exactly he said. I thought he offered to have them transcribed as well. A lot of this stuff goes over my head so I can't remember it well.:waitasec:
I cannot believe how inept and incompetent Baez and Mason both are and how they could open themselves up for this kind of criticism, cynicism and scrutiny! I assume they and the Anthony’s that are not currently incarcerated in jail read the news, the blogs and all the websites we read and post to, as well. If I were KC or her parents, I would be begging for new representation just based on the number of violations, infractions and Florida Bar investigations Baez has already been subject to.

Let’s see WHICH DEPO’S DO NOT MAKE TODAY’S 4:00 P.M. DEADLINE and let the games begin…

Can you spell S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N-S?
When I read this article I was trying to remember what exactly he said. I thought he offered to have them transcribed as well. A lot of this stuff goes over my head so I can't remember it well.:waitasec:

10/29/10 Hearing
http://www.wftv.com/video/25568340/index.html Part 4
starting @ 3:00 on clock
CJP: When do you plan on filing them? CM: I need the transcripts of the depositions. They’ve had trouble getting paid for. CJP: What’s the problem with it getting paid for? CM: Dispute with the court reporter from Knoxville Tennessee as for the rate. I don’t even know where it stands. We’re going around and around. Everybody got worried about the money and everything that I am out of pocket. I filling the transcripts and you know Mr. Ashton was there and when we finished we told them that we will need the transcripts. CJP: What’s the problem with the transcripts? CM: Ask them they will know. JA: Your honor I am just going to comment that we all the depositions were independently recorded by Mr. Baez, so hopefully the transcript problem won’t hold up to much for the motion since I know Mr. Baez has the audio recording of the entire depositions. CM: Whatever we’re. CJP: You got audio @4:03 recording of the depositions? You got audio recording Mr. Baez? JB: I got them on recording judge and if your honor would accept a recorded impeachment type. CJP: No I’m not talking about that. Mr. Mason indicated that he cannot file a motion on Frye until he gets transcripts. JB: Correct. CJP: That led me to believe that he needs the depositions in order to review it in order to make an intelligent motion. JB: I think what Mr. Mason would like to cite the specific transcripts and do things as according to custom as opposed to citing something. CJP: The bottom line is that if you make the proper allegations you get a Frye hearing and then folks can come in and testify. I mean. CM: I have never thought of that. JA: Just one matter that is sort of predeceasing that. As the court is well aware, the case of State of Florida vs Correll, I don’t have a cite but of course your familiar with it. It indicates there is an initial burden for the defense to establish that the particular science matter is mute. Now obviously there are some things about this that are clearly are mute and some things that are not. I would like the defense to sit down with me. We may be able to agree on what is and what is not mute and that would be less work so if it just has to do with the motion we can just talk about that and maybe we could come to an agreement. @ 5:39 CJP: Well one of the things if memory serves my correctly about the State of Florida vs Correll, was that the defense tried to bring up an issue of a Frye hearing during the trial. JA: Yes exactly. AF: Your honor just as a suggestion if I can kind of inject a little. We had utilized the services of ………. CJP: If Mr. Baez gets me the tape I can get it done cheaper than that if he wants to. JB: I would be more than happy to judge. I didn’t know you would be willing to do such and I certainly will submit it to the court and get it done. CJP: Submit them to Karen Lebin who is the due process server and we can if that is what you want to do? JB: Absolutely. CJP: We can get it done cheaper than the ten dollars. (jmotwih)
I noticed an Investigation into Jose Baez was reported Feb 4th 2011, now I see this complaint was submitted to HHJP on the 8th Feb, are these parallel investigations or one and the same ? I am a little confused here.
I believe Stogsdill is getting ready to RUUUUUMBLE

I believe that our court reporting services were obtained under false pretenses," Stogsdill wrote.

Stogsdill provided a series of emails between his office and the offices of the two attorneys to support his complaint. At one point in his letter, Stogsdill writes, "we assume (sometimes incorrectly, unfortunately) that attorneys will pay their bills."

I cannot believe how inept and incompetent Baez and Mason both are and how they could open themselves up for this kind of criticism, cynicism and scrutiny! I assume they and the Anthony’s that are not currently incarcerated in jail read the news, the blogs and all the websites we read and post to, as well. If I were KC or her parents, I would be begging for new representation just based on the number of violations, infractions and Florida Bar investigations Baez has already been subject to.

Let’s see WHICH DEPO’S DO NOT MAKE TODAY’S 4:00 P.M. DEADLINE and let the games begin…

Can you spell S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N-S?

Great post!

Wow Z you must be a long time lurker - glad you posted! The only thing that would keep Baez and Co. on as an Atty for me at this point would be to get off of all charges due to ineffective counsel. Unfortunately, I think that would just mean another trial (right?) This has become such a circus and I just cannot understand how JB & Co think any of this would be helpful to their clients case in any way. At this point, I am wondering if JB didn't really want to be an Atty - just wanted the accolades. CM doesn't want to be an Atty anymore, just wants more accolades. KC actually found counsel that is more arrogant than she is "spiteful". So very sad that all of this doesn't bring life back to vibrant, beautiful, big eyed, nearly 3 year old child.
Did not Perry tell the defense that Baez could have his court reporters transcribe the prosecutions tapes at iirc about $2 per hour? Is there some reason that JB is being such a knothead over this? Just pay Stogsdill for their appearance fee, then have Perry's reporters do the transcription.

It seems to me that the defense wastes more time and money being obstinate, and it is certainly not earning them any respect or credibility. They have a lot of work to do, and you can bet there will be more defensive whining about how they don't have enough time to get the necessary work done.

You are correct. It was during one of the hearings CM stressed how unfair JB and he are being treated financially(in my words). CM informed the court that the defense team had to pay for their own travel expenses, lodging and food whereas the SA's trip was paid for. CM then leads into the transcription fee's, JAC will not pay this bill, the court reporter verbally agreed to one price before the deposition and then demanded a new higher fee. HHJP asked CM why the agreement wasn't put into writing but IIRC CM could not provide an explaination. During this discussion CM mentions that the depositions were recorded which is when HHJP suggested to the defense team that they could give the recordings to a court reporter there who could transcribe the depositions for a fee that JAC would cover.

Just another JB defense tactic :waiting:

Novice Seeker
I cannot believe how inept and incompetent Baez and Mason both are and how they could open themselves up for this kind of criticism, cynicism and scrutiny! I assume they and the Anthony’s that are not currently incarcerated in jail read the news, the blogs and all the websites we read and post to, as well. If I were KC or her parents, I would be begging for new representation just based on the number of violations, infractions and Florida Bar investigations Baez has already been subject to. You or I would but IMO that kind of attorney wouldn't ride the bus that's being driven by :winko:
Let’s see WHICH DEPO’S DO NOT MAKE TODAY’S 4:00 P.M. DEADLINE and let the games begin… :dance:Oh goody!!!

Can you spell S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N-S?


Novice Seeker
I cannot believe how inept and incompetent Baez and Mason both are and how they could open themselves up for this kind of criticism, cynicism and scrutiny! I assume they and the Anthony’s that are not currently incarcerated in jail read the news, the blogs and all the websites we read and post to, as well. If I were KC or her parents, I would be begging for new representation just based on the number of violations, infractions and Florida Bar investigations Baez has already been subject to.

Let’s see WHICH DEPO’S DO NOT MAKE TODAY’S 4:00 P.M. DEADLINE and let the games begin…

Can you spell S-A-N-C-T-I-O-N-S?

Yes I can and I can also spell NO MORE EXTENSIONS. No reports, no testimony from those experts in this trial. :rocker:
FYI only. I just moved a handful of posts over from the "...case against Baez" thread where this development was being discussed. Better suited here. Apologies for disrupting the flow of the posting on this thread as it can't be avoided when moving posts.

Thanks for the member alerting to the otherwise impending duel of the threads. ;)
While we do not see the actual e-mails there. I think we can easily see the point of communications breakdown. Note entry #8 from Ms. Marku's Affidavit (keeping in mind that Ms. Marku is employed by and works in CM's office);

8. " The Justice Administration Commission Packet for court reporter payment was e-mailed to Stogsdil Court Reporting Services on September 16, 2010, by defense attorney Jose Baez's office. The depositions were scheduled for September 21 and 22."

So while Ms. Marku might have been the initial point of contact and handling the scheduling. The actual rate and billing info supposedly came out of JB's office.And somehow yet another individual comes out of an encounter with JB with an apparent different take on money and moneys owed. Does this surprise anyone?


No, not at all..We only have to look into his past behaviour..

BEFORE and even AFTER he was admitted to the Florida Bar.


FAILure comply with court ordered child support for his daughter.
FAILure to maintain Health and Life insurance for his daughter as ordered by the court
DEFAULT JUDGMENT entered against him which was still unsatisfied as of April 1998 WORTHLESS CHECK in May 1994 and attended a diversion program to AVOID Criminal Prosecution
DEFAULTED on a student loan in January 1995 (debt satisfied January 2006)
UNNECESSARY AND INORDINATE EXPENSE by voluntarily participating in a foreign study program in the summer of 1995
DELINQUENT in the payment of a health club membership that begun in October 1995 and as of Dec 1997 owed $850
Did not maintain a checking account (1995-August 1997)due to past problems with writing worthless checks
FAILure maintain proper records for his current checking account, opened August 1997, as evidenced by a negative balance in October 1997
EXTRAVAGANT expense for transportation by currently leasing a Mazda Miata for $340 per month.
An answer on JAB's Law School application, he FAILED to disclose a 1989 charge of simple assault and a 1994 charge of passing worthless checks, was false and misleading.


Henry Pierson Curtis
Orlando Sentinel
May 3, 2009

Since he became a lawyer, Baez has been involved in several money disputes. They are mostly small compared with the bankruptcy, bad debts and other financial issues that prompted the Florida Board of Bar Examiners to refuse his application to the Bar after he graduated from law school in 1997. He was not admitted to practice law until 2005.
Darlene Bryant, a court reporter in North Carolina, said she spent six months in 2007 trying to get Baez to honor a $275 bill for work she did for him. "He finally paid after I got the state Bar Association involved," she said.
Baez also ended up being sued in April 2007 over an $837.62 bill for 1,000 of his plastic business cards, which are decorated with a golden crest. Sir Speedy Printing went to court and won after Baez refused an offer from the Orange County Bar Association to mediate.
And in January 2007, four months before he bought a $670,000 waterfront home in a country-club community on East Lake Tohopekaliga, Baez was held in contempt of court for failing to pay $4,000 in child support, according to Miami-Dade Clerk of Court records...

Great post!

Wow Z you must be a long time lurker - glad you posted! The only thing that would keep Baez and Co. on as an Atty for me at this point would be to get off of all charges due to ineffective counsel. Unfortunately, I think that would just mean another trial (right?) This has become such a circus and I just cannot understand how JB & Co think any of this would be helpful to their clients case in any way. At this point, I am wondering if JB didn't really want to be an Atty - just wanted the accolades. CM doesn't want to be an Atty anymore, just wants more accolades. KC actually found counsel that is more arrogant than she is "spiteful". So very sad that all of this doesn't bring life back to vibrant, beautiful, big eyed, nearly 3 year old child.

You aren't alone. HHJP directed a warning toward this team about a trial by ambush but don't believe trial by ineffective counsel to guarantee a new trial which would serve several purposes including an extended delay before seeing the inside of a prison cell (IMO) has been addressed. At this point would it do any good?

I wonder if HHJP asked ICA at every hearing if she is aware of (fill in blank) and follow up with asking ICA if she has any questions OR if ICA is satisfied with her legal counsel Would that cover any possibility of appeal of ineffective counsel?

Novice seeker

No, not at all..We only have to look into his past behaviour..

BEFORE and even AFTER he was admitted to the Florida Bar.


FAILure comply with court ordered child support for his daughter.
FAILure to maintain Health and Life insurance for his daughter as ordered by the court
DEFAULT JUDGMENT entered against him which was still unsatisfied as of April 1998 WORTHLESS CHECK in May 1994 and attended a diversion program to AVOID Criminal Prosecution
DEFAULTED on a student loan in January 1995 (debt satisfied January 2006)
UNNECESSARY AND INORDINATE EXPENSE by voluntarily participating in a foreign study program in the summer of 1995
DELINQUENT in the payment of a health club membership that begun in October 1995 and as of Dec 1997 owed $850
Did not maintain a checking account (1995-August 1997)due to past problems with writing worthless checks
FAILure maintain proper records for his current checking account, opened August 1997, as evidenced by a negative balance in October 1997
EXTRAVAGANT expense for transportation by currently leasing a Mazda Miata for $340 per month.
An answer on JAB's Law School application, he FAILED to disclose a 1989 charge of simple assault and a 1994 charge of passing worthless checks, was false and misleading.


Henry Pierson Curtis
Orlando Sentinel
May 3, 2009

Since he became a lawyer, Baez has been involved in several money disputes. They are mostly small compared with the bankruptcy, bad debts and other financial issues that prompted the Florida Board of Bar Examiners to refuse his application to the Bar after he graduated from law school in 1997. He was not admitted to practice law until 2005.
Darlene Bryant, a court reporter in North Carolina, said she spent six months in 2007 trying to get Baez to honor a $275 bill for work she did for him. "He finally paid after I got the state Bar Association involved," she said.
Baez also ended up being sued in April 2007 over an $837.62 bill for 1,000 of his plastic business cards, which are decorated with a golden crest. Sir Speedy Printing went to court and won after Baez refused an offer from the Orange County Bar Association to mediate.
And in January 2007, four months before he bought a $670,000 waterfront home in a country-club community on East Lake Tohopekaliga, Baez was held in contempt of court for failing to pay $4,000 in child support, according to Miami-Dade Clerk of Court records...


AND, failed to comply with financial agreement for private investigative services of DC....

Possibly non-payment for expert witness fee's

Non-payment for trial related documents and did not obtain.

Financial transactions involving Todd Black and alias's....

Novice Seeker

No, not at all..We only have to look into his past behaviour..

BEFORE and even AFTER he was admitted to the Florida Bar.


FAILure comply with court ordered child support for his daughter.
FAILure to maintain Health and Life insurance for his daughter as ordered by the court
DEFAULT JUDGMENT entered against him which was still unsatisfied as of April 1998 WORTHLESS CHECK in May 1994 and attended a diversion program to AVOID Criminal Prosecution
DEFAULTED on a student loan in January 1995 (debt satisfied January 2006)
UNNECESSARY AND INORDINATE EXPENSE by voluntarily participating in a foreign study program in the summer of 1995
DELINQUENT in the payment of a health club membership that begun in October 1995 and as of Dec 1997 owed $850
Did not maintain a checking account (1995-August 1997)due to past problems with writing worthless checks
FAILure maintain proper records for his current checking account, opened August 1997, as evidenced by a negative balance in October 1997
EXTRAVAGANT expense for transportation by currently leasing a Mazda Miata for $340 per month.
An answer on JAB's Law School application, he FAILED to disclose a 1989 charge of simple assault and a 1994 charge of passing worthless checks, was false and misleading.


Henry Pierson Curtis
Orlando Sentinel
May 3, 2009

Since he became a lawyer, Baez has been involved in several money disputes. They are mostly small compared with the bankruptcy, bad debts and other financial issues that prompted the Florida Board of Bar Examiners to refuse his application to the Bar after he graduated from law school in 1997. He was not admitted to practice law until 2005.
Darlene Bryant, a court reporter in North Carolina, said she spent six months in 2007 trying to get Baez to honor a $275 bill for work she did for him. "He finally paid after I got the state Bar Association involved," she said.
Baez also ended up being sued in April 2007 over an $837.62 bill for 1,000 of his plastic business cards, which are decorated with a golden crest. Sir Speedy Printing went to court and won after Baez refused an offer from the Orange County Bar Association to mediate.
And in January 2007, four months before he bought a $670,000 waterfront home in a country-club community on East Lake Tohopekaliga, Baez was held in contempt of court for failing to pay $4,000 in child support, according to Miami-Dade Clerk of Court records...


Red and Bold by me.

So the Bar Association has already previously had to get involved in payment disputes between JB and a court reporter? WOW!

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