2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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This is what bothers me, Jo, who the heck is WE? It's not LE obviously, if anything they have taken a step back from the avenue that Desiree and Tony Young seem to be venturing down. Kaine Horman has seemed to also taken a back seat to this "Terri Did It Campaign". So who is WE? Where is the "overwhelming evidence"? I am not saying it's not there, but dang it anyway, I cannot believe something I do not see just because someone says it's there. It further occurs to me that if Kaine was given this same "overwhelming evidence" he'd be right beside Desiree still, encouraging the same public outcry for Terri to "fess-up" that Desiree is, but.......he is not. Something is really, really weird about this whole thing. IDK, but instead of asking "Terri; where is Kyron", I'm still asking "Kyron, where are you?"

Kaine pretty much stated where he stands, as far as what he feels about Terri's involvement in his son's disappearance, in papers filed with the courts.
Kaine has an attorney and a court date.
I don't believe it would have been in Kaine's best interest to be standing with Desiree in this at this time, and was probably advised by his attorney not to do so.
IMO Kaine feels the same was as Desiree, Tony and the rest of their family members, this is where I think the WE comes from.
Oh I can see a 18 year old using the word "Stablizing"...common everyday word...Yep!
Look, I am all for finding Kyron. I love him and want him home to a loving family. But I have to ask, if DY and TY felt this strongly about TH, why not have put the flyers out the day she went to her parents, Why just now....If it were me, and it is not, I'd be on the corner of their street putting the flyers out...I personally, would not have waited this long. But what do I know!
Look, I am all for finding Kyron. I love him and want him home to a loving family. But I have to ask, if DY and TY felt this strongly about TH, why not have put the flyers out the day she went to her parents, Why just now....If it were me, and it is not, I'd be on the corner of their street putting the flyers out...I personally, would not have waited this long. But what do I know!

Maybe because they believe in LE and were more worried about Kyron than a campaign against TH? Time has gone by. The case has moved slowly, probably differently than they thought it would move. I don't think DY ever imagined that at this point down the road, TH would still be in comfortable in her parent's home with no arrest and no progress in the case. The reason she is doing it now is because now is when the case needs a shakeup, now when no progress is happening, now when time has passed. Now is the time for indignation and rage, not back then when it seemed LE was going to close the case a lot faster. DY cannot afford for Kyron to be forgotten, which is exactly what TH wants. Now TH knows that this isn't going away anytime soon. I hope she's nervous and panicky in her home. She deserves to be so instead of going out and having fun, a totally despicable thing for her to when an innocent child is missing.
Anyone capable of killing anyone is a danger to the community.:waitasec:

There are plenty of people who kill and then never kill again. If Terri never goes to jail, it wouldn't surprise me if she never kills another person, just like OJ Simpson. Ever notice how predators who kidnap kids from their bedrooms almost always get the death penalty or at least LWOP but parents or stepparents who kill their kids usually get like 20 years? For whatever reason, the predator-type killers are seen as a bigger danger to society, so they're kept in prison for the rest of their lives, while the parent or stepparent who kills their child isn't seen as someone who would be a danger to the "average kid" so they get out of prison relatively quickly. BTW, I think that if Terri is guilty, she should get LWOP, because even if I don't think she's going to kidnap some kid from their bedroom and murder them, I still think she should be made to spend the rest of her life in a prison cell.
Huh..how did I lose you ??

I guess I missed the post about an 18 year old and the word stabilizing. :dunno: Maybe it's getting late. :innocent:

Using quote boxes can be helpful for people like me who get confused easily. :)
Maybe because they believe in LE and were more worried about Kyron than a campaign against TH? Time has gone by. The case has moved slowly, probably differently than they thought it would move. I don't think DY ever imagined that at this point down the road, TH would still be in comfortable in her parent's home with no arrest and no progress in the case. The reason she is doing it now is because now is when the case needs a shakeup, now when no progress is happening, now when time has passed. Now is the time for indignation and rage, not back then when it seemed LE was going to close the case a lot faster. DY cannot afford for Kyron to be forgotten, which is exactly what TH wants. Now TH knows that this isn't going away anytime soon. I hope she's nervous and panicky in her home. She deserves to be so instead of going out and having fun, a totally despicable thing for her to when an innocent child is missing.

Thanks Aedrys..that put in a nut shell for me.. Thanks..your the best...
TH is the one with the answers. I do no believe the police from all these different agencies have all gotten it wrong. I believe DY is asking the correct person to stand up and tell where Kyron is.

I think when DY says "WE" I think she i talking for herself, Tony and her family, and maybe Kaine. I could be off but I think DY has a very very strong strong support group, and the "WE" is for all of them. Do not know about LE though. IMOO

My opinion :

I think Desiree's "WE" is for Desiree, Tony, her Family ... and KYRON !!

Huh..how did I lose you ??

Sorry, Kappy, you lost me, too. And I'm the one who introduced the Oregonian article quoting Ecker, saying he was a stabilizing force in TH's life.
It was quote from her second husband, describing the relationship he had with TH post-high school, before TH's marriage to her first husband (not Ecker). Anyhoo.
Drugs? Alcohol? Sex addiction? Uncontrolled bi-polar disorder? Just a start.

When I saw your response, it made me think of something else about Terrie -- I hope I don't get "in T/O" for asking this:

When Terrie was body-building (age 30's ? ) was she on steroids ? I can't remember if this was confirmed. I remember MSM was running a video of TH in a body-building contest.

Sorry, Kappy, you lost me, too. And I'm the one who introduced the Oregonian article quoting Ecker, saying he was a stabilizing force in TH's life.
It was quote from her second husband, describing the relationship he had with TH post-high school, before TH's marriage to her first husband (not Ecker). Anyhoo.

LOL I thought it was a bit of tongue and cheek re 18 yr old's and the word stabilizing, like yea, OK. :innocent:
When I saw your response, it made me think of something else about Terrie -- I hope I don't get "in T/O" for asking this:

When Terrie was body-building (age 30's ? ) was she on steroids ? I can't remember if this was confirmed. I remember MSM was running a video of TH in a body-building contest.


I knew a woman who was into bodybuilding competitions. She looked much like the pix we saw of TH when she was competing. She used steroids and told me that the only way a woman could bulk up that much was by using some kind of steroid. They are not all the same, and some are worse than others, but a woman cannot create that massive muscle buildup without using them. [ according to her]

I thought about TH when I saw those pictures because my friend who was a bodybuilder kind of agonized about the steroid use because she had never had any children, and did not want to use steroids and then try to become pregnant because she thought it would be bad for a baby. I don't know if that is true though.
This doesn't sound like an innocent person suffering to me. I realized she must have some kind of life, but going to bars? enjoying the holidays? Would a truly innocent person be able to enjoy themselves and have a life like this? It's like she's already moved on, and Kyron is not on her mind in the least.

It's even harder to think she's innocent at all now, at least to me. The picture of her has always been isolated and alone in her home with no internet or life, someone truly suffering because they are truly innocent. But no, that is not the case at all, and I am truly appalled and sickened.

We've seen in other cases how the guilty party reveals themselves because of how uncaring they are towards the victim. I imagine what Desiree did today was almost a direct result of finding out just how cold and uncaring TH really is. Kaine must be seething with rage too. How dare she have fun and live it up when Kyron is still missing! So much for missing her daughter and being isolated and alone. Terri, you might be silent, but your actions are speaking so much louder than your words ever could!

Opinions? Comments? What does this say about Terri's guilt or innocence? Is your opinon swayed or not by this disturbing news?

Why would this surprise anyone? This is the woman who was sexting her husband's friend mere weeks after Kyron went missing. It's obvious she isn't missing him. Could care less about anything but herself.

This doesn't sound like an innocent person suffering to me. I realized she must have some kind of life, but going to bars? enjoying the holidays? Would a truly innocent person be able to enjoy themselves and have a life like this? It's like she's already moved on, and Kyron is not on her mind in the least.
Opinions? Comments? What does this say about Terri's guilt or innocence? Is your opinon swayed or not by this disturbing news?


I agree with your post ... now that we have some sort of "clue" as to what TH has been doing the past 8 months, it does not sound to me like "an innocent person suffering."

What DY said on GMA about Terrie has NOT swayed my opinion of TH because from the get-go, I believe Terrie IS the person responsible for Kyron's disappearance.

I was under the impression that TH was "stuck" at her parents house ...

I was under the impression that the whole neighborhood has seen the news about Kyron and that TH has basically been the target of the investigation - even though she has not been "formally" named a poi or suspect, and probably kept a "low profile" ...

I was under the impression that she probably does not go too many places -- maybe the grocery store, the gym -- not out "socializing" in bar rooms and not much celebrating the holidays ...

I was also under the impression that her attorney told her to "lay low" and talk to no one ...

Obviously, she has been OUT and ABOUT and is running around the town like nothing is wrong.

Geeeez ! :banghead:

We know that Terrie has NOT been named a poi or suspect ...

But we know that she has NOT been cleared by LE ...

Prayers for Kyron and Desiree and Family, and that Kyron is found soon !

If they know all this about Terri, which must cover a period of about two months, then someone must be watching her regularly. (snip by mod) How could anyone hand out Halloween to a bunch of kids when a little one she partially raised is missing. How could that family even celebrate holidays this year at all....They all knew Kyron his whole life and he must have felt like one of their own.
I highly doubt people in TMH's neighborhood aren't aware of who she is, but I wouldn't doubt at all if the average person in Roseburg isn't aware of the case. If they knew, I imagine she'd be shunned pretty much everywhere she went.
Holy crap...

“We’re confident that what they’re doing is all the right stuff, and every bit of information we’ve gotten from them has reassured us of that,” said Young, but added she believes it’s time to name a suspect.

“We have overwhelming evidence,” said Young.


TG there is no statute of limitation on murder. IMO the stepmom will have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life.

I know of a case in which a rapist did his time (not long enough, 10 years or so) and was going to be let out in a couple of days. DNA from a cold murder case came in and didn't get out to offend again. He was convicted of a murder from years ago. Sometimes there is justice, although the devastation they've left in the wake can never be healed. Slime scum. Didn't get the death penalty. Too bad.

So, anyway, for as long as Kyron's case goes on, and it will go on for as long as people continue to think about it and review it, Terri Horman will never be safe from being arrested.
I think there may be an element of "guilt by association" strategy here as well. We saw DY speak out to TH early on by saying she needs to do the right thing. Then we heard her say to the people who are close to her, to do the right thing and say what they know. Now, it makes sense that she's appealing to anyone who sees TH out doing normal human being-type activities, to do the right thing and call her on it. If I lived in TH's town and saw her before, I'd not likely confront her, and would most likely high-tail it outta there. (I saw her once at the courthouse, and I don't want to be that close to her ever again) But now, I'd be compelled after hearing DH's statements, to take it a little further. To "do what's right". I think she's working on the morality of the community down there, to make them more proactive and step forward, to not let her get away with murder, or it'll be on their conscience too. Does that make sense to anyone else? Or am I projecting my own perceived reaction?
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