2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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Okay, call me crazy, but I do not understand what Desiree's problem is with Terri allegedly going to a bar. Or even bar-hopping for that matter?

If Desiree's true goal is to get Terri to "come clean" and spill the beans, what better way could there be? I for one, know that too much alcohol can equal *loose lips*. (So does Mel Gibson, if you get my drift.) Not only that, but her going out drinking, would just further her husband's accusations that she has a drinking problem. So, could someone explain to me the rational behind Desiree's actions as far as furthering the case against Terri? I think, if anything, the silence should be coming from those that are raising their voices. Maybe Kaine has already figured that out. If Terri is involved in Kyron's disappearance, why would anyone want to stop her from stepping in her own ****? JMO and all that jazz.
Since Terri has never spoken publicly about the case/made any media appearances, she could move out of Pacific northwest and no one in her new community would even recognize her. If Terri did some media blitz where she went on a bunch of national shows to try to clear her name, her face would become more recognizable to the rest of the country. I wonder if that's one of the reasons she's been really quiet?

Desiree said this about Roseburg:

“There’s been times I’ve driven through Roseburg on my trips, and they don’t recognize me. They don’t recognize Kyron. They haven’t heard about it. They don’t know about the case. That scares me.”

If people in a town just a couple of hours from Portland don't know about the case, then what's the chance that people in another region of the country are going to recognize their new neighbor, Terri Horman? I think she could assimilate pretty well into a new town if she ends up being acquitted or never going to trial. :/
The candlelight vigil is not, by itself, a problem. Not in the least. Not by itself. I don't think anybody is saying it is.

Urging people to confront somebody whenever they see her is getting close to being a problem. It's getting close to the line of harassment. Depending on what is said and how often it's said, it could be assault. Dangerous path.

The people on the various social networking pages who were using metaphors about lighting a fire under TH's *advertiser censored** aren't a problem, by themselves. Even when they were talking about the law being too slow and taking matters into their own hands, that was still free speech. Dangerously close to vigilantism, but still just speech.

I'm worried that an unstable person will take all that confrontation and light a fire rhetoric too literally. I'm worried that in that group situation of heated rhetoric, tempers will flare and somebody will get hurt -- somebody who gets taken as a TH supporter, perhaps. I'm worried that somebody will confront TH rudely in the line at a grocery store, perhaps, and a neighbor will intervene to defend TH. Tempers flare, fists fly, bad s*** happens.

It doesn't take much. Nothing that has happened yet is over the line. But it's getting scary close.
I've sorta figured that whatever Terri told her parents, satisfied them. I don't imagine that the house is full of unresolved tension.

Now, whether she told them the truth or not, whether it was ugly or not, whatever it was, they must be satisfied with the story she has told. Otherwise how could they have her remain there, defying them?
Unfortunately, it will be a long time, if ever, that we get to hear what she has told them.
I think looking at public pressure as a way of getting Terri "to confess" is way too black and white. I honestly don't believe anyone thinks Terri will confess to a crowd of praying folks on her parents' lawn, nor will she to Desiree and Tony. I see it as a much longer-term psychological strategy for the victims as well as the presumed guilty party.

A lot of us have read the books from the various perspectives of folks inside the Laci Peterson case, for instance. Did the pressure of public distrust cause Scott to confess to the folks standing with candles in Laci's memory? Not directly, but in a sense I think it did have an impact on Scott and on the investigation and ultimately his prosecution.

Think of Anne Bird's descriptions of the way Scott was feeling and reacting to being publicly vilified: he was starting to self destruct. Scott, like Terri, liked attention and liked being well thought of. The sheer weight of the negative public opinion of him caused him to start making some truly horrendous decisions - like speaking out on his own behalf - interviews that were later used in the criminal case against him. So in a sense, the negative public opinion created pressure that caused Scott to show his true colors, and reveal himself as a liar and ultimately a murderer.

Terri has been silent as the tomb. I'm reasonably sure this has a lot to do with her attorney and fear for her own freedom. Clearly if she were innocent, her information as the last known adult with Kyron would be priceless to the investigation. If she won't talk for love of Kyron and to aid the investigation, then it's sensible to think she might selfishly talk to ease the pressure of negative public opinion. Since she has managed against all odds to keep her big mouth shut in the short term, then maybe a long-term strategy including literally bringing it to her front door might make her speak up to defend herself. Who is to say that this continued angry pressure, of the same type that wrankled Scott Peterson into ill-advised lie-ridden news interviews, might not cause Terri to want to set the record straight?

We see psychos every day decide to represent themselves in court, or to take the stand against their attorney's advice because they want to float their own version of reality. Why not Terri? I think at this point - absent real leads, absent any legal force - this is actually an excellent plan. Were Terri guilty, at some point she might mistakenly believe (as so many killers do) that SURELY she can start living her "normal" life again, enough is enough, the missing/dead are missing/dead and it is time to live whatever life she dreamed of when she conceived the plan to erase this person from her picture -- and perhaps an angry interview, perhaps an impulsive comment or ill-advised conversation with a "friend" will be the tape that is played before a jury deciding if she should rot in prison forever. I like the passive but active pressure of a public who simply will not forget Kyron, who will not stop looking for him. If it causes a sick nut to crack eventually, even if not tomorrow or the next day, it will be seen as a brilliant plan.
I think looking at public pressure as a way of getting Terri "to confess" is way too black and white. I honestly don't believe anyone thinks Terri will confess to a crowd of praying folks on her parents' lawn, nor will she to Desiree and Tony. I see it as a much longer-term psychological strategy for the victims as well as the presumed guilty party.

A lot of us have read the books from the various perspectives of folks inside the Laci Peterson case, for instance. Did the pressure of public distrust cause Scott to confess to the folks standing with candles in Laci's memory? Not directly, but in a sense I think it did have an impact on Scott and on the investigation and ultimately his prosecution.

Think of Anne Bird's descriptions of the way Scott was feeling and reacting to being publicly vilified: he was starting to self destruct. Scott, like Terri, liked attention and liked being well thought of. The sheer weight of the negative public opinion of him caused him to start making some truly horrendous decisions - like speaking out on his own behalf - interviews that were later used in the criminal case against him. So in a sense, the negative public opinion created pressure that caused Scott to show his true colors, and reveal himself as a liar and ultimately a murderer.

Terri has been silent as the tomb. I'm reasonably sure this has a lot to do with her attorney and fear for her own freedom. Clearly if she were innocent, her information as the last known adult with Kyron would be priceless to the investigation. If she won't talk for love of Kyron and to aid the investigation, then it's sensible to think she might selfishly talk to ease the pressure of negative public opinion. Since she has managed against all odds to keep her big mouth shut in the short term, then maybe a long-term strategy including literally bringing it to her front door might make her speak up to defend herself. Who is to say that this continued angry pressure, of the same type that wrankled Scott Peterson into ill-advised lie-ridden news interviews, might not cause Terri to want to set the record straight?

We see psychos every day decide to represent themselves in court, or to take the stand against their attorney's advice because they want to float their own version of reality. Why not Terri? I think at this point - absent real leads, absent any legal force - this is actually an excellent plan. Were Terri guilty, at some point she might mistakenly believe (as so many killers do) that SURELY she can start living her "normal" life again, enough is enough, the missing/dead are missing/dead and it is time to live whatever life she dreamed of when she conceived the plan to erase this person from her picture -- and perhaps an angry interview, perhaps an impulsive comment or ill-advised conversation with a "friend" will be the tape that is played before a jury deciding if she should rot in prison forever. I like the passive but active pressure of a public who simply will not forget Kyron, who will not stop looking for him. If it causes a sick nut to crack eventually, even if not tomorrow or the next day, it will be seen as a brilliant plan.

The 'thanks' button just wasn't enough; well said!
In my opinion, Terri won't self -destruct. She has been getting the treatment on the internet for 9+ months now. And she is not the type to represent herself, as that would involve opening her mouth, which she will never do.

She has already shown her poker face when approached by the media in that parking garage at her attorney's office. She is not going to crack if a few locals ask where Kyron is.

I think, more than anything, Desiree just wanted to make sure that people knew she was the suspect (named or not) and to remind people of where she was (if she is still there.) These months of (relative) silence from the media must be hell on Desiree, as she probably thinks people have forgotten not only about Kyron but about TH as well. If Desiree doesn't bring TH back into the forefront, who will?
OK I have to chime in here and this is my opinion only.

It is my impression that Terri has been able to go about her life in this town and basically not be reminded about Kyron at all. Just pretend it never happened. Go to bars, party, hand out candy, etc. As far as I'm concerned this was to increase awareness of Kyron's disappearance in this town.

In my opinion Terri will never break. I think she is basking in Desiree and Kaine's suffeing.

It is my feeling and only mine that if Terri chooses to attend a bar or party then she needs to know those people there are aware of her involvement. That will make me happy and it might interfere with her make believe world just a little bit. I'm sure she is already looking for her next man and maybe this will be a wake up call for him whoever he is.(if there is one yet) If she was drinking at a bar and partying and just one person there realizes who she is and tells another that would make me happy.

I will not defend my opinions because I'm speaking only about how I feel. Kyron's story needs to be kept in the news and in front of people especially wherever Terri is.

All of the above is my opinion only,
I'd have no problem with this if TH lived there alone. It bothers me that her parents and possibly her visiting son might be ostracized in that town because of the attention. If she cared one whit about them, she would move. Laughable, I know.
I think the whole Roseburg effort is about eroding Terri's pleasure in life bit by bit in little ways. Whatever little corner on happiness she has, they're looking for a way to take it away from her. And I think it also involves raising the awareness of people she's in community with. 'Hey, before you ask this woman to sit down, buy her a drink, and offer to share your chicken wings with her--here's a little something you should know.'

All of the single men in the area should know that it's in court records that LE believes she attemped a MFH against her husband. They should also know that whatever money she had is tied up with a fancy-dancy expensive lawyer--and likely some of her parents' money as well. They should know that she's a mother who sent her own son away, has not helped locate her missing stepson, and has chosen to guard her own fifth ammendment rights over fighting for visitation with her youngest child--who is still a baby! Now if they regard this type of person as a 'fun date,' they can hook up with her and show her a good time. But through Desiree's efforts, all of the single men who weren't paying attention now have the information before deciding whether they want a bite of the apple.

I have done some visiting in Roseburg. It's a lovely community. I think most of the people I've encountered there could be described as "live and let live" types--and this seems to be the way they were treating Terri. But it's a family-based community, and getting the information out will likely make some of those people say 'she better stay away from my kids!'

It may not sound like much satisfaction for Desiree ... but then again, maybe each little effort is "another straw."
IMO TH did speak out to the public thru her emails within days of Kyron's going missing:

She wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair: “The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010". {Link not available}



Snippet " . . PORTLAND, Ore. - Long before the alleged murder-for-hire plot and sexting affairs, it seems Terri Moulton Horman knew suspicions settled on her, according to e-mails written by Horman and obtained by KATU News.
“They are blaming me in the blogs. I just want to scream,” she wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair. Investigators say Terri Horman was the last person to see Kyron"

I believe the above link is from KATU and was published on Aug 10th when the email surfaced, right? {correct me if I'm wrong}

So on July 1st {or the 2nd} TH hired Houze and forever after has been silent: http://apexnewsnetwork.com/23961/kyron-hormans-stepmom-terri-horman-hires-defense-attorney-stephen-houze/

I think that within 2 weeks the public tide had started to turn against TH and she stopped going to the news conferences and started lying low, got wise and hired Houze as her world started falling in around her. Houze couldn't stop the emails she had written from surfacing and becoming public. All he could do is silence her from writing any more.

Hopefully in the first 2 weeks after Kyron went missing Terri said enough in her mails that something will 'catch her up'. IMO she was cocky and trying to paint a defensive picture of 'her' timetable.
I think looking at public pressure as a way of getting Terri "to confess" is way too black and white. I honestly don't believe anyone thinks Terri will confess to a crowd of praying folks on her parents' lawn, nor will she to Desiree and Tony. I see it as a much longer-term psychological strategy for the victims as well as the presumed guilty party.

A lot of us have read the books from the various perspectives of folks inside the Laci Peterson case, for instance. Did the pressure of public distrust cause Scott to confess to the folks standing with candles in Laci's memory? Not directly, but in a sense I think it did have an impact on Scott and on the investigation and ultimately his prosecution.

Think of Anne Bird's descriptions of the way Scott was feeling and reacting to being publicly vilified: he was starting to self destruct. Scott, like Terri, liked attention and liked being well thought of. The sheer weight of the negative public opinion of him caused him to start making some truly horrendous decisions - like speaking out on his own behalf - interviews that were later used in the criminal case against him. So in a sense, the negative public opinion created pressure that caused Scott to show his true colors, and reveal himself as a liar and ultimately a murderer.

Terri has been silent as the tomb. I'm reasonably sure this has a lot to do with her attorney and fear for her own freedom. Clearly if she were innocent, her information as the last known adult with Kyron would be priceless to the investigation. If she won't talk for love of Kyron and to aid the investigation, then it's sensible to think she might selfishly talk to ease the pressure of negative public opinion. Since she has managed against all odds to keep her big mouth shut in the short term, then maybe a long-term strategy including literally bringing it to her front door might make her speak up to defend herself. Who is to say that this continued angry pressure, of the same type that wrankled Scott Peterson into ill-advised lie-ridden news interviews, might not cause Terri to want to set the record straight?

We see psychos every day decide to represent themselves in court, or to take the stand against their attorney's advice because they want to float their own version of reality. Why not Terri? I think at this point - absent real leads, absent any legal force - this is actually an excellent plan. Were Terri guilty, at some point she might mistakenly believe (as so many killers do) that SURELY she can start living her "normal" life again, enough is enough, the missing/dead are missing/dead and it is time to live whatever life she dreamed of when she conceived the plan to erase this person from her picture -- and perhaps an angry interview, perhaps an impulsive comment or ill-advised conversation with a "friend" will be the tape that is played before a jury deciding if she should rot in prison forever. I like the passive but active pressure of a public who simply will not forget Kyron, who will not stop looking for him. If it causes a sick nut to crack eventually, even if not tomorrow or the next day, it will be seen as a brilliant plan.

Thanks is not enough!!! I agree so much with this and as I said much earlier upthread, let her drink...I know some disagree, and say she will never crack, but between alcohol and public scrutiny, I still say there's a good chance she will slip. We have seen how important the public persona of a perfect mother/teacher meant to her...I'm not suggesting she is going to give an outright confession...just maybe a couple comments over time that won't sit right with someone...the right someone...and maybe open up a new avenue of investigation. This is my prayer.
IMO TH did speak out to the public thru her emails within days of Kyron's going missing:

She wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair: “The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010". {Link not available}

Scandi: Someone here on WS actually transcribed that email and luckily I saved the link to their post!

[ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5502083&postcount=319]Transcribed by Jules71[/ame]
IMO TH did speak out to the public thru her emails within days of Kyron's going missing:

She wrote in one e-mail to a KATU News source the day after her stepson, Kyron Horman vanished from Skyline School during a science fair: “The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010". {Link not available}

can't believe I never clued in.......
BBM so has Terri ever said that she took baby K to the doctor's appt. that she claims the teacher misunderstood???
Re: whether or not Terri will break - I don't know about "breaking" in the sense of admitting something out of guilt, but we do know other things about her that suggest that under pressure she could very well spill some evidence. For instance we know she drinks a lot and shows ridiculously poor judgment and impulse control, and we know she does these things in front of others, believing her co-conspirators will keep quiet - and we know that she misjudges this and finds her co-conspirators spilling their guts and the contents of their phone and email to the police. We know she lies and expects others to enable and repeat her lies.

So yeah, I believe it's possible that at some point in the future, as "good" as she tries to be, her real personality will re-emerge and she'll get wasted and look for a friend, someone to have sex with, someone to feel sorry for her, and she'll want to tell them her "woe is me" story of how she is so misunderstood and vilified and perhaps with enough Tequila and fake compliments and raunchy sex and sympathy she'll blab something useful.

I personally like the 'where's Kyron' campaign because it doesn't let her get too comfortable even in her own mind. It becomes the damned spots on her hands that she can't wash away. The words themselves are benign. It's not a call to violence or a curse. It is equally applicable if she is innocent or guilty - as an innocent Terri should be helping the investigation as well as the last known adult to see him. If she's a narcissist eventually she'll want to set the record straight and blab. If she's capable of being stressed it will stress her out. If she's money grubbing some publishing company will eventually offer her a lucrative deal to have a ghostwriter plead her case. In any case it generated some much needed news coverage during a lull.
Re: whether or not Terri will break - I don't know about "breaking" in the sense of admitting something out of guilt, but we do know other things about her that suggest that under pressure she could very well spill some evidence. For instance we know she drinks a lot and shows ridiculously poor judgment and impulse control, and we know she does these things in front of others, believing her co-conspirators will keep quiet - and we know that she misjudges this and finds her co-conspirators spilling their guts and the contents of their phone and email to the police. We know she lies and expects others to enable and repeat her lies.

So yeah, I believe it's possible that at some point in the future, as "good" as she tries to be, her real personality will re-emerge and she'll get wasted and look for a friend, someone to have sex with, someone to feel sorry for her, and she'll want to tell them her "woe is me" story of how she is so misunderstood and vilified and perhaps with enough Tequila and fake compliments and raunchy sex and sympathy she'll blab something useful.

I personally like the 'where's Kyron' campaign because it doesn't let her get too comfortable even in her own mind. It becomes the damned spots on her hands that she can't wash away. The words themselves are benign. It's not a call to violence or a curse. It is equally applicable if she is innocent or guilty - as an innocent Terri should be helping the investigation as well as the last known adult to see him. If she's a narcissist eventually she'll want to set the record straight and blab. If she's capable of being stressed it will stress her out. If she's money grubbing some publishing company will eventually offer her a lucrative deal to have a ghostwriter plead her case. In any case it generated some much needed news coverage during a lull.

I completely agree with your entire post. Since TH is drinking again, it is most likely only a matter of time until she spills something to someone. I see nothing wrong with people putting pressure on TH and I agree this will keep Kyron in the forefront of TH's mind regardless of how much she may want to forget him.
Although it seems impossible that the people of Roseburg do not know who TH is or the story of Kyron's disappearance, perhaps this is a good thing. TH may feel a certain security in her anonymity, belly up to the bar with a new found drinking buddy and tell where Kyron is eventually. Maybe some kind soul will befriend her, wear a wire, and something will come to light so that DY can finally have the peace she so deserves. Where is Kyron?
I thought Desiree meant that Terri had been out in the bars as in over the past while. Not just recently. Doesn't matter, I guess.

But what if she drinks publicly to the point of being totally loose-lipped yet never tells anything? Could that possibly be our signal that she knows nothing to tell? Or will we come up with a plausible explanation of how she is somehow immuned to the inhibition-reducing effects of alcohol??
I doubt I'd go up to TH and confront her with words. Words might be easily dismissed as coming from one of those DY supporters. I don't want her to have a reason to get all indignant and righteous complaining about mob mentality. No, I want her to feel guilt and remorse, and a compelling need to clear her name. You can bet I'd use my eyes to confront her. I'd stare a hole in her with a look of suspicion and disgust.

Kyron is still missing. Answers are still needed from TH. It disgusts me that she chooses everyday to cause more suffering of Kyron's parents and the community, by not speaking up. IMO, everyday TH chooses to hide in silence is another day of TH hurting people who love Kyron.
It seems that most people who are 99-100% convinced that TH is guilty also think she had made elaborate plans to do away with him. If that is true, she would have to be beyond the type of person who is going to care what strangers think of her. And I think she wants people who know her to think she is a caring mom, a teacher, etc. (regardless of the truth) which is why I don't think she will ever "spill it" Cold, calculating premeditating murderers don't crack.

I also have not seen proof that she is back out there drinking, or drinking at all. I think Desiree has heard she was seen in a bar. Did she say she was seen drinking alcohol? Just wondering. Even so, if she is, according to Kaine anyway, she simply passes out when drunk.
Seems like she gets somewhat amorous when she drinks judging from her sexting.
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