2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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Social networking helped organizers put together the vigil held within sight of Terri's parents' home. One person even traveled all the way from Longview, Washington, to show support. Organizers said they have also seen an outpouring of support from around the world."<snipped>


Thanks for posting this, Kimster. I wonder if anyone's actually seen TH and/or asked her the question these past two weeks.
:great::woohoo: :great:

This is the BEST NEWS I have heard all day !

I am so glad Desiree's hard work from a couple of weeks ago paid off !

Wow -- and one person traveled all the way from Longview, Washington !


Prayers for Kyron, Desiree, Tony, Family and Friends, and prayers for the support group, and that Kyron will be found soon !
While people have a right to exercise their first amendment rights to assemble and express an opinion, this is only inches away from illegal harassment and only a couple of steps from vigilante action. They're treading very dangerous ground. It doesn't matter how guilty you think someone is, in this country a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law (not in the press), and individual citizens do not have the right to take the law into their own hands.

As long as it's just candlelight vigils, okay, but some of the rhetoric is getting nasty, and I'm afraid some less stable person in the group is going to go too far, and then we'll have another tragedy on top of the one we're already living.

My opinion only, of course.
I don't see what they hope to accomplish by this. Do they think that Terri is going to confess because they are putting pressure on her? She's been under pressure for nine months now and she hasn't said a word. I can think of some other people where the general public and the media believed they were guilty, and they never cracked under the pressure either. This case isn't going to be solved that way.
While people have a right to exercise their first amendment rights to assemble and express an opinion, this is only inches away from illegal harassment and only a couple of steps from vigilante action. They're treading very dangerous ground. It doesn't matter how guilty you think someone is, in this country a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law (not in the press), and individual citizens do not have the right to take the law into their own hands.

As long as it's just candlelight vigils, okay, but some of the rhetoric is getting nasty, and I'm afraid some less stable person in the group is going to go too far, and then we'll have another tragedy on top of the one we're already living.

My opinion only, of course.

While I do respect your opinion and understand your concerns that things could possibly get out of hand, I do not believe that Desiree or Tony would let that happen.

I believe Desiree's actions a couple of weeks ago was a fantastic idea -- MOO -- some don't agree and I understand. So DY has to try everything and anything to find her son who has been missing for 9 months now. My heart just breaks everytime I see her in the news .. I just cannot even imagine what she is going through !

I do not believe Tony (who is in LE) would let Dessiree do anything to jeapardize the investigation of finding Kyron. And I am certain that the option to put "pressure" on TH with fliers and signs in Roseburg was a very carefully thought out plan.

I do not want to go off-topic here, but I do believe that TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance...

Terrie's SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES to me ! And if this is what it takes ... oh well....

Many Prayers for Kyron, Desiree, Tony, Family and Friends, and that Kyron is found soon !
My two cents: This didn't work in the Anthony case and it won't work this time. :twocents: And her parents are innocent but they have to still live in that neighborhood, and her son might be there too.

The article did not say that Desiree or Tony or their family members were involved, which is a good thing because I would hate to see them suffer more if they are charged with harrassment. Their suffering is real but I'm not sure I agree with their admonition to stop Terri and ask her about Kyron because even someone who means well could cause a big scene or lose their temper at TH.

If they make this a regular practice I'm sure the police will break it up. I think they should let the justice system take care of TH no matter how long it takes.
While I do respect your opinion and understand your concerns that things could possibly get out of hand, I do not believe that Desiree or Tony would let that happen.

I believe Desiree's actions a couple of weeks ago was a fantastic idea -- MOO -- some don't agree and I understand. So DY has to try everything and anything to find her son who has been missing for 9 months now. My heart just breaks everytime I see her in the news .. I just cannot even imagine what she is going through !

I do not believe Tony (who is in LE) would let Dessiree do anything to jeapardize the investigation of finding Kyron. And I am certain that the option to put "pressure" on TH with fliers and signs in Roseburg was a very carefully thought out plan.

I do not want to go off-topic here, but I do believe that TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance...

Terrie's SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES to me ! And if this is what it takes ... oh well....

Many Prayers for Kyron, Desiree, Tony, Family and Friends, and that Kyron is found soon !

Tony and Desiree aren't really in control of their supporters, though -- and some of the rhetoric from the supporters on the social networks has been over the top. All it takes is one nut...and in mob situations, it usually isn't the target who gets hurt. It's some innocent bystander, or more likely a police officer or fireman trying to keep the situation under control.

And it doesn't matter whether you or I or ten million people think TH is guilty. She has the same legal protections as if she were as innocent as the driven snow. That's the way our system works. It protects all of us.
It looks like there were only 8 people, on the video on katu.

PS-I don't really think the news needs to show the Moultons home so clearly, but that is just my opinion. I'm sure their address is easily obtainable anyway...but it gives me a bad feeling anyway.
I am 12 hours away.... but a few years ago when we were more able to do so, I would have been up there in a heartbeat. Road trip!

My two cents: This didn't work in the Anthony case and it won't work this time. :twocents: And her parents are innocent but they have to still live in that neighborhood, and her son might be there too.

The article did not say that Desiree or Tony or their family members were involved, which is a good thing because I would hate to see them suffer more if they are charged with harrassment. Their suffering is real but I'm not sure I agree with their admonition to stop Terri and ask her about Kyron because even someone who means well could cause a big scene or lose their temper at TH.

If they make this a regular practice I'm sure the police will break it up. I think they should let the justice system take care of TH no matter how long it takes.

There are cases like Ethan or Dominick or Karissa or Somer or Polly or any of the other kids who were murdered... but have been found, mourned and laid to rest...

If Kyron was one of those cases... I might think that Desiree should just let the justice system handle it no matter how long it takes.

However, Desiree still has no idea where her child is... if he is being tortured out there... or if he continues to lay in the elements... or if he lays at the bottom of a lake.

I do not believe Desiree would have done what she did if she had Kyron back. She would want the person responsible brought to justice, but what she WANTS is her baby back.

Desiree has been unbelievably patient with the investigation. I think if they had found her child before now, she would have no problem being patient for longer. Provided that she didn't feel other people were in danger from the suspect.

I can't say I think Desiree should let the justice system take it's course, while her son is still missing. I have not had a missing child for 9 months. Desiree feels like she is doing something to fight for her child and that helps her cope. That is all that matters to me.
I am 12 hours away.... but a few years ago when we were more able to do so, I would have been up there in a heartbeat. Road trip!

There are cases like Ethan or Dominick or Karissa or Somer or Polly or any of the other kids who were murdered... but have been found, mourned and laid to rest...

If Kyron was one of those cases... I might think that Desiree should just let the justice system handle it no matter how long it takes.

However, Desiree still has no idea where her child is... if he is being tortured out there... or if he continues to lay in the elements... or if he lays at the bottom of a lake.

I do not believe Desiree would have done what she did if she had Kyron back. She would want the person responsible brought to justice, but what she WANTS is her baby back.

Desiree has been unbelievably patient with the investigation. I think if they had found her child before now, she would have no problem being patient for longer. Provided that she didn't feel other people were in danger from the suspect.

I can't say I think Desiree should let the justice system take it's course, while her son is still missing. I have not had a missing child for 9 months. Desiree feels like she is doing something to fight for her child and that helps her cope. That is all that matters to me.

If this case is solved, it will be solved by LE and then by the justice system taking its course. It's not going to be solved by putting pressure on Terri. Is there a case where putting pressure on someone caused them to confess, thus solving the crime? Terri doesn't have any reason to confess. I can understand Desiree and the group's actions but I don't think they will have a positive result.
If this case is solved, it will be solved by LE and then by the justice system taking its course. It's not going to be solved by putting pressure on Terri. Is there a case where putting pressure on someone caused them to confess, thus solving the crime? Terri doesn't have any reason to confess. I can understand Desiree and the group's actions but I don't think they will have a positive result.

I agree. If they really want to have a vigil for Kyron's sake, that's certainly understandable. But by having it in front of the Moultons' home, it kind of tends to say something else, that it is more about TH. And she is not going to cave under pressure, I think she has proved that.
I agree. If they really want to have a vigil for Kyron's sake, that's certainly understandable. But by having it in front of the Moultons' home, it kind of tends to say something else, that it is more about TH. And she is not going to cave under pressure, I think she has proved that.

It's not the vigil in front of the house that I consider "pressure" but the whole asking Terri, "Where's Kyron?" whenever they see her out and about. Do they expect her to answer back? I could see how that could escalate especially if someone loses their temper knowing that they are thisclose to a presumed child killer.

I can think of a few cases where there was a lot of pressure on the main suspect(s) but they never cracked: JonBenet, Laci, and Caylee. Laci and Caylee's cases have been solved but it was not by Casey or Scott confessing but by LE work and the justice system taking its course. If I did some searching, I could probably find even more cases where the pressure by the media and the public didn't make a difference. Can anyone name any cases where the pressure by everyone thinking he/she is guilty caused someone to crack? And what reason would Terri have to confess?
It's not the vigil in front of the house that I consider "pressure" but the whole asking Terri, "Where's Kyron?" whenever they see her out and about. Do they expect her to answer back? I could see how that could escalate especially if someone loses their temper knowing that they are thisclose to a presumed child killer.

I can think of a few cases where there was a lot of pressure on the main suspect(s) but they never cracked: JonBenet, Laci, and Caylee. Laci and Caylee's cases have been solved but it was not by Casey or Scott confessing but by LE work and the justice system taking its course. If I did some searching, I could probably find even more cases where the pressure by the media and the public didn't make a difference. Can anyone name any cases where the pressure by everyone thinking he/she is guilty caused someone to crack? And what reason would Terri have to confess?

I doubt TH will crack. But she shouldn't be running around enjoying herself at bars or handing out Halloween candy. I think the idea is to make her uncomfortable enough that she just stays home without the comfort of social contact which she apparently relishes. If she stays home, nobody will have the opportunity to confront her with what she has done. Community isolation or banishment is one of the oldest kinds of social control. If they can't throw her in prison right now, at least they can make sure she is totally ignored.
Has anyone ever come out and said they have seen TH anyplace? I know Desiree apparently was told she had been in a bar, but I would think this would have been all over the internet at the time, whenever it happened. If she was seen getting the mail, I think we would hear about it. I think it is really strange that no one has ever claimed to see her anywhere in all of these months.
I think if anything can be done to make TH feel uncomfortable it's mission accomplished. No one is breaking the law.
Has anyone ever come out and said they have seen TH anyplace? I know Desiree apparently was told she had been in a bar, but I would think this would have been all over the internet at the time, whenever it happened. If she was seen getting the mail, I think we would hear about it. I think it is really strange that no one has ever claimed to see her anywhere in all of these months.

I agree, Clu...I don't think she's out and about or we would have heard about it. But, I also agree with Gwenabob that if it's about making her feel uncomforable about going about her life as if nothing's happened or about making things inconvenient for her, I'm all for it. If I was suffering as Desiree is, I would want to do the same thing.
Making someone uncomfortable going about their daily life and harassing them until they're afraid to leave their homes can be, depending on the state laws, a criminal offense in itself. I would not want to see Desiree and her friends get into legal trouble over this.
Making someone uncomfortable going about their daily life and harassing them until they're afraid to leave their homes can be, depending on the state laws, a criminal offense in itself. I would not want to see Desiree and her friends get into legal trouble over this.

Has anyone gotten into trouble yet? The last thing that TH wants to do is file criminal charges or a civil suit on this. She'd have to actually speak. We know she'd rather lose her daughter than to speak.
Has anyone gotten into trouble yet? The last thing that TH wants to do is file criminal charges or a civil suit on this. She'd have to actually speak. We know she'd rather lose her daughter than to speak.

Forgive me if this has already been mentioned--it probably has. But when D. first started this I wondered if it was an attempt to provoke T. to file charges against her. If that happened, wouldn't T. have to answer questions and be interviewed by D's attorney, etc.?

Does anyone know?

Tony and Desiree aren't really in control of their supporters, though -- and some of the rhetoric from the supporters on the social networks has been over the top. All it takes is one nut...and in mob situations, it usually isn't the target who gets hurt. It's some innocent bystander, or more likely a police officer or fireman trying to keep the situation under control.

And it doesn't matter whether you or I or ten million people think TH is guilty. She has the same legal protections as if she were as innocent as the driven snow. That's the way our system works. It protects all of us.


Thanks was not enough.

After some of the incidents of the last few years, I am very concerned about any speech that encourages people to take matters into their own hands. The vast majority of people understand that it is just rhetoric but there are always a few mentally ill people who think that if it's okay to talk about "shooting down" someone unpopular, then it isn't that bad to actually do it.

The people who need to have their rights protected are usually people who are not well liked or accepted. Jane Public, whose most objectionable act in her entire life was bringing a homemade blueberry pie to a church potluck instead of the apple pie she signed up for, has little need of protection.

It's people like TMH, whose behaviour is widely reviled, who need the protection.

And certainly targeting her parents, whose only "crime" is loving their daughter, do not deserve it.
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