2011.03.03 Lee Anthony's Testimony

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I don't care why Lee was honest today, I only care that he was.


IMO Lee has always been honest. We wouldn't know half the "bad" stuff we do about Casey (or Cindy and George for that matter) if not for Lee. Like Casey has any right to be mad at him for playing both sides when she told the whole world he molested her!
Lee's going to have to step up to the plate and be honest quite a few more times before I let him off the "lying A's suspicion list". Hopefully the lad has grown up and grown a set and it now going to stand up for the true victim in this case! Today was a start, let's hope he doesn't blow it!

ITA - I hope he is on Caylee’s side from today forward. I want SOMEONE in that family to stand up for Caylee. I want SOMEONE in that family to remember her smile, to remember her little voice talking and singing, to remember her eyes light up when they walked in the room, to remember her hugs and kisses. I want just one of them to remember and care about Caylee, to want Justice for Caylee.
I just want to say I see a lot of new people on here. Some people are WS members who have wandered over, some were here at the beginning and left and came back, some were lurkers who have become member. Feel free to ask any questions you have! And...:greetings: Greetings :welcome: Welcome to WS :Welcome1:
That AND he seems pleased as punch to be there. He didn't seem unwilling to testify as he did today. He seemed at ease, natural, just the facts. Not like he was forced in any way. You can tell when someone does something under duress. He showed no strain. I found the whole thing fascinating.

Agree and glad to hear you say it. Unlike Cindy or George, he started out believing there was a problem of Caylee missing, wanted to help his sister find her for Caylee's sake, then has obviously matured as Caylee's body was found and it became obvious ICA is directly involved.

He also appeared to me he has accepted her guilt, or at least is not prepared to help her get out of a bed she's made for herself. The real "tell" seemed to be with that little smile, shrug and "maybe" answer if he would lie to his sister to find Caylee.

No way is he in the same spot CA and GA are in with their anger at both the LE and the SA. They are still angry the LE investigated and charged ICA, and the SA are prosecuting her. It's their fault she is in jail, awaiting trial. Because she was "tricked". To them, that is some kind of betrayal. :waitasec::banghead::banghead:

IMO Lee has always been honest. We wouldn't know half the "bad" stuff we do about Casey (or Cindy and George for that matter) if not for Lee. Like Casey has any right to be mad at him for playing both sides when she told the whole world he molested her!

And killed her daughter/his niece. And spent two years keeping her family in hell.
Lanie, I've always been in the other camp. I couldn't believe what I was seeing today.

It was just a few months ago he got on the stand with his "I love you" to Casey, full-frontal, and wasn't all that polite to LDB.

I don't know what Lee did to have a need for immunity, but his attorney said he did something, and LE said "he knows what he's done", so I assume he did something and made some kind of deal.

It doesn't even matter if he changes course during the trial as far as I'm concerned, although I doubt he will. Because today was CRITICAL. I think he was instrumental in assuring those jail vids will come in and they are DEVASTATING to her case. The jury will despise her when they hear that first call. Christina wailing about Caylee and Casey saying "whatever, gimme Tony's number!", and so much more.

The defense needed Lee today and they got nothing. The blood drained out of Casey's face. She looked stunned, truly shocked, doomed. This was huge.

I thought he got partial immunity like the rest of the family and Lucas always said he did not need it.

And I do agree the LE thought he may have been involved, in the early days.
But that suspicion isn't unusual, considering how close the siblings were supposed to be.
Caylee is proud that Uncle Lee told the truth today :)

I wonder if he still thinks Caylee might be alive.

I don't believe we would have seen that sense of peace today if he did.

And I think his anger in the early days was because he didn't want to keep hearing Caylee was dead - like the rest of the family he was praying she was still alive.
Lanie, I've always been in the other camp. I couldn't believe what I was seeing today.

It was just a few months ago he got on the stand with his "I love you" to Casey, full-frontal, and wasn't all that polite to LDB.

I don't know what Lee did to have a need for immunity, but his attorney said he did something, and LE said "he knows what he's done", so I assume he did something and made some kind of deal.

It doesn't even matter if he changes course during the trial as far as I'm concerned, although I doubt he will. Because today was CRITICAL. I think he was instrumental in assuring those jail vids will come in and they are DEVASTATING to her case. The jury will despise her when they hear that first call. Christina wailing about Caylee and Casey saying "whatever, gimme Tony's number!", and so much more.

The defense needed Lee today and they got nothing. The blood drained out of Casey's face. She looked stunned, truly shocked, doomed. This was huge.


I remember having an alternate explanation for just about everything Lee did until something, and it was probably what I bolded above, happened, and I was pretty disgusted with him for a little while, but then I ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt again. OTOH, I have not had near the sympathy or compassion for George as a lot of others seem to have had, so I guess it comes down to experiences and what you can identify with.

I remember LE saying "He knows what he has done.", but (and it's been a long time ago, so can't say 100% sure) it seems like the way I took it was not that he committed a criminal act...I also don't remember his attorney saying anything about him having done something. If he did do something criminal, I would love to know what it was, though. :crazy: I remember all the posts about Lee and Casey talking in code and not thinking that was actually going on, and I also thought his "CMA" at the memorial was directed at Caylee, not Casey.
ITA - I hope he is on Caylee’s side from today forward. I want SOMEONE in that family to stand up for Caylee. I want SOMEONE in that family to remember her smile, to remember her little voice talking and singing, to remember her eyes light up when they walked in the room, to remember her hugs and kisses. I want just one of them to remember and care about Caylee, to want Justice for Caylee.

IMO, he is and he has been, and it has possibly cost him his relationship with his parents to do it.
I gotta say, I am pleased he appeared honest and cordial to all the attorneys, and most of all to Caylee's memory.......but
I do think he has to be partly motivated by CMA - Cover My A$$. JMHO.
(That said, if he continues to be honest for Caylee - I *might* give him grace for his earlier behavior.)

For some reason I don't get the feeling he's CMA. Today seemed so genuine and Lee was so likable.
It makes me want to go back and take a fresh look at some bad Lee moments,like trashing the dogs water bowl. What was really going on with HIM at that time.
Early on we discussed that Lee seemed to want the truth .Maybe that never changed .Maybe our opinions of Cindy and George colored our perceptions of Lee.
Lee got his own lawyer and stayed out of the limelight. He's had some off moments,for sure, but I hope that is all behind him.
IMO, he is and he has been, and it has possibly cost him his relationship with his parents to do it.

Totally worth it ,IMO. I pray he and Mallory go on to have a Beautiful Life. I really do.
I have to admit that I was worried...in fact I held my beath at the beginning of Lee's testimony. I finally did breathe. =-) I am so glad that someone in the Anthony family remembers Caylee and told the truth. I could tell it was hard for Lee, he did fidget some. Casey looked upset at first and then angry in my opinion. I think Lee has decided to be honest and let the facts be what they are. His good luck to Casey was telling. I'm still worried about the tria,l but not as much as before with Lee.


I remember having an alternate explanation for just about everything Lee did until something, and it was probably what I bolded above, happened, and I was pretty disgusted with him for a little while, but then I ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt again. OTOH, I have not had near the sympathy or compassion for George as a lot of others seem to have had, so I guess it comes down to experiences and what you can identify with.

I remember LE saying "He knows what he has done.", but (and it's been a long time ago, so can't say 100% sure) it seems like the way I took it was not that he committed a criminal act...I also don't remember his attorney saying anything about him having done something. If he did do something criminal, I would love to know what it was, though. :crazy: I remember all the posts about Lee and Casey talking in code and not thinking that was actually going on, and I also thought his "CMA" at the memorial was directed at Caylee, not Casey.

Maybe he was referring to Lee taking the info about what he saw at JB's back to LE?
Lee did not have an attorney with him yesterday or today. The Anthonys did have an attorney with them both days. Yesterday a male and female atty, today only a female atty. So maybe Lee doesn't believe he needs an attorney for himself anymore.
I was proud of Lee also. He spoke well and seemed to be honest. There were a few little quips he made about LE, but what do we expect when he was raised by George and Cindy Anthony?

He was also polite and listened to the questions being asked. He wasn't defensive or out-right rude towards Linda. Cindy and George could learn something from him.

I think he made it very apparent that he was not an "Agent of the State."

I will withhold complete judgement of Lee's doing the right thing until after trial because the testimony today was only about a single matter. He has said some awful things about some of Casey's former friends and he has said that he believes everything that Casey says.

But, with that said, well done Mr. Lee "Giggles" Anthony.

LOL I am proud of him, too. He definitely has more class than his parents, though I would have appreciated it if he could have shaved and put on a decent shirt...:crazy:

That being said, I'm hoping that he will continue to be as open and frank during the trial as he appeared today. If so, my opinion of him will have done a complete 180...:twocents:
I'm not holding my breath that Lee will finally do what is right by CAYLEE instead of Casey. But I am so pleased he was honest today. Although it's important to note that today was not the trial. And the real tough ball questions haven't been lodged at Lee yet. I hope and pray to GOD that he performs the same at trial as he did today.

If what was speculated today on the forums is true then it might explain his drastic change. If Lee is a father to be his attitude might change about a lot of things like his feelings for Caylee and maybe even his own Father. Whatever his motive I'm pleased he was honest and wasn't rude to LDB.


I wonder if his maturity is indeed related to the fact that he is allegedly a father-to-be...??? I was wondering what made him grow up so drastically, when his parents seem stuck in denial. I have personally witnessed how being a father can turn a boy into a man and it is a beautiful thing.

At least now I have more hope that someone in that family will be going to bat for Caylee Marie at trial.

I wonder if his maturity is indeed related to the fact that he is allegedly a father-to-be...???
I was wondering what made him grow up so drastically, when his parents seem stuck in denial. I have personally witnessed how being a father can turn a boy into a man and it is a beautiful thing.

At least now I have more hope that someone in that family will be going to bat for Caylee Marie at trial.
Red by me.

I thought about this too. Before I got pregnant, my husband was a lot more...boyish, if you know what I mean. But he really "grew up" when I got pregnant, especially when I started showing he became far more responsible about our future.

Watching Lee in Court yesterday had me thinking that if Mallory is pregnant, it would explain a lot, imo.
Something that intrigued me during LDB's cross of Lee today.

She didn't seem at all surprised at his candor.

I know she's a pro and a cool customer so wouldn't have necessarily shown any reaction either way -- but I got the distinct impression she EXPECTED him to behave just the way he did.

She didn't start out softer or tougher than with the other witnesses, there just seemed to be an EASE between them.Perhaps this has something to do with his particular immunity deal, a deal much more encompassing than his parents have negotiated perhaps...

I wonder if Baez even worked with Lee before he testified today as I assume he did with George and Cindy. Doesn't seem so. Baez seemed to be working without a net.

I could be all wrong... I'm not a Scorpio (though I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...)

Good point!!! Thanks button insufficient.

She DID seem to have a particular "ease" with Lee today, and vice versa. I wonder if your hunch is right about an immunity deal?

And Baez did seem to be all over the place, compared to questioning with George and Cindy, and I found myself wondering where the heck he was even going???:loser:
That AND he seems pleased as punch to be there. He didn't seem unwilling to testify as he did today. He seemed at ease, natural, just the facts. Not like he was forced in any way. You can tell when someone does something under duress. He showed no strain. I found the whole thing fascinating.

Again, ITA. He really didn't sweat a bit, huh? I was expecting nervous giggles and cocky replies and instead I saw a pretty straightforward testimony with what looked like genuine smiles...

I, too, was completely fascinated and it does have me even more intrigued as to what he knows/did...

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