2011.03.03 Lee Anthony's Testimony

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Good point!!! Thanks button insufficient.

She DID seem to have a particular "ease" with Lee today, and vice versa. I wonder if your hunch is right about an immunity deal?

And Baez did seem to be all over the place, compared to questioning with George and Cindy, and I found myself wondering where the heck he was even going???:loser:

You know,even with an immunity deal one would still expect to see some tension or nervousness.It goes beyond the idea of being charged to simply having everyone know what you did.
Lee seemed light years ahead of any concerns for himself.
I'm starting to think Lee signaled his intention to cooperate with the state far enough in advance of this hearing,that he and the SA's had some friendly exchanges.
I am surprised and impressed with Lee:) He did seem to be an Agent for Caylee today:)
Kc really was not happy with her Brother or her father. After hearing Hosy's testamony of his walk with Kc and her telling him of her Mom wanting to take Caylee away from her and that Caylee was ok, pretty much blaming her crazy Mom knowing she had already written her statement about a kidnapping, KC pretty much convicted herself then.
I wonder if that is one of the reasons why jb wants what she said that evening thrown out. I guess unlucky for kc she had so many people to talk to that night she could change her story quite often.
I wonder if he still thinks Caylee might be alive.

I think he has always known she died in June, 2008.

It has always seemd to me that LA is one of those people that, if he just has the facts to deal with, he can work through, compartmentalize, and move forward. He doesn't want to dwell on the emotional aspect of things at all.

I think he wanted to know how it all went down, so even in the worst case scenario, no question would be left unanswered and lingering, and he could begin to help his parents and sister move forward, with the least drama and pain possible.
He seemed to ride the fence on some things that we thought were a given, like the fact there was never a ZFG. Maybe it's not that he ever believed those things, he just would not close that door until the issue was thoroughly explored.

There are certainly questions left unanswered, many of our threads reflect that-Those answers may come to light at trial and LA can only facilitate truth's outting if he is honest and straighforward. Then, he has honey-do's and baby-makin' to look forward to.
I am guilty of lumping Lee in with his parents, but I think he really proved that he was the only one who considered Caylee a person and genuinely loved her with no power struggles or drama involved. I feel really bad for him.

OT, kinda, but my grandfather passed away last weekend and we had the funeral a couple of days ago. We were at the burial and my sister was standing beside me with my two year old niece, who was holding a doll that looked like Caylee's "Mama" doll (except she calls hers "Baby"). I guess it just shows how much I read WS because when I saw it I did think about Caylee. I was crying at the burial, and my niece looked at me and reached for me, and put her head on my chest and just hugged me. She didn't have any words to use but it was pure love. I feel so, so badly for Lee that his niece was taken from him by selfish, mean people who didn't deserve her. He did good by Caylee. Ok, now I'm crying again haha, I didn't even know this poor child but it just hurts me to see so much of her family just erase her.
I said it in the hearing thread yesterday but I will elaborate here.

Yesterday was the first time I have seen anyone in the Anthony family speak truthfully without any accompanying spin. There have been brief moments where CA and GA have answered a question truthfully but then followed it up with a hmmmmmmmmmmmm mistruth.

There have been moments where answers seemed to be true but were served with a hefty side of disrespect, followed by acrimony.

We have seen GA and CA answer JB's questions politely only to see thm flip the switch when questiond by the State.

Yesterday Lee Anthony did the right thing. He resisted JB's obvious attempts to lead testimony in a less than truthful direction. He refused to allow JB's questions to trip him up. He corrcted JB's version, redirected his questioning, and painted JB into a corner. Lee made his answers clear to JB that he would not "help" via lies.

Lee was respectful, contained his nervousnss, was at ease, and spoke truthfully. He showed his love for his sister while doing the right thing. He finally reached that place in the road where he knew he could do nothing else FOR KC.

Most importantly though....Lee Anthony's own testimony sent a big hug and kiss to his niece as if to say...I love you Caylee and I'm sorry it took me so long to get here.
I just want to say I see a lot of new people on here. Some people are WS members who have wandered over, some were here at the beginning and left and came back, some were lurkers who have become member. Feel free to ask any questions you have! And...:greetings: Greetings :welcome: Welcome to WS :Welcome1:

Thanks! I've been lurking around this board since...gosh.....Scott Peterson. There hasn't been a trial since that has sparked my interest to this extent. I think I'm fascinated by narcissistic pathological lying psychopaths and those who protect them. It just boggles my mind and frightens me at the same time because I struggle with how I would behave had my child committed such heinous acts. Frankly, I would not stand by my child to the point of covering up their lies etc. He or she would definitely learn from an early age to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors. Should they resent me because of my convictions...oh well--so be it. But please believe that he/she would not see the inside of a jail or prison before they get a good old fashioned butt whoopin' from me! And I state that quite mildly for the sake of respect of this board. Honey, I will go and visit her in prison just to kick her....okay, my blood is beginning to boil and I'm rambling off topic. Please excuse me.
Can someone give me a link to Lee's testimony? I tried the ones posted in this thread and they're not going his his testimony. TIA!
I said it in the hearing thread yesterday but I will elaborate here.

Yesterday was the first time I have seen anyone in the Anthony family speak truthfully without any accompanying spin. There have been brief moments where CA and GA have answered a question truthfully but then followed it up with a hmmmmmmmmmmmm mistruth.

There have been moments where answers seemed to be true but were served with a hefty side of disrespect, followed by acrimony.

We have seen GA and CA answer JB's questions politely only to see thm flip the switch when questiond by the State.

Yesterday Lee Anthony did the right thing. He resisted JB's obvious attempts to lead testimony in a less than truthful direction. He refused to allow JB's questions to trip him up. He corrcted JB's version, redirected his questioning, and painted JB into a corner. Lee made his answers clear to JB that he would not "help" via lies.

Lee was respectful, contained his nervousnss, was at ease, and spoke truthfully. He showed his love for his sister while doing the right thing. He finally reached that place in the road where he knew he could do nothing else FOR KC.

Most importantly though....Lee Anthony's own testimony sent a big hug and kiss to his niece as if to say...I love you Caylee and I'm sorry it took me so long to get here.

I agree with all of this!!

Also, with talks of Lee getting married to Mallory, I think it is safe to assume that they have talked about having children of their own? Maybe with the reality of marriage and having a family of his own, he started to sit down and really think things out. What is best for me? What is best for my future wife? What is best for my future children? Children! Would he feel comfortable having Casey around his own children?

I think that reality... the reality of his future... made him turn and look at things differently. He knows Casey killed Caylee... and I am sure the thought had occured to him that if Casey is capable of killing her own child, could she be capable of killing my child? That thought would make any potential parent cringe.

I also think.. again... looking to the future... he started thinking more about his niece. What she went through and how unfair it was for her life to be cut so short.

I don't know? Whatever happened... Lee did the right thing. I just hope he continues to do the right thing. According to all reports, he did not meet up with his parents during the lunch break. He went to lunch on his own and returned to the courtroom on his own.

With the new revelation that Mark Hawkins had wore a wire... it makes me think if this is also the reason we haven't seen Mallory's deposition?
Hi folks,

Watched Lee again last night. He does mouth I love you - she ignores him and he then says Good luck. Just fyi.
Well, I just watched the recording of yesterdays hearing as I was unable to yesterday... and I have to just sigh a big sigh of relief. I hope once this trial starts Lee will be sitting behind the SOA, on CAYLEE's SIDE! Good for you Lee... your baby niece is smiling down on you... It almost brings me to tears to finally have someone in that family respect Caylee's memory.
Watch this video at about 1:40 and on. Watch ICA's face. She honestly looks like the devil when Lee is speaking about this letter ICA was going to write him. I keep replaying it and I'm so freaked out. Watch her eyebrows go up, her ears move and look in her eyes. If this is what Caylee saw before her demise....

Lee has always fascinated me. I've always thought at some point he would become the Anthony on the side of justice for Caylee. I worried it wouldn't be in time, but after his testimony yesterday I'm happy to think that it is. I'd love to know what turned him around, maybe Mallory? but I doubt we will ever know for sure.

If Mallory is pregnant, George and Cindy have another grandchild coming, I wonder what Lee's relationship with them is right now? I wonder what it will be after the trial, when Casey is convicted? Will they put some of the blame him and lose another child and grandchild?
When Caylee's remains were found with duct tape across her face it left little doubt that her death was not an accident. Perhaps LA was more willing to be forgiving of Casey when he thought that her death might have been just a tragic accident rather than the deliberate murder it appears to be. Whatever his reasons I am just glad that he stood up for Caylee and gave honest answers.
Hi folks,

Watched Lee again last night. He does mouth I love you - she ignores him and he then says Good luck. Just fyi.

At first I thought is Casey being ADVISED to not show emotion or love towards her family but ignore them or show anger????
Is it part of a plan to destroy George and Lee in order to show she was abused?

Lee was not hostile during his testimony
Casey did not cry this time when Lee took the stand like she did during during the 911 calls hearing in July...
Watch this video at about 1:40 and on. Watch ICA's face. She honestly looks like the devil when Lee is speaking about this letter ICA was going to write him. I keep replaying it and I'm so freaked out. Watch her eyebrows go up, her ears move and look in her eyes. If this is what Caylee saw before her demise....


IMO...She lied to Lee just as much as she lied to everyone else

Lee was trying desperately to help find Caylee...Casey should have been grateful (Just like Cindy said in the July 3rd myspace)..but she wasn't...Lee wanted truthful information from Casey, but she kept feeding him BS.
Well, I just watched the recording of yesterdays hearing as I was unable to yesterday... and I have to just sigh a big sigh of relief. I hope once this trial starts Lee will be sitting behind the SOA, on CAYLEE's SIDE! Good for you Lee... your baby niece is smiling down on you... It almost brings me to tears to finally have someone in that family respect Caylee's memory.

I've always wondered, WHO will give a victims impact statement???

Now I hope it's LA...he so changed my mind about him yesterday. He might not be part of a united front anymore. I also wonder if he's read all the evidence, the discovery and came to his own thought process. I remember when he found out in Nov.. 2008, that CA sent her people in those woods he was outraged because at that time he still thought Caylee was alive.

Whatever his CMA fest was at Caylee's memorial, I'm just glad he took the high road and spoke TRUTH...something his parents denied Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Lanie, I've always been in the other camp. I couldn't believe what I was seeing today.

It was just a few months ago he got on the stand with his "I love you" to Casey, full-frontal, and wasn't all that polite to LDB.

I don't know what Lee did to have a need for immunity, but his attorney said he did something, and LE said "he knows what he's done", so I assume he did something and made some kind of deal.

It doesn't even matter if he changes course during the trial as far as I'm concerned, although I doubt he will. Because today was CRITICAL. I think he was instrumental in assuring those jail vids will come in and they are DEVASTATING to her case. The jury will despise her when they hear that first call. Christina wailing about Caylee and Casey saying "whatever, gimme Tony's number!", and so much more.

The defense needed Lee today and they got nothing. The blood drained out of Casey's face. She looked stunned, truly shocked, doomed. This was huge.

I am remembering this as you do, jennyb. To go one step further, I would bet my eyeteeth that Lee had cooked up some false emails way back when. I think he stepped into what really could have been Obstruction and that was pointed out to him. That is when his 'investigation' stopped, IMO.

I also think Lee did his best to erase Caey's laptop with the 'blue screen of death' when he got it from Tony Lazarro. He did not realize that might not work.

I do not like Lee or any of the Anthony's. I have watched all of this unfold from the beginning and felt they have all lied, and lied, and lied. It will take more than Lee's 'maybe' moment to convince me that he will be 100% forthcoming at trial.

I know that Lee loved Caylee, but I also believe that he is in CYA mode as well.

My only thought about him at the hearing was that he somehow finally had a "come to Jesus" moment.

He wasn't hostile, he was answering all questions politely and he seemed to care about his niece.

Here's hoping the moment was not momentary!

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