2011.03.07 Motions Hearing

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In regards to George's parents... they live in Fort Myers, Florida (that is where I live) and there has been NOTHING in these few years in our local newspapers or actual news that has ever mentioned this.

I do feel bad for them because it seems that they had very little contact with Caylee in her short life. George, in the one of the jail visits, even tells Casey that grandma and grandpa Anthony are sorry that they were not more active in Caylee's life.

Are they even on a witness list? I am 99% sure that they are not on the State's witness list. Are they on the defenses witness list?

I understand that they want to stay out of this mess and understand why they have not spoken out on their feelings about this case, but I have always wondered what they think about all of this? Do they condone the behavior of their son and daughter-in-law?

Anyways, I do feel bad for them. I know that Cindy was supposed to make a trip down here to Fort Myers prior to Caylee's murder, but something came up? Just sad that they didn't get to see Caylee one last time before Casey murdered her.

I am happy that they are there for George... I just hope that they are there for Caylee too. I know last week they were sitting on the prosecution side... if that was them?
It was not them. It was a couple that knew the As from church. I spoke to them.
I was initially convinced that HHJP would only allow everything prior to the Universal trip in. But hearing from all of you who were watching, and considering his facial expressions during the snippets I've been able to watch, I do wonder.

I will gladly defer to our verified lawyers, and I will rest firm in the faith that the 911 tapes, plus all written statements before the handcuffing, will come in. And that is all Caylee needs. There is plenty of other evidence to convict her mother of the crime that she IMO committed.
I can go you one better. Since I have moved to NC (couple of months) I have been stopped 4 times for roadblocks on the same road/roads. You are in line and can't go anywhere but through the roadblock. Was I in custody??????? They had guns and were sorta big, does that count?

Hmmm.........may be worse than ya thought.
4 times??
Sounds like they are stalking ya and getting ready to frame ya for something.

I wouldn't stop next time!!:seeya:
After hearing CM's closing today, let's all pause and reflect on his wise words just before he joined the defence team.

Defense attorney Cheney Mason said claims made by Casey Anthony and Baez that Caylee was alive will now work against them at trial. "Then all the talking, all the press interviews and the parents going on this show and that show and the lawyer going on different shows establishes they have no credibility whatsoever," Mason said.

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life," Mason said.

citation from http://www.clickorlando.com/news/18268796/detail.html
Poor little meek, shy, naieve Casey - intimidated and bullied around by those big old mean guys with guns.

Funny how she didnt waste any time or have any problem making it crystal clear and very well known exactly who she WASN'T talking to or what she wasnt talking ABOUT very shortly thereafter....LE, George, Cindy, Lee, Caylee...right on up to as recent as, ohhhh, today.

"Child", my big fat *advertiser censored*.
...and if she was such a child...why weren't her parents along for the ride?

Or in the spare room while LE questioned her..

If I was a juror listening to a lawyer repeatedly call a young ADULT a Child I would think...WTF...and try not to laugh at the absurd comment.

AZ, What is the Legal definition of a Child? and Minor?
Is it close to this:

child n. 1) a person's natural offspring. 2) a person 14 years and under. A "child" should be distinguished from a "minor" who is anyone under 18 in almost all states.
Guys, earlier today, on the way to the grocery store, a cop's bars were flashing and siren going, so I had to stop and pull to the shoulder so the officer could pass. I'm pretty sure I was in custody.

I bet you were terrified!! :lol::cop:
Or in the spare room while LE questioned her..

If I was a juror listening to a lawyer repeatedly call a young ADULT a Child I would think...WTF...and try not to laugh at the absurd comment.

AZ, What is the Legal definition of a Child? and Minor?
Is it close to this:

child n. 1) a person's natural offspring. 2) a person 14 years and under. A "child" should be distinguished from a "minor" who is anyone under 18 in almost all states.

I tend to think that CM used the term loosely..due to his advanced age..anyone under the age of 25 is a child...tho for his argument purposes doesnt fit..but I'd bet anyone of us would refer to such a term when we see such young faces in responsible jobs...Yikes..It's a sign of the age of the person making the statement...For sure Jose couldnt use that term..but CM may..however Casey/Child just isnt appropriate to his argument..as the CHILD in this case was 2 years old (CAYLEE)..not 22 young women/mother..:banghead:
Could someone please post a brief overview of today's hearing here [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130085"]2011.03.04 Hearing Summary Thread ***NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I'm working nights and there is no way I can read through 46 pages.
Just the highlights would be great! TIA
I was initially convinced that HHJP would only allow everything prior to the Universal trip in. But hearing from all of you who were watching, and considering his facial expressions during the snippets I've been able to watch, I do wonder.

I will gladly defer to our verified lawyers, and I will rest firm in the faith that the 911 tapes, plus all written statements before the handcuffing, will come in. And that is all Caylee needs. There is plenty of other evidence to convict her mother of the crime that she IMO committed.
I pray that the judge throws out the Universal interview. If not, I think it will present grounds for an effective appeal if/when she's convicted. AZLawyer cited several cases which supports that interview being excluded.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5970116#post5970116"]2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements - Page 6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

post #129

Until I read these I was convinced that interview should be allowed into evidence. Now, I'm hoping it gets thrown out. There's nothing there that wasn't stated in her initial written statement anyway. Didn't CM cite the Ross case in his argument today? I'll have to go back and listen again and see if he used any of these.
You guys are killing me. I am struggling to not burst out laughing during my class while my students are working on a writing assignment, LOL!

I just hate it's going to be the end of NEXT week before we get a ruling!!!!
I am really not looking forward to seeing George and Cindy Anthony on the news again? From what Amil, who graciously goes to these hearings, posted it seems that there are plans for the Anthony's to begin some sort of media blitz starting in late March.

I really wish Judge Perry would issue a gag order for all witnesses... only because I just know that the Anthony's are going to bash the detectives and the SA and possibly even Judge Perry himself, if he rules against the defenses motions. If Judge Perry rules against the defense, George and Cindy Anthony are going to be extremely desperate and feel that they, personally, have been scorned. They do not see that it is their own testimony, that makes the Judge's decision to rule against the majority of these motions, easy.

Cindy Anthony should have never tried to put herself in the conversation George had with Yuri Melich. Cindy, in her state deposition, even says that George told her that Yuri told him that Casey might not be coming back. Cindy, in her desperate attempt to make it look more believable, testified that not only was she present when this statement was made, but the statement came from a completely different detective (John Allen). Even if this statement was made, in which Yuri Melich denies ever making it, Cindy made it impossible for Judge Perry to even believe that the statement was made because she LIED... completely contradicting her sworn testimony given in her State deposition.

Judge Perry is going to be reading, listening to, and keeping notes on all of these documents. Depositions, interviews, phone calls, visitations, etc... Lying on the stand is not going to help Cindy and George. I wish that when they are being interviewed, someone, anyone who is interviewing them would bring this up... but they won't?

I really want a gag order for all witnesses. This is a lot different from Cindy and George claiming they needed to be able to talk to the media to help find Caylee back in 2008.
...and at this late date...affidavit for what?
Oh. Mah. Gawd..

I have only read through page 16, post-LDB dropping the f-bomb WHILE QUOTING THE DEFENDANT!!!! And that right there is all I need to know. (Well, that and the awesome screen caps of HHJP's face at various stages. And ICA--that turtleneck thing didn't work out so good, maybe go with my initial suggestion of a shell with a suit jacket over it, Ms. Medina I think you may remember that one?)

Great googly moogly, I just cannot wait to see how HHJP rules on all this mess.

Oh! now I'm going to be on the edge of my seat for the next hearing to see if they read here and she shows up in a shell and jacket!
I can't remember who it is that is going to court and relaying stuff to us but she told us earlier that people aren't able to choose what side they sit on because it's packed in there. So the seating isn't about who's on who's side from what I understand.
I frequently sit on the defense side. I'm less likely to be photographed or caught in a video. I get a good view of the person testifying when there are witnesses because the podium isn't in my way. People can choose which side they sit on until one side is too full and they are forced to sit where they can.
I want to once again thank ALL of you for your keeping us informed. Sadly my migraine did not respond well to meds so I spent the afternoon in bed.

I will be watching the videos though because I just cannot miss the F Bomb,
I have a whole new respect for LDB.

I also want to note that I see that there are those that like CM as a person. Thanks for making me sit back and realize that he is just a man doing his job.
Or in the spare room while LE questioned her..

If I was a juror listening to a lawyer repeatedly call a young ADULT a Child I would think...WTF...and try not to laugh at the absurd comment.

AZ, What is the Legal definition of a Child? and Minor?
Is it close to this:

child n. 1) a person's natural offspring. 2) a person 14 years and under. A "child" should be distinguished from a "minor" who is anyone under 18 in almost all states.
Ya know...way back when this all started I remember stating my feelings on this very subject...if my child was being questioned about my missing granddaughter I'd never leave her side for one moment. Not one single moment! And if LE wanted to question her without my being there I'd be on the phone to an attorney in a NY minute. One of the reasons why I felt that George and Cindy already knew what Casey was capable of.
August 14, 2008
Jailhouse Tapes

GA: (long pause) Well let me see if I can handle it in a different way, to get in to see you any sooner is that okay with you?
KC: Do what you have to do, I mean I'm obviously not going anywhere, just biding my time.
(paraphrased from my notes)
George tells Casey she can expedite his meeting with her, Casey asks "how?"(exact quote).
GA: Go to the people right there, right with you and tell them you want to see your dad right now. A matter of hours sweetie, they really can.
KC: Uh, yeah I tried that, negative.
GA: There is only so much I can do, that comes from the outside. I've asked those questions. (skip)
GA: Well I know, I'm very thankful you took the time to talk to us today. I mean I really am, when we first got here I thought well oh maybe we'll be turned away. I'm glad you talked to us, I really am, glad, got a chance to see you. (skip)
KC: ...and its sad, its unfortunate they're gonna judge people, they're gonna pass judgement about, about something they don't know, stuff that's being said is completely, completely fabricated and twisted and everything else and its ridulous but you know what mom? Again that's gonna blow over I'm not going to give the media anything when I get out of here, sucks for them because I have nothing to say.

Cindy Anthony
Interview with FBI

CA: ....and from the way everythings being handled right now, you know its very obvious right now that they're building a case against my daughter. And for whatever reasons you know, that's fine they can do whatever they they want. But I don't want the investigation stipped into looking for Caylee. Because uhm, I know my daughter did not kill her and I have more and more things I want to share with you today.
CA: Because its almost like in the eyes of the media and in the eyes of the OCSO they always have...they already have an open and shut case against my daughter. There is a lot of evidence that's not evidence yet. there's a lot of um, mis-statements out there of more things. And just from the holes in Melich's report there's holes all in it and mis-statements. So, there's also alot of clues that Casey's been giving. and I guess that's what brings us even before last night um, thee was a lot of concerns, lot of red flags. My son and my husband and I have had an opportunity to get past that initial shock of not having Caylee in our lives right now.
(paraphrased from notes)
Cindy wants to know why the FBI has not spoken to Casey and the FBI says Casey has to wish that, "The FBI cannot initiate that contact at all" he says because Casey is a charged individual.
LE: There have been inconsistencies and outright untruths that have been provided to law enforcement up to this point. What is going to change in our conversation that is going to help us find Caylee. That's what, that's all I would want to know because quite frankly, I've listened to a lttle bit of what she told them and what she has done up to this point.
LE: And not knowing what her motives are there have been misleading things done by her on certain ocasions with regard to finding Caylee.

George Anthony
Statement to LE
July 24, 2008

GA: I don't want to believe that I have, have raised someone and I brought someone in this world that could do something to another person. I don't want to believe that and if it happens all I can do is ask that you guys please call me so I can prepare my wife because its going to kill her. (skip)
GA: All I can do is ask if, if you feel that this is going in the direction that my, my heart is killing me right now to say it, even if its going into my granddaughter is not, no longer alive I'm going to handle it the best I can, but I need to be there for my wife and my, my son. We,we need to, just because its only us three left the way I'm looking at it right now. Because if there's if we lost my granddaughter, I've lost my daughter. And, that's you know how hard that's going to be?
And if GA felt she was under arrest then WHY DID HE NOT CALL AN ATTORNEY????????? He's former LE, he knows the ropes. Now he wants to claim fowl. He told Yuri about the smell in the car. GA knew what he was doing and GA felt LE was not doing enough, clearly, or why would he have mentioned it to the lead detective. GA stated something is not right. My daughter is not telling us everything. CA, "I want my daughter arrested for taking the car and stealing money from me." They wanted KC arrested by their own actions and statements to police, they wanted her arrested. After they arrested KC, CA stated "I don't care where KC is at, I know where she's at, I just want Caylee." These statements are contrary to what CA stated in her testimony. So if KC felt pressure about being arrested it was from her own family, not LE. They were trying to find a missing child. The A's already knew Caylee was gone but did not share those feelings with LE. jmo
Geez...kind of spooky...like minds and all that!
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