2011.04.04 Motion Defendant's: For Withdrawal of Appointed Counsel

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the WORK purse and Fabreze story is more than I can take

When I saw that played again all I could think was, "is she crazy". It has been well established that KC was NOT working. It was a fantasy job. One that she made up in her little devious head. For CA to sit there under oath and say "one of KC's work purses" just makes me:maddening:! Good grief!!!!!!!!
Maybe the DT just got the motion wrong.....again. :floorlaugh:
I also vote Simms because of a glimpse I caught during Cindy's testimony last week. I think it showed she doesn't believe Casey and it was caught on camera. When Cindy says she removed Casey's work purse from the car.. Simms look at Casey for her reaction..it was an odd and telling moment. Anyone else catch that? CHECK IT OUT @ 1:43
Yeah, I caught that look. Hard to defend someone who totally disgusts you with their every breath and move.
Normally there would be a distinction made between "appointed" counsel (appointed by the Court) and "retained" counsel (hired by defendant). But Casey doesn't have any appointed counsel, does she?:waitasec:

Would they be considered "appointed" after she was declared indingent?

I thought no one was allowed to jump ship after a certain point and we were past that point?

No one seems to want to defend the undefendable after they get the whole story :waitasec:
I also vote Simms because of a glimpse I caught during Cindy's testimony last week. I think it showed she doesn't believe Casey and it was caught on camera. When Cindy says she removed Casey's work purse from the car.. Simms look at Casey for her reaction..it was an odd and telling moment. Anyone else catch that? CHECK IT OUT @ 1:43

Work purse??? Is CA still delusional that KC was working? Sheesh!
I also vote Simms because of a glimpse I caught during Cindy's testimony last week. I think it showed she doesn't believe Casey and it was caught on camera. When Cindy says she removed Casey's work purse from the car.. Simms look at Casey for her reaction..it was an odd and telling moment. Anyone else catch that? CHECK IT OUT @ 1:43

I sooooo saw that last week, but wasn't sure what to make of it. She seemed disgusted, or something.... not sure... :waitasec:
Would they be considered "appointed" after she was declared indingent?

I thought no one was allowed to jump ship after a certain point and we were past that point?

No one seems to want to defend the undefendable after they get the whole story :waitasec:

Not completely true. The only ones who cannot jump ship are the ones who were PAID for their services prior to KC being declared indigent. And so far as we know that only applies to one lawyer in this case.

CM and AF are somewhat restricted as the DP qualified attorneys, one of them has to stay. So it would be a race to the exit. One could bail but not both.

Thinking on it, there is an attached brief in support of the motion? So it may be something a bit more major than some junior associate council, or even a lower tier player like DCS?
I thought JB could not quit, because of a law in Florida? :waitasec:

I don't think it is him.
I thought JB could not quit, because of a law in Florida? :waitasec:

I don't think it is him.

JB can't choose to quit under that law... without the defendants consent and permission. In other words he can't quit but he can be fired. he serves at KC's pleasure so to speak.

I think if it was JB (or even CM) it would have already leaked to the news media and they all would be leading with some sort of bombshell teasers.
Work purse??? Is CA still delusional that KC was working? Sheesh!
Crazy, I know. But Simms look at her was priceless. It even caught her off guard. Her look was like, "KC? working? are you kidding me? yeah, BS" Simms looks like she has worked herself to a frazzle for this case and that KC working BS struck a nerve with her.
Not completely true. The only ones who cannot jump ship are the ones who were PAID for their services prior to KC being declared indigent. And so far as we know that only applies to one lawyer in this case.

CM and AF are somewhat restricted as the DP qualified attorneys, one of them has to stay. So it would be a race to the exit. One could bail but not both.

Thinking on it, there is an attached brief in support of the motion? So it may be something a bit more major than some junior associate council, or even a lower tier player like DCS?

So it still might be CM? Think he has had enough fun?:great:
I sooooo saw that last week, but wasn't sure what to make of it. She seemed disgusted, or something.... not sure... :waitasec:

My money is on her too.
If you look at her Bio on her web site, this case is SO not what she has spent her life's work doing....

I'm thinking this (JB) is all leaving a bad taste in her mouth. :innocent:
When I saw that played again all I could think was, "is she crazy". It has been well established that KC was NOT working. It was a fantasy job. One that she made up in her little devious head. For CA to sit there under oath and say "one of KC's work purses" just makes me:maddening:! Good grief!!!!!!!!

I thought she had been earning some money (being paid ) as a call girl???:maddening:
So it still might be CM? Think he has had enough fun?:great:

I wouldn't rule out CM. If so the supporting brief may either be something in support of leaving for medical reasons, or something from AF affirming that she will be taking over the DP duties. (or it can be flipped the other way with AF leaving and CM staying).
All of Cindy's testimony is going to change. Who does she thinks she's kidding? I hope they throw her butt in jail for perjury. she is pathetic. Poor Caylee looking down from Heaven going I thought she loved me?? I hate CA as much as ICA

Tsk tsk. But, but , but, she loves her dogs.:innocent:

But I agree with everything you said! :floorlaugh:
I can see CM stating in a brief how very busy he is ....doesn't he have two other important cases going on? And, then touting to the media how very capable JB is, and that he (CM) will be there if needed...ALA Andrea Lyon.
How come Baez didn't call another one of those press conferences? :waitasec:
I wouldn't rule out CM. If so the supporting brief may either be something in support of leaving for medical reasons, or something from AF affirming that she will be taking over the DP duties. (or it can be flipped the other way with AF leaving and CM staying).

I tend to think AF is on this case as a professional and will present her case as best she can. I just don't see her quiting.
My money is on her too.
If you look at her Bio on her web site, this case is SO not what she has spent her life's work doing....

I'm thinking this (JB) is all leaving a bad taste in her mouth. :innocent:

I agree. She has seemed really in over her head. I don't think it would be good for her to stay. Especially, that bumble she had with, "But this more than a FRYE hearing". I believe she was told to say that by Jose. I don't think she had a clue. :dunno: If were her, I would run as fast as I could.

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