2011.04.06 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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And it is finally a beautiful day down here. We had some horrific storms yesterday, but the air is clean and pure today

And can I say that we are encountering SNOW......been a wet one all round--but guess have to expect it living in Washington....BUT SNOW??? One of my dogs loves it!!! She is a happy girl! She told me so....
Judge: Life is not simple. I have no life between this...going to Tallahassee....

right now my other colleagues are probably enjoying lunch.

Well said.
lots and lots and LOTS of grooming behavior today by ICA

funny that this is called a hearing... because I can't hear SQUAT lol. hopefully now they're done with Skype the sound will be better. :)



I really hope the stain motion is next. The pictures that were enhanced here by Webslueths members is amazing... and I hope that they show pictures of the outline of Caylee in that courtroom for Casey to see! I have been waiting to see any kind of reaction out of her and if this outline doesn't get anything out of her... she is TOAST come trial!

Stupid question but I really want to know, lol. Where does Casey go during the lunch break/recess? Back to jail?

I'm still upset from them talking about caylee swimming and trying to use it to create doubt to let her murderer run free. and ICA doesnt even pretend to care. I'm gonna have to make a lot of margaritas to get through this trial.

I have wondered the same! Does she eat Jail food, or does the DT bring her Taco's and take pictures of her eating them? lol

I'm only going by what I recall from the OJ hearing. She will go to a holding cell at the courthouse where she can eat her samwich and box juice.

RespectfullyQuoted WS :tyou:
Question was posed to him about how this affects the KC case. He said it was inappopriate to comment without the lawyers present BUT that they would do what has to be done.
Aww...HHJP looks so cute when he smiles. Look at his dimples. :loveyou:

I can't wait to see Casey's reaction to the sticker and stain. By far, if anything is to get to her, this will be it! I also wonder how long Cindy will be able to stand the testimony!
Perhaps since the court was funded by foreclosures....someone could reopen the ones for the Anthony's and JB???

Ok, got my Jack, got my Dt. Coke, got my ice bucket and my tall red plastic cup..........ready for stain, sticker, ick, and ICA acting................JA really did a wonderful job of clearly showing that Dr. Logan was not an appropriate 'expert' in the field of air sampling.............I just do not understand how any attorney trying to build a reputation of professionalism and a practical expertise in practicing law would allow themselves to be pulled into this type of a scenario:maddening:. Why on earth wasn't Sims better prepared for the questioning?
My husband will be home in 30 minutes and I'll watch him on the balcony grilling, while I sit inside with my feet up, sipping wine. Every once in a while, I'll probably take out the 50 I stole from him and fan myself with it.
Ok, I will break out the blender for our margarita fans...



(ETA--don't know if it shows up in the link, but these cocktails come from the "House of Sims" in Hoboken. A toast to Dottie!)

Boy those look so good!

I was stuck with singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall - 99 bottles of beer, if one of the bottles should happen to fall, there will be 98 bottles of beer on the way."

There were only 6 bottles left - thank god we broke for lunch recess...
Just curious why GA never seems to show up, except when he has to testify? CA is there all the time, but hardly ever GA. Is he working? I know it's not vitally important, but just a curiosity, as it does seem odd that he is never there.
Just curious why GA never seems to show up, except when he has to testify? CA is there all the time, but hardly ever GA. Is he working? I know it's not vitally important, but just a curiosity, as it does seem odd that he is never there.
He may be working. That's my guess.
I love, love, love The SideBar!!!!!!
Gonna have some fruits and a lil sumpin to drink for lunch, this is my fav lunch too!
Anyone else notice how close JB got to Dottie whispering in her ear, (about 45 min to an hour ago) while conferring during Dot's questioning? I was like...geesh..get a room!

What do you all think the ruling will be on the "smell" evidence of Dr. Vass's?

Has anyone gotten the feeling that the defense witnesses are jealous of Dr. Vass' reputation? The guy who testified (Furton I believe) showed real signs of envy and I got this impression from his deposition too.

I just got that feeling when listening to the defenses expert witnesses?
I had a suspicion that In Session was off the mark.

In-Sessions seems to be under the impression that this is leaning towards the defense. What I am getting from reading here looks like it is going well for the state. I just started watching and reading at about 11:00 so I am confused.
question on the deadline....

will the 5pm deadline set by hhjp be for all the frye arguments????

just wondered what you all thought
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