2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Q-Is it possible G killed this little girl?

LKB-We will have to wait and find out!! (paraphrasing)

Look out G-the bus is coming!

Bold mine.

Oh, how I wish that bus would swerve around GA and head right for CA! :crazy:
I thought the DNA guy Kobelenski? was out? What's he doing getting face time on 48 Hours?

ans: Nancy won't have him on anymore and he will take face time wherever he can get it?
AKA...spin! Glad I didn't bother to waste my time.

Thanks gngr snap

l am sorry for being blunt. I tell it like I see it. I'm too D@MN old to coat it with rainbow sprinkles. ICA = epic fail. even if she didn't do the deed.NOT reporting it
she failed as mom. she did do it so she fails. as a HUMAN. SHE lack 's a soul. She's an empty human. No morals no regret no empathy. She is hollow like a chocolate bunny. Sweet and enticing on the outside. once cracked open - Nuthin.
Soooo sad for Caylee
:maddening: no proof?
that she had anything to do with the death of her daughter?:floorlaugh:

And according to them it is normal to go out and PARTY
and not mention the daughter being stolen?
And not asking the law for help?
And not asking parents or anyone to help?
How stupid?:loser:
I mean people care more and do more and offer rewards if a family pet goes missing.
This is truely a delusional bunch of people to even begin to go along with the plan.
The plan is to DENY DENY DENY...refuse to see what is obvious and say:

Her :liar: may not grow every time she tells a lie....but apparently her hair does!

ETA: Jinx, MD Mommy!!!

her open blouses and resting them on the desk?And smiling and chatting happily with defense?Writing and reading and enjoying the STAR STATUS[ she thinks]
Some SOAPS may have been removed from TV stations but this is gonna be a HOOT!
Her hair she sits and twilrs it and keeps brushing it away from her face.
If she is not doing that she is fussing with her sleeves and so on and so on.
But yes her hair is going to be discussed.
Hard not to talk about it when she pulls and twists oit all the time..
will it keep her from the GUILTY verdict?
Let's see...
I do hope some channels air the live stream...
and will we get to see the jury being selected?
or is that private?
So sorry I missed the show. OK no I'm not. I'm not even going to watch it on Youtube after hearing from ya'll. Thanks for the updates!
Justice will be soooo sweet! Imagine the DT press conference post conviction. Imagine CM having fun hurling insults and JB crying. Imagine the Anthony rage.
I saw those new photos and videos and knew right away how CA is able to afford her make-over.

Agreed. I also think there was a recent interview by CA. It was very short so they probably edited out 99.9% of the interview. It's easy to tell the general time frame due to Cindy's changing appearance (hair style, color, weight, etc). I would like to know how much the As got for this one.

After watching the show I think the DT is going to claim accident,then KC panics and doesn't know what to do,scared of telling her mom,so makes it look like a kidnapping.Young and scared.They are looking for a Mary Winkler jury,convicted of a much lesser offence.I don't think they're going to get their wish,the only thing they might get is LWOP instead of the DP.

I believe they are going with an accident too. She was too frightened to go home and couldn't part with Caylee's remains so she left them in the trunk. This will be the big ah ha moment that will make us all understand. I think the 48 hours show was to test public opinion of that theory. The DT was probably trolling the blogs all night to see how well they did.

The Fox Orlando site had a poll yesterday. Only two choices, DP or not DP. 87% voted for DP and 12% voted against the DP at the time I checked.

What a waste, a HUGE waste! :banghead:

There's an hour of my life that I can't get back! :banghead:

Could 48 Hours have been more pro defense than they were already? :vomit:

Seriously, am I the only one that thinks this "mock jury" aka "mockury" was completely STAGED beforehand? When Gabriel was asking if they would "acquit" ICA, the one girl was already out of her seat before he finished asking the question! :furious:
I did learn that GA followed KC and Caylee to the driveway blowing them kisses???? Really? Did I miss that somewhere? I thought GA was watching a "food show" when they left the house that day?

WTH is up with CM saying the duct tape is a "product of an overzealous prosecutor"? :banghead: Really Cheney? Did Cheney even say the word "imaginary"?

And Baez saying there is a VERY COMPELLING reason ICA didn't report Caylee missing for 31 days??? I cannot wait to hear that reason!

So basically what I learned from this hour of pure BS is the defense is trying their best to taint a jury pool.

Now Jose is asking HHBP to remove cameras from the court room while he is appearing on 48 hours? INDEED, THE IRONY IS RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!

BBM-I noticed that too.

ITA with your entire post.
Hi folks - Just a reminder: if there are specific issues from the show you wish to discuss, please take it to pre-existing threads or make new ones where none exist.
a poster earlier stated the local news was going to have some kind of *new* evidence that could change the course of the trial.....did anyone watch it?
I forgot all about this show. Thank goodness. But thanks to all you brave, brave souls who watched.
1. Would love to know if this is part of the $200,000 "licensing" deal at the beginning, or if new money exchanged hands, and if so, who's pocket square....errr....pocket the money went into.
2. Don't know how the DT is going to roll that bus over GA....after he admitted on the stand he would do anything to save his corporate executive daughter.
3. If I am correct, their entire strategy is KC didn't do it, she was a loving mother...but yet they are not putting forth ANY theory about how precious Caylee double bagged herself and got lost in the woods?

ETA: As my momma used to say "Consider the Source".......and we all know the source for this show was none other than...see my signature below.
a poster earlier stated the local news was going to have some kind of *new* evidence that could change the course of the trial.....did anyone watch it?

I did, and the "new" evidence was the recent photo of Casey that was released and taken by Will on July 4, 2008.
I agree! Until she started with the whole 'Poor Casey' Spiel... then I started tuning her out. Million dollar question. What does the defense have up their sleeve????

A pair of twos.

Strangely similar to the Peterson family blaming Laci's family for Scott's conviction. Are some of these parents aliens from Mars? What ever happened to teaching your children responsibility and taking some for yourself?

If they admit KC did it then they must feel like they are somehow responsible.

I fell asleep and missed 48 hours! Can anyone do a summary of the program? Did anyone tape it and is going to upload it here? Thanks!

IMO, it was heavily defense skewed. They had PB on to balance things a little bit but they left out a lot of the prosecutions evidence. They focused on the lack of forensic evidence. LKB said KC admitted that there was no Zanny. The defense hired a jury consultant who conducted a sham four and half hour trial and a bunch of people voted to acquit of first degree murder but felt she was guilty of a lesser charge.

A lot of people here think the whole jury trial was a sham that had been rehearsed before filming. IMO, at the very least they picked people susceptible to Jedi mind tricks.
Still amazes me that Baez can stand in front of the Judge and with a straight face complain about the overwhelming presence of the media.
They replayed JA describing how Caylee died (Casey's "Make him STOP!" moment)

Listening to him brought tears to my eyes... :cry:

I so wished they would have shown ica on Friday when JA was speaking of the shirt and said that it was what she was "discarded" in.....that to me ........ didn't try to sugar coat it....it was a powerful statement....
Still amazes me that Baez can stand in front of the Judge and with a straight face complain about the overwhelming presence of the media.

IMHO Baez never has a straight face....he always does it with a smirky smile and a tilt of his head.
JB - a "very compelling reason for that " ... why ICA did not report Caylee missing for 31 days ... oh -- per JB -- and it will come out at the trial ...

Hey Jose -- I know people who would report their dog or cat missing within 31 minutes -- and NOT wait 31 days !

Really ... how in the he(( did he get out of law school ?

I often wonder how it would play if he would have let his client at least plead for someone to return her daughter? Make some sort of statement???? As it is.....she DID NOTHING to help find her daughter...she wasn't the one who called 911----YKWIM????
omg...JB: "to understand Casey, you must first understand her parents."

Wow...that bus is really coming fast now......hope they can afford the gas!!!!!!!

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