2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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For me it depends on what kind of accident. For instance a drowning in the pool while Casey was not paying Caylee any attention, neglect. Sedated, gagged, bound placed in the car trunk? I'd consider one of the two choices to be felony child abuse worthy of the needle. Guess which one?
If the defense wants to use the "accident" theory, they'd better get busy setting up the scenario. And they can't do that without Casey's approval and I don't think she'll approve it. If they stand on what a wonderful parent she is, they cana't convict her of accidental manslaughter because no evidence to that will be provided.
Not necessarily. The jury could "do it" on their own in deliberation. BUT, if the DT decides to go with the accident theory, then yes, I would think that ICA would have to take the stand. I don't think that is going to happen. ICA will not speak.

IF ICA does speak - it will be her undoing. But, then again, you never know.

They said the trial is expected to last two months. That's a long time.

The way CM questioned Dr. G about an accidental drowning does indicate they want to put that scenario into the jurors mind. Considering all the evidence against Casey I don't think suggestions and innuendos will be enough. I know if I were a juror and considering an accident theory I'd have serious questions about her demeanor if a tragic accident had occurred.
BBM - I was not aware that Caylee was not welcome there. I have not ever heard this before. Explain please.

I haven't specifically heard that Caylee wasn't welcome there, but according to witnesses, she wasn't 'watched' while there. And Tony had expressed his feeling to ICA that IF he were to have children, he wouldn't want a girl.
I did learn one thing from the show. That bad, bad Leroy Grund is out to get them. Oops! I mean, Jesse. That evil Jesse is out to get Casey, the Anthonys, and the Defense Team. It's all his fault. Every bit of it. Caylee is gone and Jesse is out to get them. Lock him up.

cough, cough, choke, choke

Honestly, the way Cindy and Jose speak of Jesse Grund, who only wanted the best for Caylee and Casey, it's shocking, sickening, and deplorable. Just for that, and Caylee, I'd love seeing the DT rake George and the other Anthonys over the coals. It's time for some payback, and the DT and Casey are going to be the ones to do it.

How's that working for ya, Cindy? You, too, George? Lee? Methinks the family should have sided with Caylee from Day Thirty-One (and before).

Strangely similar to the Peterson family blaming Laci's family for Scott's conviction. Are some of these parents aliens from Mars? What ever happened to teaching your children responsibility and taking some for yourself?
For me it depends on what kind of accident. For instance a drowning in the pool while Casey was not paying Caylee any attention, neglect. Sedated, gagged, bound placed in the car trunk? I'd consider one of the two choices to be felony child abuse worthy of the needle. Guess which one?

Since around 2000 FL has gotten a lot tougher on child drownings as it is the number one killer of children under the age of 5 in FL with pool deaths being the most of those. I am not sure of all the different charges but I am sure child abuse and child neglect would be the lesser charge. One I found on the 2005 FL Child Abuse Death Review told of a man being charged with Aggravated Manslaughter after he fell asleep and his child drowned.
At one point KC told Cindy that she was in Jacksonville with Jeffery Hopkins (the fake one-not the real one) maybe planning on moving in together. That's the only time I remember her talking about an old friend. Other than that-KC was working and Caylee was with the "nanny" - oh and there was that time she was helping Zanny out in Tampa cause Zanny had been in an accident and was in the hospital!:banghead:

BBM - I see "half-truths" in this story to the A's. Caylee w/Nanny (Zanny).
- hospital (should have been) Conscience talking?

I think KC lost it and took it out on Caylee. She was the princess she was determined to keep it that way. There's a jailhouse tape with CA and ICA that indicates to me this is true where CA is talking about Caylee and ICA chimes in "like like meeeeee"....sounding like the little girl that wants the attention to herself. (although, I cannot seem to find the video)

Just a guess but possible.
I agree! Until she started with the whole 'Poor Casey' Spiel... then I started tuning her out. Million dollar question. What does the defense have up their sleeve????

The trial actually starts on the 16th, right? The 9th is when jury selection starts... or am I confused?

I too was confused on the dates wondering if jury selection started on May 9 or that is when opening statements start. I watched the show again- May 9 is when jury selection is set to start and at the end of the 48 HRS show it said this:

Opening arguments in the trial are scheduled to begin on May 17.

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/04/16/48hours/main20054402.shtml#ixzz1Jl9jtWMb

BUT-the opening statement date could change...at Friday's hearing JB was concerned 5 days would not be enough time to pick a jury. The Judge responded with:

"If we're making progress, Mr. Baez, and it takes longer than five days, we won't stop," Perry responded.

Respectfully SBM. Exactly. We have NO idea of the abundance of evidence (circumstantial or not) against ICA. I just learned the other day that the 'tattoo dude' has been subpoenaed to appear. ((Ive been kinda busy with life)) but, that only proved to me that in spite of some fears, I have NO freakin clue what the SA's have. Im more hopefull than ever that this unusual person will live out the rest of her days in prison. Call me mean, but I'm more satisfied 48 hrs did this little segment, + DA's promises to ICA that "all will be okay". I can't WAIT to see that smirk wiped off her face as she finds out her true fate........... and baby Caylee FINALLY gets the rest she so deserves!

Has all the evidence against Casey been released to the public? I'm not quite sure how that works with the Sunshine law. Can certain things be held back until trial? Just curious since you stated we have no idea of the abundance of evidence against Casey when so much has been released prior to the trial. I understand some things are sealed, I am not referring to those.
there was a steady exodus of cats from the room during the first 15 minutes, because they are sensitive to shouting. so I was thisclose to changing the channel but decided to hang in there and ended up being pleased w/ the show. reminded me of that T-shirt "I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent"

the recurring comments by PB were concise and truthful ... good use of her on camera. I'm imagining PB's bullet points being enlarged upon at trial via the eloquence/passion of LDB/JA. I'm looking forward to seeing the pace and structure and strength of their case

the smell of garbage (vs trash) in the car was glossed over tonight. same w/ "who coulda been home" for the computer searches. those instances, and other misrepresentations and slants, will not be glossed over at trial and will be checkmated by the SAs. the jury will see CA/GA examined/cross-examined for days. their true natures and agendas will be evident to the jury as their testimony is evaluated

describing the focus group as cheesy is letting them off lightly, like those comedy shows that think they're Saturday Night Live but they're not. big boos for that skit. the jury will know nearly everything the no-life bloggers know. (note -> JB: trials are like that, they really are. your client is nearly universally thought of as un-get-off-able.) I imagine him frequently saying to himself "This is so haaard"

the DT never ceases to stupefy, er, amaze. the JB in these controlled/edited sound bites is not the JB the jury will see in court. not that the JB of the sound bites is all that anyway, IMO. the irony was rich: his complaints about the media while sitting in front of a camera speaking for a planned broadcast (displaying an arrogant and unaware oulook, as usual. again, IMO)

the jury will be looking at KC every day/all day for much longer than the slanted focus goup did. the jury will evaluate her reactions/non-reactions to all kindsa things not seen/heard tonight. one of the biggest differences is that the 48 Hours actors crewed for Richard Gabriel but the jury will crew for His Honor. I'm not the least bit swayed from anticipating guilty/1st degree
BBM - I was not aware that Caylee was not welcome there. I have not ever heard this before. Explain please.

TL told YM and JA that he told Casey he didn't think his place was appropriate for a child because of the drinking, smoking etc. Casey took her there a few times during the day but he did not want her sleeping over.
Phone call from Casey to the Anthony home after being arrested: not verbatim:

Kristina: (sobbing) Casey, you have to tell me if something happened to Caylee. If something happened to Caylee (sobbing harder), Casey, I'll DIE. I'll DIE!

Casey: Oh wow! Calling you guys? A waste... a huge waste!

LATER in the phone call:

Kristina: I'm on your side. You family is behind you 100%...

Casey: No they're not. No one in my own family is on my side. All they care about is Caylee. All they care about is getting Caylee back.


I just love, love, love every time someone brings this up.
Has all the evidence against Casey been released to the public? I'm not quite sure how that works with the Sunshine law. Can certain things be held back until trial? Just curious since you stated we have no idea of the abundance of evidence against Casey when so much has been released prior to the trial. I understand some things are sealed, I am not referring to those.

On the lawyer question thread AZ said if they haven't turned it over to defense then they can't use it at trial. She seemed to think we have seen it all.
I'm on the second of these videos and maybe we should have a thread dedicated solely to what's there. For instance, they talk about the car being left at Amscot because she ran out of gas and two people had to help her push it off the road into the parking lot. Amscot's multiple security cameras didn't record it, and as far as I know, no one has stepped forward saying they helped push that car. My questions are, was the car really out of gas?

George said he brought one or two gas cans just in case when he and CA went to pick up the car from the tow company. Did he try to start the car before putting in the gas? Was the tow yard man aware the car was out of gas because GA couldn't start it? How often did Casey run out of gas prior to June 2008 and the family had to rescue her? Was this standard procedure?

Sorry. Don't want to hijack the thread, but the videos are really good enough to discuss and ponder all these questions.
A thread for the videos would be great. They put things in clear chronological order and really highlight all the deception, side-stepping and backtracking key players have done. And yes, seeing it all laid out so concisely was a needed balm after the 48 hours fiasco.
I saw the 48 hours special. I believe that the "mock" jury did not hear all the evidence that the DA has to offer. Based on what they knew, of course, they would convict her of a lesser charge. Be patient people, The DA has evidence and at the very least KA will be convicted of murder one way or another..she is not leaving jail.
I fell asleep and missed 48 hours! Can anyone do a summary of the program? Did anyone tape it and is going to upload it here? Thanks!

I did not watch 48 Hours until it was up on their site because I did not want to contribute to their ratings. :innocent:

Anyone who has followed little Caylee's case is not going to be swayed by this show. The defense team (and their crinies) can make sny statements until the cows come home and that is not going to sway anyone either.

31 days. That, the party pics, and most of all, the duct tape is what is going to convict Casey Anthony.

I simply cannot wait for this trial to begin.
CINDY admitted that this is a nightmare (that CAYLEE IS DECEASED!) that she can't wake up from........ SO chalk up another LIE on the stand from the great LIAR CA!:maddening::maddening:

OMG! they just said that the defense attys BROUGHT IN Richard GABRIEL, JURY consultant!!!!!:maddening::maddening:

48 hrs comissioned the focus group IN ORLANDO!

Bold mine.

Actually just got done watching this on DVR....the bolded above is CBS's way of covering their arses. At first I read on the Sentinal Blog(Hal B.) that CBS claimed that the jury consultant had NOTHING to do with the defense. NOW, after everyone posted on their website that they KNEW who Richard Gabriel REALLY was, CBS inserts their disclaimer that he IS associated with the defense. CBS is now covering their ARSES! What a farce! :maddening:

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