2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you everybody for the thread.
I didn't watch, I didn't think I could stomach it.:sick:
Someone above wrote: "did anyone else get the feeling the DT were actually being played by the producers of this program? I, for one, got the resounding impression that 48 Hours weren't buying what the DT are selling AT ALL, and, crediting their viewers with rather more intelligence than JB does - of course the entire point of this exercise was ratings - they presented the defense as what it really is - a farce."

Exactly! First of all, this "mock jury" appeared to be more of a "focus group" than a "jury". Given that a "juror" has had evidence presented to them at a trial.

Did anyone catch the preface Jury Consultant Gabriel used in asking these folks if they would convict on first degree murder? "Based on what we have presented to you here today......." So, WHATEVER was presented to these folks was presented to them in one day?

Plus, when discussing conviction on an Involuntary Manslaughter charge, I found it to be interesting that the focus group members were opining (and voting, apparently) on what they thought MIGHT have happened, such as an accidental drowning, etc. My understanding is that if evidence of an accidental death is not presented at a trial, then that theory could not even be considered by a real jury, correct?

In the overall, I feel this broadcast hurt the DT more than it helped them - because it did present the basic story, the 31 days of not reporting the child missing, the smell in the car. I still don't understand LKB's verification that Casey has been lying about the nanny. Other than to think the DT was just so sure they were going to be able to use the "psychiatric disorder" defense. And now that's out, so where does that leave them?

Interesting to me: Clip of George stating that he walked Casey and Caylee out to the car on that last day. Has he since changed that story? Because I recall him saying he was watching TV and "saw them go out the door".

To answer a question: ABC (American Broadcast Corp) paid the original $200,000. Last night's show was CBS. And yes, I thought there was new video of Caylee in there, so would assume some money changed hands along the way for the purchase of that film. And since Casey is indigent, it could not have gone to her or her defense. George and Cindy?
Well, here is all I got out of that hour:
1. They never showed what the "MOCK" jury was shown.
2. COMMI$$IONED panel led by defense team member Richard Gabriel.
3. The "MOCK" jurors will be mocked at work on Monday and regret participating in this mockery. By Monday at noon, they will standing by the water cooler realizing the $ they got was so not worth it.
After watching this this morning, I have a new opinion as to the defense's strategy. I don't think the bus is headed for George for murder. I think it will be an accident theory, in which Casey told George (perhaps he will will say she came clean to him on the 24th ie: gas can day, or maybe the 'chase' day where e-pass records do not corroborate his story), that Caylee had drowned, and George discovered this. He will say that ICA was too afraid of her domineering mother to tell, and George will say he felt the same. I think he will admit to helping her stage the body for a coverup kidnapping scenario and dumping her body in the woods. He will be her alibi and partner in the 'accident' coverup.
Clues and storyline they will weave in:
1. The suicide attempt, stricken with guilt and grief about lying and dealing with her body
2. The supposed affidavit George was going to sign, as overheard at a recent hearing
3. George not showing up to court, to show guilt and fear
4. Line of questioning.. would you do anything to help your daughter?
5. The pool ladder supposedly left up
6. The 'person' in the psych reports that gave the MD's info, (as HHJP referenced at hearing the other day who is not revealed) may have been George...telling the 'story'??
I am sure there are other clues I am missing.
I highly doubt that a 'George did it' scenario would ever be attempted.. he wouldn't agree to that and it would NEVER fly anyway, imo. It would be a really lame strategy.
I watched parts of this show last night and I had to laugh when Baez mentioned that there was no DNA on the duct tape. So what? The tape was attached to the baby's skull. The prosecution should get an expert in construction to testify what happens to duct tape when it gets wet: the adhesive just starts to wash away if there is any place water can get underneath the tape. So DNA from skin cells bye bye. What does it matter anyway, the tape was there over her mouth. Decomposition bacteria would have broken down the skin cells regardless. Unbelievable.

After 4 and half months of:

1. Being in over a foot of water for weeks at a time
2. Enduring humidity and the high temps
3. Being chewed on by scavengers

I wouldn't expect anything in the way of human tissue being found. Which is why I'm surprised the phrase 'there was no DNA found' keeps being repeated by the defense in the media like it's a pertinent issue. To me, no soft tissue would mean that she was in the woods longer than the defense is trying to say she was.
"I watched parts of this show last night and I had to laugh when Baez mentioned that there was no DNA on the duct tape. So what?"

Statement was: There was no DNA of Casey's found on the duct tape.

Interviewer did a good job in his follow up question: "Was there any of CAYLEE'S DNA found on the duct tape?" Answer: "No"

So, basically, the long time submersion in water destroyed the DNA. Other than any DNA that may have inadvertently been from a lab worker during testing.
Thank you everybody for the thread.
I didn't watch, I didn't think I could stomach it.:sick:

I swore I wasn't going to, but was on this site when everyone started watching. Most of the things the defense and their experts said I just rolled my eyes at, I knew they were coming, but I was surprised at how much time they devoted to Pam Bondi, who was emphatic that no one but ICA could have killed Caylee, and they did show a lot of the weird Anthony family dynamic which she commented on too- she said they all pander to ICA.
It wasn't as bad as I expected,the Jury part of it was just the last couple of minutes- they didn't tell us what 'evidence' they were privy to, just staged this scene where they all stood up and accquitted her. A couple of the Jurors stated they thought it had to have been an accident.They said they couldn't convict her, but they didn't want her to walk free either...!
It went to commercial after that so I thought they were going to come back and ask Jury members to explain their decisions but the show was over.
JB wants the Jury to say exactly what this one did- she couldn't have killed her, but we're going to spank her because she didn't do the right thing afterward.
Well, here is all I got out of that hour:
1. They never showed what the "MOCK" jury was shown.
2. COMMI$$IONED panel led by defense team member Richard Gabriel.
3. The "MOCK" jurors will be mocked at work on Monday and regret participating in this mockery. By Monday at noon, they will standing by the water cooler realizing the $ they got was so not worth it.

I think they were all actors, don't you? I feel sure Mr Gabriel hand picked them and instructed them as to their role. Hence the one lady jumping up before he even finished saying "Stand up if you think she should be accquitted".
I often wonder how it would play if he would have let his client at least plead for someone to return her daughter? Make some sort of statement???? As it is.....she DID NOTHING to help find her daughter...she wasn't the one who called 911----YKWIM????


And zoey, she wouldn't have called 911 until this day. Cindy finally hit that wall of reality in one brief moment and realized her worst fears had finally come true and did what any normal person would do - call 911. Casey never intended to report anything. She couldn't even fake being sorry. She was free at last. She could care less what misery and bewilderment she left in her wake. She is reaping what she has sown. I can only hope she gets life without parole and continues reaping what she has sown until she is a very old woman. When she finally does pass from this Earth, she has to stand before yet another Judge.
Someone above wrote: "did anyone else get the feeling the DT were actually being played by the producers of this program? I, for one, got the resounding impression that 48 Hours weren't buying what the DT are selling AT ALL, and, crediting their viewers with rather more intelligence than JB does - of course the entire point of this exercise was ratings - they presented the defense as what it really is - a farce."

Exactly! First of all, this "mock jury" appeared to be more of a "focus group" than a "jury". Given that a "juror" has had evidence presented to them at a trial.

Did anyone catch the preface Jury Consultant Gabriel used in asking these folks if they would convict on first degree murder? "Based on what we have presented to you here today......." So, WHATEVER was presented to these folks was presented to them in one day?

Plus, when discussing conviction on an Involuntary Manslaughter charge, I found it to be interesting that the focus group members were opining (and voting, apparently) on what they thought MIGHT have happened, such as an accidental drowning, etc. My understanding is that if evidence of an accidental death is not presented at a trial, then that theory could not even be considered by a real jury, correct?

In the overall, I feel this broadcast hurt the DT more than it helped them - because it did present the basic story, the 31 days of not reporting the child missing, the smell in the car. I still don't understand LKB's verification that Casey has been lying about the nanny. Other than to think the DT was just so sure they were going to be able to use the "psychiatric disorder" defense. And now that's out, so where does that leave them?

Interesting to me: Clip of George stating that he walked Casey and Caylee out to the car on that last day. Has he since changed that story? Because I recall him saying he was watching TV and "saw them go out the door".

To answer a question: ABC (American Broadcast Corp) paid the original $200,000. Last night's show was CBS. And yes, I thought there was new video of Caylee in there, so would assume some money changed hands along the way for the purchase of that film. And since Casey is indigent, it could not have gone to her or her defense. George and Cindy?

NOT EVEN A DAY ------------> "After roughly four-and-a-half hours, the participants came to a shocking conclusion."

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: And the judge estimates 2-3 months for the trial!
I think they were all actors, don't you? I feel sure Mr Gabriel hand picked them and instructed them as to their role. Hence the one lady jumping up before he even finished saying "Stand up if you think she should be accquitted".

I think if they were actors they would have done a do-over because the one "juror" jumped the gun. But I do think they had instructions as to what he was going to ask at the end of the discussion. Unless that person is psychic, it's obvious she knew what he was about to say and was over anxious.
Someone above wrote: "did anyone else get the feeling the DT were actually being played by the producers of this program? I, for one, got the resounding impression that 48 Hours weren't buying what the DT are selling AT ALL, and, crediting their viewers with rather more intelligence than JB does - of course the entire point of this exercise was ratings - they presented the defense as what it really is - a farce."

Exactly! First of all, this "mock jury" appeared to be more of a "focus group" than a "jury". Given that a "juror" has had evidence presented to them at a trial.

Did anyone catch the preface Jury Consultant Gabriel used in asking these folks if they would convict on first degree murder? "Based on what we have presented to you here today......." So, WHATEVER was presented to these folks was presented to them in one day?

Plus, when discussing conviction on an Involuntary Manslaughter charge, I found it to be interesting that the focus group members were opining (and voting, apparently) on what they thought MIGHT have happened, such as an accidental drowning, etc. My understanding is that if evidence of an accidental death is not presented at a trial, then that theory could not even be considered by a real jury, correct?

In the overall, I feel this broadcast hurt the DT more than it helped them - because it did present the basic story, the 31 days of not reporting the child missing, the smell in the car. I still don't understand LKB's verification that Casey has been lying about the nanny. Other than to think the DT was just so sure they were going to be able to use the "psychiatric disorder" defense. And now that's out, so where does that leave them?

Interesting to me: Clip of George stating that he walked Casey and Caylee out to the car on that last day. Has he since changed that story? Because I recall him saying he was watching TV and "saw them go out the door".
To answer a question: ABC (American Broadcast Corp) paid the original $200,000. Last night's show was CBS. And yes, I thought there was new video of Caylee in there, so would assume some money changed hands along the way for the purchase of that film. And since Casey is indigent, it could not have gone to her or her defense. George and Cindy?

BBM- That was the original version because it left many folks to theorize that maybe Caylee was deceased at that time and GA just saw ICA carrying her dead daughter out to the car. In other words GA had to change this story because the State could question if he really saw an alive Caylee being carried out of the house that day.JMO
I watched parts of this show last night and I had to laugh when Baez mentioned that there was no DNA on the duct tape. So what? The tape was attached to the baby's skull. The prosecution should get an expert in construction to testify what happens to duct tape when it gets wet: the adhesive just starts to wash away if there is any place water can get underneath the tape. So DNA from skin cells bye bye. What does it matter anyway, the tape was there over her mouth. Decomposition bacteria would have broken down the skin cells regardless. Unbelievable.

You bring up a great point.

Caylees DNA wasn't on the tape either and we KNOW that it was attached to her skull.

Moot point for the defense IMO.
Someone above wrote: "did anyone else get the feeling the DT were actually being played by the producers of this program? I, for one, got the resounding impression that 48 Hours weren't buying what the DT are selling AT ALL, and, crediting their viewers with rather more intelligence than JB does - of course the entire point of this exercise was ratings - they presented the defense as what it really is - a farce."

Exactly! First of all, this "mock jury" appeared to be more of a "focus group" than a "jury". Given that a "juror" has had evidence presented to them at a trial.

Did anyone catch the preface Jury Consultant Gabriel used in asking these folks if they would convict on first degree murder? "Based on what we have presented to you here today......." So, WHATEVER was presented to these folks was presented to them in one day?

Plus, when discussing conviction on an Involuntary Manslaughter charge, I found it to be interesting that the focus group members were opining (and voting, apparently) on what they thought MIGHT have happened, such as an accidental drowning, etc. My understanding is that if evidence of an accidental death is not presented at a trial, then that theory could not even be considered by a real jury, correct?

In the overall, I feel this broadcast hurt the DT more than it helped them - because it did present the basic story, the 31 days of not reporting the child missing, the smell in the car. I still don't understand LKB's verification that Casey has been lying about the nanny. Other than to think the DT was just so sure they were going to be able to use the "psychiatric disorder" defense. And now that's out, so where does that leave them?

Interesting to me: Clip of George stating that he walked Casey and Caylee out to the car on that last day. Has he since changed that story? Because I recall him saying he was watching TV and "saw them go out the door".

To answer a question: ABC (American Broadcast Corp) paid the original $200,000. Last night's show was CBS. And yes, I thought there was new video of Caylee in there, so would assume some money changed hands along the way for the purchase of that film. And since Casey is indigent, it could not have gone to her or her defense. George and Cindy?

I agree wholeheartedly with your post.Possibly the D/T used that psych theory with the focus team,and got the results they wanted,but after Friday in court that cannot be used. I also wonder what this focus group was told,I really hope that one of them post on line some where and tell what was stated (anonymously,of course) Yep! I believe CA/GA got money,we all noticed how chipper she looked at court Friday, new haircut,earrings on and a smile, looks like" I got some money in my pocket" look to me J/S :innocent:
One of my personal favorite quotes from this mockery show!

""Probably the worse thing that an attorney has to deal with in any high-profile case is jury selection. You actually win or lose your case in jury selection - depending on whether you can pick a jury that will listen to you," says Linda Kenney Baden, a former member of Casey Anthony's defense team. "...it's gonna be very difficult for her to come out of this case with anything but a guilty verdict on something.""

At least she got that right! :floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:
I think if they were actors they would have done a do-over because the one "juror" jumped the gun. But I do think they had instructions as to what he was going to ask at the end of the discussion. Unless that person is psychic, it's obvious she knew what he was about to say and was over anxious.

That or she has an affection to beard's that look like a
You bring up a great point.

Caylees DNA wasn't on the tape either and we KNOW that it was attached to her skull.
Moot point for the defense IMO.

BBM...not according to CMason...he claims it's the imagination of an over zealous prosecutor...I don't get how the DT can misrepresent the facts/evidence? Dr. G has photos, every step of her examination of Caylee's skeletal remains....I just can't see any defense of innocence...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
WELL It wasnt as bad as I had thought as far as pro defense. However why hasnt anyone skilled Cindy about lying more than Casey does? LOL With the after the fact lying Cindy has done only teaches me where Casey learned how to lie. She knows darn good and well Casey didnt work. She knows Jesse and Amy had nothing to do with this murder yet she points to pics in front of the FBI and says "suspect, suspect". I would sue her for that if I were those two.

Its easy to get a group of folks together and tell a quick story then ask who of you would convict and get the answer you want. I was not at all impressed and think a REAL JURY will nail her to the wall in a New York minute.

Its been a long expensive wait for the state of Florida and I will be glad when justce is done for that poor little girl.

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