2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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DNA Solves
I think what it may prove to defense is that it may be easier to prove to a jury that it was an accident gone wrong than to try and blame someone else for the crime. jmo

I just don't see how they could do that though unless they put ICA on the stand and we all know that would be a HUGE mistake and would put the needle in her arm in two shakes of a lambs tail. They don't have their mental Health "experts" to testify on her behalf so I think that whole idea of an accident is out. I also believe in my heart of hearts that ICA would NEVER allow this to fly and also that a jury wouldn't believe it. Remember, where was she just hours after Caylee died? In her boy toy of the moments arms at Blockbuster renting movies about murder and killings, including a scene with a dead person in the trunk of the car. I wonder how much Mary Wanna (LOL!) it took for her to watch that as to not give away her "little secret"?
It was the day of the bond hearing, the nurse of decomposition interview was July 22, 2008, she was wearing that white sleeveless top that she wore at the bond hearing. The closest I have been able to come to finding that video is through a post somebody made here:


The 4th post (from TakeUrPic) lists a bunch of Cindy's interviews there, including the NoD one, but on clicking that link, I see the video was removed by user. Maybe somebody more tech-savvy can find other videos by that user and find out what's up.

Someone made a funny composition of quotes from the case. A shot of Cindy saying "I'm a nurse of decomposition" is on it. Only references the date of 22 Aug 2008 but she is wearing the white tank and George is in the pink shirt.

"I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee."

When was the computer search for that 100th episdoe of One Tree Hill where the babysitter kidnaps the child? Anyone remember?
"I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee."

When was the computer search for that 100th episdoe of One Tree Hill where the babysitter kidnaps the child? Anyone remember?

IIRC it was right around the same time as the neck breaking, household weapons and chloroform searchs. Although don't quote me on it because sooo much has happened in this case and even though I've been here since day 31 and read everything I could be mistaken :)
"I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee."

When was the computer search for that 100th episdoe of One Tree Hill where the babysitter kidnaps the child? Anyone remember?

I believe RGrund mentioned in his depo when he told KC he could no longer watch Caylee that she came up with the name of Nanny and that he was a friend of a co-worker, JMH who also had a little boy.

I'm surprised no one caught on that a single male had a one year old child and already had a young girlfriend who was willing to watch the child while he worked. KC claims to have met Zanny a year before Caylee was born through JMH at Christmastime. Hinky meter going wild here. So JMH's wife/girlfriend is having a baby around this timeframe and he already has girlfriend number two lined up. I mean it could happen/has happened. It just seems strange that CA never questioned where Zack's mommy was and why JMH had custody of his son. But I guess it is easy when it's make believe. jmo
"I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee."

When was the computer search for that 100th episdoe of One Tree Hill where the babysitter kidnaps the child? Anyone remember?

First Aired : One Tree Hill: Episode 5.12 "Hundred" Recap
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


ETA: In March, 3 months before Caylee disappeared, Casey’s computer records show she was researching how to make chloroform, household weapons, and neck breaking.

In between those searches Casey was looking up the 100th episode of “One Tree Hill.”

"I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee."

When was the computer search for that 100th episdoe of One Tree Hill where the babysitter kidnaps the child? Anyone remember?

The search for the One Tree Hill episode was on March 18th-19th, 2008. I believe she searched in on her birthday, March 19th, 2008.
I have to say it doesn't bother me one bit that CBS is getting flack about the airing of the episode. Does it bother any of you? lol
I believe RGrund mentioned in his depo when he told KC he could no longer watch Caylee that she came up with the name of Nanny and that he was a friend of a co-worker, JMH who also had a little boy.

I'm surprised no one caught on that a single male had a one year old child and already had a young girlfriend who was willing to watch the child while he worked. KC claims to have met Zanny a year before Caylee was born through JMH at Christmastime. Hinky meter going wild here. So JMH's wife/girlfriend is having a baby around this timeframe and he already has girlfriend number two lined up. I mean it could happen/has happened. It just seems strange that CA never questioned where Zack's mommy was and why JMH had custody of his son. But I guess it is easy when it's make believe. jmo

Great catch!!
First Aired : One Tree Hill: Episode 5.12 "Hundred" Recap
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


ETA: In March, 3 months before Caylee disappeared, Casey’s computer records show she was researching how to make chloroform, household weapons, and neck breaking.

In between those searches Casey was looking up the 100th episode of “One Tree Hill.”


Just wanted to add...

:waitasec: Didn't Casey list herself as a Nanny on her resume? Or did she tell George she was applying for a Nanny position? Can't recall which one...I think it was her saying she was a Nanny on her resume, anyone else recall this? TIA
Just wanted to add...

:waitasec: Didn't Casey list herself as a Nanny on her resume? Or did she tell George she was applying for a Nanny position? Can't recall which one...I think it was her saying she was a Nanny on her resume, anyone else recall this? TIA

Both ~

Casey did call herself a nanny on a resume, and George did question her about it..
He told her that she wasn't a "nanny", she replied that "she wanted to be", and that was that.

I can't remember though if this resume was found in the car when the Anthony's brought the car home or sometime before that though.

So much info has come across these pages, it is hard to keep things straight sometimes.
I believe RGrund mentioned in his depo when he told KC he could no longer watch Caylee that she came up with the name of Nanny and that he was a friend of a co-worker, JMH who also had a little boy.

I'm surprised no one caught on that a single male had a one year old child and already had a young girlfriend who was willing to watch the child while he worked. KC claims to have met Zanny a year before Caylee was born through JMH at Christmastime. Hinky meter going wild here. So JMH's wife/girlfriend is having a baby around this timeframe and he already has girlfriend number two lined up. I mean it could happen/has happened. It just seems strange that CA never questioned where Zack's mommy was and why JMH had custody of his son. But I guess it is easy when it's make believe. jmo
...and wasn't this the same guy that she was supposedly up in Jacksonville with- trying on their relationship...getting to know his mom?
'48 Hours' Discusses Anthony Special
Correspondent Responds To Ethics Complaints

"CBS News officials said they did not pay jury consultant Richard Gabriel to participate in the show, and he was not allowed to keep the nearly 500 hours of video showing panelists discussing the case."

The panelists discussed the case for 500 Hours?
That's 10 hours a day for 50 days! Could this be a misprint?


Ahhh creative accounting.

500 hours between 10 panelists is only 50 hours each.

Oh and whilst CBS didn't compensate the consultant or panelists the company they used may have paid.

You know, like we don't pay for interviews ---- but we do pay for photo's videos.....
Ahhh creative accounting.

500 hours between 10 panelists is only 50 hours each.

Oh and whilst CBS didn't compensate the consultant or panelists the company they used may have paid.

You know, like we don't pay for interviews ---- but we do pay for photo's videos.....

See post 857 above. They DID pay the "focus group", and they DID pay the company. It was also only 5 hrs. not 500.
I watched this online a couple of days ago. My honest opinion at the end was....first I thought "is it possible she won't get convicted on first degree murder?!" - a moment of concern, and then I quickly snapped out of it and said..."nah". My lasting impression is that it was just a bunch of hot air.

No worries.

Also from the same article above, and there we have it. :rolleyes:

The people in the focus group were paid for their services. DeForest didn’t learn the amount, but they were paid by “a company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group.”


Is this word gymnastics again? CBS paid "A company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group"?

Richard Gabriel's company? :waitasec:

You mean ,like, "We never pay for interviews .......just the photos and videos:innocent:"
I wish I knew how to put photos on here,one of LKB before she had some "work done" and one from her appearance on the 48hrs show.
She's had a lot of "work" done.....:innocent: she's getting younger every year.

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