2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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Interesting views here- unethical and shameful Trial by TV.


The results are shocking." (The focus group agreed that Anthony should be acquitted of first degree murder but convicted of manslaughter.] from the article.
So I am thinking that the focus group was given a theory of an accident. This will not go over with a real jury. 31 days, decomp in car, duct tape, bagged and thrown in the woods where KC buried her pets. NO, NO not buying it. Lies, lies and more lies.
I thought it was while she was in, entering or exiting an elevator at the courthouse. But this is a fantastic moment for me to plug TAGS!

Yes, "tags" folks, they will make your lives easier, they will help find those random clips, they will slice dice and chop statements made in public.

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This PSA underwritten by the Society for Minimizing Unnecessary Frustration at Trial (SMUFT).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Lol! Classic!

I thought it was while she was in, entering or exiting an elevator at the courthouse. But this is a fantastic moment for me to plug TAGS!

Yes, "tags" folks, they will make your lives easier, they will help find those random clips, they will slice dice and chop statements made in public.

You can add to the tags on any thread simply by scrolling down to the bottom of the thread and looking to your right for the "edit tags" link inside the blue bar. Click there, and add away.

This PSA underwritten by the Society for Minimizing Unnecessary Frustration at Trial (SMUFT).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Can we still nominate you for post of the day, now that you have super powers? ;)

:dance: :tyou: :cupcake: :goodpost: :loveyou: :skip:​
Was anyone else a little bugged by BP's rather desperate "Everything's Great, Business as Usual" ads throughout the show? Struck me as pretty ironic. Good ad campaign to go along with the "Poor Casey" show, though.
Just my opinion of course.
Video Report Maggie Rodriguez Discusses Anthony '48 Hours' Show: http://www.clickorlando.com/video/21321102/index.html
Maggie said she was lead to believe that there was some mystery DNA on the duct tape?

IIRC the duct tape had DNA from one of the FBI's lab techs on it, and a teeny, tiny piece of DNA that was too tiny to process and get the DNA from...so at the time of Maggie's (usual softball interview) 48 hours interview, the defense jumped on the chance to claim that the "unknown" DNA proved that there was a "strangers" DNA on the duct tape, therefore, SODDI!.....just the defense's usual way of claiming things that are really half truths. (especially since it was the 3 stooges: Jose, LKB, and the biggest liar, Macaluso). I think the unidentifiable DNA was either the same FBI techs or some other FBI tech.
IIRC the duct tape had DNA from one of the FBI's lab techs on it, and a teeny, tiny piece of DNA that was too tiny to process and get the DNA from...so at the time of Maggie's (usual softball interview) 48 hours interview, the defense jumped on the chance to claim that the "unknown" DNA proved that there was a "strangers" DNA on the duct tape, therefore, SODDI!.....just the defense's usual way of claiming things that are really half truths. (especially since it was the 3 stooges: Jose, LKB, and the biggest liar, Macaluso). I think the unidentifiable DNA was either the same FBI techs or some other FBI tech.

This is true and logic will tell you that if the victum's DNA is missing because the tape was so badly degraded there would be nothing left of anyone else from the time of the crime. jmo
The results are shocking." (The focus group agreed that Anthony should be acquitted of first degree murder but convicted of manslaughter.] from the article.
So I am thinking that the focus group was given a theory of an accident. This will not go over with a real jury. 31 days, decomp in car, duct tape, bagged and thrown in the woods where KC buried her pets. NO, NO not buying it. Lies, lies and more lies.

For sure they left the duct tape out of that focus group as well as anything incriminating!

According to CMason the duct tape is the imagination of an over zealous prosecutor..how in the world does an attorney get away with misrepresenting the facts. Dr. G has photos, doesn't he know this will be shown during trial? :banghead:

Just another way of taining the jury pool....which I do believe has been Baez' soul focus, especially since he fought and won the 'gag' order argument..it's all part of the plan...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I boycotted the episode and will be boycotting the show from here on out. Shame I really liked 48 hours but to have a mock jury right before the actual murder trial. Bad form, bad taste and just plain bad IMO.

Sorry 48 hours. I will miss you.

But if they were so slanted on ICA's case ,they probably are on all their episodes. They can't be trusted for "just the facts,Maam" , IMO.
Pure entertainment,but no valuable info. Might as well watch a good movie.
Just my opinion.
No the 500 hours would be coming from multiple cameras, multiple interviews, mutilple views/angles/lighting etc. So the number of hours of video footage is not calculated by 1 camera recording for 500 hours, rather multiple cameras filming for the entire duration of the "procedure" - maybe some footage of how they picked the mock jurors, etc.

Bumping and I totally agree. News stations will take a 3 hour interview and edit it down to one part of a sentence. I'm not surprised they have 500 hours of footage,much of it being different camera angles during the same period of time.
It's not linear footage encompassing 500 hours ,more like 5 cameras capturing the same 10 hours at a time,throughout several days.
I thought it was while she was in, entering or exiting an elevator at the courthouse. But this is a fantastic moment for me to plug TAGS!

Yes, "tags" folks, they will make your lives easier, they will help find those random clips, they will slice dice and chop statements made in public.

You can add to the tags on any thread simply by scrolling down to the bottom of the thread and looking to your right for the "edit tags" link inside the blue bar. Click there, and add away.

This PSA underwritten by the Society for Minimizing Unnecessary Frustration at Trial (SMUFT).

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

Seems to me it was after the bond hearing.. she was wearing her bond tank top... I'll look, too. (and tag if found)
I tend to think that 5 hours is more accurate than the 500 that were previously reported.

Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way


WKMG’s Mike DeForest highlighted that CBS said it did not pay defense consultant Richard Gabriel to guide a focus group that acquitted Anthony of first-degree murder. And Gabriel was not allowed to keep five hours of video in which panelists discussed the case, DeForest added.

Seems to me it was after the bond hearing.. she was wearing her bond tank top... I'll look, too. (and tag if found)

It was the day of the bond hearing, the nurse of decomposition interview was July 22, 2008, she was wearing that white sleeveless top that she wore at the bond hearing. The closest I have been able to come to finding that video is through a post somebody made here:


The 4th post (from TakeUrPic) lists a bunch of Cindy's interviews there, including the NoD one, but on clicking that link, I see the video was removed by user. Maybe somebody more tech-savvy can find other videos by that user and find out what's up.
I tend to think that 5 hours is more accurate than the 500 that were previously reported.

Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way


WKMG’s Mike DeForest highlighted that CBS said it did not pay defense consultant Richard Gabriel to guide a focus group that acquitted Anthony of first-degree murder. And Gabriel was not allowed to keep five hours of video in which panelists discussed the case, DeForest added.


I believe you are correct and it should read 5 hours, not 500....:maddening:

CBS News officials said they did not pay jury consultant Richard Gabriel to participate in the show, and he was not allowed to keep the nearly 5 hours of video showing panelists discussing the case.

Also from the same article above, and there we have it. :rolleyes:

The people in the focus group were paid for their services. DeForest didn’t learn the amount, but they were paid by “a company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group.”


Is this word gymnastics again? CBS paid "A company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group"?

Richard Gabriel's company? :waitasec:
I watched the program the other night. I kept on wondering why the defense thought this special would be a good idea. The "big news" seemed to be the acknowledgement from LKB that there was no zanny and casey lied...well duh. I don't think that will help the case in one way shape or form.

Maybe the defense considered this a trial run in selecting jurors using the expertise of this expert - he will or has shared his insights into choosing a jury for ICA's trial after selecting for the mock trial. They probably hoped to sway the public, too, with their ICA kool aid, but it never seems to work out the way they hope.:great:
Also from the same article above, and there we have it. :rolleyes:

The people in the focus group were paid for their services. DeForest didn’t learn the amount, but they were paid by “a company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group.”


Is this word gymnastics again? CBS paid "A company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group

Richard Gabriel's company? :waitasec:

Good catch. RG is a jury consultant why wouldn't he have interviewed these people beforehand. It's what he does. And if they paid his company and not him personally they would be correct when they said his was not paid by CBS. I don't see RG taking part in this unless he could have picked the jury himself. jmo
I DVR'ed it and watched it yesterday morning. AFTER 4 cups of coffee and a xanax :) I loved PB telling it like it was, LOVED JB's " you'll find out at trial" as if he has anything to present.

Also LOVED LOVED LOVED that the "experts" they showed aren't even part of the DT any longer. Priceless? LKB admitting ICA lied about Zanny.

You really just can NOT make this stuff up!
I DVR'ed it and watched it yesterday morning. AFTER 4 cups of coffee and a xanax :) I loved PB telling it like it was, LOVED JB's " you'll find out at trial" as if he has anything to present.

Also LOVED LOVED LOVED that the "experts" they showed aren't even part of the DT any longer. Priceless? LKB admitting ICA lied about Zanny.

You really just can NOT make this stuff up!

I loved it too! My walk away impression of it was that it was a big defense flub. They were telling mistruths, skewing everything and looked desperate. I wonder what this show looked like to those who really have not followed the details of the case?
I loved it too! My walk away impression of it was that it was a big defense flub. They were telling mistruths, skewing everything and looked desperate. I wonder what this show looked like to those who really have not followed the details of the case?

I think what it may prove to defense is that it may be easier to prove to a jury that it was an accident gone wrong than to try and blame someone else for the crime. jmo

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