2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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Didn't Cindy at one time claim she was a nurse of decomposition? Or am I imagining that? :crazy: I also thought I had read that George had to drive with all the windows down back to the house because the smell was so bad. Or am I also imagining that? lol :crazy:

I completely agree with you, especially about Cindy. I worked for many years in the health field, and did home health. Cindy misspoke when she described herself as a "nurse of decomp". There is no such thing. I think her syntax was out of order, but I get what she meant. Having worked for so many years as a nurse, Cindy had at some point experienced coming across a patient who had died- perhaps doing home health, if not in a hospital, or nursing home. My guess would be at a patient's home, who hadn't been checked upon in days, because someone would find a dead patient much quicker in a hospital or nursing home and the decomp wouldn't have gone on as long undetected...
Yes she did, see my response above...
The new 48 Hours had 5.8 million viewers. The episode back in 2009 had 6.1 million viewers so that's 300,000 less viewers. Obviously, their ploy for ratings didn't work. Is interest in the case declining (despite the trial approaching) or did a lot of people "boycott" the show because of the mock jury that mock acquitted Casey?

(just quoting eileen because she mentions the mock jury)

I didn't see the episode in 2009, but I did see the one aired this week and I only saw the part of the mock jury and a bit more before I had something else that needed my attention.

When I saw the mock jury choose to aquit the first thing in my mind is that the mock jury didn't see all the evidence. They saw what has been released but not everything the SA has to present in the trial.

I was "interested" in how many of those on the mock jury thought that she had accidently killed Caylee and was covering up. But again they didn't see all the evidence and within context. But the majority did stand up when asked if she were criminally responsible for Caylee's death so that's a bonus (their verdict reached only on the evidence they had been given).

My Husband (also sitting for a few minutes with me and watching the TV) turned to me and said "She's going down, don't know exactly what her conviction will be but she's going to be in prison for a very very long time".

I agree with him. She's a freakin nightmare and god bless anyone that has to deal with her, she's like a tornado sucking everyone into her dysfuctional malicious personality that even stands too close. Anyone that interacts with her becomes collateral damage. I know a couple of women like her but to my knowledge they have never murdered anyone much less their own child. Yes, I see Caylee's death as murder. JMHO and two cents I throw onto Caylee's threads every great once in awhile even though I read weekly.

I don't know if something else happened,but our CBS station had local programming so I watched it online. We saw the scene where the 'Jury' all stood (to accquit her). Once they all sat down again RG started to ask questions as to how they arrived at their decision and it went to commercial.
All the commercial breaks were LONG so I waited thinking they were coming back, to finish off the program, when the Orlando station came on with their 11pm News...

Basically, they said they thought there was an accident and they went for manslaughter or something. One man stayed seated and they did not ask his opinion - probably felt she guilty as sin and theydid not want to know.

BUT, they were given what the show gave them. They have no history of her stealing and lying of gargantuan proportions. They do not know of her moving money from her mother's account DAILY; they do not know about her stealing from her grandfather's account. They did not know about her being pregnant and lying to Rick Pleasea and her mother backing her. And how recent her stealing was up to the death of Caylee. They do not know about the partying with Caylee there and how much KC wanted to live with Tony after only knowing him approximately a month; they did not know about her basically living at Ricardo's house the beginning of 2008 and that is with Caylee; they did not know about Cindy wanting custody and going to a shrink around May - approximately 4 months after she had started staying at Ricardo's. They did not know that the searches were done three days after she was CUT OFF BY Cindy.

They did not know about the fatty acids present in the car; they did not know that coffin flies (coming on the first stage of decomposition) were on the towel as well as their larvae and eggs. Kind of important.

There is a plethora of evidence they were not aware of. And if you notice there are two people who go to stand before his question is finished.

Basically, they did not know.

May 9th Baby - May 9th.
Every Amscot I've ever seen has camera's pointing at the parking lot. Wonder why one didn't catch her leaving the car?

I remember that there was a reason given by Amscot not having surveillance video for June 27th but at the moment I don't remember what it was.

Amscot Parking Lot

I watched the program the other night. I kept on wondering why the defense thought this special would be a good idea. The "big news" seemed to be the acknowledgement from LKB that there was no zanny and casey lied...well duh. I don't think that will help the case in one way shape or form.
Yes she did, see my response above...

Thanks, I don't feel as crazy now lol.

O/T: Just want to throw this out there..I have smelled a decomposing body (my step-dad, he had not yet been touched because we had to wait for his family in Canada to release his remains), long story short he was still in the hospital morgue for over a week and I went in a few times just to say good bye and give him a kiss, but he smelled so bad and looked so scary I couldn't. Each time we went back he looked different, even though he was in a refrigerated area. I will never forgive myself, I should of just held my breath, but it was just o awful..and at times my memory triggers the smell for what ever reason. It is an awful...awful..smell, it does not smell like garbage at all..
Thanks, I don't feel as crazy now lol.

O/T: Just want to throw this out there..I have smelled a decomposing body (my step-dad, he had not yet been touched because we had to wait for his family in Canada to release his remains), long story short he was still in the hospital morgue for over a week and I went in a few times just to say good bye and give him a kiss, but he smelled so bad and looked so scary I couldn't. Each time we went back he looked different, even though he was in a refrigerated area. I will never forgive myself, I should of just held my breath, but it was just o awful..and at times my memory triggers the smell for what ever reason. It is an awful...awful..smell, it does not smell like garbage at all..

After coming back from my brother's apt and going through his things. I thought (as I was emptying the garbage) it does kind of smell like garbage. BUT then the kibble started to smell like it and the garbage bags and I thought it is hard to tell.

THENNNNNNN, I heard Dr. Vass' testimony that decomp is a sticky substance that adheres to things and I think it adhered itself to my sinuses (I was in the apt. for hours that day) and that is why everything smelled like it.

It does not smell like garbage at all. Was feeding the cats the other day and really smelled the kibble and it smelled like dry cat food, not like garbage.
I wonder what Cindy, George and Lee thought about LKB admitting that there was never a nanny? That Casey LIED about this nanny?

I remember early on, during the Morgan and Morgan depositions, George states that they watched Caylee 90% of the time. Meaning Casey only watched Caylee 10% of the time? So why would Casey need a nanny if she only had Caylee 10% of the time? I don't believe that Casey told Cindy about any nanny until at least March 2008. I do not believe, if Cindy knew about this nanny, that she would have waited 6 months to want to meet this woman. There is no way that she would just sit by and not know who was taking care of Caylee. Caylee was her child! Everyone is talking about Cindy stating how Caylee was not just Casey's child, but all of their child. Well, during the memorial for Caylee... Cindy refers to Caylee was HER child. Her THIRD child. I think if Cindy knew anything about a nanny... she would be spitting nails of jealousy wanting to know who this woman was that was spending all this money on clothes, food, shelter, etc... for her child! The one thing Cindy could always count on was that she was the one who supported Caylee financially... she would not allow anyone else to take her role!

I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee. I do think that Casey liked to use the word nanny with her friends because it made her sound much more important than someone who had a child in daycare or a simple babysitter. A nanny is a word someone uses who has a full time person watching their child... they usually live with them too. They cost money and Casey thinks of things like this as a status thing. She always made herself much more important than she was.

I don't know? If Casey did tell them about a nanny early in 2008... they have to now question just where Caylee was everytime Casey said she was with the nanny?
I wonder what Cindy, George and Lee thought about LKB admitting that there was never a nanny? That Casey LIED about this nanny?

I remember early on, during the Morgan and Morgan depositions, George states that they watched Caylee 90% of the time. Meaning Casey only watched Caylee 10% of the time? So why would Casey need a nanny if she only had Caylee 10% of the time? I don't believe that Casey told Cindy about any nanny until at least March 2008. I do not believe, if Cindy knew about this nanny, that she would have waited 6 months to want to meet this woman. There is no way that she would just sit by and not know who was taking care of Caylee. Caylee was her child! Everyone is talking about Cindy stating how Caylee was not just Casey's child, but all of their child. Well, during the memorial for Caylee... Cindy refers to Caylee was HER child. Her THIRD child. I think if Cindy knew anything about a nanny... she would be spitting nails of jealousy wanting to know who this woman was that was spending all this money on clothes, food, shelter, etc... for her child! The one thing Cindy could always count on was that she was the one who supported Caylee financially... she would not allow anyone else to take her role!

I'm thinking Casey started her nanny talk in March 2008... after she did her searches on the computer. She had to create this character that would eventually murder Caylee. I do think that Casey liked to use the word nanny with her friends because it made her sound much more important than someone who had a child in daycare or a simple babysitter. A nanny is a word someone uses who has a full time person watching their child... they usually live with them too. They cost money and Casey thinks of things like this as a status thing. She always made herself much more important than she was.

I don't know? If Casey did tell them about a nanny early in 2008... they have to now question just where Caylee was everytime Casey said she was with the nanny?

I'm thinking that GA and CA had a pretty deep suspicion that Zanny was just another KC lie from back before Caylee went missing. Remember supposedly they were talking to someone concerning what it would take to get guardianship of Caylee? That's always been a huge red flag to me that they had deep concerns about what was going on with Caylee when they were not watching her. The logical conclusion is they didn't believe in the Nanny at that time, but didn't yet want to confront KC with it for fear of her rabbiting with Caylee.

I am also positive that while CA suspected that Zanny was another KC lie, she absolutely knew the from the moment this all began to go down, and she got in touch with Amy.
I think it was the 31 days. depending on the age of the video system it probably starts overwriting itself after a week or so.

fae, I'm not a security systems expert but I think you are on the right track here. Depending on the state, various types of businesses are required to keep surveillance video for differing periods of time from 72 hours to 45 days or longer. At a liquor store or check-cashing place, where one of the most probable types of crime would be armed robbery (which would likely be very quickly reported and investigated), it might not make as much sense to keep video longer than a week, as opposed to a pharmacy or some other type of business where clandestine employee pilfering could require going back through weeks of records.
Her nose would reach the west coast, seriously!!1

You're half right, that was before June 2008 - by now it would circle the globe and be smacking her in the back of the head!
Originally Posted by Brattigirle [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6348920#post6348920"]
Wait, I have a question..... "Only Casey Knows"... doesn't the title in itself tell us who is guilty of Caylee's murder?

It tells us that CBS thinks they can scam anyone with that title. Not only does ONLY CASEY KNOWS reek of "give me your money" but the State is going to prove that we know, Cindy and George know, Baez knows (who as much as admitted in when he questioned Yuri about suspicion, and the list goes on.
:waitasec: So they claim only the panelist got paid? And what is up with the 500 hrs of video, why did they get to see it? What kind of video?

'48 Hours' Discusses Anthony Special
Correspondent Responds To Ethics Complaints

Each panelist received an undisclosed amount of money from a company that was hired by CBS to assemble to focus group to participate in the show

UPDATED: 5:23 pm EDT April 18, 2011

CBS News officials said they did not pay jury consultant Richard Gabriel to participate in the show, and he was not allowed to keep the nearly 500 hours of video showing panelists discussing the case.

CBS did allow Gabriel to share the detailed results from the focus group with Anthony's defense. That information includes the panel's reaction to Anthony's mother's 911 call reporting Caylee missing in July 2008, as well as to photos showing Anthony partying while Caylee was missing.

"Maybe she was afraid she would be accused of child abuse. I don't think she meant to kill," a panelist said.

Read More Here
: http://www.clickorlando.com/news/27588579/detail.html
:waitasec: So they claim only the panelist got paid? And what is up with the 500 hrs of video, why did they get to see it? What kind of video?

'48 Hours' Discusses Anthony Special
Correspondent Responds To Ethics Complaints

"CBS News officials said they did not pay jury consultant Richard Gabriel to participate in the show, and he was not allowed to keep the nearly 500 hours of video showing panelists discussing the case."

The panelists discussed the case for 500 Hours?
That's 10 hours a day for 50 days! Could this be a misprint?


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