2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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Not necessarily. The jury could "do it" on their own in deliberation. BUT, if the DT decides to go with the accident theory, then yes, I would think that ICA would have to take the stand. I don't think that is going to happen. ICA will not speak.

IF ICA does speak - it will be her undoing. But, then again, you never know.

They said the trial is expected to last two months. That's a long time.

Looks to be the classic SODI defense to me. Could have been GA, could have been RK, could have been JG, could be Caylee just wandered into the woods and put duct tape over her own mouth. We don't know what happened and "there is no evidence to point to anything and especially none pointing to our client," so ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find "Not guilty!":banghead:
Looks to be the classic SODI defense to me. Could have been GA, could have been RK, could have been JG, could be Caylee just wandered into the woods and put duct tape over her own mouth. We don't know what happened and "there is no evidence to point to anything and especially none pointing to our client," so ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find "Not guilty!":banghead:

I would add to that, "so ladies and gentleman of the jury, you must leave your brains and logic at the door and find "Not guilty!" LOL.

So not surprised the mock jury was paid. I bet they didn't take this seriously at all. And I bet they were only given the defense's version of the evidence. What a sham this 48 Hours was. I can't wait for that guilty verdict and either life in prison or the needle to make the defense realize they wasted their money on this jury consultant and 48 Hours. Talk about last minute desperation to taint the jury pool!
I would add to that, "so ladies and gentleman of the jury, you must leave your brains and logic at the door and find "Not guilty!" LOL.

So not surprised the mock jury was paid. I bet they didn't take this seriously at all. And I bet they were only given the defense's version of the evidence. What a sham this 48 Hours was. I can't wait for that guilty verdict and either life in prison or the needle to make the defense realize they wasted their money on this jury consultant and 48 Hours. Talk about last minute desperation to taint the jury pool!

I wonder if they would have got paid if they came up with a guilty verdict? :innocent:
Oh, I agree. My point was that it hardly seems like much punishment at all to give LWOP, when you hear stories like how Susan Smith is thriving in jail. I think ICA would do the same.

Couldn't agree more, ZsaZsa.. especially with the way ICA seems to be able to construct a wild fantasy world surrounding herself. Death penalty is the only fair punishment for her, in my opinion. Perhaps she will feel at least some of the fear that Caylee most likely felt in her last moments.
Even the title of the show gives away the fact that KC murdered Caylee-When an accident happens, someone else would know. When you do the right thing, paramedics, your family, the hospital and the medical examiner would know.
I believe that if it were an accident, KC would have told someone something, even if she never told her parents directly. Further, KC knew she could never tell LE where Caylee was because the duct tape would make it look "bad." I think she would have known that if it were an accident, too, I don't think that dawned on her after the fact. I also believe if it were an accident, her attorneys would know and they would never let things go this far without having it out with their client.
When you have something to hide because you murdered a person, well then no one but the murderer would know-At least not until LE figured your sorry butt out. Only Casey knows, all right, because sociopathic murderers don't tend to tell on themselves.
Even the title of the show gives away the fact that KC murdered Caylee-When an accident happens, someone else would know. When you do the right thing, paramedics, your family, the hospital and the medical examiner would know.
I believe that if it were an accident, KC would have told someone something, even if she never told her parents directly. Further, KC knew she could never tell LE where Caylee was because the duct tape would make it look "bad." I think she would have known that if it were an accident, too, I don't think that dawned on her after the fact. I also believe if it were an accident, her attorneys would know and they would never let things go this far without having it out with their client.
When you have something to hide because you murdered a person, well then no one but the murderer would know-At least not until LE figured your sorry butt out. Only Casey knows, all right, because sociopathic murderers don't tend to tell on themselves.
Yup! The only people Casey apparently told of Caylee's disappearance were her imaginary co-workers at her non-existent job. She didn't even tell her boyfriend that she wanted to live with, let alone her brother or parents or any other friends!!!
It's been a while since I've been able to visit this site. Hello all--.

So did I miss something? They threw the Zanny theory out? If not it would certainly be a waste of time to say that Zanny did it--ooops no it was Grampa who did it. I'm not understanding.
It's been a while since I've been able to visit this site. Hello all--.

So did I miss something? They threw the Zanny theory out? If not it would certainly be a waste of time to say that Zanny did it--ooops no it was Grampa who did it. I'm not understanding.
yup, they've admitted it was a lie, and pretty much seem to be headed towards an accident theory or SODDI/George did it.
I would add to that, "so ladies and gentleman of the jury, you must leave your brains and logic at the door and find "Not guilty!" LOL.

So not surprised the mock jury was paid. I bet they didn't take this seriously at all. And I bet they were only given the defense's version of the evidence. What a sham this 48 Hours was. I can't wait for that guilty verdict and either life in prison or the needle to make the defense realize they wasted their money on this jury consultant and 48 Hours. Talk about last minute desperation to taint the jury pool!
...and I betcha they were paid a lot! I get emails for certain focus groups and for 2 1/2- 3 hours you could easily get $350.
there was a steady exodus of cats from the room during the first 15 minutes, because they are sensitive to shouting. so I was thisclose to changing the channel but decided to hang in there and ended up being pleased w/ the show. reminded me of that T-shirt "I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent"

the recurring comments by PB were concise and truthful ... good use of her on camera. I'm imagining PB's bullet points being enlarged upon at trial via the eloquence/passion of LDB/JA. I'm looking forward to seeing the pace and structure and strength of their case

the smell of garbage (vs trash) in the car was glossed over tonight. same w/ "who coulda been home" for the computer searches. those instances, and other misrepresentations and slants, will not be glossed over at trial and will be checkmated by the SAs. the jury will see CA/GA examined/cross-examined for days. their true natures and agendas will be evident to the jury as their testimony is evaluated

describing the focus group as cheesy is letting them off lightly, like those comedy shows that think they're Saturday Night Live but they're not. big boos for that skit. the jury will know nearly everything the no-life bloggers know. (note -> JB: trials are like that, they really are. your client is nearly universally thought of as un-get-off-able.) I imagine him frequently saying to himself "This is so haaard"

the DT never ceases to stupefy, er, amaze. the JB in these controlled/edited sound bites is not the JB the jury will see in court. not that the JB of the sound bites is all that anyway, IMO. the irony was rich: his complaints about the media while sitting in front of a camera speaking for a planned broadcast (displaying an arrogant and unaware oulook, as usual. again, IMO)

the jury will be looking at KC every day/all day for much longer than the slanted focus goup did. the jury will evaluate her reactions/non-reactions to all kindsa things not seen/heard tonight. one of the biggest differences is that the 48 Hours actors crewed for Richard Gabriel but the jury will crew for His Honor. I'm not the least bit swayed from anticipating guilty/1st degree

From what I have read, cadaver dogs are trained to alert on two chemicals specific to the decomposition of humans only. I seriously doubt that garbage of any kind would emit those chemicals. Hujman decomposition is very different from that of a squirrel or garbage. Just like drug dogs only alert on drug scent, cadaver dogs only alert on the scent of HUMAN decomposition. Trying to pass all those hits off on garbage is ludicrous at best and a Cindy mistruth at best. Garbage stinks but the smell disappears when the garbage is gone while decomposition of a human body remains for a period of time.

A woman I knew had a neighbor in her apartment building who committed suicide and wasn't found for two days. Everything in the apartment stunk to high heaven. The relatives offered things to her and she took an artifical plant that had been in the room. She had to toss it and it had also permeated everything in her apartment before she got rid of it. THAT's how powerful that decomposition smell is and how long it lingers.
yup, they've admitted it was a lie, and pretty much seem to be headed towards an accident theory or SODDI/George did it.

I agree they will go with either one of those theories. All I can say is good luck with that. People are not that gullible and the prosecution with squash that theory rather quickly. Maybe the evidence is circumstantial but there is plenty of it and it all leads back to one person. The one that did not report Caylee missing for 31 days! Unbelievable.
And to add to my post above. The grandparents should have been tracking their daughter down since CA claimed to one young man( If I recall Ryan was his name) that KC is a sociopath. Why would your hinky meter not go off in just a few days of not seeing your granddaughter with all the lying, stealing, thieving that KC had been doing?
Heads up.

48 Hours Mystery - The Untold Story of Caylee Anthony is running on ID Discovery channel in 40 minutes from now. 5pm tonight.
Looks to be the classic SODI defense to me. Could have been GA, could have been RK, could have been JG, could be Caylee just wandered into the woods and put duct tape over her own mouth. We don't know what happened and "there is no evidence to point to anything and especially none pointing to our client," so ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must find "Not guilty!":banghead:

After reading abou a 2 yr old last wk who wandered off while with his Dad from a Walmart, maks me wonder if ICA got too busy texting and little Caylee wondered off, fell in pool ICA found her DEAD panicked (OMG now my parents will REALLY say how irresponsible Mother I am!) and then all the lying and covering up started. Partying to forget the whole nightmare.
If so, it wouldve been just easier to anty up the truth but I dont think we are dealing with a rational human here. :twocents:
It seems the Police K9 were really picking something up in the backyard where pool was but.....it was 31 days later.
Heads up.

48 Hours Mystery - The Untold Story of Caylee Anthony is running on ID Discovery channel in 40 minutes from now. 5pm tonight.

Omg, I didn't even know I got that channel, lol-- thanks for the heads up! :)
I adore my ID channel and wish I had known about it years ago . It's my favorite now
Whenever you start thinking that it is an accident just remember Caylee had duct tape over her mouth and nose . My kids never accidently got duct tape over their mouth and nose and neither have I in 45 years .
I have to say that even if it were an accident, I would want her to get at least LWOP. Because if it were an accident, she is a tremendous danger to society, especially any future children. If it were an accident, that means one spring day her baby suddenly died. And what did she do? Call 9-1-1? How did she know she was really dead? Does she have a fake RN degree? What does she do? Rent movies and go on her merry way. Any mother who could lose a baby suddenly and just carry on obviously has an attachment problem, and obviously did not vaule that baby's life. Now that she knows how easily she could get over it, she would not think twice about killing anyone. I don't believe for a second that it was an accident but that would be almost MORE bizarre. We've all seen garden variety sociopath mothers like Susan Smith..this is almost more chilling. Again, I don't believe it was an accident but if it was, she shouldn't have waited 3 years to tell.
Whenever you start thinking that it is an accident just remember Caylee had duct tape over her mouth and nose . My kids never accidently got duct tape over their mouth and nose and neither have I in 45 years .

Excellent. About as succinct as you can get.
I'm watching, and am reminded of George's suicide attempt-- I wonder if we'll be seeing the content of that long long letter during the trial?

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