2011.05.02 Sidebar Thread

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AND if I was in her situation? I would be doing the same darn thing.
I see what we're talking about here, yes. Beach, watch right when it switches off the state seal--CA is already fiddling with something (can't see what) on her lap, then bends down for her water, brings cupped hand up to her mouth and follows with swig of water.

You have to have your eyes on where she'll appear, right from the get-go. Took me two tries to catch it.
CA may have been shaking out of anger. I don't think CA fears anyone which she proved on the stand many times by changing her testimony. It appears she did not like the comment regarding the family seeking out the media made by the attorney for the media. Maybe someone should replay them all so CA can have a refresher course before trial. Good Lord the woman has attorneys just to keep her from speaking out to the media. When will she get it???? jmo

I'm inclined to think CA was shaking from Anger based upon her historic reaction when she disagrees (being depicted as media hound) with what is being said.......especially if she's prohibited from speaking out.
I'm guessing , If I had to guess that it's Aleve or Tylenol though.
ICA tears..
To me, they appeared to be the normal tears of self pity she usually exhibits..
A kindly father figure with a gentle voice advocating her rights..she cracked..
HHJB'S tone, to ICA, almost seemed like a grandfatherly hug, grandfathers hug after a 9 year olds transgression, which is why I think I saw the ripples of self pity wash over her face in waves..

CA, A womans soul shreds before our very eyes.
Think I feel ill now..
Time for a walk.

Thank you, Amil, for enduring through hard benches , long waits and the derisive looks you may recieve from Team Anthony.
The very beginning . Watch her.

Ok, I was looking on the wrong side of the courtroom. :doh: I see it now.

It does appear that way. I just think this is a dangerous road to go down. The next thing is we will be guessing what the pill is. We already know by her own testimony that she is taking anti-depressants. It could be anything, KWIM?

I do appreciate you finding the link, Tulessa! Thank you!!
Didn't get to watch it this morning, too tired from Bin Laden coverage and camping weekend... but from the screen caps you all have provided I agree that Cindy looks extremely angry, not fearful. :twocents:She's probably pissed that she won't be allowed in the courtroom to provided her commentary/facial expressions from the gallery. That's probably why the judge wants to speak to her attorney pronto! Notice that George and Lee were not present. If a plea deal had been presented I think they would have made an appearance.
I think Casey is crying because she realizes that jury selection is in 1 week- this is real. "Innocent until Proven Guilty". Casey deep down knows what reality is- she's evil, not crazy, and all this evidence is coming in to convict her, she's not going to walk away from a mistrial and will continue to live in jail/prison!!!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
Also, the Anthony's and Defense Team did not succeed in getting their way, by way of the media finding out where jury selection will be- Jose was putting on a show and keeping his mouth shut- but he looked upset too, not fearful to me- so that shut down another avenue for mistrial!
P.S. Notice no RedBull today either! And no showy pocket squares. Casey was color-coordinated in a pastel blouse and hair pulled back and not hanging down. They are taking notes!
I did see the hand go to the mouth and then taking a swig of water. I would have to assume she just took some aspirins.

Can we move forward now ... please!
Ok, I was looking on the wrong side of the courtroom. :doh: I see it now.

It does appear that way. I just think this is a dangerous road to go down. The next thing is we will be guessing what the pill is. We already know by her own testimony that she is taking anti-depressants. It could be anything, KWIM?

I do appreciate you finding the link, Tulessa! Thank you!!

Nah , I don't think it's that. She was rubbing her temples earlier as if she had a headache. :)
I did see the hand go to the mouth and then taking a swig of water. I would have to assume she just took some aspirins.

Can we move forward now ... please!

Yes'm. :)
Just finished watching the hearing and studying ICA's face while the judge was talking. IMO the entire hearing today made her real realize how difficult it's going to be for her to get a fair trial and what measures are having to betaken in order to insure that she does. CM's hand was on her back long before she appeared to start having to try maintain composure and probably contributed to what little bit of crying she did. Like when something really bad happens and you are holding yourself together and keeping your mind off of it until someone expresses sympathy to you and you bust out in tears.

I wonder if CM was consciously trying to press her to show emotion or if he was just enjoying the back rub.:waitasec:
Just finished watching the hearing and studying ICA's face while the judge was talking. IMO the entire hearing today made her real realize how difficult it's going to be for her to get a fair trial and what measures are having to betaken in order to insure that she does. CM's hand was on her back long before she appeared to start having to try maintain composure and probably contributed to what little bit of crying she did. Like when something really bad happens and you are holding yourself together and keeping your mind off of it until someone expresses sympathy to you and you bust out in tears.

I wonder if CM was consciously trying to press her to show emotion or if he was just enjoying the back rub.:waitasec:

He was just showing concern for his client. Nothing more, nothing less.
If at any time something is spotted in a hearing/trial video that needs to be shared, always provide the link and the timeframe for all of us to view. It makes referencing the information quicker for all. :)
Just finished watching the hearing and studying ICA's face while the judge was talking. IMO the entire hearing today made her real realize how difficult it's going to be for her to get a fair trial and what measures are having to betaken in order to insure that she does. CM's hand was on her back long before she appeared to start having to try maintain composure and probably contributed to what little bit of crying she did. Like when something really bad happens and you are holding yourself together and keeping your mind off of it until someone expresses sympathy to you and you bust out in tears.

I wonder if CM was consciously trying to press her to show emotion or if he was just enjoying the back rub.:waitasec:

No, I really think CM was trying to comfort her. Regardless of what our opinions are of defense attorneys in this case they are human and I think it is natural for them to want to comfort her because she was upset this time. There were real tears so it was somewhat emotional for her. KC has no one else but her team to confide in and there is a connection there between her and her team members. As gruff as CM may be at times it appears he does have a soft side. jmo
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