2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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I like this guy - it is up to the court to decide if these things are a hardship - This guy is a keeper.
We are up for a break in a few minutes - just as well - this WSer seriously needs a shower.
They won't get ANY single moms with kids (no-brainer) which would be the BEST juror for our side, unfortunately.

I really wish that they would have at least one single mom on the jury. There should be at least one person that is going through what KC was prior to Caylee's death.
Didn't catch the juror number but he has 7 dogs. On disability.
Somebody on the DT gave KC the memo about looking jurors in the eyes. She is trying, but you can tell it makes her very uncomfortable. Instinctively, her eyes divert away.

Yes, I agree Beach...she has difficulty looking them straight in the eye...another body language fact show 'guilt'....

I also feel it would be a bad idea to have mostly males on this jury counting on them to not convict due to ICA's, ahem, cough, cough being 'pretty'...JMHO
We really need those pet sitters today!

Wow! 7 dogs? I'd be :crazy: Just one and a kitten is enough for me!
I love the pet people! I think they'd make great jurors - but I know why they can't serve and appreciate that.
Disability /retired man - has pets - can't leave them.
Whoa - this juror is disabled and would have to find someone to care for his seven dogs! Dog sitter would affect his financial setup adversely. Excused.
I really wish that they would have at least one single mom on the jury. There should be at least one person that is going through what KC was prior to Caylee's death.

With so many being excused for hardships, though, any that do slip through, will most certainly get one of the 10 "free" strikes from the DT.
I am getting concerned that the whole jury is going to be made up of younger to middle aged men.

Don't worry yet. There's still a long road ahead before anyone is a sure thing. I'm just amazed at all of the exclusions, I thought people would be tripping over their own feet to get on this jury.
HHJP has the cutest smirk I have ever seen. :heartluv:
:maddening: CM saying it is not a hardship for this man to have to board his 7 dogs!
on disability-states somewhat of a hardship- has lots of dogs (7) would have to hire someone to care for them, boarding- so financial hardship

State says excused ok.
Mason says he heard no hardship.

He will come back
I swear CM is making me spit tacks this morning! How is that NOT a hardship??
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