2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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Juror # 1246
Yes hardship - on disability and quite a few dogs - 7 dogs and would have to hire someone to take care of the dogs - could not afford to pay boarding cost
CM: Objects - did not hear hardship - inconvenience is not hardship
Not Excused
1246: did you heed my previous ...not to read about this case, no internet research...etc. Yes. did you speak to family about this. No sir. Hardship? yes. he is disabled and has lots of dogs. seven dogs.

HHJP: you are on disability...financially can you afford to hire someone to see after your seven dogs? any relatives?


HHJP: financially what would it cost you to board them? how would it effect finances?

will adversely take away from money.

CM: objects, did not hear a hardship.

HHJP: he can't pay for his dogs. you want to pay for them? I'm not asking you to agree Mr. Mason. I wouldn't dare do that...um tell him we will contact him to come back.

Fifteen minute recess.
1246, male, on disability, has 7 dogs he would have to find care for, can't afford to board them, no friends to take care of them
state does not object to excusal, CM objects, no hardship established, JP asks CM if he wants to board them HAHA!, no response from CM, he will be recalled, this one is a toughie,
HHJP chuckling - do you want to board his dogs? To Mr. Mason - contact him to come back. That's just silly Mr. Mason.
Fifteen minute recess - long walk to the food trays.
I admire Judge Perry so much. He is a man true to his word. His personaility the way he speaks everything is top of the notch!
I really wish that they would have at least one single mom on the jury. There should be at least one person that is going through what KC was prior to Caylee's death.

ITA! A single mom knows better than anyone how hard it is to cope, but most DO cope and cope well. (Based on first-hand knowledge!)

But IMO, if the DT is banking that a mostly-male jury will be of help to them, I think they're going to be sorely disappointed.
Mason can't be serious to object to this man with all these dogs. It is so costly to board one dog never mind 7 dogs especially on a disability check.
Ok so Mason thinks a person with nerves is amusing, yet he has no problem coercing a disabled person who stated to serve would adversely affect them financially. Alrighty then.
I can tell you that when I leave for one week at a time and board my dog (when my friend can't take him or stay at my house to watch him)....the bill at the vet when I get him out is over $175.00.

7 dogs for 8 weeks IMO creates a financial hardship for someone with fixed income unless the court wants to pay. $30 / day wouldn't cover boarding for half of them.
A family member of mine just had a pet sitter come in for a week for her three dogs and it cost 400.00 a week.
Wow Wow Wow...

SOMETHING definitely changed last night! KC desperately trying to make eye contact with eitherBaez or Mason (more Mason) but they keep ignoring her....as are both female defense attys too!!
I can tell you that when I leave for one week at a time and board my dog (when my friend can't take him or stay at my house to watch him)....the bill at the vet when I get him out is over $175.00.

7 dogs for 8 weeks IMO creates a financial hardship for someone with fixed income unless the court wants to pay. $30 / day wouldn't cover boarding for half of them.

I am going to play devil advocate here and say that I just do not feel that pet ownership creates a hardship in performing a civic duty.

At any given point, it is not unrealistic that this man (or any pet owner) could experience a hospitalization, family emergency, etc where he is going to have to arrange for care for these pets. I would suspect that it would create a "hardship" initially when perusing a solution, but one would eventually be found.

Boarding is not the only solution and if he can't afford it now, what arrangements would he make if he was suddenly hospitalized due to his disability (or other health issue) for 6 - 8 weeks?
JB complaining about microphones! :sheesh:

ETA: AF saying the internet told them they were on! :lol:
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