2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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My TV won't let me turn on captions, sigh. I can't hear what the attorneys are saying.
:banghead: CM really seems to get enjoyment out of irritating people.

This lady saying this case is very "disturbing" to her. It reminds her of her niece.

She has already pre-judged - 3 Years ago. She thinks she is GUILTY!
Why would Mason want people who don't want to be a juror?
I'm On CNN and I can't hear the attorneys speaking. Anyone else having this problem? It was fine before they lowered the voice on Mics.
Great. Now with all the hoopla over their conversations possibly being overheard (and I have heard not one thing!), we can no longer hear the DT asking their questions. :/
"It's very disturbing to me. It hits very close to home." I wish we could hear the questions.
female has long term travel arrangements made for business/pleasure for 5/22-6/22, cannot be re-scheduled,
CM have you attempted to re-schedule? no CM why? because it is not refundable
CM-airline tickets yes CM asking about her job, she can't be away, may be fired, (I have a hard time hearing CM)
The case is very disturbing to her? Is that what she is saying, I can't hear CM very well.
This lady juror's voice sounds like she already doesn't care for CM ....why would he want to keep her? Give it up!

ETA: Ooops, now she says thinks ICA is Guilty! CM seems to just be trying for "pain in the a$$" of the trial..doesn't he know JB already laid to that? LOL
I love this lady's candor and honesty. She'd like WS. She would fit right in here.
1351: Hardship? yes. I have travel arrangements. Personal. Gone two weeks. Long planned. Has transportation for travel. Business/pleasure. Cannot be put off. May 22 to June 2.

CM: asked the same question twice...and she says, "I just said..." Well, my job...(big sigh) being away...for a length of time...IMHO she is very annoyed with CM. "I don't know the way jobs are if I would have a job." Any other issues...CM asks. "It's very disturbing to me." He asks, this case? "Yes" it hits very close to home.

IMHO: people DO not want to serve on this jury. not everyone is able to care about money more than the disturbing nature of this case.

this lady says it reminds her of a niece. she has an opinion of GUILTY.

This woman says this is very disturbing and hits close to home. She has a niece with a lot of problems and it reminds her of her niece.

She has prejudged 3 years ago.
I couldn't hear what Mason asked her....it hits too close to home..I've already prejudged....have you formed an opinion as you sit here today...Yes. Guilty....
This free focus group keep saying she is guilty.........
"I've already pre-judged." She said she believes ICA is guilty. Judge thanks her for being candid.
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