2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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I don't think they moved her away from the computers...I think they moved her away from the men. CM and JB......

It could have been giving an unfavorable impression. I am not just making that up either. SOMEWHERE....I read that if the def was the opposite sex from counsel....you had to go overboard not to create any sexual undertones that could hurt her image.

Perhaps all her shoulder to shoulder whispers with CM and doing the "come her" gesture with her finger didn't play out well. I know I made several comments about it. Some folks thought I was being overly snarky, but when a gesture speaks with a sexual tone....it is NOTICEABLE!

Can't be good for her image. She now sits next to Ann Finell

IMHO when I turned on this AM, she sashayed in and plopped next to AF.CM then went to JB and they looked over to her,JB got this "WTF is she doing" look on his face and I think he went over to her and she gave that smirk smile it looked like" I ain't moving".,they just went ahead. I think this is HER choice not theirs.Every trial I have served on as a juror the defendant sat next to their atty. I think ICA is giving the D/T the blues and is being very Divaish JMHO
Mason looks defeated...I guess that's the way he looks when he's having fun
new group being brought in - state & defense turning around to face the gallery
Just saw BC - didn't realize he was there again today
What is the DT doing?

ETA: Or everyone for that matter. Why are they turning around?
Wonder if the defense will stand for these new set of jurors too?
hedging my bet now: she won't cry this time as it won't catch her off guard like it did the last time

HA - are they moving ICA to where her back is to the camera? Doesn't matter. Evil stays with it's host.
Why can't ICA leave the crap on the table alone!?!!! Seriously! Secondly, she's messing with this stuff while CJBP is talking!!! How rude! Shows how much respect she has. I don't even have to hear her talk to be irritated with her!
Now she is happy - gets to sit next to CM all afternoon. Are we going to see tears from the indictment being read over? Did they completely change sides? The cnn camera is going all over the place. JA adjusting his laptop - looking very sharp today. Everyone including the defense team is wearing dark blue suits. Wait - I think CM may be in dark green or brown .....kinda mud colored.
Probably been asked but is Cindy and George not allowed in for this? I am working and trying to stay up to speed! You guys are awesome keeping everyone so well informed!
Hope everyone had a good lunch and here we go.......
As always not a big poster but am always here and I will stay for the duration Caylee has kinda become all of our child in a sense, we stand for her even when her family will not. We will love her even when her family will not.

Justice for Caylee :rocker:

I watch ICA and I was hoping I would see and maybe feel something for ICA in this setting at this time but nothing every move she makes every gesture looks so phoney she is alway's the actress she is who or what she needs to be for whomever she is speaking too. Well except for the grieving heart broken parent. Can't even pretend for the sake of her life. WOW

Sorry Rant over..............
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