2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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Do you think it is viable for the defense to sit a panel of uneducated, repressed by the system jurors? Would this work?
#1233-male-would have to board pets, dog & cat.
He's a nurse, cardiac 24-hour call, only 4 of them, does 25/40 days on call, sounds like hardship, planning bariatric surgery, 1 month to go---tremendous hardship
ICA seems to be back to her "lost staring" again - very poker faced, not looking relaxed or happy.
This juror concerned about boarding his dog and his cat.
Re: hardship financial or medical - job - one of four nurses cardiac cath lab. Works 25 out of 40 days- in 5th of 6th month of bariatric surgery - would have to start the whole process over - would have to start over again. Think this guy is going to be excused.
Sounds like 1233 is not available. Only 4 nurses where he works, he's on a waiting list for Bariatric surgery approval.

ETA: what logicalgirl said lol
Note to Orlando : Find a group of volunteers to babysit pets of potential jurors
1233, male, would have to board pets, dog and cat, no family concerns, he's an on-call nurse for heart attack patients, is in the process of going through the process of having bariatric surgery, already paid for it, if he misses any part of the process he will lose $$$ and have to start the program over again
he is excused
Juror # 1233
The only family I have here is sister and she travels and need someone to take care of pets - as far as job goes - works Cardiac cath lab - school in 5th of 6th month and if misses will have to start over
I can't hear and or understand this woman, can someone tell me what she said? Please?
I'm telling ya - pet sitter lady should have been handing out business cards
Juror 1148 - female - usual warnings and questions. Very soft spoken - suffers from lupus, lots of symptoms, may need surgery - this one is a no.
#1148-female-has accent- difficult to understand-medical- enlarged thyroid, poss. surgery

excused, i'm guessing
I wish I lived down there, I'd volunteer to watch the pets.

ETA - I don't think they'll use the lady with lupus, my sister in law has that and the flare ups can be horrible. I don't think she'd be able to handle a six to eight week trial.
Her thyroid is enlarged and they will probably have to remove because it flares up.
I'm sorry, I would not board my animals 6-8 weeks.

If I tried to do this,when I went back to retrieve them,my two Shih Tzu's would bite my ankles,to let me know who was the boss LOL:crazy:
Juror # 1148
In treatment - sick lupus - enlarged thyroid - maybe have surgery soon
Excused - medical reasons
1148, female, has lupus, sick some days with flare ups, enlarged thyroid also, may have to have surgery in the near future
she is excused
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