2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

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ok - my phone is ringing Caller ID says ORLANDO FL - I am officially creeped out!

Same thing happened to me, I answered and it was regarding getting a credit card. I started to think maybe through the internet and my being in orlando stations reading they got my number. But it was weird getting it while I was watching the jury selection.
The look on Jeff Ashton's face is priceless....like he just got knocked in the head.

Her comments befuddled him

I wonder if DR. Vass evidence matches GA's grand jury testimony about the perhaps what he saw and smelled on June 24th the return of the GAS cans. This evidence coupled with something else we do not yet know is really damaging.

Once the jury sees Casey act the same way during trial when Caylee's remains are discussed, they will know she's guilty.
How many people interviewed for jury came out and said ICA was guilty?
Did anyone keep count?
insession just played a recap of the jury being released and when the lawyers were called to the bench, JB smiled BIG TIME right in the camera as he stood up. it was quite the smirk/smile.

Well heck he was yakking it up in spanish with one of them yesterday. Who knows what he did or could say in spanish to one that no one would catch?????? I mean you know. I live in Texas and know very little, as in, no spanish. I would assume a lot of people are like that in Florida.

Hate to admit it,but Ms Fry (?) is good,better than JB/CM JMHO:innocent:
JA: the only thing new in this argument is the voice. we don't like the rules so lets argue them.

the signifcant between closing argument and this there has been an order. in that order major elements of frye are lacking.

HHJP: if you read the order closely. it does not say that his testimony alone can lead to the conclusion that meets frye. I went to great pains in explaining that he was basing his testimony and his experence is coupled with that. there were as you pointed out there were certain defects. the sole witness, rightfully or wrongfully based on Berry and my interpretation of Berry his opinion is based on things that are accepted...lazer...gas chromographer...he also indicated that dogs can smell human decomp. even he says he cannot say it is human decomp to the exclusion of everything else. science has advanced...I spent a great deal of time...although other folks wanted me to rush...I cannot tell you how many times I read that testimony how many times I read cases...between ten to two am. in a period of seven to eight days. drafting and redrafing and uh...

motion is :denied: the order speaks for itself...and I am sure Mr. Simms will prove me wrong (pause) one day.
Sorry, haven't been able to get here until now! Who is this nervous, young attorney (who is much less arrogant and smug than JB, more respectful, but still nervous)?

And why are they doing this motion now? Why are they interrupting jury selection for this? can't they do this after a jury has been seated? Or do they want time during jury selection to deal with the ruling?

This afternoon's pool of 50 jurors were sent back to the jury pool due to chit-chatting about the case in the waiting room. Therefore, the judge decided to hear this argument this afternoon I guess to best utilize the court's time/schedule. A new jury will be brought in tomorrow a.m. and the judge said they will even convene on Saturday if they have to.
Oh, the irony of a Frye issue being argued by Ms. Fryer. I cannot stop laughing.
HHJP is basically saying...

I put in more than enough time over long and ridiculous hours. don't waste my time with BS motions based on nothing.
Ha, the smackdown came from JA. He stood up when HHJP asked if he had any comments and said 'No,your Honor, the same arguments are being used as were previously, the only difference is the voice expressing them. Having said that I have nothing to add. They don't like your ruling so they just keep coming back to argue again."
Chick still not getting it - stands back up and says there there was a ruling in between.
HHJP now explaining again in great detail ( why does he even need to justify himself to this girl)as to why he ruled, and the motion to change the ruling is denied. Again. "Maybe one day Ms Sims will be able to prove me wrong. One day."
I'm thinking the DT wants to delay, delay, delay, and Miss Princess is tired of waiting and wants her celebrity trial to get under way.

And if I were JP, I'd get the whereabouts of the A's, their friends, and anyone else associated with the DT that was not there today. I have a feeling that juror that talked wasn't supposed to be there.

Good point. Where is everyone??

Who is this ld debate fast speaking girl??? I'm trying to catch up and see who she is but I'm doing bates labels...not an easy task to watch, read and type!!
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