2011.05.10 - Jury Selection Day Two

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JA: is asking if something is okay.

HHJP: mr baez I think that is something you wanted to do to. Fine with me.

JB: with respect for your honors schedual. an issue with the hair as the test results and the research with the fbi (his mic is not on) allowing the ah, hair band issue...

HHJP: what is that mr. baez?

when we took the hair experts (fbi)they conducted a study and things we uncovered that are exculpatory and bring doubt to their findings and whether this meets frye. upon further inspection we found things that were very helpful to the defense and our position. the person who did the inspection was ms. simms.

JA: is there a motion before the court?

JB: ....

HHJP: I've :denied: that. when did you discover this?
UGH I knew it! A request for continuance!
They REALLY do NOT want DR. vass in. I mean how many times can or will the judge allow them to argue this?

BTW - JB throwing out the body alledgedly was int he trunk for 9 days has always been my feeling - i think she was in there on the GAS can day and the shovel day and I have always felt GA smelled it then or got really close to finding Caylee in there and that is when KC dumbed her in the woods.

I agree that nine days makes a lot of things fit better. JB said it was the SA's contention that the body was in the trunk nine days.
Well, at least with the 50 people sent home, they can sort out all of this nonsense!


DS saying they will be doing NEW Frye Motions?
she sent a letter to paula wolf. asked that she bring stuff. photos, documentation. that depo took place may third. 28 fotos that were referenced. mr shaw was in quantico...hard to see she asked him to email them. it took a half an hour. she asked for hard copies and they were not produced at that time. the fbi said she could look at hard copies and she found out there were more photos...sent to orlando she saw them on friday, did not have time to get hard copies. we want copies of that material. we want to discuss it with ourselves. we want a new frye hearing.

HHJP: why do you consider this exculpatory?
CUT OUT THE NASTY COMMENTS referencing Ann Finnell!

Last warning about this.

I'm sorry but WTF have these people been doing for the past 2 1/2 years ?:banghead:
YAY!!! YAY!!! HHJP asked the question I wanted to! CHECK out JA's face when Simms just said the evidence is exculpatory.
well water and post mortem hair banding...........did Anthonys have a well????
Why is the defense allowed to continuously bring up motions that have already been denied?!!!

Just because they are late on finding information and now feel they have a better argument? It was denied.

JA is shaking his head and saying "wow"

Sims is claiming FBI has exposed living hairs to "well water" which then caused the hairs to "look like death banding" - says they did not have time to prepare cross examination because the information just came to them and the state has not given the infrmation in a timely fashion.

OY OY - sounds like she is making things up.
"The FBI exposed certain hairs to 'well water' which mimics the look of hairbanding. "

SO WHAT? Are they going to say now that Casey exposed Caylees hair strand to well water then put it back in the trunk?
Potential witness was also chosen as a juror, this juror told the potential jury that they are with eqquasearch and was blabbing in the jury room.


Are you freakin' kidding me! Good gawd could this possibly get any crazier!
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