2011.05.12 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day FOUR)

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Just had a beautiful thought...ICA will never again enjoy the taste of a fine wine and a yummy steak cooked to perfection! Time for me to toss the steaks on the grill for the family and pour myself another glass of pinot...:toastred:

Hopefully, JP odered sub sandwiches with lots of onion or garlic so ICA can get a wiff when court resumes. Hope ICA enjoys her "boloney" sandWITCH! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Maybe a legal eagle could confirm or deny this..but it is my understanding that 3rd round includes mostly striking or accepting, and IF striking needs to give "Cause" of some sort, then its JP who accepts or deny's..especially if the stiking includes certain things..It's my understanding both side have a boatload of stikes available, however, they have to show "Just Cause" for doing so..Am I wrong on that?.. TYIA

They have peremptory strikes, where they do not have to give "cause"- 10 each? Not sure how many...
Correct. She did not say decomp.

The recently deceased quickly gain an odor, but not full decomp yet. It does not take long though, hence our methods of, uh, well you know.

The first question LDB asked is if she had smelled decomp. She answered yes and then went on to explain about being a nurse.
Wasn't there a claim once that ICA had a seizure? Or, was that another case....

Yes, when she was over at JG's house long before any of this. We don't know if she was evaluated apart from an ER visit... which makes me suspicious.. She would have had a CT of the head and then referred on to Neuro or her Primary MD for follow-up.
Neither she nor CA have reported anything like this, it came from JG.
There was a discussion between JA, JB and HHJP about a potential juror that was going to ask his employer if he would be reimbursed for jury duty. JA and JB asked the judge if they could find out now. HHJP replied, he is eating too and we will find out in due time. There was mention by JA that he thought the DT was going to withdraw their objection, but then JB corrected him and said no, they just wanted to know what the PJ found out.

*Whew!* So glad our stories matched. :floorlaugh:
I noticed the DT and SA saying some questions had already been asked and they wouldn't ask again. That didn't seem to be the case earlier today. Wonder if HHBP had a chat with them about repeating. I hope so.
no idea, mine cut out while JB was asking a question..then when I got it back.. JA was asking Judge about bringing a guy back (but that person was eating right now) then I got the shield.

Is the video on delay since it wasn't gone long enough to miss this juror being sent out & mention of this dinner break


I think Baez asked..He wanted to know the answer to some question put to the court..Not sure if it was JA who was answering ..Just know it wasnt the Pot juror who needed to answer something...Seemed like the breaktime was urgent for some reason????????
babe....I am on GMT. I saw another poster from my side of town too so it's really late here! at least we have time to do our shortly in the am though :D

Ha! I'll be on your side of town in June, so I'll get to experience first hand what it's like to try to keep up with this trial from the UK. The one benefit I can see immediately is that I'll get to watch a big part of it from the pub, so should make it a little easier to cope with all the insanity. :)
LDB asked her if she had smelled decomp before and she said yes. Maybe she corrected it later and I missed it.

I thought LDB said have you ever smelled or seen dead bodies before, she said; "yes" then when LDB came back to it (I'm assuming LDB also thought she had smelled them) the juror corrected her saying; "seen?" then described being bed side for people who had passed and preparing their bodies for the morgue.

That is how I heard it, anyhow. I don't think she has smelled an advanced stage of decomp :twocents:
Did ICA get a restaurant dinner? If she did, that irks me.
They're back! Oooh I am so creeped out by that lady now that I know her story.
That young lady attorney that KC is jealous of gives me the heebee jeebees. I don't know why. She did a good job of trying to argue her point the other day, but I'm actually with KC on that one. Not jealous, just weirded out. Anyone else notice anything odd there?
CA laughing and smiling w/woman in red. Nodding her head up and down.
Hmmm...they figured out the mic was hot. It's now been cut off.
NG will have a bit of a fit if this keeps going and interferes with her show.
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