2011.05.12 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day FOUR)

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If the Lady in Red was married to a serial killer, isn't that a very odd person to have on a defense team? You would think they would stay miles away from a person connected with a murderer at all costs. Now that she is fast and furious friends with KC, I would think that she has an affinity for this type of person.
She believes her husband is innocent...that may be a clue...but IMHO...all around bad decision.
The laundry list of mitigating factors listed by Ann Finnell today has me thinkng........

This explains why CA and GA are so adamant to sit in the courtroom,

why CA wanted to meet with ICA ,after her little pow wow with the DT

why the STATE ATTORNEYs had NO OBJECTION to the Anthony's sitting in the courtroom

This really will be "must see tv"

I completely agree. Aside from the mitigating factors, her comment that "Casey was used by her parents as a decoy and a pawn" puts that steadily rolling bus squarely in their path. :eek:
You know... I've smelled human decomp before and... once you do... it's permanently there. I can still "smell" it, you know? Like parvo in dogs... once you smell it, it never leaves. I have mixed feelings about subjecting people to the cans o' decomp smell but I like that the prosecution threw that out there. In front of ICA. And of course no reaction.

I so want ICA to have to smell it again. Right there in front of her family and the people who will decide her fate. I don't think she will be able to control her reaction.
I could swear that one of the people on InSession today said that the Lady in Red was a defense investigator. Did anyone else hear this?

The Lady in Red was Rosie Bolin. Thread about her is here:

I so want ICA to have to smell it again. Right there in front of her family and the people who will decide her fate. I don't think she will be able to control her reaction.

Ooooooooooo... I never thought about that. Like open the can and gesture wildly in front of her, whizzing by to bring it to the jury. LOl Me like.

AND: Here's the squirrel can.... here's the pizza can... here's the human decomp can. That'd be rich.
I wish they could use the trunk carpet on the floor of her cell.
Is anyone at all able to fill me in on whether there was an issue with ICA and the young female attorney Ms Fryer today? tia :)

Someone made mention of this earlier, was hoping someone could help, no worries - looks like I'll have to dig through the jury thread.
I so want ICA to have to smell it again. Right there in front of her family and the people who will decide her fate. I don't think she will be able to control her reaction.

She managed to drive around in that car for days when it must have stunk of decomp. Whether you believe she kept the body in the trunk +/- 3 days, or up to the 24th/gas can encounter with GA, she lived with that smell. Lee spoke to her in the garage on 7/16/08 and reported that he had to keep leaving the garage and coming back in.

I hate to say it, but IMO if she is confronted with that smell again, she will not flinch.
What time did they end? I left work at 6 and they were still going.

Anyone else having a hard time working and watching - and we are only on the jury stage???? YIKES!!
She managed to drive around in that car for days when it must have stunk of decomp. Whether you believe she kept the body in the trunk +/- 3 days, or up to the 24th/gas can encounter with GA, she lived with that smell. Lee spoke to her in the garage on 7/16/08 and reported that he had to keep leaving the garage and coming back in.

I hate to say it, but IMO if she is confronted with that smell again, she will not flinch.

You are right. Cold ice cold woman.
Ok...I haven't read this whole thread so forgive me for the stupid question. Are the several potentials that moved on today actual jurors (or alternates) now or is there another round of questions? I don't think I can take a Round 3 of questioning...lol.
I have mixed feelings about presenting the decomp smell in court. I am a sympathy barfer.
Someone made mention of this earlier, was hoping someone could help, no worries - looks like I'll have to dig through the jury thread.

I dunno what issue, other than there's fresh meat in town and ICA feels threatened that her "boys" are paying more attention to her? lol
Victim impact. There were a lot of questions today about victim impact statements. Who the he77 will be giving them? The grandparents who had the lovely welcome home dinner with casey, not mentioning Caylee once, when casey supposedly had info that could not be uttered until that moment because it could endanger her daughter? The grandparents, brother and future sister in law who were all smiles and "keeping it light" when they should have been doing this?:


Or will it be Lee, the guy who basically used Caylee's memorial to tearfully give a love sonnet to his despicable sister?

I;m wondering if perhaps both sides believe that after the DT is finished with the family, they will all be willing to get up and scream about how casey took their baby. I don't think it would ever happen, though. Is there someone else who can give a statement?

So, if the defense has to prove KC was really sexually abused, or abused in any way (which we have to here, it can be family, close or extended, or teachers, friends, ect...), who is saying it to them? On the record?

Will the State blow their testimonies out of the water?

Good question. I would think casey would have to testify to that, unless they use her jail letters which wouldn't have much impact. Maybe she will testify during the penalty phase: "I was molestered by the daddy I told was a great father during a jail visit."

I don't know if he was another nervous speech guy. The one I'm thinking of was concerned about taking the entrance exams for law school and was going on a short vacation with his wife. I'm not sure if he was excused, but he was making me crazy just listening to him. For the sake of the final panel of jurors, I hope he's gone.

I don't blame the guy. I'm an attorney and I would have been sweating bullets to be up there on the hot seat, questioned in a case I just found out I might serve on, with cameras all over the place, a serious judge and tons of grim-faced attorneys. I;m sure he would be different in the jury room. Poor people. I have never seen anything like this.

I tend to believe she is a malingerer. You know... George had a stroke, I have some uterine disorder and not preggo... yup. That's a good one.

Yeah, chances are had she not decided to murder Caylee, and had she not had so much male interest and an active social life to distract her, she would have started to make Caylee sick so she could get attention as the martyr mother.
I have mixed feelings about presenting the decomp smell in court. I am a sympathy barfer.

snowshuze, AZ in the Verified Lawyers thread indicated that the SA would not bring the jurors to do a sniff test of the car because "how many people have ever smelled human decomp before?" Based on AZ's input, I doubt that the jury will be subjected to smelling the trunk, or the carpet samples therefrom.

And I also think this might play into the SA's hands. The evil that you have experienced is never as bad as the evil that you haven't, KWIM? If you as a juror have never smelled human decomp, and then you get to hear CA's 911 calls ("it smells like there's been a dead body in the d*** car!")... well, your mind gets to working on that statement.

Ok...I haven't read this whole thread so forgive me for the stupid question. Are the several potentials that moved on today actual jurors (or alternates) now or is there another round of questions? I don't think I can take a Round 3 of questioning...lol.
Still have round 3...for those that made it thru round 2.
I have mixed feelings about presenting the decomp smell in court. I am a sympathy barfer.

Oh my gosh, me too! I gag just thinking about gross things. It's horrible. I have a weak stomach and problems eating if anyone blows their nose or something. My family laughs at me and it can be annoying. I can handle gross stuff like poop or barf or snot when it comes to little tiny kids, and I can handle pet poop and barf but anything gross to do with adults sets me off. And a rotting body, no matter whose it would be would definitely cause me to lose my lunch at the moment I smelt it and ever after if it came to mind.

Does anyone know how many attorneys each side has? It seems like they bring in new ones in every day.
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