2011.05.20 On a Scale of 1 to 10 How do you Feel About this Jury?

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I've gone back and forth with this jury since Day 1. I feel it must be anti ICA as the defense messed up as usual. They thought they'd pull a rabbit outta their hat at the last moment, but the SA used the best strategy of all.
They waited till the end and got rid of the ones pro DT. That in itself made the DT and ICA very mad. :maddening:
IMO the juror who said she didn't like to judge others may even be a stealth, if not in all fairness to her, she said I don't like to judge people. She clarified that response with the judge saying that she doesn't gossip and needs to see the evidence for herself. Who really knows until they actually vote.
If you base it on the comments of one of the last young guys they spoke with, He said they were talking about it in the jury rm. He added that they were all very negative comments toward ICA. So you have to kind of take that into consideration and I think it's safe to assume that the panels that preceeded him all felt the same way. General consensus: GUILTY
Soooo glad it's over and can barely wait till Tues. :twocents:
I'm ready to Rock and Roll with this trial. I give this jury a 10/10. They will get it done. Finally!

Added Blessings that it is HHJP at the helm.

And a final word to the Defense Team. Get used to :ignore: and :denied: from the Bench. HHJP believes this is an extraordinary murder trial only from the point of the overload of pre-trial publicity that has been DT driven. Other than that, to HHJP, it is a simple murder trial.

The delays are over. The time is now. This trial will move ahead to completion and a Guilty verdict. End of story.
I wish all the jurors well and I hope they don't become ill when they hear all the evidence. The DP is reserved for the worst of the worst, they will see that Casey is just that.
Watch out! here comes little Mary Sunshine!:truce:
I give this jury a big 'ol 10. It's a good diverse mix, all seem to be able to contribute something of value, even the AA woman that can't judge (she will in the end). An agreement of Guilty is coming.
As for the death penalty, not gonna happen.

Little Mary Sunshine? Step over here and meet Perpetual Pollyanna! :blowkiss: We'll get her done!. :behindbar:
I hope the jury does form their own opinions before they render their verdict which I think is LWOP, but could turn to DP. ICA has been used to jail jail, it is nothing compared to real life prison and she'll get the rude awakening. She caused this because of her wanton lifestyle, doesn't matter right this minute how it happened, she caused a lot of child abuse, neglect, abandonment. Her duty and allegience was to her daughter and she let her down and forgot about her, doesn't matter if it was 31 minutes or 31 days. Cannot ignore that fact.
I'm kind of worried about the "I can't judge" woman because if you are on the jury, that is what you are there for - hear the evidence and make a determination based upon it. I'm scared she could cause a hung jury, and I don't know diddly about the law, so I'm not sure if they could bring in one of the alternates to avoid a hung jury or not. OTOH, I can't imagine any juror listening to the whole case and making it to the end of the trial without being drawn in and forming some kind of opinion at that point. Surely there's no way she'll be able to say "I can't judge" once she's heard everything. You'd have to be a robot!
LOL, I think it is very difficult to predict how people are going to act or react, based on just a little bit of time in a courtroom.

My outlook on this is IMO it would be very difficult to find very many people who would be willing to overlook never reporting your 2-year-old child missing and/or kidnapped, the behavior of ICA not only during the 31 days Caylee was gone before Cindy reported her missing, but also with the police, with her parents, when she was out on bail, and all the craziness before anything even happened to Caylee. There's decomp in the trunk of ICA's car, hair with a death band consistent with Caylee, Caylee's remains dumped the way they were with things traced directly back to the A's, the duct tape, ICA had means, she had motive, etc, etc.

I rate this jury at a 9.
I am not so much worried as pi$$ed about 1319.. state made a huge booboo and never even questioned her. We don't even know who this lady is/know anything at all about her. HHJP even offered them to question her more and they said no.

With that being said I give them an 8 for guilt and a 10 for penalty (because I really don't care which penalty ICA is given.. either way she will be removed from the face of the earth for the rest of her natural life)

I'll give the jury a 10. I really am not worried about 1319, I think she will have a light bulb moment immediately following the prosecution's opening statement and it will be easy for her to judge Casey after that and just wait until all the jurors see the autopsy photos of what this beautiful, vibrant, happy little girl ended up being. They may vote for LWOP over the DP and that's fine with me.
I have to remember that these are folks that don't watch the news too much-- they are, in a sense, virgins in regards to the horrid details they are about to know through and through. I have to remember that my stomach turns, I cringe, I get filled with disgust and loathing-- and I'm "crime junkie blogger" who has a lot of experience with horrific crimes.

I have no worries about this jury, especially the woman who said she can't judge people, I'm sure they have all prepared themselves mentally to hand down the justice our society asks for.

I give this jury a 10.
I found this interesting - we'll have to wait to see........

"There are two possibly positive jurors for Casey: the African-American woman who said she can't judge people, and the African-American man who said he is against the death penalty. Both said they could do what they had to, but prosecutors said they're worried she could hang the jury."


........and with that in mind, I'm unsure what number I'd give them.


I take issue with this article, I think that the AA jurors may surprise everyone,contrary to opinions that AA cannot CONVICT they do. If ICA was AA then "MAYBE" I could see the concern,(ala OJ) these two AA jurors have no kinship or allegiance or relationship to ICA,they will not identify with her plight compared to the plight each of them may have endured on a daily basis. Give me a break they could care less about ICA's perceived hardship life,struggles,compared to theirs. Don't under estimate these people especially the older AA woman,who knows she may be a housekeeper in someone's house(since NOONE bothered to question her employment,education,hobbies,family, crimes commited against her etc ) and has her own agenda,please stop second guessing people's motives before you see the outcome. If there is a hung jury it may well be the very person noone suspected,that's just the way things work JMHO:waitasec:
I can see JP giving Casey the DP.

I believe it is him who has the final say. I would not be happy if Casey got LWOP.

She will most likely not be in Gen. Pop but isolated from all the other inmates;

She's THRIVING in jail and I have no doubt she'll be thriving in Prison too.

She's not going to think of Caylee EVER. In Prison she'll be another version of Susan Smith getting perks and privlages.

I think True Punishment for Casey is on Death Row where she will have NO interaction with anyone.

Let her suffer on Death Row, cause God knows she will not be suffering with LWOP.


Respectfully BBM

There is no reason ICA would be in protective custody after she is convicted of 1st degree murder. If ICA gets LWOP, she will most likely go right into general population with all the other murderers, etc. Once she is convicted, she's just another criminal in prison. No special treatment for her. Only if she receives DP will she be isolated from others.
I'm fine with this jury of 12 plus 5 alternates. I watched a lot of the jury selection live or watched the video clips on WFTV and these people are making a big sacrifice to be away from home and be sequestered for up to 8 weeks so that Casey Anthony can get a fair trial. So on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give them a 10.
I may be wrong, but the perception I got from this woman was that she cannot judge someone on rumor, or gossip, without knowing the facts, without knowing more than just conjecture.

Like I said I may be totally off base, but I hold the same sentiments as this woman from what I know thus far... I do not judge anyone based upon what I hear from a rumor, or gossip, or onesided comments. That is how I perceived her responses. Hopefully I am not made to be proven wrong...but there is always that chance.

Respectfully BBM

This is my feeling also. I think the AA lady doesn't judge others based on what people say about them. But once the State lays out all their evidence, one by one, she will come to the same conclusion that most of us have, and it will not be based on gossip. It will be obvious who killed Caylee.

I think 12 out of 12 jurors will vote to convict ICA for 1st degree murder. I think the penalty vote will be LWOP, but I am not yet sure of who I think will vote for what. I'm okay with a lifetime in prison without the possibility of her ever getting out. If it turns out 7-5 in favor of DP, all the better.

HHJP does have the ability in Florida to sentence ICA to death even if the jury recommends LWOP, but it is not likely. Most Florida legal experts have said judges will usually go with what the jury recommends.

As always, JMHO.
I wish princess poopy and baby sleuth would've let me sit long enough to listen to even 1 day of jury selection!
I will give them an 8 for the death penalty and a 10 for a conviction of 1st degree murder. I just do not see them seeing it any different than the majority of us who have seen all the evidence.

I also think that if she testifies during the penalty phase, she better take responsibility for Caylee's death... if she doesn't, she might get the death penalty. She can not get up there and lie to these people after she has been convicted... they will not fall for it.
Gut, in Florida this is different.

From this link:


"Florida's death penalty statute is unique in that it allows trial judges to reject juries' sentencing "recommendations" of life imprisonment."

So conceivably, the jury panel in this case could recommend LWOP and the judge could sentence death.
I believe it would have to be a strong majority of the jury recommending death in order for him to, in good conscience, impose it.

Neither of these two jurors worry me that much, and here is why.

Baez's angle is to get as many minority jurors as possible because one of his major strategies is that LE rushed to judgement, lied, and railroaded her.

If Casey was black or Latino, or even white, but poor and trod upon, then that strategy might work with these 2 jurors. They might buy it. I am sure they both have been treated rudely by cops or security because of their skin color. Sadly, it still happens. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THAT CASEY WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY. Quite the opposite. If a black suspect told the whopping lies that Casey did and had a missing child for a month they would have been arrested immediately, and these 2 jurors KNOW THAT.
They will reject that part of Baez's strategy, imo.

Also, they both say they are anti-DP. And if you noticed, it seemed that all of the African American PT's were strongly anti-DP. I understand because blacks are way more likely to get DP than other races, especially whites. So they generally object to it because it is being used unfairly if you look at the overall statistics. That being said, this is not a young black gang member caught up in the hood, doing a drive by and up for the DP. These 2 would not vote for that because of the racial inequities behind that whole situation.

BUT THIS CASE---they will HATE ICA. She will get no compassion from them, even though they are passionate about the overuse of the Death Penalty. She is the opposite of what they are fighting against. They will see a young, white attractive, middle class girl with 2 parents and a nice home in a safe suburb, and she drops out of school, doesn't work, lies and steals from her family. AND FROM HER GRANDPARENTS. These two jurors will HATE THAT SHE STOLE FROM HER INVALID GRANDFATHER TO PAY HER CELL PHONE.

And the DT is never going to convince these 2 that her home life was horribly abusive and frightening. No way.
They will have seen far worse family situations in their wider communities, and will have no sympathy for a PTSD theory.

These 2 jurors are religious and have conservative family values. Casey spits in the face of what they stand for. Once they get a load of how she speaks to her family, and how she disrespects her elders and steals from them all---I predict they will be easily swayed to give her a huge punishment.

I don't care if she ends up with DP or not, I want her put away forever. And these 2 jurors may lead the charge. I am serious. The DT is going to be sorry
in the end, imo/

ITA. Great post. I just want to add one more thing, AA typically don't belive in some of these psychological terms. PTSD, Bipolar, etc. Especially old school people.
I would give a 9 for conviction, but 0 for DP on account of the lady that JA tried to strike... that's if she doesn't hang the Jury which I am sorely afraid she will... she is not going to (a) understand the scientific terms or (b) impose a severe penalty. I have a feeling her philosophy is -when in doubt, don't - and the scientific evidence IMO is so far over her head for her to feel convinced.
Respectfully BBM

There is no reason ICA would be in protective custody after she is convicted of 1st degree murder. If ICA gets LWOP, she will most likely go right into general population with all the other murderers, etc. Once she is convicted, she's just another criminal in prison. No special treatment for her. Only if she receives DP will she be isolated from others.

I know you can't believe everything you hear on Nancy Grace, but a reporter on her show said that ICA would be in protective custody in prison. I don't know if that is accurate, or not.
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