2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

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We don't know the importance of the JC Penney video, yet. But, it had to be introduced through TonE because he was on it. Same as the Blockbuster one....probably will have a detective answer the questions about what movies were rented and what was purchased at Penney's.
One lost Girl what video feed are you using?
Gitana correct me if Im wrong - but the State doesn't have to demonstrate motive - I understand it would provide an foundation but at the same time, isn't this what JB is so busy blathering on about "she had no motive, she was kind, protective, didn't buy box cutters or nuclear weapons
Did anyone catch what CM said to HHJP at the end of the day,he walked over to the front of the judges "desk' (?) and said something but JP did not look too pleased at what he said,just wondering what he was muttering?:waitasec:

(see my green post upthread at the very end) See post #541 this thread . . . here is comment below:

CM wanting to give a matter of Law to the court, any issues must bring up first thing in the morning or you will have to wait until first recess . . . .court recessed until 9:00 am.
OK, I just had an idea. (Doesn't happen often) NO ONE has testified that CA had a flat affect!!!! They ALL say she was the same as ever, but this "same" does NOT mean flat. It means she was carefree and happy. Right? It does not mean she was without emotions as some abuse victims are. Just, IMO.
They sat in the back, as they did yesterday. They appear to be having a really hard time, especially hearing testimony of Casey being neglectful of Caylee and her escapades (ahem) with Tony behind closed doors while Caylee was roaming the apartment unattended. I am glad the camera did not pan to them often, as it serves no purpose to view their private pain. JMO

Twice today when the camera panned to George and Cindy, George was turning to his right, presumably looking at a clock and rolling his eyes.
I think the State is trying not to overload the jury with a lot of information at once. Notice how the State did not try and question Tony about when Cindy showed up, etc... I think he simply wanted to get through the month of June and before he left for New York... he will call other witnesses to show what was going on in June and then he will move on to July, August, Sept, etc... They want to lay it out there as it happened. Just because we have not gotten to the juicy stuff doesn't mean that we won't. They are saving the best later on because they want it to be fresh in the jurors minds when they then have to hear all the defense's babble and use common sense.

I like this approach and there is so much more to come. Cindy and George will be like pop tarts though. In. Out. In. Out.
Well, it's not just that he didn't want kids. It's that in contrast to casey's other guys, Tony refused to allow Caylee to spend the night and thought it was inappropriate for her to be hanging out in his apartment where a bunch of bachelors had sex, drank and smoked pot.

It is relevant because her new relationship occurred right at the same time that her parents were starting to refuse to allow her to dump Caylee on them at night. She was in a box as her parents started to come down on harder for not being able to prove she was working, for not taking care of Caylee, for confronting her about stealing, etc. But instead of being able to say "F U" and leaving with the baby to go hang out, like she did with Ricardo, who allowed Caylee in his bed, Tony would not allow it. Fed up and not able to continue her party girl lifestyle because of her "little snothead", she killed Caylee. This is a big deal when it comes to motive which must be shown even though it is not legally required to be shown.

Great point. I had not fully considered that.
ICA used CA's JC Penny credit card. I really want to know what she bought. I saw 3 things - a box of shoes; what looked like an article of clothing - maybe a camisole; and then something cloth but large enough for the sales guy to stretch out his arms and fold it up - was it a Winnie the Pooh blanket?

Did that blanket ever get cleared up. We know one was found with Caylee - and that CA reported one missing from her room - but did a new one show up?

And if it was the Pooh blanket/bedding, why was she buying it if she knew that Caylee died on 6-16?!?!?!?!

It also shows that she out shopping several days after her daughter drowned??

Good grief, what a gal, Caylee's mom!!
OK, I just had an idea. (Doesn't happen often) NO ONE has testified that CA had a flat affect!!!! They ALL say she was the same as ever, but this "same" does NOT mean flat. It means she was carefree and happy. Right? It does not mean she was without emotions as some abuse victims are. Just, IMO.

Correct. All have said she was a happy partying 20 something. No problems noticed.

The only problem with these witnesses is that none of them really knew her. Maybe saw her 2 or 3 times in their lives. They were also in their late teens or early 20's so they would not make good judges of character on any level other than fun, party, happy.
I'm not a lawyer (might play one on TV though...LOL) but I think the state has got to get their act together here. I don't mind Mr. George and I thought he did a good job during the jury selection, but he's not doing such a great job here.

I can see Mr. George handling the "unimportant" type witnesses. The shot girls, etc. But I REALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND LDB not handling TL. He is a very important witness IMHO and she is so good, so concise. I do not get it. Even Jeff. He has a way about him and he could have done so much better with TL.
OK, I just had an idea. (Doesn't happen often) NO ONE has testified that CA had a flat affect!!!! They ALL say she was the same as ever, but this "same" does NOT mean flat. It means she was carefree and happy. Right? It does not mean she was without emotions as some abuse victims are. Just, IMO.

Well, in the pics I have seen (4th of July w/AH, dancing Hot Body contest, etc) her affect was not at all "flat". She was elated!
Sorry if this has been asked. It is my understanding that ICA had TL pick her up 2 separate times for car trouble-the 1st being run out of gas, the 2nd being broken down in which she started driving his Jeep while he was in NY. Am I wrong? I have CRS I guess. Also, didn't AH pick her up too once and that is why she was driving AH's car while she was in Puerto Rico? Does anyone have the addresses for all of these Amscots/stores? TIA
I tried to be fair to Baez before the trial. We were ALL inexperienced at one time. But each time I see him, I dislike him more. I have not a shred of respect for him. Yesterday's opening statements were more than crude. They showed disrespect for the judge, the jury and anyone listening. I find his tactics ineffective and pointless much of the time. His inability to come into the digital age is shameful. My 8 year old granddaughter could put his documents on a CD. (Of course, I could too, but if an 8 year old could do it, Mr. Baez SHOULD be able to handle it.)

But wasn't there a line of discussion in the courtroom between HHJP and JB about Baez digitizing everything and nicknaming him Mr Digit?

Please correct me if I am off base here.
hubby who mocks me--watches Fox News..they refer to inmates attire as "Elvira"

lol-- yes thats the look - your hubbys right. the severity of the look of her today reminds me of a old maiden from europe years back in charge of a ward prison. looks like she dyed her hair more black. jurors would think the old pics are not her if they did not know
The photo JB was showing: I think all that was about T. saying Ica said she was out of gas, but there was a gas station next to the place. Alot of mixed up words on car broke or car out of gas.

And won't it be funny when TL says something like "Casey said 'let's just go get it from my dad's shed...it's free'.
I'm predict KC will wear her hair down tomorrow, draped over her shoulder and she will be wearing the tight white sweater with the white over sweater. She will want to look really good for TL ya know. :giggle:

She might regret throwing Dad under the bus....he probably won't be offering to run out and buy her a new cool outfit to impress TL.
Is anyone else worried that Cindy might play along with the DT on the sexual abuse? I don't trust Cindy :crazy:

I wondered that myself!! I think she will. She'll do anything to get her sweet little ICA out of jail. CA was the one who left the pool ladder in the pool. She had to target both of them!! :banghead:
BBM. I agree with this. Also, don't we know that Casey was sleeping around (or at least trying to) with other men during the time she was with TonE? If SA tries to use ICA's infatuation with TonE as motive, this could work against them.

I disagree. When casey was with TonE, she was mostly with TonE. She was with Ricardo a couple times after she first met TonE and started dating, IIRC, but only because her parents would not babysit at night and she wanted to get out. After she killed Caylee, she was with TonE exclsuively, from what I remember.

Gitana correct me if Im wrong - but the State doesn't have to demonstrate motive - I understand it would provide an foundation but at the same time, isn't this what JB is so busy blathering on about "she had no motive, she was kind, protective, didn't buy box cutters or nuclear weapons

As I stated, they are not legally required to show motive. But as an attorney, I can tell you they absolutely must establish motive.

The very fact that JB is trying to disprove motive is why they must show it.
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