2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm surprised that the State hasn't brought in that Ryan guy. (I can't remember the last name?) The guy that knew KC from a long time ago; that CA called and told that KC was a sociopath. I think that he worked at the Sport Authority too.
Right. And besides that, Casey didn't even know Tony that well, let alone his roommates and friends. I'm sure they're decent people but you don't know anyone after a couple of weeks. So the fact that she would bring her daughter over and leave her alone in the front room while she went into his bedroom is neglect itself. She was essentially leaving her alone with strangers, even if it was only 10 minutes at a time.

george said caylee could open doors- they were not afraid she would just walk out door into parking lot???? she opened door herself to let someone in at tonys
Well...IIRC there was one time when someone tried to break into his apartment. But you're right. The last thing Tony needs is for anyone to hammer him about Casey. I can only imagine the number of times he must have heard "how did you not know?"

I forgot about the attempted break in - you know it had to have been her. She knew their schedules and where things were. She probably got interrupted or something.

It doesn't sound like he was trying to get to know her all that deeply in the first place. I believe his interest in her was purely superficial. It's unfortunate he and all his friends were dragged into this.
I think Tony is just being honest. Casey was nice and helpful. A fun girl who just happened to have no problem having sex just hours after the death of her precious baby... what a trooper, huh?

Tony is only going off what was happening in June... and in June, Casey was his girlfriend and they were in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. The good part of a relationship. What bad is he supposed to say about Casey in June?

Wait until we get further in this story. Like when Tony actually found out that Caylee was missing. That everything that had just happened the last 31 days was a lie... that everything about this woman that was living in his own house was a lie.

I think he is doing a good job. I don't think we should expect him to show any animosity towards Casey... he has probably been instructed not to.
I'm surprised that the State hasn't brought in that Ryan guy. (I can't remember the last name?) The guy that knew KC from a long time ago; that CA called and told that KC was a sociopath. I think that he worked at the Sport Authority too.

Is this the one that saw her jogging?
Did anybody catch JVM last night with Janie Weintraub? She was purporting to have "inside" knowledge from the defense team. JVM intimated that JW (who I CANNOT STAND) had an inside track to the defense team. I gathered she was closed to JB. Made me puke.

I saw her too and I almost needed a barf bag myself.Not one of my fav people at all....................................she brings out the anger in me:banghead:
I'm surprised that the State hasn't brought in that Ryan guy. (I can't remember the last name?) The guy that knew KC from a long time ago; that CA called and told that KC was a sociopath. I think that he worked at the Sport Authority too.

Ryan will come in when Casey stared to contact him in July.
IF Cindy goes with the defense on this then that means she is willing to sacrifice her own son, Lee Anthony, for Casey. Casey's life is already over... why would she play a part in doing that to her own son??

No, I do not think Cindy plans on standing by the defense on this.
...anyway, I never believed that cr*p about Casey being just like her. Cindy knew who Casey was/is and I truly hope she won't sacrifice her son for her daughter. Lee may not be perfect, but he seems like a good son.
I don't think we should expect him to show any animosity towards Casey... he has probably been instructed not to.

Respectfully snipped

Odd that KC shows some toward him. She forgot her "role". :innocent:
Including TonE. What can he know? He only knew her for a few weeks!
exactly!!! Then the SA will move on to friends who have know her longer - AH, JG, LA, etc. and they will testify that they already knew how ICA lies and they just "poo poo'd" her lies - cause that's how ICA was.

At that point, these "new" friends and acquaintances have now repeated the lies ICA had told them - establishes a pattern of lying by the defendant - over and over and over for a long long time.
IMO Now that ICA is saying Caylee drowned and George knew it, I highly doubt she will side with ICA.Cindy now knows ICA murdered her Caylee IMO the gloves are off.
:banghead: This is not the Beth Karas I remember from the Scott Peterson trial.

Was that when it was Court TV?Now it's IS on TruTV. Gaging the other shows ,I think they like to "create" reality on TRU TV,but that is JMO.
The talking heads from IS cross over to their sister station,HLN.

They have every right ,but it takes away from the truth of the matter.
Off beat question.
Why is JB so danged determined to ask everyone about writing a book, a play, a movie, based on this case?

Is it b/c he intends to? Wants to and cannot?

What difference does it make if KC's "friends/acquaintances", that are subpoenaed to be there, decide to do just that one day? They were subpoenaed, they did not volunteer.
Wonder when the guy (will waters?) will testify. Wasn't kc leading him on when Tony was in ny?

Yes, she was using him to occupy her time and get some attention while Tony was away. I think he said she would keep him on the phone longer than he wanted to be. I think she was trying to distract herself from her reality.

I have a theory that the state has a well planned strategy in place for the order of witnesses.
Back when the story first broke, I recall on the NG show that one of the movies KC and TL rented was to do with a murdered child!!!!!

If this is true, this is sooooooo sick!!!

Just pulling from my memory -- IMO

CMA cramping KC's style -- it was all to have TL to herself without anything or anybody getting in her way -- I believe it was said a long time ago that TL would not let CMA spend the night in the apartment. KC, IMO, pulled a SS (one of the Carolina's).

I don't think TL saw KC as his always and forever, but I think KC saw TL that way and tried to clear the way.

To advertise how she was feeling -- her new tatoo!!!

:steamed: I totally agree with you.

Tony's testimony today convinced me that this is a Susan Smith case.
:banghead: This is not the Beth Karas I remember from the Scott Peterson trial.

not at all.

I'm assuming she is doing it in order to stay on his good side and get tips.

such as: Kronk is the devil, which she dramatically played up prior to the trial, and which, sure enough, was one of JB's big assertions.

but its so transparent.
Casey has really put Cindy in a tough spot. Cindy has been her loudest supporter this entire time, and now Casey is pretty much saying "*advertiser censored** you all, I will bring you all down to save myself". And this is supposed to be Cindy's twin, yet Cindy is also obsessed with public family appearances. Casey has really put Cindy against a wall - is Cindy going to pick Casey over George and Lee and let the family truly be destroyed to save Casey (and if Casey is Cindy, then Cindy would be saving herself), or is she going to pick her husband and Lee over Casey once and for all, for the sake of leaving the rest of the family intact (or maybe more selfishly, improving her public image as a martyr mother)?

I'm nervous because I don't know if Cindy truly CAN pick the boys over Casey. She is so caught up in Casey being her twin that it's possible she might be going along with what the defense said. On the other hand, I can't imagine sexual abuse going on and Cindy not knowing about it. Neither Lee nor George are the kings of subtlety. There is no way she wouldn't have known. I just don't know if she loves the boys enough to protect them from Casey's slaughter or not. Surely she would at least not want Lee's life to be destroyed by Casey. It can't be an easy situation for her, but she and GA did bring this on themselves. I still can't muster sympathy for either of them, and I'm not sure what she's going to do here. I did notice that she was barely picked on yesterday in Baez's opening statements. The ladder, while hurtful, is not NEAR as bad as what Baez said about George. It's going to be interesting to see what she does on the stand!

ITA. Despite Cindy's bravado and bullying, I suspect she is far more fragile than George (psychologically.) Remember the LE interview in the beginning when he stated he was very concerned about her reaction if Caylee was dead. Perhaps Cindy is coming to the realization that Casey may not be coming home, and that realization will cause her to lean on George more, and follow his lead. I am so relieved he is finally telling the truth. How true it is that "The truth shall set you free." Just had a crazy thought: could all of his 'lies' have been going along with Cindy to protect her from her own denial? Not the best way to go about that, but it could be the way he chose. I do hope Cindy follows George's lead, tells the truth, and finds healing. It would do their marriage (and Lee and Mallory's relationship) a world of good. MO
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