2011.05.27 Sidebar Thread

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I feel like everything JB is doing is really ineffective during these proceedings. I don't know why but I feel sorry for JB. Does anyone else feel like this?

That would be no. You make your bed: you lie in it. JB has brought all issues on himself. He is not organized - he can't even find his files, for Spongebob's sake! , he doesn't know the story he's trying to tell. He's an oaf.
I hope the State can sort that out, because it worries me a little. I don't think for a minute GA is guilty of anything other than bad judgment and giving into Cindy, but if I'm a juror who knows next to nothing about their dynamics, I'm thinking: wtf?

I agree, this jury is going to be questioning their behavior. The worst part about this is after cindy cleans up the car what does she do, that's right goes back to work herself and has to be forced by her coworkers to go home. The jury is really going to be confused about their behavior esp after the car smelling like a decomposed body. Sheesh, I would be thinking will someone please call the freakin cops already.
Tow Company owner had no legal standing to call LE . . . morally maybe, but legally, no. He did his job per protocol. As that type of business owner, would YOU want to report it to LE? Would you want that nightmare?

It was not his responsibility to call LE -- it would be the owner of the car.

Exactly! can you imagine if he had called LE? He would be smack dab under that bus along with GA, RK and all the rest.

But seriously. He smelled what he thought might be decomp. He knows the difference between that odor and the odor of garbage. He visually inspected the interior of the car. No sign of a body, no blood, signs of violence, etc. Later when GA showed up to collect the car he was there when the trunk was opened. Again no body, no blood, no signs of death. Some rotting garbage and some flies/maggots maybe.

In those circumstances, I don't know that I would think to call LE. I would be more apt to second guess my initial instinct that the odor was even decomp at all, particularly when faced with stinking, maggoty garbage. We must remember that GB was not aware the car's driver had a daughter who had been missing for 31 days. None of us were yet.
The juror flirting, KC flirting thing:

I think someone posted a tweet that said that. I have yet to find the tweet thread, but I don't spend a lot of time looking for it either, so....

If anything like that was going on and BP missed it (unlikely) I have no doubt someone - SA or the courtroom deputies - would report it.

I also think it was tweeted by someone - maybe JL, but haven't seen it reported anywhere else.

I haven't seen her do anything, but supposedly the jury is directly across from the DT table so ICA would be looking into the camera on WFTV.
It drives me nuts that the television talking heads seem to accept without question that ICA is "in tears" every time she wipes at a dry cheek.

Actually...I was watching the replay on HLN and did see a real tear fall. It wasn't the first time she wiped her eye, but I was watching very closely, and a tear did fall and she grabbed a kleenex. Again, saw it on HLN.

I still think she is totally fake, but just wanted to report what was shown.
Beth K commented last night about how Casey's friends looked good and how Casey looked so different from her friends. Casey dressed very conservatively and appeared to wear no makeup until today. Does she have access to HLN and if not do you think she chose to look differently today against the wishes of JB who was reported to have been bringing her clothes.
If anything like that was going on and BP missed it (unlikely) I have no doubt someone - SA or the courtroom deputies - would report it.

I also think it was tweeted by someone - maybe JL, but haven't seen it reported anywhere else.

I haven't seen her do anything, but supposedly the jury is directly across from the DT table so ICA would be looking into the camera on WFTV.

I thought that too. She doesn't look at the cameras or even in front of her that much. You can see when she looks at the jury when they come in - the angle of her face.

[am I the only one who reads the station call letters as WTF-TV?]
And to his credit, he did suggest to George that they should pop the trunk. Also, after he learned the Caylee was missing he actually got into the dumpster to look for the bag from the trunk he'd tossed, so he could turn it over to LE.
In his pajamas, no less.
I agree. GA doesn't really deserve this. He really seems like a decent guy.
GA didn't deserve what Baez did to him today - it was brutal and cruel. But I disagree that GA seems like a decent guy.
HLN says it's known that Lee and Cindy are 100% behind Casey. I wonder if this is true or is their opinion?
You know, you are right! She is no longer pretty. She looks evil! Well she is evil!!!! Whatever she is doing that some have commented on is probably only on her side! I think I need to just step away for awhile. It just makes me sick the way she acts, as though she is part of the DT insted of the ONLY person responseable fpr Caylee no long being alive.

I think she's pretty, not gorgeous, but attractive, but big deal...there's loads of pretty women. If you are evil, you're evil. Ted Bundy was thought to be quite handsome by many, but he was evil.
I feel like everything JB is doing is really ineffective during these proceedings. I don't know why but I feel sorry for JB. Does anyone else feel like this?

NO WAY!! That's all I can say without getting in trouble.
ita Suzi, there is something gut-churningly wrong w the defendant. Having been psychologically devastated (for a time) by a sociopath many years ago, this wrongness seems familiar to me. Sociopaths are brilliant, charismatic social manipulators. It makes me anxious because if she is what I think she is, she just might beat the charges.

Probably best that I step back as well, but I can't seem to either. I've been waiting a long time to see this trial.

You know what they say don't you? When in doubt, don't step back - step forward bravely and recheck your facts. Courage my friend! :rocker:

Well, "they" don't say that - but it's my mantra....
Originally Posted by cluciano63
I only joined WS about 16 months ago and did not take part or read on the Caylee forum, as it was too huge and intimidating by then and everyone seemed to be experts on the case. All I knew about the case were the very basics; Caylee was not reported missing, there was a fictional nanny, and Casey was partying, also that her parents were not reacting in a way that seemed "normal" about the whole thing.

Anyway, I am just hearing about the car, the tow yard, the gas cans, etc. along with (we hope) the jurors. I have to say that if George does not come out at some point and say that he was covering for Casey (at the expense of Caylee) all along, I will not understand why he did not call police sooner and for sure, when he got to the tow yard and recognized the smell. I can begin to see how Caylee's death could have been some accident, and covered up in a mish-mash by Casey with help from her father. I don't believe that, but I can see how someone would.

JB being harsh with George would seem okay to me as a juror, since JB "believes" this man molested his client since she was a child, and also helped cover up the child's death, thus "blackmailing" his client into submission. I am talking about if I were a neutral juror who did not want to believe that a mother who loved her child, according to all sources thus far, murdered her on purpose. Also, the simple fact of driving around with Caylee dead in the trunk, if that is what happnened, would make me think there could not have been any sort of plan, as who would do that?
Just an opinion from someone who is learning much of the case as it proceeds.

First, and I mean this sincerely: I appreciate your post. It's hard to put aside everything that's been made public about this case since 2008 and try to think how a juror would see things.

But 'who would do that'? Casey. She doesn't do things that make sense. She lies about things that don't matter. She doesn't have a 'plan'. The best example is when she let's the detectives drive her to Universal Studios knowing full well she doesn't work there. She walks the detectives down the hallway at toward her non-existent office, stops at the end of the hall and says "oh, sorry, I don't really work here."

That's who Casey is.
I don't.

It makes GA sound worse if he ever says that outright. My version sans GA rambling.

'Mr Anthony, after smelling the human decomp, saying a prayer that it wasn't your daughter or granddaughter, you lifted the trunk lid and there were flies and maggots. You still smelled human decomp?'


'It was bad?'


'Why didn't you call 911?'

'I had to get to my new job.'

I'm sorry, but if I'm a juror, I'm disgusted with GA.
You are 100 % right - something is not adding up there, no two ways about it, and the
Defense assertion that he already knew Caylee had drowned rings all the more true.
I feel like everything JB is doing is really ineffective during these proceedings. I don't know why but I feel sorry for JB. Does anyone else feel like this?

Um.... NO! :nono: He did this to himself!
Mallory described casey as an "Amazing mother". I take exception to the use of this word. It describes nothing and is used when people want to exalt something or someone. It is a vague adjective used when they really have "other" things to say..that are not beneficial.

Scott Peterson also used "amazing" describing his relationship with Lacey. It is a very poor choice and I detest it.

Mallory obviously had nothing specific but wanted to display an overall impression. It doesn't work for me and it shouldn't work for anyone else.
Opinion. All the shows are, to get ratings = $$$$

Agree, cause clearly the Anthony's are not. Support has clearly divorced love.
They may in some way, still care for their daughter, but it seems very clear they no longer support her innocence.
Mallory described casey as an "Amazing mother". I take exception to the use of this word. It describes nothing and is used when people want to exalt something or someone. It explains and describes nothing and is a vague adjective used when they really have "other" things to say..that are not beneficial.

Scott Peterson also used "amazing" describing his relationship with Lacey. It is a very poor choice and I detest it.

Mallory obviously had nothing specific but wanted to display an overall impression. It doesn't work for me and it shouldn't work for anyone else.

I don't think it worked for anyone. Especially since, so far, all are 20 somethings. Amazing for Mallory could have meant terrifying. She was only on the stand a few seconds, and clearly torn between being there, despising KC, and hopefully keeping A family peace. Her testimony did nothing. I will guess she will be recalled at a more poignant moment?

P.S. Amazing = awesome = cool= or what have you for 20 somethings. I just think Mallory has talked with enough lawyers to learn wordplay. :(
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