2011.06.02 TRIAL Day Eight (Morning Session)

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Tweeted by JimLichtenstein

As the tape ended, a number of jurors raised their heads and looked across the room at Casey. #caseyanthony7 minutes agovia Twitter for iPad
When the DT has a conference with ICA I wonder if they tell her that they are just hoping for a mistrial or appeal or if they tell her they are winning or do they beg her to start negotiating and hoping for another plea deal offer. I am wondering who is really the most out of touch with reality.
Did she think LE wouldn't look at the cell phone records or something? "Oh, I did my job and printed them out, they won't suspect me now." :no:
just as i said... the PT MUST destroy ANYTHING that could come out of ICA's mouth... therefore... the jury will NOT believe a thing!!.... its over ica... quit now
She is going to introduce the lovely fact that KC never received a phone call from Caylee that day.
Tweeted by KBelichWFTV

Several jurors looked at Casey at end of interview recording.. Serious expressions.. Then looked back at Melich 8 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Casey has zero color in her face. White as a ghost.
Wow, I bet you could hear a pin drop in the courtroom when that tape was over. And the jury looked right at Casey too! And now the cellphone records. That hole that Casey dug is just getting deeper and deeper!
LDB has a stack about 2 inches thick of cell phone records. JB stipulates and has no objections.

HHBP - reads stipulation - records are true. Records include bill usage data, live data with cell tower site information. Parties have agreed to facts and true.

Cell phone records marked as Exhibit 66.
Poll posted at wftv: 93% of viewers thinks recording is very damaging for defense! Yeeey!
ICA seems angry that they are discussing her cell phone, I think she misses it! :floorlaugh:

She's probably thinking-"when I get acquitted-I want it back!!!":maddening:
I am exhauted - emotionally drained after listening to that tape - first time ever I have wanted lunch recess....

It was unbelievable! Reading updates does not compare to actually hearing those tapes. It was stunning to hear ICA lie and lie and lie and lie and lie! She is SICK!
Tweeted by InSession

#CaseyAnthony has not shown much emotion while Melich has been in the stand, even when the tapes were being played.2 minutes ago via web

(I say ... she's had that pouty lip out there big time)
LDB is doing a good job of not mollycoddling YM. They're both doing a fantastic job. Great team work if you ask me.
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